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19 - Бариери пред търговията и инвестициите (кратко представяне)


19 - Barreras al comercio y a la inversión (breve presentación)


19 - Překážky v oblasti obchodu a investic (krátké přednesení)


19 - Hindringer for handel og investering (kortfattet forelæggelse)


19 - Handels- und Investitionshemmnisse (kurze Darstellung)


19 - Kaubandus- ja investeerimistõkked (lühiettekanne)


19 - Φραγμοί στο εμπόριο και τις επενδύσεις (συνοπτική παρουσίαση)


19 - Trade and investment barriers (short presentation)


19 - Barrières aux échanges et aux investissements (brève présentation)


19 - Ostacoli agli scambi e agli investimenti (breve presentazione)


19 - Šķēršļi tirdzniecībai un ieguldījumiem (īss izklāsts)


19 - Kliūtys prekybai ir investicijoms (trumpas pristatymas)


19 - Kereskedelmi és befektetési akadályok (rövid ismertetés)


19 - Ostakli għall-kummerċ u l-investiment (preżentazzjoni qasira)


19 - Handels- en investeringsbelemmeringen (korte presentatie)


19 - Bariery w handlu i inwestycjach (krótka prezentacja)


19 - Barreiras ao comércio e ao investimento (breve apresentação)


19 - Obstacolele din calea comerțului și a investițiilor (prezentare succintă)


19 - Obchodné a investičné prekážky (stručná prezentácia)


19 - Trgovinske ovire in ovire za naložbe (kratka predstavitev)


19 - Kaupan ja investointien esteet (lyhyt esittely)


19 - Hinder för handel och investeringar (kortfattad redogörelse)



El Presidente. El siguiente punto es la breve presentación del informe de Robert Sturdy, en nombre de la Comisión de Comercio Internacional, sobre las barreras al comercio y a la inversión [2011/2115(INI)] (A7-0365/2011).



Robert Sturdy, rapporteur. Mr President, in February of this year, the European Commission published its trade and investment barriers report which highlighted its priorities for action on breaking down barriers to trade.
The report itself provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges the EU faces as a result of the vast array of non-tariff barriers (NTBs). Despite real efforts to free up trade, our policy strategy has focused primarily on the dismantling of tariffs.
But the persistence of these costly and burdensome barriers is ever present and more worrying. There is evidence to suggest that countries are resorting more and more to these kinds of protectionist tools. Only last month the trade commissioner himself warned our committee of the new wave of protectionism by our strategic partners. Our Europe 2020 trade policy strategy can only fully be realised if we systematically and constructively deal with these trade barriers.
This report symbolises a shared commitment to move forward with a proactive and progressive trade agenda. I would like to see the Commission act proactively to remove or at the very least reduce the restrictive impact of NTBs on the capacity of European businesses accessing foreign markets.
The Commission should raise the question of NTBs with all EU trading partners. The EU should also carefully review its own trade measures in order to lift all illegitimate hindrances to open and free markets and become a true forerunner in the anti-NTB fight.
It is good to see Mrs Reding, the Commissioner from Luxembourg here today. I have a personal question to do with the problem of tariffs on fuel travelling across borders. We do have problems of tariffs within the European Union and therefore it is important that these should be sorted out.
The Commission should address the NTB problem as part of its WTO agenda, within reassessment of existing WTO agreements on technical barriers to trade (TBT) and the TBT agreement.
With regard to free trade agreements, it is vital that these agreements provide sufficient reciprocity and market access and mutual benefits to both parties, in order to increase both the general awareness about NTBs and motivate business and public authorities into fighting against them.
The Commission should also gather information on the WTO and OECD and any other international organisation that is relevant to work done or ongoing about a possible correlation between the existence of NTBs and the resulting loss of potential market share. I would also like to see the Commission examine the possibility of developing and establishing an early warning mechanism to detect NTBs.
The report suggests the increased use of regulatory dialogue with key strategic partners and working more closely with the international institutions to address the use of unjustified NTBs.
We have been giving special consideration to LDCs and SIDs, recognising the sensitivity that exists in these markets, including a distinction between developing economies and emerging industrial economies, such as the BRIC countries.
Seeing my chairman and other people here, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all my colleagues in the Committee on International Trade, my shadow rapporteurs and all members for a combined effort in making this report so important. We hope that the Commission will support the recommendation of this House.



