!{loa; joth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)

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Esvonta BicU Sin(l-i Mulg(Locar. ,

G. n.· 6396/1969


~~liTi~ <:."'iilu-it.n

~T'liwfirn '! ~6'1 ~T"it ;U'I/iitdt ;ffi "*" ~"'lHrrif 'I6'ITO! ~m:'1 ~, ~'1 "fT~~H! rn;R'1lJ?la'li: eM ~~&:1"", ~~~T.'R;;it ~T U'r'lR ~~~m~'W 'IHIm:$r "fTOff. 'R~ ~ff err~. «,",,'1 if ~i ~>l\ U['I U+rr fu~'t« '''ITa;~ Wierrt.

'1Iiir.ii .. ~, ,.,~.,.-~~'1,_~" iii . .". ~.


XIi Navadurga of Adcolna. Ponda

14 A meeting .of presumed Mahajans of abovementioned Temple, is convened on first Sunday. at :10 a. m., in the usual Meeting Place, having' thirty days passed over publlcity of thts notice, three tiffies .in Government Gazette, to diScuss 'and approve the outlines, of Compromisso 31I1.d Roil" of Malia­jans of 'said Devalaia, elaborated by the committee appointed"by the Government for this' effect.'

Adcolna, 4th Au~st, 1969. -The: 'secretary, ,-Ramachondra Puto Fotto _Gaooar. .'.

. .

Seen. -The Presijjent, Dado Ganexa. Fotto GaoeaT.

v. no: 6243/1%9

(2nd time)

Privat~ ~dvertis~ments

-15 ' . ?4aria Carmina Lobo e :UOpes,'of Panaji, interested party ..iIi the inherItance of her late son-in-law, Francisco Jose Eu­femfa....Tlo Renat() da Concei~ao, dos Mtlagres Rangel, who, was from Piedade, annotihces that she wishes to' collect from the treasury of ~Comunidade":of Neura-o-Grande the dividends of shar,es in ,respect of years !191?7< and }1:-968 amounting to Rs._ W78;p.-5 Ps. belonging to her late'son-in:'law FranCisco J'Ose.

Those wish to claim may de;> s,o within the legal time-limit ~nd in .,~he ,comp~ten~ stat~ons.


V. no.J6303/1i969

16 JuU§.o< Caridad; de' Souza, from' Socorro" a~/~anci:..son'! ,,~d interested party in the inheritance of his late ~and~ ~-~ather) A velino Caridade /Santan~ de Souza,> who was from

:, the same 'place, wishes to receive from the Comunidade of '.ser~a the sum of Rs. 111:·>:-J)3'p:s.'the dividends '6f tlie shares. -of the years 1959 to: 1969c':belonging to 'the said -A.yelino Cq.-,,·

ridade. ", . ' .. Those who wish to'" ,claim should do so in the concerned office within the prescribed time limU.

y. no. 6317/1$69

..-17 ,Carlos. Antonio Jose de Sa, front. Piedade, wishes to receive_ from the Comunidade of Serula, the sum of

.Rs.. 150~80 Ps. being the dividends of sl}ares of ;,the years 1967 tq 1'969, belonging to his -late mother Amelia FeliX ,de Meneses, who was from the same ,place.

v. no.· 6318/1969

,,; lS" .,A.ndre ,:~,~ci~co Xayie; Romao Fernandes. _m~ed,

·~id;ing at .Santa ICruz) ,int_ep.ds to register ··in ,his' ~me the title no. 529A, containing a share of no: 3468 of the Comu­.uidade of Murd?-, belc;?D.gJ.ng"to his .late father :Jo§.'o Vice;nte'" Fernandes, who was from Santa Cruz, and therefore he invites the interested parties to put forth the complain if willing,_ againSt this pretension within legal time-ltmit ,and in ..~he .competent stations.

