!{loa; joth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)

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Govein.men~. Further the fishing stakes 'lqcality will be put.to fresh. auction. .• .

";:; "LI2) The Director 'of Fisheries reserved the tight to with· hold any locality :of fiship.g stakes from-atict!on~. 3;t any stage -on receipt of complaints a.bout tp~ same ,'!c"of for, any other reasons. The decision of the Director of 'Fisneries in this respect will be final.

l::f) In case rthe;~ is no~ bid lOffered for any of the fJshing f-stake locality, the saine will be put to !fresh auction' ~ oh, the 27th November, '1969 in the ca.s~ of fishing localities speCifIed in Schedule I and n and on lJ2th '" . December, 1.969 in~ the -ease of fishiI!g localitie.s spe­

-cifi::III. ;" L' ~

'14) The -sticcessfuJ -bidders will have to bear aU the expen­.., -dittfre-towards the'-execution of the'-\contrac"t' or the fishing stakes locality. -.

--; . ~

15) In case the 10caHty fis adjudicate,d to som~one ,other

~: ,"'~~~:~~:~ t;O~~~~r~~ ~~i~e~nwi~:U'~::: e~u~e~o~;

initial, expen~liture :incurred by' hlm plus 10% 'of the expenses. .

16) Genuine fishermen and registered Cooperative Societies ot: Fishermen will. be entit!ed ,~o bid in tJ:te-auctions.

W. -G. R,anadive, S-ecretary, (Revenue), to the Gov~:rpnien,t of Goa" Daman and Diu.



, ".',_ _ ,,' ___ .J


(Date of auction 17th.& 18th ·November 1969)

Panjim area

River Ohapora>

.11, The:]ocaUty"situated at -Taribntta of Gudem of eightep.u

(18) int,erspacings, h,eld by Shr.i _Tucarama Hari 'l'ari of GudeIJ?;:. ~_ru:liC amouJ?t for biddiup-Rs. 5p-58 per interspacIng.

2. Thtf-locality situated on the ·ascent of the house: of -Shri

.Abreu.~fJ,t ~ QX,eI--of twenty (20) iinterspecings, held by:Shri Vaman :Madeu Corjuencar of Gudem. Basic amount" for bidding Rs.''g-35 per interspacing.

3. Th(f i~~Hty situ~ted at Oxel; of t~n (1110)' inf~rspacings.held by .Shri._ Saunlo Panduronga Tart (Alornecar) vf _Vaga­lim. BaSic -amount for bidding Rs.. 4-97 per lnterspacing.

.. 4. _The, JO,cality situated at" Chopdem of ten (10) interBpa­~ngs held by S~ri Manohar Vishnum Halarnkar (Shirodkar) of Chopde.m; )Basic amount for bidding Rs; 11-38 per inter­

spacIng: .... .

, M·andovi Riv~r

5.' The locality;,situated -at Cruder of Ribabdar_ of four (4) lnterspaoings held by §hri Jose Fernandes of Ribandar. -Basic . amount for bidding Rs. 143-90 per interspacing.

6.-The:.-locality-situated -at -Passage of Chomo' of-e1x (6) interspaclngs, held by ShJ.ii Ragunata Hari Naique of ·Chorao. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 108-90 per -interspacing.

" 7.situated at ferry of PHgaon, of six (6) inter­spacings, held, by Shrl Dagu 'l'ari .of . St. Estevam. ':Basic amount ~or bidding Rs. 2-20 ,pet: interspacing.

  1. ,The locality situated at Monte near slldce gate of Neugi, of two (2) interspacings held by Shri Essu Sawant of Neura. {Basic amount for bidding Rs. "55-00 per 'interspacing.

  2. The locality situated near P. W. D. Panaji of twenty(20) interspacings held by Shri Manuel Antonio Vaz of P~nha de Fran~a. [Operation during Monsoon]. Basic am"milt for''" bidding &S. 1209-68 per interspacing.

