!{loa; JOth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)
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Ge'neral Adminislralioq, ,D~partment
Directorate_~ of Land Survey
Whereas it has been decided to take up the Cadastral Survey work of Adcolna, Bandora, Betora, Betqui, Boma, Borim, Candeapar, Candola, Codar, Concern, Cuncolim,' Cun.daim, Curti, Marcaim, Nirancal, Orgao, Ponchovadi, Priol, Queula and Ponda, Querim, Vadi, Vagurbem, Velinga, Verem, Volvo~.. Siroda, Talaul.im, Tiurem, Usgao, Gangem of Ponda raluka and Aglote, Antoriem, B~ti, Bandoli, Boma, Camar"conda, Cara~2!ol, Cale:q1, Chiussorem, Co'foptba, Cotarli, Com.proi, Colem, Codli, Costi, Coranguinim,.r Cormonem, Cumbari, Curdi, Curpem, Darbanq_ora, DongurU/ Doncor, .pudal, Matilinguem, M~guli,' Moissal, Molem, 'Naiquiniiri:, Netorlim, Nundem', Oxel, Patiem, Piliem, Portem, Potrem, Rivqna, -Rum. " brem, Sanvordem, Sa1auli, Santona, Sangod, Sancordem, Sigo
:nem, -Sigao, Spn?-ulim, SurIa, Tl.ldqu, Uguem, Verlem, -Villena, Vichundrem, Xelpem of San9'uem' Taluka in addition to ,\he 27/38/29/39/~ Villages of Pernem/BardezjBicholim/Quepem/ ~anacona! ·-Talukas published in the general notificatlo.n n,O LS/CS/1/65 dated 21-9-65, published In the Government Gazette Series 'Ill nos. 28 all-d 29 dated 7;.;10-65 and 14--10-65 and series nos, 20-21'datiful 17-8-67 ana 24·8-67 and LS/CS/ 40/2890 dated lo~f-68 published in the Government Gazette nos: 16 dated 18-7-68 and 17 dated 25'-7-68 and no, LS/211
,< ,dated 13-1-69 published in'the-Government Gazette Series III
; no. 43, dated 23-1-69 and Series III no. 44 dated 30-1-69 and 'LS/CS/2076 datell 12-5-69 published in the Government Gazette Series m no. 15 dated 10-7-69. \
NbW therefore in pursuance of the; i:>rovisions of Cadastral Survey Rules Legislative Diploma no. 764 of 26-11-1934 read with the Goa, Daman and' Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964 and Rule 5 of .the Goa, Daman and" Diu Agricultural Tenancy (Revenue Survey and-Records of Rights) Rules,1967, notic~ -is hereby given to all landowners/usufructuaries/asSignees _of Government «Comunidade» or Religious Institutions, lands with c9p.currence of respective lessees/tenants and -borderiI?:g· neighbours, that they should demarcate their holdings within 30 days _from tp.e second publication of this notice in the Government.Gazett~e by any of the follOwing methods,:
0;) Walls,·'·<
b) Permanent,Fen.~es.
c) Bunds dressed -with stones ·with at-least Ow50mts. height. d) Regular stones With 50 cms.X22 cms.X22 ems.' e) Clear and distinct' ~ark.lrig ~~ perirtap.ent ~~rk~-1f 1t-, any existing alohg bOu~~ llne~ .
. -'''-~ '.~-' --};
Departamento de AdminislrataoGeral
'\ '<, > " : ,~~
D~~clia-o 'dos Servic;os' de Agrimensura
. .,
LSjCSj5028 ~-.~ .-,
. ~ -, , -,.)