Daniel Caspary (PPE). Herr Präsident, geschätzte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich möchte Robert Sturdy ausdrücklich für seinen Bericht danken, in dem er einen sehr guten Überblick über all die Schwierigkeiten gegeben hat, die wir im Handel immer noch haben.
Geschätzte Frau Kommissarin, ich möchte ein Thema herausgreifen, das mich besonders umtreibt. Wir hatten im Europäischen Parlament eine Debatte auf der Mini-Plenartagung in Brüssel vor dem US-EU-Gipfel und eine Extra-Debatte über das Thema Buy American Clause im American Job Act, der im Moment im US-Kongress in der Beratung ist. Das war etwas ungeschickt, weil der zuständige Kommissar nicht da sein konnte, und genau mitten in der Debatte musste dann auch noch der Kommissionsvertreter wechseln. Wir hatten schon in der Debatte die Sorge geäußert, dass deswegen der Inhalt unserer Debatte gar nicht bei der Kommission ankommt. Ich war jetzt sehr verwundert, als uns in der letztwöchigen Außenhandelsausschusssitzung der Kommissionsvertreter gesagt hat, dass die Kommission dieses Thema gar nicht angesprochen hat. Ich denke, dass dies ein wunderbares Beispiel für ein sehr schlechtes Handelshemmnis ist. Ich wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar, Frau Kommissarin, wenn Sie dieses Thema in der Kommission noch einmal ansprechen könnten und wir wirklich alles daransetzen, dass die Kommission Forderungen des Parlaments auch ernst nimmt.



Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D). Raportul Comisiei privind obstacolele în calea comerţului şi a investiţiilor arată că, până în 2015, 90% din creşterea mondială va fi generată în afara Europei. Competitivitatea UE şi politica industrială a sa depind de accesibilitatea materiilor prime şi a pământurilor rare. Iniţiativa pentru transparenţă în industriile extractive ar trebui să fie un instrument eficient, care să garanteze transparenţa şi să combată speculaţiile de pe pieţele de materii prime.
Subliniez importanţa relaţiilor comerciale ale Uniunii Europene cu regiunea Mercosur şi cu India. Deşi investiţiile Uniunii Europene în India au crescut de mai mult de patru ori din 2003, politica de investiţii a Indiei continuă să pună obstacole în calea investiţiilor străine. Deşi Brazilia şi Argentina sunt parteneri comerciali importanţi pentru Uniunea Europeană, aceste ţări adoptă constant măsuri tarifare şi netarifare care defavorizează întreprinderile europene, deşi aceste două ţări participă la negocierea unui acord de liber schimb cu Uniunea Europeană.
O preocupare pentru întreprinderile europene o constituie şi restricţiile în domeniul transportului maritim.



Jaroslav Paška (EFD). Súhlasím s autorom predloženej správy pánom Sturdym, že široká škála necolných opatrení využívaných v medzinárodnom obchode komplikuje vzťahy medzi jednotlivými krajinami a ekonomickými zoskupeniami. Som však presvedčený, že korektné a spravodlivé riešenie je potrebné hľadať najmä na globálnej úrovni, pretože tak, ako autor správy správne uvádza, mnohé z týchto opatrení, ako napríklad technické normy či certifikácie týkajúce sa ochrany zdravia, majú legitímny charakter. Popritom sa však často využívajú aj opatrenia, ktoré majú jednoznačný charakter protekcionizmu, a tie by sme mali spoločne odstrániť. Je to však záujmom všetkých relevantných ekonomík, a preto spoločná platforma na výmenu názorov a hľadanie riešení má najlepší predpoklad na úspešný postup.



Csanád Szegedi (NI). Tisztelt Képviselőtársaim! Először is szeretnék Sturdy úrnak gratulálni a jelentése elkészítéséhez, de sem politikailag, sem gazdaságilag nem tudok jelenleg egyetérteni vele. Hiszen a nem tarifa jellegű korlátozások önmagukban érthetőek, hiszen gazdasági válság van, és az országok próbálják védeni saját nemzetgazdaságukat. Hát a nyitott kereskedés juttatta oda a nemzetgazdaságokat, hogy elszegényedjenek abban a tekintetben, hogy a saját országukban lévő munkanélküliséget nem tudták csökkenteni. Ezért nem a nyitott gazdaság további generálására van szükség, hanem nemzeti önrendelkezésre, élelmiszer-önrendelkezésre van szükség. Patrióta gazdaságokra, amelyek erős gazdaságként együttműködnek gazdasági szövetségben.
És a nyitott piacot megtartva, de a helyi gazdaságra, a helyi piacokra összpontosítva hozni létre azt az új fundamentumot, amelyen Európa gazdasága újraépülhet.