. 10. Th~ ~oc~Iity situated near_Bandar of Ribandar of eight '(8) interspacings, held by Shri Lucio Antonio C. Fernandes of Ribandar. Basic amount-for bidding Rs. 47-68 per lnt~l'­

spacipg,. .• "

<, 1J1 The locality situated" near Church of Penha de Fran~a of twenty four (24) interspacings held by 'Shri Namdeu Tari of Ribaildar.' tBasic amount foi' bidding Rs. \40-03 per lnter­


. 12.. The"l<;>caUty situated at Canal of ChoUnt of ejghteen

(118) fntersp'aclngs 'held by Shri Sebastia6 Cftrdozo of-Riban-, dar. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 83-65 per fntenspacing

13. The locality situated at"Corpir of Chorao, of eight (8) interspacings.-held bv Shri Sebastiao Fernandes of Ribandar. Basic Amount for bidding Rs. ~2-20 per interspacing.


14. The locality situated at dispensary of Refs Magos of

:twelve (12) interspacings held by. Shri Manuel Antonio Vaz of Penha de Fran~a: Basic amount for bidding Rs. ;xi~OO per interspaclng·'i •

. 15.. The locality Situated nearby Chonnt, of twenty (20) intersps:cings, held by Shri Sebastiao Fernandes of Ribandar. Basic amount. for bidding Rs. 28-73 per inte,rspacing;

16-. The IbcaIrlty situated on the ascent' of Campal ~of '~eighteen (118) intevs-pacings, held by Shri -Sebastiao Cardozo of Ribandar. Basic amount for biddlng Rs. 95-8_7 per' inter­

-,spacing'. [Operation during Monsoon]. ­

111. The locality situated at Chemerim ,of, eighteen (18) interspacings held by Shri Inacio Antonio !Noronha of Pie­dade. Basic amount ~or blddfug Rs. 21-~6 per interspacing.

18. The locality situated in the interior '. of Fontainhas; of two (12) lnterspacings held by Shri Sebastiao Cardozo of Ril­bandar. /Basic amount for bidding Rs. 2t5-30 per'interspaclng.,

. 19. ."Th6 ~i6caiity S'ltuated at the passage of Aldona, of ;five

(5) interspacings h.eld by Shri ,Balchandra V. Xette of Cor­juern. ~asiC_amount._ ~~r bidding Rs. 1-~8 per, mterspacing.

tMandovi} Sinquerim Creek

. 20. The.1ocaJity Situated at Saipem of'Candolim of two (2) .~ter.spa,~gs ,:tteld ~Y Sp.ri Antonio Cbrnelio DialS', of .Orda, ~asic amount· for bIdding Rs. !2-20 per interspacing.

2r. The locality situated at Doler of Candolim, of six (6) interspacings held by Shri Pedro Hlilario Almeida of Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs., 80-9-6 per 1nterspacmg.

22. The"locality situated nearby BorCCantor. of six (6) in.. terspacings, held by Shri Antonio Cornelio Dias of Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 9-49 per interspacing.

:23. The locality situated at the passage ,of",,Qrda-lNerul, of three (3,) intenspacings,-held by Shri Antonioj Cornelio Dias.


of Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs. '25-30 per interspacing~


  1. The_locality situated near ferry of Nerul, of six (6) in", terspacings held by Shri Francisco Xavier Dias of Candal1m", Basic amount for 'bIdding Rs. 82-50 'per intenspacing.

  2. The locality situated at the mouth, of the river Calv1m;. of _seven (7) interspacings held by Shri Vicente Cc(r(joz~. Qf Ecoxim. Basic amount for 'blddmg-&s. 187~OO per inter.:.· SpaCin&

  3. The locality situated at Badrici Manes of four (4)­lnterspacmgs, held -by Shri ,DamLau Franc.s Fernandes of' Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 2-20 per interspacing.

  4. The lOcality situated nearby 'paUiwado' of two_ (2) in~ terspaces, held by Smt. Ana J-OqUlIU Gonsalves.'cif -Orda:. BasIC amount for bldding Rs. 3-60 per interspace.

  5. The locality situated at Saipem of Candolim of two (2) interspaces, held by Shri Manuel Caetano Cardozo of Orda._ Basic amoluit for bidding &s. 7-15 per interspace.

