[Date of auctw"!' 19th and-20th November, 1-969],,'
S8uth Zone '.. :.
Locality situated at Zalvona of Appapora -6f '21. '~ters-: pacings, helq by. Shri Nora Pondori Xete, from-purbate.· The baSic bid. ~ount for bidding &s. 52~4:2, per lnterspace.
Locality situated at Agagaim, of li6 interspacings, 'held by Shri :Sebastiao Pinheiro, from Agacalim. The basic bid amount. for bidding Rs. :4~11. per intersp~oo.
Locality situated at ~andir, of 40 interspacings, he:ld by Shri Francisco Pinheiro, from Agagaim. The basic -bid amount for bidding Rs. 4-11 per interspace.
Locality situated at Morgadant, of '3 interspacings, held by Shri Domingos de Souza, from Curca. The basic bid amount for bidding &S. 4-42 I,'er iinterspace.
Locality situated at Valeanda, of 12 interspacingsj held by Shri Francisco Xavier Miranda, from Goa Velha. The. basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 2-84 per interspace.
Locality situated at Ambora of interspacings, held by Shri Constancio Vaz from Ilhas Rachol. The 'basic bid amount: for bidding Rs. 2-Z{) per interspace.
Locality Situated Near the Chapel of Our Lady IOf Gloria, of ,10 interspacings, held by Shri Jose Mamiel Pinheiro, from Rachol. The basic bid-amount for biddIDK Rs. 2-20 per interspace.
Locality Situated at Cormonim of Siroda, of 19 ~ters... pacings, held by Shri J oao Antonio Pinheiro, from Rachol. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 2-20 per interspace.
Locality situated at Ponsapla of Marcaim, of 26, inters.... pacings, held by Shri Ananta Ragu Fotto, from .Marcaim.The basic bid amount· for bidding Rs. 1-37 per interspace;
Locality situated at Gudea Casana of Quelossim" of 25 interspacings, held by Shri Ladu Gango Fotto, frl)m Bandora. The basic bid amount fo-r bidding Rs. 1-37 per inters~ pace.
1111. Locality situated at Mangue of lCurtorim, of \} inters-. pacings, held by Shri Chimno Madev Sawant, from Curtodm; The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 26-95 Pa. . .
Locality situated at Borna of G~ndaim, of' 4 fnter'spacings, held by Shri Conum Madev Fotto from -Cundaim. ~h~: basic bid amount for biddjng Rs. 7'6/-per interspace; .
Localiity situated at Gudea Casana of Quelossim,_ of-'14 interspacings, held by Shri Atmaram Govind Tarj, 'from Bandora. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. ,L~37 per: intersp~ce. '
Locality sttuated at Motambi of Quelossim, of :2 inte~p~cings, held _by Shri Datta Darma Naik, from .Bandora." The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 1-87 per int-erspace.
lt5. Locality situated at Quelosslm, of 1 interspace, J:1eld by Shri Sh~ba, Naguesh Fotto, from Bandora. Th~, -basic.' bid amount for bidding Rs. 1-37 per interspace.
16. Locality situated at Tonca of Marcaim, of 2 inters':'" pacings, held by Shri Mahadev Datta Fotto, from ;t\'farcaim. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 1-1-6 per intetsp:a~e.~
0.:7. ,Locality Situated at Padribata; of Cortalhl1; of 12 in..:, terspacings, beld by Shri Dulo Govinda Fotto, from Marcaim~.:: The basic bid, amount for bidding IRs. 11:"'16 per interspace.
, . .
Locality _situated at Siroda, of 10 intersp'acings held.: by Shri Jose Caetano Fernandes, from Agacaim. The' basic-' bid amount for bidding Rs. 1~37 per .interspace. . .'
Locality situated at Arvoi of Cortafim, of 2 ·interspacings, held by Shri Mariano de'Melo, from Cortalim. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 177--10 per interspace.
• 2(,.:_ Locailty situated at Sesa Bandir of Marcaim, Qf 35 inte:f€.piiClngs held by Shri ~pu Datta Fotto, from Bandora. T!te basic bid amount for _bidding Rs. 2-54 per lnterspace.
21(. Locality situated at Zumbdi of Quelossim, of 4 ~~terspacings, held by Shri Jose Joaquim D'Mello. from Cortalim. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 3-911 per interspace.
~. Ldcaiity situated at Curpodem of Quelosshn" ~Jf l4 inteFspilcings, held by Shri Jose Joaquim D'Melo, from CortaUlil. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. e4-71 p('r
23. Locality situated at Loutulim, of 2 "1nterspacings, held by Shrl Anselmo Dias, from Loutl.llQm. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 15-83 per interspace.
24. Locality Situated at Dudia:batl, of '13 tnters'pacings, held by Shri Naracinva Chedo Naik, from Marcaim. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 16-50 per interspace.
