Further the fishing stakes 'lqcality will be fresh. auction. .• .
";:; "LI2) The Director 'of Fisheries reserved the tight to with· hold any locality :of fiship.g stakes from-atict!on~. 3;t any stage -on receipt of complaints a.bout tp~ same ,'!c"of for, any other reasons. The decision of the Director of 'Fisneries in this respect will be final.
l::f) In case rthe;~ is no~ bid lOffered for any of the fJshing f-stake locality, the saine will be put to !fresh auction' ~ oh, the 27th November, '1969 in the ca.s~ of fishing localities speCifIed in Schedule I and n and on lJ2th '" . December, 1.969 in~ the -ease of fishiI!g localitie.s spe
-cifi::III. ;" L' ~
'14) The -sticcessfuJ -bidders will have to bear aU the expen.., -dittfre-towards the'-execution of the'-\contrac"t' or the fishing stakes locality. -.
--; . ~
15) In case the 10caHty fis adjudicate,d to som~one ,other
initial, expen~liture :incurred by' hlm plus 10% 'of the expenses. .
16) Genuine fishermen and registered Cooperative Societies ot: Fishermen will. be entit!ed ,~o bid in tJ:te-auctions.
W. -G. R,anadive, S-ecretary, (Revenue), to the Gov~:rpnien,t of Goa" Daman and Diu.
, ".',_ _ ,,' ___ .J
(Date of auction 17th.& 18th ·November 1969)
Panjim area
River Ohapora>
.11, The:]ocaUty"situated at -Taribntta of Gudem of eightep.u
(18) int,erspacings, h,eld by Shr.i _Tucarama Hari 'l'ari of GudeIJ?;:. ~_ru:liC amouJ?t for biddiup-Rs. 5p-58 per interspacIng.
2. Thtf-locality situated on the ·ascent of the house: of -Shri
.Abreu.~fJ,t ~ QX,eI--of twenty (20) iinterspecings, held by:Shri Vaman :Madeu Corjuencar of Gudem. Basic amount" for bidding Rs.''g-35 per interspacing.
3. Th(f i~~Hty situ~ted at Oxel; of t~n (1110)' inf~rspacings.held by .Shri._ Saunlo Panduronga Tart (Alornecar) vf _Vagalim. BaSic -amount for bidding Rs.. 4-97 per lnterspacing.
.. 4. _The, JO,cality situated at" Chopdem of ten (10) interBpa~ngs held by S~ri Manohar Vishnum Halarnkar (Shirodkar) of Chopde.m; )Basic amount for bidding Rs; 11-38 per inter
spacIng: .... .
, M·andovi Riv~r
5.' The locality;,situated -at Cruder of Ribabdar_ of four (4) lnterspaoings held by §hri Jose Fernandes of Ribandar. -Basic . amount for bidding Rs. 143-90 per interspacing.
6.-The:.-locality-situated -at -Passage of Chomo' of-e1x (6) interspaclngs, held by ShJ.ii Ragunata Hari Naique of ·Chorao. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 108-90 per -interspacing.
" 7.
situated at ferry of PHgaon, of six (6) interspacings, held, by Shrl Dagu 'l'ari .of . St. Estevam. ':Basic amount ~or bidding Rs. 2-20 ,pet: interspacing.
,The locality situated at Monte near slldce gate of Neugi, of two (2) interspacings held by Shri Essu Sawant of Neura. {Basic amount for bidding Rs. "55-00 per 'interspacing.
The locality situated near P. W. D. Panaji of twenty(20) interspacings held by Shri Manuel Antonio Vaz of P~nha de Fran~a. [Operation during Monsoon]. Basic am"milt for''" bidding &S. 1209-68 per interspacing.
