!{loa; joth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)

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!{loa; JOth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)

All correspondence referring"'" to announCetn_ents and subscription of Gover:tlm'ellt Gazette must be"'addressed to its Administration office. Literary publications wlll be advertised free of charge provided two copies" are offered.

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Ge'neral Adminislralioq, ,D~partment

Directorate_~ of Land Survey


Whereas it has been decided to take up the Cadastral Survey work of Adcolna, Bandora, Betora, Betqui, Boma, Borim, Candeapar, Candola, Codar, Concern, Cuncolim,' Cun­.daim, Curti, Marcaim, Nirancal, Orgao, Ponchovadi, Priol, Queula and Ponda, Querim, Vadi, Vagurbem, Velinga, Verem, Volvo~.. Siroda, Talaul.im, Tiurem, Usgao, Gangem of Ponda raluka and Aglote, Antoriem, B~ti, Bandoli, Boma, Camar­"conda, Cara~2!ol, Cale:q1, Chiussorem, Co'foptba, Cotarli, Com­.proi, Colem, Codli, Costi, Coranguinim,.r Cormonem, Cumbari, Curdi, Curpem, Darbanq_ora, DongurU/ Doncor, .pudal, Mati­linguem, M~guli,' Moissal, Molem, 'Naiquiniiri:, Netorlim, Nundem', Oxel, Patiem, Piliem, Portem, Potrem, Rivqna, -Rum. " brem, Sanvordem, Sa1auli, Santona, Sangod, Sancordem, Sigo­

:nem, -Sigao, Spn?-ulim, SurIa, Tl.ldqu, Uguem, Verlem, -Villena, Vichundrem, Xelpem of San9'uem' Taluka in addition to ,\he 27/38/29/39/~ Villages of Pernem/BardezjBicholim/Quepem/ ~anacona! ·-Talukas published in the general notificatlo.n n,O LS/CS/1/65 dated 21-9-65, published In the Government Gazette Series 'Ill nos. 28 all-d 29 dated 7;.;10-65 and 14--10-65 and series nos, 20-21'datiful 17-8-67 ana 24·8-67 and LS/CS/ 40/2890 dated lo~f-68 published in the Government Gazette nos: 16 dated 18-7-68 and 17 dated 25'-7-68 and no, LS/211

,< ,dated 13-1-69 published in'the-Government Gazette Series III

; no. 43, dated 23-1-69 and Series III no. 44 dated 30-1-69 and 'LS/CS/2076 datell 12-5-69 published in the Government Gazette Series m no. 15 dated 10-7-69. \

NbW therefore in pursuance of the; i:>rovisions of Cadastral Survey Rules Legislative Diploma no. 764 of 26-11-1934 read with the Goa, Daman and' Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964 and Rule 5 of .the Goa, Daman and" Diu Agricultural Tenancy (Revenue Survey and-Records of Rights) Rules,1967, notic~ -is hereby given to all landowners/usufructuaries/asSig­nees _of Government «Comunidade» or Religious Institutions, lands with c9p.currence of respective lessees/tenants and -bor­deriI?:g· neighbours, that they should demarcate their holdings within 30 days _from tp.e second publication of this notice in the Government.Gazett~e by any of the follOwing methods,:­

0;) Walls,·'·<

b) Permanent,Fen.~es.

c) Bunds dressed -with stones ·with at-least Ow50mts. height. d) Regular stones With 50 cms.X22 cms.X22 ems.' e) Clear and distinct' ~ark.lrig ~~ perirtap.ent ~~rk~-1f 1t-, any existing alohg bOu~~ llne~ .





. -'''-~ '.~-' --};

Departamento de AdminislrataoGeral

'\ '<, > " : ,~~

D~~clia-o 'dos Servic;os' de Agrimensura

. .,



LSjCSj5028 ~-.~ .-,

. ~ -, , -,.)