MapuCia Branch

129. The locality situated at Ondear of six (6) interspaces,. held by Shri Jose Maria de Souza of Pomburpa. Basic amount ,for bidding Rs. 27-50 per interspace. . ,

30. The locality situated nearby Chorao of three (3) in~ terspaces held by Shri Bhagwant Vagu Fotto of Ecoxim. BaSte amouut for biaaing l-ts. 2..:20 pel' interspace.

-31. The locality situated nearby Gonvoi of Moira of three

(3) interspaces nelQ by Shri Ramcr,isna Pondori Sawant of Aldona. Ba;:;ic amount for bidding Rs. 2-20 per interspace.

32. The locality situated at 'Udear of Corjuem' of three

(3) inter-spaces, held by Shri Tulsia'as Panaorl Xette of Cor­juem. Bas~(; amount tor bi<1dJng Rs. 2-20 per Interspace.

33. The locality situated near the passage,of Moira of two

(2) interspaces, held by Shri-. Chimno Xamba Tari of Moira. BasIC aluOullt lor lJl(lUlug .Ks. 10-4U VeL' LUl.t;:L:::(pal,;e~

34. The locality situated at pas.sage of Ghorao-Pomburpa of seven ('() lllLeL'.~pal:es held by tihu PUnQol1ca Nagues .bnon~ GUle of Pom/.)U).pa. BaSIC amount for bmumg Rs. ltl4~71 per' interspace.


3-5. The locality situated near _CMana of Mapusa of four

(4) interspaces held by Shri Pudollca Xamba Uhodancar of Aldona. basLC amount tor blddlllg lts. 6~-~.l, per inteL'Spal:e.

36. Xhe locality situated nealby Bodiem of three (3) in.. ·


terspaces, !te1d by Shri Saunlo Laxman Chodoncar of Chop­, demo Basic amount for bidding Rs. 36-32 per intenspace.

37; The locality situated at Passage of Sircaim of four (4) lnterspaces, held by Shr'i Arjun ltama Corjuencar of Sir-· caim~ Baslc amount for biddIng Rs. 15-73."

38. The locality ;situated ~t Church of Pomburpa of six (6) interspaces, held by Shri Esvonta Baburao Halankar of Pom­burpa. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 8-61 per. interspace.

39. The 10'cality situated near One~ of four (4) interpaces,
.held by Shri Tucaram Narayan Tari of Ecoxlm. Basic amount. for_ bidding Rs. 1-32 per intenspace.

  1. The locality situated at Uddi of Aldona of four (4) mterspaces, held by Shri Esvonta: Crislla Volvoicar of Aldona.. Basic amount for bidding IUs. 25-61 per interspace.

  2. The locality situated near Church of Moira of two (2) interspaces, held by Shri Caxinata Manu Tari of Moira. Baosic amount for bidding Rs. 1-15 per interspace.

  3. T,he l~cality situated at Quitull-of Aldona' of five (5) interspaces, held by Shri Sadananda Halankar of Sir~aim., BaSic amount for bidding Rs. u2-56 per interspace.

  4. The locality situated at Cantor of Quero village of four (4) interspaces held by Shri Mingelinho Pereira of POID­burpa. Basic amount for bidding Rs. -59-.40 per interspace.

-44. The ,locality situated at ferry of Bilanche Tari of five (-5) -''lnterspaces. held by Shri Timaji Pandurang' Xette of Aldona. Basic amount for biddIng Rs. 4-81 per interspace. .


45.: The locality situated nearby Acoi of four (4) interspaces held ,by' Shri Pundolica Madev Budo of Acoi. Basic amount for". ~1dding Rs. 3~62 p~r interspace.

46. The locality situated at Acol of Moira of two (2) Inter­spaces, held by Shri Manohar Guno Halankar (Tari) of Aldona•. Bas:tc-~~unt for bidding Rs.-8-21 per 'intenspace.

4-7. The 'locaiity situated nearby house of Shri Monteiro of three '(3): int.erspaces held by Shri Digambar' Guno' Fotto of· ECQxlm.: Basic amount for bidding Rs. 44-46 per interspace.

": 48. The-locality situated near Panarim of four (4) inter." spaces held by Shri Pondori Gharso Xette of ·Panarim. Basic amount_for b~dding Rs. .J.-~1 per interspace.