. 10. Th~ ~oc~Iity situated near_Bandar of Ribandar of eight '(8) interspacings, held by Shri Lucio Antonio C. Fernandes of Ribandar. Basic amount-for bidding Rs. 47-68 per lnt~l'
spacipg,. .• "
<, 1J1 The locality situated" near Church of Penha de Fran~a of twenty four (24) interspacings held by 'Shri Namdeu Tari of Ribaildar.' tBasic amount foi' bidding Rs. \40-03 per lnter
. 12.. The"l<;>caUty situated at Canal of ChoUnt of ejghteen
(118) fntersp'aclngs 'held by Shri Sebastia6 Cftrdozo of-Riban-, dar. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 83-65 per fntenspacing
13. The locality situated at"Corpir of Chorao, of eight (8) interspacings.-held bv Shri Sebastiao Fernandes of Ribandar. Basic Amount for bidding Rs. ~2-20 per interspacing.
14. The locality situated at dispensary of Refs Magos of
:twelve (12) interspacings held by. Shri Manuel Antonio Vaz of Penha de Fran~a: Basic amount for bidding Rs. ;xi~OO per interspaclng·'i •
. 15.. The locality Situated nearby Chonnt, of twenty (20) intersps:cings, held by Shri Sebastiao Fernandes of Ribandar. Basic amount. for bidding Rs. 28-73 per inte,rspacing;
16-. The IbcaIrlty situated on the ascent' of Campal ~of '~eighteen (118) intevs-pacings, held by Shri -Sebastiao Cardozo of Ribandar. Basic amount for biddlng Rs. 95-8_7 per' inter
-,spacing'. [Operation during Monsoon].
111. The locality situated at Chemerim ,of, eighteen (18) interspacings held by Shri Inacio Antonio !Noronha of Piedade. Basic amount ~or blddfug Rs. 21-~6 per interspacing.
18. The locality situated in the interior '. of Fontainhas; of two (12) lnterspacings held by Shri Sebastiao Cardozo of Rilbandar. /Basic amount for bidding Rs. 2t5-30 per'interspaclng.,
. 19. ."Th6 ~i6caiity S'ltuated at the passage of Aldona, of ;five
(5) interspacings h.eld by Shri ,Balchandra V. Xette of Corjuern. ~asiC_amount._ ~~r bidding Rs. 1-~8 per, mterspacing.
tMandovi} Sinquerim Creek
. 20. The.1ocaJity Situated at Saipem of'Candolim of two (2),~gs ,:tteld ~Y Sp.ri Antonio Cbrnelio DialS', of .Orda, ~asic amount· for bIdding Rs. !2-20 per interspacing.
2r. The locality situated at Doler of Candolim, of six (6) interspacings held by Shri Pedro Hlilario Almeida of Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs., 80-9-6 per 1nterspacmg.
22. The"locality situated nearby BorCCantor. of six (6) in.. terspacings, held by Shri Antonio Cornelio Dias of Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 9-49 per interspacing.
:23. The locality situated at the passage ,of",,Qrda-lNerul, of three (3,) intenspacings,-held by Shri Antonioj Cornelio Dias.
of Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs. '25-30 per interspacing~
The_locality situated near ferry of Nerul, of six (6) in", terspacings held by Shri Francisco Xavier Dias of Candal1m", Basic amount for 'bIdding Rs. 82-50 'per intenspacing.
The locality situated at the mouth, of the river Calv1m;. of _seven (7) interspacings held by Shri Vicente Cc(r(joz~. Qf Ecoxim. Basic amount for 'blddmg-&s. 187~OO per inter.:.· SpaCin&
The locality situated at Badrici Manes of four (4)lnterspacmgs, held -by Shri ,DamLau Franc.s Fernandes of' Orda. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 2-20 per interspacing.
The lOcality situated nearby 'paUiwado' of two_ (2) in~ terspaces, held by Smt. Ana J-OqUlIU Gonsalves.'cif -Orda:. BasIC amount for bldding Rs. 3-60 per interspace.
The locality situated at Saipem of Candolim of two (2) interspaces, held by Shri Manuel Caetano Cardozo of Orda._ Basic amoluit for bidding &s. 7-15 per interspace.
MapuCia Branch
129. The locality situated at Ondear of six (6) interspaces,. held by Shri Jose Maria de Souza of Pomburpa. Basic amount ,for bidding Rs. 27-50 per interspace. . ,
30. The locality situated nearby Chorao of three (3) in~ terspaces held by Shri Bhagwant Vagu Fotto of Ecoxim. BaSte amouut for biaaing l-ts. 2..:20 pel' interspace.