Considerando que 0 Qoverno decidiu levar,:a 'efelto ·_o"cadas­tro geom6trico, da,s "aldeias de Adclonft;-'t£andora, Betor§., _,~ Betqui, ,Boma, :~orith, Candeap,ar, Candola, Codar, Conc6m, Cuncollm. Cundaim, Curti, Marcaim, Nir~ncaJ',:' Orgao. Pon.." chovadi, Priol, Queula e Panda, Querim;i-Vadi, Vagurbem, Velinga, Verem, Volvoi, Sirod~,J' Talaulim, '.~urem, Usgao e Gangem do concelho de Pond'i:{ e Agiote" Antoriem, Bati,

:BandOli: Boma,' Camarconda. CaranzQl, '-:C~J~nt, o,g~Pl3so~em, Colomba, Cotarli, Comproi, "Colem, Cpcqi~ 'Costi, Q9,~gull;ibn, Cormon~m, Cumbari, Curdi,,_ Curpem; I:@l'bandox:a;"';P,9;n~!1~, 'Doncor, D~dal, Maulinguem; Muguli, MOissal,.':M;.ol.ernr ~a~(rUi..

'n~, Ne.torUm, Nundem. Oxel, ,Patiern, ~*~m~'::,~ ~·Potr.etn, ,Rivona• .-·Rumbrem, Sanvordem, ,Sala:uli" San,tona, 'Sang~, ,Sancprdem, Sigonem, Sigao,,_Sonaulim... .-Surla' TU:i;l.Uguem. Verlem, Veliena, 'Vichundrem e .Xelp,em do -concelho . de Sangu~m alem· das 27738/29/39;8 aldeias dos concelhos ~e Pel"!leinjBard~s"'/Bich6limJQuepem/Canacona ,cQntEintes'-do edital n.o· LS/CS/1/65, de 21 de 8ftembro de 1965; pUblicaqo no Boletim OjiciaJ,,-3." serie" n.'''· 28 e 29; de ,7 de Outubro de 1965 _e 14 de Outubro de+1965 e n.O" 2_0 ,e· ,21 de 11 de Agosto de 1967 e 24 de Agosto de, 1967, ed\tal""oLS'CSj40/ 2890, .de, ~O de Julho de 1968, publicado, no Boletim 0ficiaZ n,o'16 d<}'18 de Julho de 1968 e n,o ;l7~,de 25 de Julho de 1968, edital D.G LSj211, de 13 de Janeiro de 196-9, publicado 'no Boletim O/icial, 3.& serie, n.O 43, .. de 23 de Janeiro de 1969 e 3.1' serie, n.O 44, de 30' de Janeiro de 1969 e edital n.O LS/CS/ 2076, de 1_2 de,. Maio -.,t;1e 1969, publicado no Boletim O/icial,

3." serie, n.,.t,}~,.:-de l?\~e (l~l~Q',de 196~. _ ~f

Sao por este avisados, nos termos do disposto no Regu­lamento do Cadastro (Diploma Legislativo n.D 7~4, de 26 de Novembro de 1934) conjiigadQ com 0 «The Goa; Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, ..,1964» todos os proprle­t-ariosjusufrutuarios/concessionarios dos terrenos do Estado. Comunldade ou Instituit;;;oes Religiosas que com concurso dos respec.tivos arrendatarios .e manducares bem comq_(dos re8­pectivos cQlimiteiro-s deverao dernarcar os seus _predios no praZo de. SO dias a contar cIa, 2." p~blicagao, deste no -,Boieti'm Oficial, por qualquer das seguiIites rnaneiras:' .

o;H4uros, b) .Sebes de caracter permanente. c) .Valados de pedra talhada, ,-.que tenham, pelo' menos

, 0,5,0 m. de altura. .. .d) Pedra talhada de 50 cmsX22 cmsX22 cms. 'e) .Sb:lais 'c'araeterist1cos _~e ~n;. Vlsi';eis ~ gra,j.a:d6s ~m rodas de caracter-' permanente, que' existem' na linh'a.. do limite:

The parties above are furthet directed to be pres~nt at site at the time of survey and furnisl{the following data. as requi"; red under the Cadastral Survey Rules. !

a) Nante or Names of the plots. b) Nature ,and Quality of the crops. c) Name, residence, Parent's name and profesSion of the

lap.downer. ' d) Name, residence, profession of the lessee, tenant and exploiters. e) Ground rent and any other encumbrance whicb befall

the land. . .' f) System of natural and artificial irrigation. g) Actual use of Urban plots'. h) Nature of dispute -and litigation over _~ssession of

ownership of the plots, i) Documents on '-whicp.' enjoyment an'd own~rship. rights are based their" inscription and deSCription in the, property register's office (Certidao da inscrigao e -descd~o na Conservatoria de Registo Pr~dial) and Revenue Certificate (Certi.

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