!{loa; joth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)

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(Date of auction 5th December 1969)

New fishing stake localities (North Zone)

Mandovi River

  1. Locality situated at BudQ cantQr of ChQraQ in Mapu~a .of 4 interspaces, requested by Shri Harichandra RamchQndra Chodankar frQm Ch.orao. The basic bid amount fQr bidding ;Re. 1/-per interspace.

  2. L.ocality situated at Salvador de MundQ .of 4 interspaces, requested by Shri PundQlica Vamon Halancar, from Betim. The basic bid amount for bid~ing Re. 1/-per interspace.

  3. Locality situated at Kombor .of' Divar .of 4 interspaces requested by DQmingos CardQzQ frQm Ribandar. The basic bid amount Re. 1/-per interspace'.

. 4. L.ocality Situated _betw.een Aga~aim and Pillar-Juvem of 12 interspaces, requested by Shri Demu Chedu Naik from Madcai. The basic bid amQunt fQr bidding Re. 1/-per


5. Locality situated '~ Untl(.of BandQra in Zuari River .of

. 8 interspaces, requested by Shri Datta DQrmQ Naik frQm Bandora. The basic-bid amQunt for bidding Re. 1/-per_ interspace.

6. Locality situated at· the bacyard .of the hoUse .of Shri R.odrigues of 4 interspaces requested by Shri Jose Santana R.odrigues from Dongrim-Mandur. The basic bid amount for bidding -Re. 1/-per interspace.

New fishing stake loealities (South Zone)

Zuari River

1. Locality situated at Curtorim-Qf_S interspaces-. requested ..by Shri BartQlomeu Furtado from Ponda. The basic bid amQunt for bidding Reo, 1/-pet;' interspa~e_.


  1. Locality situated near BQrbot, Siroda .of 2 interspaces, req~ested by Shri Francis RQdrigues fr.om Shiroda. The basic bid amQunt ~or. bidding Re. 1/-.per-~ interspace~

  2. Locality' Situated at Daklem :Kazan .of, 14 mterspaces, requested by Shri'Francis Xavier Vaz from ISland Qf-RachoL The basic bid amQunt for bidding Re. 1/-; per interspace;

  3. Locality sittiated near Pra~a-.of 2 tb.terspaces, requested by Shri JQse Manuel PinheirQ frQm' Rachol. The basic bid­am.ount fQr bidding Re. 1/-per 'interspace.

Sal River

5. Locality .situated at Betul in Sal River .of 8 Interspaces.

,requested by Shri InaCiQ CardQzo from Ve-lim. 'The basic :bid amount for bidding'Re. J./-per interspace.

South Zone

Cumbarjua -ChanneJ­

-. .-,,' /, ,

  1. Locality situated at Moulim .of 1 (.one) space, held by Shri Antonio de S.ouza from Curca. The basic bid amQunt for bidding Rs. 7-24 per interspace.

  2. Locality situated at Ponte de Santana .of 2 (tWQ) inters," pacillgs, held by Shri' A. Caetano -'CardozQ'-from Cui-ca.',The basic ~id amQunt f.or bidding Rs. 4-33 per, interspace.

  3. Locality,'situated at B.onglim .of -2(tW~)·-'-interspaci~gs. held by'-'Shri 'Doming.os Santana de S.ouza' fr.om -Goa Velha. The basic -bid amQunt fOr bidding Rs. 7-25 per iIiterspace.

  4. Locality situated at Carambol,m' .of 2 (tWQ) , iilterspaCtngs, held by Shri' Nanu Ramachandra FQtQ frQm Cundaim. The basic bid amount fQr bidding Rs'. -1-48 per intersp~Qe~.

  5. Locality situated at passage .of Marcaim-Netrra .of 4-(fQur) interspacings,-'held by Shri Janu Vaju FotQ -from Marcaim~ The basic bid·'amQunt Rs. 61-50 per interspaCe.

  6. Locality situated at Santana of 2 (tWQ) interspacings~ held oy Shri FranciscQ de Souza from Curca.· The' basIc"bid amQunt -for bidding Rs. 48-73 per interspace. '

  7. Locality situated at C~nai .of Cunibarjua, b{ 2 (tw~).: interspacings, held by Shri Caridade Rodrigues from Carain~ bolim. The basic bid am.ount for bidding Rs~ 1-48 per inters­


  1. Locality situated at Dample of Dongrim of 2 (two) inters­pacings, held by 'Shri Caetano RQdrigues from Mandrem. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs: 1-80 per interspace.

  2. Locality situated at Mangueiral de Cumbarjua .of 2 (tWQ) interspacings, held by Shri SebastiaQ de MelQ frQm' Caram­balim. The basic bid amQunt fQr bidding Rs. 1-48 per inters­pace.