-31. The locality situated nearby Gonvoi of Moira of three
32. The locality situated at 'Udear of Corjuem' of three
(3) inter-spaces, held by Shri Tulsia'as Panaorl Xette of Corjuem. Bas~(; amount tor bi<1dJng Rs. 2-20 per Interspace.
33. The locality situated near the passage,of Moira of two
(2) interspaces, held by Shri-. Chimno Xamba Tari of Moira. BasIC aluOullt lor lJl(lUlug .Ks. 10-4U VeL' LUl.t;:L:::(pal,;e~
34. The locality situated at pas.sage of Ghorao-Pomburpa of seven ('() lllLeL'.~pal:es held by tihu PUnQol1ca Nagues .bnon~ GUle of Pom/.)U).pa. BaSIC amount for bmumg Rs. ltl4~71 per' interspace.
3-5. The locality situated near _CMana of Mapusa of four
(4) interspaces held by Shri Pudollca Xamba Uhodancar of Aldona. basLC amount tor blddlllg lts. 6~-~.l, per inteL'Spal:e.
36. Xhe locality situated nealby Bodiem of three (3) in.. ·
terspaces, !te1d by Shri Saunlo Laxman Chodoncar of Chop, demo Basic amount for bidding Rs. 36-32 per intenspace.
37; The locality situated at Passage of Sircaim of four (4) lnterspaces, held by Shr'i Arjun ltama Corjuencar of Sir-· caim~ Baslc amount for biddIng Rs. 15-73."
38. The locality ;situated ~t Church of Pomburpa of six (6) interspaces, held by Shri Esvonta Baburao Halankar of Pomburpa. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 8-61 per. interspace.
39. The 10'cality situated near One~ of four (4) interpaces, .held by Shri Tucaram Narayan Tari of Ecoxlm. Basic amount. for_ bidding Rs. 1-32 per intenspace.
The locality situated at Uddi of Aldona of four (4) mterspaces, held by Shri Esvonta: Crislla Volvoicar of Aldona.. Basic amount for bidding IUs. 25-61 per interspace.
The locality situated near Church of Moira of two (2) interspaces, held by Shri Caxinata Manu Tari of Moira. Baosic amount for bidding Rs. 1-15 per interspace.
T,he l~cality situated at Quitull-of Aldona' of five (5) interspaces, held by Shri Sadananda Halankar of Sir~aim., BaSic amount for bidding Rs. u2-56 per interspace.
The locality situated at Cantor of Quero village of four (4) interspaces held by Shri Mingelinho Pereira of POIDburpa. Basic amount for bidding Rs. -59-.40 per interspace.
-44. The ,locality situated at ferry of Bilanche Tari of five (-5) -''lnterspaces. held by Shri Timaji Pandurang' Xette of Aldona. Basic amount for biddIng Rs. 4-81 per interspace. .
~--~----------------~------------~~ 45.: The locality situated nearby Acoi of four (4) interspaces held ,by' Shri Pundolica Madev Budo of Acoi. Basic amount for". ~1dding Rs. 3~62 p~r interspace.
46. The locality situated at Acol of Moira of two (2) Interspaces, held by Shri Manohar Guno Halankar (Tari) of Aldona•. Bas:tc-~~unt for bidding Rs.-8-21 per 'intenspace.
4-7. The 'locaiity situated nearby house of Shri Monteiro of three '(3): int.erspaces held by Shri Digambar' Guno' Fotto of· ECQxlm.: Basic amount for bidding Rs. 44-46 per interspace.
": 48. The-locality situated near Panarim of four (4) inter." spaces held by Shri Pondori Gharso Xette of ·Panarim. Basic amount_for b~dding Rs. .J.-~1 per interspace.
49." The -locality situated at Calvim Codpar of four' (4) interspaces, held by -Shri. Vicente Cardozo of Eco&im._ BaSic\ am.9~t,::fo.r _bi49ing _&s. 1,75~17 per interspace. -.