Considerando que 0 Qoverno decidiu levar,:a 'efelto ·_o"cadastro geom6trico, da,s "aldeias de Adclonft;-'t£andora, Betor§., _,~ Betqui, ,Boma, :~orith, Candeap,ar, Candola, Codar, Conc6m, Cuncollm. Cundaim, Curti, Marcaim, Nir~ncaJ',:' Orgao. Pon.." chovadi, Priol, Queula e Panda, Querim;i-Vadi, Vagurbem, Velinga, Verem, Volvoi, Sirod~,J' Talaulim, '.~urem, Usgao e Gangem do concelho de Pond'i:{ e Agiote" Antoriem, Bati,
'n~, Ne.torUm, Nundem. Oxel, ,Patiern, ~*~m~'::,~ ~~§~, ·Potr.etn, ,Rivona• .-·Rumbrem, Sanvordem, ,Sala:uli" San,tona, 'Sang~, ,Sancprdem, Sigonem, Sigao,,_Sonaulim... .-Surla' TU:i;l~,;, .Uguem. Verlem, Veliena, 'Vichundrem e .Xelp,em do -concelho . de Sangu~m alem· das 27738/29/39;8 aldeias dos concelhos ~e Pel"!leinjBard~s"'/Bich6limJQuepem/Canacona ,cQntEintes'-do edital n.o· LS/CS/1/65, de 21 de 8ftembro de 1965; pUblicaqo no Boletim OjiciaJ,,-3." serie" n.'''· 28 e 29; de ,7 de Outubro de 1965 _e 14 de Outubro de+1965 e n.O" 2_0 ,e· ,21 de 11 de Agosto de 1967 e 24 de Agosto de, 1967, ed\tal""oLS'CSj40/ 2890, .de, ~O de Julho de 1968, publicado, no Boletim 0ficiaZ n,o'16 d<}'18 de Julho de 1968 e n,o ;l7~,de 25 de Julho de 1968, edital D.G LSj211, de 13 de Janeiro de 196-9, publicado 'no Boletim O/icial, 3.& serie, n.O 43, .. de 23 de Janeiro de 1969 e 3.1' serie, n.O 44, de 30' de Janeiro de 1969 e edital n.O LS/CS/ 2076, de 1_2 de,. Maio -.,t;1e 1969, publicado no Boletim O/icial,
Sao por este avisados, nos termos do disposto no Regulamento do Cadastro (Diploma Legislativo n.D 7~4, de 26 de Novembro de 1934) conjiigadQ com 0 «The Goa; Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, ..,1964» todos os proprlet-ariosjusufrutuarios/concessionarios dos terrenos do Estado. Comunldade ou Instituit;;;oes Religiosas que com concurso dos respec.tivos arrendatarios .e manducares bem comq_(dos re8pectivos cQlimiteiro-s deverao dernarcar os seus _predios no praZo de. SO dias a contar cIa, 2." p~blicagao, deste no -,Boieti'm Oficial, por qualquer das seguiIites rnaneiras:' .
o;H4uros, b) .Sebes de caracter permanente. c) .Valados de pedra talhada, ,-.que tenham, pelo' menos
, 0,5,0 m. de altura. .. .d) Pedra talhada de 50 cmsX22 cmsX22 cms. 'e) .Sb:lais 'c'araeterist1cos _~e ~n;. Vlsi';eis ~ gra,j.a:d6s ~m rodas de caracter-' permanente, que' existem' na linh'a.. do limite: The parties above are furthet directed to be pres~nt at site at the time of survey and furnisl{the following data. as requi"; red under the Cadastral Survey Rules. !
a) Nante or Names of the plots. b) Nature ,and Quality of the crops. c) Name, residence, Parent's name and profesSion of the
lap.downer. ' d) Name, residence, profession of the lessee, tenant and exploiters. e) Ground rent and any other encumbrance whicb befall
the land. . .' f) System of natural and artificial irrigation. g) Actual use of Urban plots'. h) Nature of dispute -and litigation over _~ssession of
ownership of the plots, i) Documents on '-whicp.' enjoyment an'd own~rship. rights are based their" inscription and deSCription in the, property register's office (Certidao da inscrigao e -descd~o na Conservatoria de Registo Pr~dial) and Revenue Certificate (Certi.