Seán Kelly (PPE). A Uachtaráin, ba mhaith liom míle buíochas a ghabháil leis an Uasal Sturdy as ucht an t-ábhar seo a chur os ár gcomhair agus na moltaí a ghabhann leis.



Seán Kelly (PPE). Certainly we are in a difficult position in the European Union right now. We have our own problems in the eurozone. Our future in terms of competing against the rest of the world and keeping up our economic situation is certainly at risk. For that reason, we have to try and ensure that everything in relation to trade is done fairly and across the board and that we are not disadvantaged.
Certainly the point about the non-tariff barriers needs to be dealt with on a global level. In essence it is protectionism and that is not what is required in the modern era. We also we have to ensure that any FTAs we engage in are worthwhile and beneficial to European competitiveness and companies, and that they are both sensible and practical. I believe that many of them in the past were not like that.



João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). Senhor Presidente, estamos perante mais um hino ao livre comércio, um hino daqueles que são frequentes nesta casa. Aqueles que o entoam habitualmente querem convencer-nos de que são os entraves ao livre comércio, as barreiras ao livre comércio, que fazem com que o progresso e a prosperidade não reinem sobre a Terra. A realidade é bem diversa e a verdade é que a liberalização e a desregulação do comércio mundial têm conduzido a fenómenos de dumping social, de dumping ambiental, que não podemos aqui ignorar, seja por pôr em concorrência forças de trabalho de proveniências distintas, baixando, forçando uma desvalorização da força de trabalho, seja pelos fluxos insustentáveis de energia e de matéria que, necessariamente, traz associados a si. Ora, neste caso, no afã de suprimir toda e qualquer barreira, quer-se mesmo pôr em causa medidas que são do domínio do interesse público, dando a esse interesse público uma concepção, uma visão restritiva.
Eu penso que se esta crise, que estamos a enfrentar, demonstra alguma coisa, é, precisamente, que temos que questionar o papel hoje atribuído ao livre comércio e orientar o comércio internacional essencialmente para a complementaridade e não para a competição entre países, produções e produtores.



Vital Moreira (S&D). Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, caros Colegas, começo por felicitar o relator, Robert Sturdy, por este importante, oportuno e certeiro relatório que, a meu ver, merece um forte apoio deste Parlamento.
Efectivamente, a União Europeia deve conferir elevada prioridade à redução das barreiras não tarifárias, injustificadas ou excessivas ao comércio internacional e ao investimento estrangeiro. Primeiro, porque se trata de uma directriz constitucional, visto que o artigo 206.º do Tratado sobre o Funcionamento da União Europeia refere explicitamente a eliminação progressiva das restrições ao comércio internacional e ao investimento estrangeiro, incluindo a diminuição das barreiras não aduaneiras. Segundo, porque tal é do nosso interesse visto que alguns dos nossos parceiros comerciais mais importantes, como o Japão, a China, a Rússia, entre outros, mantêm em vigor um elevado número de barreiras não tarifárias, que limitam as possibilidades das nossas empresas nesses mercados. Elas esperam o nosso apoio em prol do crescimento e do emprego na União.



Elena Băsescu (PPE). Obstacolele non-tarifare care împiedică accesul producătorilor şi exportatorilor europeni pe pieţele externe trebuie să fie eliminate. Este important ca normele comerciale multilaterale să fie aplicate corect. Reciprocitatea în ceea ce priveşte accesul pe pieţele ambelor părţi în cadrul acordurilor bilaterale de liber schimb este esenţială.
Sprijin promovarea codurilor de conduită în domeniul achiziţiilor publice. Întreprinderile europene ar trebui să poată participa la procedurile de achiziţii publice din ţările terţe în condiţii de concurenţă loială şi echitabilă.
Totodată, trebuie creat un mediu stabil şi atractiv pentru investitorii europeni în străinătate. Subliniez nevoia eliminării restricţiilor care afectează sectoarele europene de servicii, având în vedere poziţia Uniunii ca cel mai mare exportator mondial de servicii.



Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. Mr President, first I would like to thank the Committee on International Trade and most of all the rapporteur Robert Sturdy for taking up the paramount issue of trade barriers, especially non-tariff barriers, which European companies encounter on third-country markets. You are very well aware that the Commission has highlighted this in its first annual trade and investment barrier report in March this year and this report goes right to the heart of the enforcement agenda of our trade policy. Your report contributed to increasing the political dimension of this matter and we thank you for this.
We have taken good note of your suggestions, and when I say ‘we’, I speak on behalf of my colleague Karel De Gucht, of course, who is the Commissioner responsible for this file. I can assure you that the Commission will continue to pursue the removal of unjustified non-tariff barriers through regulatory cooperation with, in particular but not solely, our strategic partners. As the report rightly points out we will of course fully respect the right of our partners to establish their own levels of public policy protection in the areas of health, safety and the environment.
I will mention just one example of regulatory cooperation, of which the Commission informed Parliament at the last meeting, on 29 November 2011. I am speaking about the Transatlantic Economic Council in Washington where the United States and the European Union agreed on strengthening cooperation in a number of regulatory areas; those include e-vehicles, nanotechnology, and information and computer technology.
On the question of the American Jobs Act, the Commission is following this very closely and you will certainly be aware that some of the most worrying elements fortunately did not pass the US legislative process.
We are also using our free trade agreements to address regulatory barriers. The agreement with Korea is a very good example of this approach because it contains extensive rules on sectoral regulatory issues: cars, electronics and medical devices. In the recent meeting of the Trade Committee established under the agreement, the Korean Minister and our Commissioner could achieve important progress on some of the outstanding regulatory issues related to cars. The importance of regulatory issues and the interplay between internal and external market opening will also be one of the subjects discussed at a high-level conference which the Commission is organising on 20 January in Brussels.
We have taken good note of your suggestions on government procurement, investment and export restrictions, all of which are very important building sites for a 21st century trade policy for the European Union. As you know very well the removal of trade barriers is and remains a top priority for our trade policy.
The Commission’s next trade and investment barriers report will come out in March 2012 and it will build on the recommendations set out in your report, so the fact that this report is now on the table, Mr Sturdy, is very important. It will be an inspiration and a support for the collective work of the Commission, the Member States and Parliament.



El Presidente. Con esto se cierra este punto.
La votación tendrá lugar mañana martes a las 12.00 horas.



20 - Дневен ред на следващото заседание: вж. протокола


20 - Orden del día de la próxima sesión : véase el Acta


20 - Pořad jednání příštího zasedání: viz zápis


20 - Dagsorden for næste møde: se protokollen


20 - Tagesordnung der nächsten Sitzung: siehe Protokoll


20 - Järgmise istungi päevakord (vt protokoll)


20 - Ημερήσια διάταξη της επόμενης συνεδρίασης: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά


20 - Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes


20 - Ordre du jour de la prochaine séance : voir procès-verbal


20 - Ordine del giorno della prossima seduta: vedasi processo verbale


20 - Nākamās sēdes darba kārtība (sk. protokolu)


20 - Kito posėdžio darbotvarkė (žr. protokola)


20 - A következő ülésnap napirendje: lásd a jegyzokönyvet


20 - L-aġenda tas-seduta li jmiss: ara l-Minuti


20 - Agenda van de volgende vergadering: zie notulen


20 - Porządek obrad następnego posiedzenia: Patrz protokól


20 - Ordem do dia da próxima sessão: Ver Acta


20 - Ordinea de zi a următoarei şedinţe: consultaţi procesul-verbal


20 - Program rokovania na nasledujúci deň: pozri zápisnicu


20 - Dnevni red naslednje seje: gl. zapisnik


20 - Seuraavan istunnon esityslista: ks. pöytäkirja


20 - Föredragningslista för nästa sammanträde: se protokollet



21 - Закриване на заседанието


21 - Cierre de la sesión


21 - Ukončení zasedání


21 - Hævelse af mødet


21 - Schluss der Sitzung


21 - Istungi lõpp


21 - Λήξη της συνεδρίασης


21 - (The sitting closed at 22.30)


21 - Levée de la séance


21 - Chiusura della seduta


21 - Sēdes slēgšana


21 - Posėdžio pabaiga


21 - Az ülés berekesztése


21 - Għeluq tas-seduta


21 - Sluiting van de vergadering


21 - Zamknięcie posiedzenia


21 - Encerramento da sessão


21 - Ridicarea şedinţei


21 - Skončenie rokovania


21 - Zaključek seje


21 - Istunnon päättäminen


21 - Avslutande av sammanträdet



(Se levanta la sesión a las 22.30 horas)

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