5Q';; The locality situated at Toleachea Poriant; of four (4) Interspaces, held by Shri Tinutji Panduranga XeUe of Aldona. Basic aptount -for bidding Rs. 44-78 per interspace.
'. 51. The locality situated at St. Bartolomeu of Chorao of six (6) interspaces, held by Shri Jose Mario de SouZia of Pomof ·Pomburpa. Basic amount for bidding Es." 68-10 per inte;-~pace.'
52.. The locality Situated at Ferry of the Maddi of eight (8) interspaces, held by Shri Shiva Ganu Halancar of Pomburpa. Basic amount" for bidding Rs. 129-72 per interspace.
53. The locality situated near ferry "of Bodiem of six (6) interspaces, held by Siiri Dattaram S. Shir9dcar of Cumanem. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 11~10 per interspace.
5_4._ The locality situated between Ecoxim & Pomburpa of 'Six (6) interspaces, held by Shri Jose Mario de Souza of Pomburp~..Basic amount for bidding Rs. 72-17 pet interspace.
The locality situated ate.Canal between Corjuem and Maem of five (5) -interspaces, held by Shri Ramnath Vassu Naik of Pomburpa. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 169-47 per i~terspace. '
The locality situated at Colmat of Corjuem of four (4) ~terspaces,_ held by Shri Naraina Roguvir Xette of Aldona. Basic~_~moun-t for bidding Rs. 108-20 per interspace. '
,57.-The locality situated at Calvlm of four (4) interspaces, held by Shri Tucaram Narayan Tari of Ecoxim. Basic amount for _bidding Rs. 14-96 per interspace.
The locality situated at Onnear of four (4) interspaces, held by _Shri Vishnu-Soma Volvoikar of Pomburpa. BaSiC amount for .biddin~ Rs. 112-20 per interspace.
'The locality situated at Cantoria of Quitula of four (4) interspaces, held by Shri Deu Naik Deuxencar of Aldona. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 232-10 per interspace. •
The locality Situated at Ranoi of Mapuga of fOur ,(4) int,erspaces, held by Shri Vassanta Dattaram Durbatkar of Aldona..:a-asic ~ount for bidding Rs. ~37-96 per interspace.
61. The locality situated nearby Banastarim Bridge of four
(4) -iuterspaces held by Shri Vittol Mahadeu Fotto of Aldona. Basic-_ amount for bidding Rs. 44-28 per interspace.
."62.-The locality situated nearby, Banastarim Bridge (Dodo) of 'five' (5)-lnterspaces, held by Shri Vittol Mahadeo Fotto_ of Aldona. Basic amount for bidding. Rs. 53-58 per interspace.
63. The locality situated at Cumbarjua of six (6) interspaces! _held by Shri Uttam Vassudeo Sawant of Acaro. Basic amount -for bidding Rs. 78-10 per interspace.
6~., The locality situated at Chapel of Lady Monte of ten (iO), iD.terspaces, held by Shri Ulo Vithoba Fotto of Acaro. Basic amo~t for bidding Rs. 12-30 per interspace"
6!)._ The locality situated at tondam of Naroa of ten_.(10) interspaces, ,held ~by Shri Ulo Vithoba Fotto ot'}'Acaro. Basic amount fo:.: bidding Rs. 58-30 per interspace.
_(l6. The locality situated near San Ferry Wharf of fifteen P~). Interspaces held by Shrt Tulsidas Esvonta Fotto of Acaro. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 11-00 per interspace.
67. The locality situated at Itagem of twelve (12) interspaces .held by Smt. Benecdita D'Souza, widow of Shri Jose ·A. Fernandes of Piedade. -Basic amount' for bidding Rs. 29-33
~r lntersp~e._
68. The locality situated at Indorim of Bicholim of three, (3) interspaces held by Shri Essu Fotto of .Noroa. BasiC amoun~ for bidding Rs. 1-37 ped interspace:
69. The locality situated at milichandor bhat of Ai1djng>