49." The -locality situated at Calvim Codpar of four' (4) interspaces, held by -Shri. Vicente Cardozo of Eco&im._ BaSic\ am.9~t,::fo.r _bi49ing _&s. 1,75~17 per interspace. -.

5Q';; The locality situated at Toleachea Poriant; of four (4) Interspaces, held by Shri Tinutji Panduranga XeUe of Aldona. Basic aptount -for bidding Rs. 44-78 per interspace.

'. 51. The locality situated at St. Bartolomeu of Chorao of six (6) interspaces, held by Shri Jose Mario de SouZia of Pom­of ·Pomburpa. Basic amount for bidding Es." 68-10 per inte;-~­pace.'

52.. The locality Situated at Ferry of the Maddi of eight (8) interspaces, held by Shri Shiva Ganu Halancar of Pomburpa. Basic amount" for bidding Rs. 129-72 per interspace.

53. The locality situated near ferry "of Bodiem of six (6) interspaces, held by Siiri Dattaram S. Shir9dcar of Cumanem. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 11~10 per interspace.

5_4._ The locality situated between Ecoxim & Pomburpa of 'Six (6) interspaces, held by Shri Jose Mario de Souza of Pom­burp~..Basic amount for bidding Rs. 72-17 pet interspace.

  1. The locality situated ate.Canal between Corjuem and Maem of five (5) -interspaces, held by Shri Ramnath Vassu Naik of Pomburpa. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 169-47 per i~terspace. '

  2. The locality situated at Colmat of Corjuem of four (4) ~terspaces,_ held by Shri Naraina Roguvir Xette of Aldona. Basic~_~moun-t for bidding Rs. 108-20 per interspace. '

,57.-The locality situated at Calvlm of four (4) interspaces, held by Shri Tucaram Narayan Tari of Ecoxim. Basic amount for _bidding Rs. 14-96 per interspace.

  1. The locality situated at Onnear of four (4) interspaces, held by _Shri Vishnu-Soma Volvoikar of Pomburpa. BaSiC amount for .biddin~ Rs. 112-20 per interspace.

  2. 'The locality situated at Cantoria of Quitula of four (4) interspaces, held by Shri Deu Naik Deuxencar of Aldona. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 232-10 per interspace. •

  3. The locality Situated at Ranoi of Mapuga of fOur ,(4) int,erspaces, held by Shri Vassanta Dattaram Durbatkar of Aldona..:a-asic ~ount for bidding Rs. ~37-96 per interspace.


61. The locality situated nearby Banastarim Bridge of four

(4) -iuterspaces held by Shri Vittol Mahadeu Fotto of Aldona. Basic-_ amount for bidding Rs. 44-28 per interspace.

."62.-The locality situated nearby, Banastarim Bridge (Dodo) of 'five' (5)-lnterspaces, held by Shri Vittol Mahadeo Fotto_ of Aldona. Basic amount for bidding. Rs. 53-58 per interspace.

63. The locality situated at Cumbarjua of six (6) inters­paces! _held by Shri Uttam Vassudeo Sawant of Acaro. Basic amount -for bidding Rs. 78-10 per interspace.


6~., The locality situated at Chapel of Lady Monte of ten (iO), iD.terspaces, held by Shri Ulo Vithoba Fotto of Acaro. Basic amo~t for bidding Rs. 12-30 per interspace"

6!)._ The locality situated at tondam of Naroa of ten_.(10) interspaces, ,held ~by Shri Ulo Vithoba Fotto ot'}'Acaro. Basic amount fo:.: bidding Rs. 58-30 per interspace.

_(l6. The locality situated near San Ferry Wharf of fifteen P~). Interspaces held by Shrt Tulsidas Esvonta Fotto of Acaro. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 11-00 per interspace.

67. The locality situated at Itagem of twelve (12) interspa­ces .held by Smt. Benecdita D'Souza, widow of Shri Jose ·A. Fernandes of Piedade. -Basic amount' for bidding Rs. 29-33

~r lntersp~e._

68. The locality situated at Indorim of Bicholim of three, (3) interspaces held by Shri Essu Fotto of .Noroa. BasiC amoun~ for bidding Rs. 1-37 ped interspace:


69. The locality situated at milichandor bhat of Ai

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