Zua'l'i River

10. Locality situated at Pilar .of 24 (twenty four) inters­pacing-s, h:eld by_ Shri ,Caetan.o Lobo frQm Goa-VeJ.ha.· ,The basic bid amQunt for bidding' 'Rs. 1-50 per interspace.:'. -,

11:. Locality situated at Boblo ,.of Curca-' of 3 (three) In:ters­pacings, held by -Shri Louren~o Camilo -frQm Zmiri. The basic bid_amount fQr bidding Rs. 2-40 per lnterspace: '

12. Locality situated at Alanche Kuir .of 32 (thirty tW!J) interspaces, held by Shri Baltazar R.osariQ frQm GQa Velha. The basic bid amQunt fQr bidding Rs. 1-27 per interspace~

'13. Locality situated at CQtumbi .of QuelQssim of:4 (faui) interspacings, held by Shri DQmingos CQla~Q fr.om 'Cortalim. The basic,bid amQunt fQr bid~ing :as. 3-97. per, ~tersp'ace.

'14. ,Locality situated at Bondir .of Cortalim of 4 (fQur) interspacings, held by Shri SalvadQr de SQuza fr.om CQrtalim. The basic bid amQunt f.or bidding Rs. 4-02 per interspace.

15. Locality situated at SiridaQ of 2 (tWQ) interspacings, held by Shri Baltazar dQ RosariQ from 'Goa Velha. The-basic bid amoup.t for bidding Rs. 2-76 per interspace.

16. Locality situated at Chicale de Macasana of 2 (tWQ-) interspacings, held by Shri Roque AntQniQ Ricardo da C.osta from CurtQrim. The basiC bid amount for bidding Rs. 27.-60 per interspace..., -; ".: .

17. Locality-situated·at CurtQriIll .of 7 (seven)' interspacings,
held by Shri PaulQ LuisfrQm Curtorim. The b,asic bid'(ml~'!lP--t ,fQr bidding Rs. 86-06 per interspace. .

18.-Locality situated -at TQnca '.of Marcaim .of 6 (six)' inters... .pacings, held by Shri Onum _pundoli~a ,FQttQ frQ~' TQnca.. The basic bid amQunt for bidding Rs. 1-50 per. inter~pace,~

.BERIES' 11tNa.· at

S.,J River Mandov:i-Sinqu-ei"im-creel('

19. Locality situated at Betul Cutomi post of ,12 (twelve) 8. L9caUty Situated at Pa:dricht. Manos '_ of,1<4 ~terspa-cesflnterspacings, held by Shri Antonio Piedade Cardoso from

h?ld by I'::3hri Da~i~ F!'asis Fernandes ~~9rn.-<0nda.~e bru:;ic

Velim. The basic-bid amount for bidding Rs" 1-50 per_ inters­bId amount for blddmg Rs. 2-20 per inter~pace" . -.~ ': pace. Mapuga branch

20. Locality situate,d 'at Betul (Bapsora) of 6 (siX) inters­paci~gs, held _by-' Shri Shankar Budaji_ Kerkar, from Betul. 9. Locality situated near the -Church of Penha de,..Frant;;a The basic 'bid amount for bidding "Rs. 2-10 per interspace. of '( lU,,\::J./:)pd.et::::;. -IWlU fJy >::ihn, lViJ.ngu,el XavIer ue ~ouZa nom

Britona. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 56-.93 per­North Zone intel"Space.

io. Locality situated '-at Ferry of Britona of 8 interspaces,

Char:'ora Rv~er, hela. '~y i::illU Alll-OlllO AllUelUa from l-'ell11a tte ];C'rall~a. '!'ne

I, ,_Locality _Situate,d at_ Matto of ;Morjim of 20 interspaces, basiC _ bid amount for biaCling Rs. 45-55 per interspace.held by Shri Arjuna Gantvol from Gudem-Siolim., The basiC bid amount for t)l(1ding Rs. i -3~ per InLerSpace. ..,'

, ill. Locality situated -at Ecoxim of 4 intenspaces, held by Shri Saguna Onum Naik from Ecoxim. The basic bid amount 2. Locality situated at house of Shri Narayan Caskar of

tpr 1J1ltl.Ullg l-ts. 1-37 per illcerspace.

Morjim of 6 interspaces, held by Shri Datta Chandrakant Corjuenkar from Gudem. The basic bid amount for bidding

12. Locality situated at sluice gate of Bondir of 5 inter­spaces, held by Shri 'Minguel Xavier de Souza from. Penha

Rs. 33-52 :per in~erspace.

de Franga. The basic bid amount -for bidding Rs. "132-00 per Mandovi Rvier -interspace.