... V. no. 6328/1969

. "

, '19 Bicar:o Loximona Naique, married, 'residing-.-at Merces, intends to' register !ri' his name the'title no. ,1:70A contaiIiing a share 'Of no. 1100 of the Comunidade of Murda, belonging to his .late father l.ioximona NaiqueJ' who was from Merces, ,and th,erefore he invites the interested: parties to put forth the -complain if willing, against thfis pretension within legal time-l:imit aitd--in 'the competent stations.. '

V. no. 6382/1%9

&it if~ ~"~;SilOSOI, 'fif~

. r~1«'$)f'lm"ii;'orru~(ih~:;r"Fq't 'IT,'T "fil'i '6~" G't ~itim"'! Iiil:t""r.n 1('6 OI:;rrf'\l:UiI «~'6i,j il~'Il: oj" ~l(~;;:Fli'I a't« f~« .iTG<'>lT'Il: :;r) qf&<'ll ~fiI,), "'IT 0 'IT"ai 6U~Q ~'t1'''IT :;rrm ;ffi!r'l""lIQ ilQ"lit

. . '-,

~or,f,. ¥.alT'T'l , ", ~ ",. -iJig,'t <'T1m ~T>iT'f"I;t 'lTf\l:"'t. -0{1;'fT. 'T. W'f'f,<'.



15 Maria Camma Lobo e Lopes, de -Panagi, na quaUdade· de' herdeira do seu fmado genro,';"Francisco Jose Eufemiano Renato da Conceic;ao dos Milagres !Rangel, que foi de Piedade, anuncia que pretende Levantar do cofre da comunidade de' NElUra-o.:Grande, a quantia de-Rps. 378-55 Ps.; dos reditos das acc;oes 40s 'imos de 1967 e 1968, pertencentes aD seu finMo genro dito Francisco Jose. .

Os que queiram reclamar 'contra esta pretensao '0 faQ3.l11 dentro _"do prazo e nas estac;6es competentes.

~.' 'i.-,. '

16 Juliao Caridade de Souza, de Socorro, na quaUdade de neto e interessado na heranc;a do seu-finado av6 Avelino_ Caridade Santana de'~;3ouza;:,que -foi mesma, pretende arre~ cadar da comunidade:k'de'-Serula a quantia de Rps. 1,14:'63 Ps.; de,. reditQs das a~:,dos anos de 1959 a 1969 pertencentesli6-; dito A velino Caridade. ' .

."'Os que quiserem reclamar:o f~c;am nas estac;oes competen­tes e dentro do prazo leg8J.>"-'

G. n." 6317/1969·

, .-,

1'1 Carlos Ant6nio Jose de Sa, de Piedade, pretende levan­tar" 'do cofre da comunidade de SeruM. a quantia de Rps. .l:50-~O ];>"s., d~ rM~tos ,das acc;o.~~ (los ,anp-s de 19~ a 1969, pertenc?ntes a 'sua finada mae _Amelia Fe1ix de M~neses, que foi da mesma.

G. n." 631~/i969'


18 Ahdre.-' Francisco Xavier Romao Fernandes. c~o, residente em Santa Cruz, 'pretende averbar a seu favor 0 titulo n.O 529A, contendo urna acc;ao do n.O 34.68 da comuni­dade de Murqa, pertencen.te ao .se~ finado<';pai Joao Yicente -Fern-andes, que foi de'SaUta. Qru?, e popisso convida os _i,nte­ressados para, q1,!.?rendo .reclamar contra e~ pretena§.9' ,no praz~ 'iegal e nas estac;?e~ ,compet.entes.

G. ,n."6328/1969

19 Bicar6 Loxi;mona Naiqite, oas3.d.o, residente nas Merc~s.

"'pretende averbar a seu favor ,o._titulo n.O '170A, contendo um~ a-cc;ao do n.O :1:100 da c:omunidacte de Murda, per.ten~nte a-o' seu finado pai Loximona Naique, que foi das Mercgs, e por isso. convida os interessadoo. para,"querendo reclamar contra. esta pretensao If0 prazo legal e nas estagoes competentes.


-GOvT.'PRINTING PRESS-GOA -< .. (lmpr,ensa. Nacional -Goa)

..PRICE -'94 P.."
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