13. Locality situated at the bridge (Mandovi) of 11 Inter­13. Locality Situated' at Budo Cantor of Chorao of 4 inter­spaces; held by Shri Santana Cruz,Camilo from MaUm. The spaces, held by Shri Minguel Xavier de Souza from Penha basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 13-20 per interspace. de Franga. _The basic bid amount for bidding RB. 34-00 per


4. Locality situated at house of Shri Cola~o at Ribandar of 22 'interspaces, held 'by Shri Jose Duarte Rodrigues from 14. Locality situated at Olaulim of Pomburpa of 6 inter­Rlbandar. The basic -bid amount (or bidding Rs. 19-75 per spaces, held by Shri Pundolica P. Dauxencar from Pomburpa,­Interspace. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 2-00 per _interspace.

5. Locality situated at Mallm of 8 interspaces, held by
Zua;rj River

Shri Luis de Souza from Malim. The basic bid amount for bidding ~. 6-95 per interspace. 15. Locality situated between Siroda and Rachol of 7 inter­spaces, ,held by Shri Joao Oliveira from Rachol. The basic

-6. Locality situated at Baga de Verem of '6 interspaces,'

bIC! amount for biading Rs. 1-25 per interspace.

held by Shri Lourent;;o Fernandes from Ribandar. The basic amount for bidding Rs. 3-25 per interspace. [operation during 16. Locality situated at Tonca de Marcaim of 4 interspaces, Monso,on]. held by ,Shri Kamalakant Vagu Fotto of Marcaim, The basic

bid amount for bidding Rs. 39-80 per interspace.

7. Locality situated at Campal of 8 interspaces, held by Shri Matias Valadares from Pomburpa. The baSic bid amount 17. Locality situated at Ascent of Boril» bridge of 6 inter­for bidding Rs~ 3-00 per interspace. [operation during Mon­spaces, held by Shri Gunanidi Rama Fotto of Borim. The soon]. basic bi_d a~ount for bidding Rs. 1-16 per interspace.

0.. teO

local Self Government Department .Departamento de Administra~ao Autonoma

Forest Department Reparti~ao das Mota.

Sale notice-Aviso da. venda

Re-sale pf the coupes not sold on October 7, 1'969-,' will o produto florestal c()rtado que nao foi vendido em 7 de be held on November 11, ",1:96'9, by 'inviting tenders. Outubro de L96'9, sera revendido em ii-de Novenibro de [1009, por meio de' propostas. ' , '

Intending bidders are, requested to -contact ,the local Range Para malls informagoes os jnteressados poderao d!rigir-se Forest Officers or the -..Office of the Conservator of Forests, aos Range Forest Officers locais ou a Reparti~ao do Con-Panajf for further particulars. ' aervador das Matas, em Panagi.

P~naji,. 24th October, 1969. -G. R. Mavinkurve, Conser­Panagi, 24 de Outubro de 196'9. -G. R. Jllavinkurve, Con­vator of' Forests. servador, das Matas.

Re-sale notice Aviso -de-reve-n-do

Th'e re-sale of the following coupes is f1ixed on 1'l-lli1-1969, A revenda do seguinte produto florestal cortado e fixada on-the saine conditions -as per sale notice-issued from this para ill de Novembro de 11969, sujeita as mesmas condigoes Office on M:-7-:J.900.."-The tender forms will be available in constantes do aviso de venda ,ell).itido por esta Repartiqaothis ,Office as: well -in all the '_Range' Forest Off1icoo upto em, tllS de Julh9 de '1009. Os impressos da proposta poderao

set obtidOs 'desta Repartigao,-bem como da:s Repartit;;oes dos

12 noon-on-, 11-;111-19£9. Tenders-will be received in this Range ForeSts ate -as 12 horas 'de 11 de Novembro de 100'9. Office upto 3 P._ l\L on 11-:!1~1-i1969 and the b~ds will be .read As propostas serao recebidas nesta .Repartigao ate as 15 horas, 9Ut immediately thereafter. de 111 de Novembro de !1969 e g.bertas 'imediatamente depois.

,List of coupes put up for re-saIe on ll-il-1969 from Sou~h and North Goi,';:'6ivistons , Rel~do produto cortado a' ser revendido em II_de NQvembr~' de-1969 das :Divisoes do Sui e, Norte: de Goa





Approximate' ~,

Sr._No. Range Round Name of coupe & No. (in hectar'es) , Remarks


·N.o-'de Area "aproximada

Zona Area Designa~o e n." do produto Observ~es

serie (em hectares)

20. "Canacona Gatindongrem 'Cor-vem coupe No. 4 20.51 Clear-felling .32. Ponda Shirocta Shiroda coup'e 'No. 6 16.00 -do­

... ... . ~

, " Panajt 24th Octoher, 11969-.
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