25. Locality situated at ParampOli of 15 interspacings,neld by 8hri Hanumata Vamona Fotto, from Marcaim. The 1i~lc bid amount for bidding Rs.: :1412-60 per, iJ?terspa'ce. '26. Localiity situated at Barbota of Siroda, Of 12 (twelve) tritersp_a~mgs, held by Shri Lumo Narayan Tari, from Siroda. ,The basic bid amount for bidding Rs, 73A2 per (interspace.
,27. Locality situated at Curtorim, of .20 (twenty) interB~ pacIgs, held by ShIfl Camilo Fernandes, from Curtorim. The baste' bid amount for biddin:g Rs. 77/-per interspace:
.'2:8. Locality situated at Manguem of Macasana, of 9 (nine) iAterspaCin:gs; held by Shri Minguel Filipe Fernandc-J, from Ma'casaD:a. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 64-90 perltiterspace.
.2-9-. Locality situated at Quelossim of 2,6 (Twenty six:) futersp'acing'S, held by Shri Gokuld~ Lingu Fotto from Ban~ dora.-The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 8-52 per interspace.
,aO'. Locality situated at Carbota Qf (Nine) 9 interspacings,he)'(i rrjj Shri Va'ssudev Vitol Fotto from Durbhat. The basic '-bid amount for bidding Rs. :12-123 per interspace.
~1. _Locality situated at iBorim of ,15 (fifteen) interspacings, held by Shri Bicu Ganesh F'otto from Durbhat. The basic bid afuount fur bidding iRs. 11116-92 per interspace.
:312." Locality situated at Agacaim of 41 (Forty one) interstl~6iiigs~ ~~d Stiri Francisco Pinheiro from Agacaim. The basIc bid amount for bidding Rs. 121-73 per interspace.
Locality situated near passage of Racaim of 8 (eight) inters,l>acings:, held by Shri Vamon Ganesh Fotto from Durbhat. Tne basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 34-.10 per lilterspace: '
Locality situated, at Adolxim of '15 (fifteen) interspa~ifi.t'~, ,h~~ by,Shri. Monu Satu Fotto from Durbhat. The basfc bid amount for bidding Rs. \1:13-4l2 per interspace.
'3'50. Locality situated at Durbhat of 9 (nine) interspacings, heM -by Shri Moneo Satu Fotto from Durbhat. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs./u.40-0f' per interspace.
iSS. Locality situated at passage of lRacaim of 18 (eighteen) interspa;clngs, held by Shri Vassuedv Vitol Fotto from Durbhat. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 162-15 per interspace.
Locality situated at Arvoi of Cortalim 'Of 2: (two) interspacings, held by Shri Rvsario Gorjao from S. JaCinto. Th'e basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 1-37 per interspace.
Loca,lity ,situ~ted at (Rachol of 8 (eighi:) interspacings, held' by Shri J!Oao Oliveira from Rachol. The basic bid amount tor biddm-g Rs: 1-37 per interspace.
00:', L06ality' situated' near Chikalim light house of 6 (siX) ititerspacings, held, by Shri Manuel Jose Fernandes' from Vasco. The basic bid' amount for bidding IRs. 11-37 per interspace.
,.fil-Locality' situ~te{f at Linaoche Cantor of 4 (Four) 'inter~pa\Hnis:"lteld': by S111'i ~anu Ramachandra Fotto from Cun-' daim: The basic bid' amount for bidding Rs. 1-37 per,ltiter
spaee:' '
'411~' Lo-Ciiihj' situated' at Madant Nuvem Bhatant Canal of > QUelbs~iIV-" _of 3, __ (three) interspadngs, held by Shri Inaclo C61~o;~,fl'om ,_Gort~im. The basic, bid' amount for bidding Rs. 2-120 _per .interspace.
4:1:: !.;oeality situated' at Godgar of Borim of 18 (eighteen) int-erspaCirigs/held by Shri Bieu Ganesh Fotto from Durbhat. The' basiC' bid' amoimt for bidding Rs. 50-&1 per ltiterspace.
/' , -,,_, __-, '_ "';i_, .;,
43,. Locality situated at Zambear.of BorU:n,of.,-18 :(elghte,~p) interspacings, held by Shri SltalJ.kar }?oti Folto ~fi'lQm.-Dtirblia1: The basic bid amount for bidding ~_. :1,.8-70 i>#r '-iilt~ts~a:ce-:
44. Locality situated at Manguer of Neura Of 5 (five) in· terspacings, held by Shri Tilu Siva' Sawant--frotti Neura",The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 12-59 per .iD:teispace~' '-",.: "
45'. Locality situated at Conear of' Cundalin' bf 6:;~$'{xf i~~ terspacings, held by Shri Tilu Siva Sawant ,fro~SNeura/"The basic bid amount for bidding IRs. :2-63 per-interspaceii-' ' , ' .
46. Locality situat'ed at Caria porno~of-6(slxf iDtersp~~i~g;~held by Rhri-Janu Vagu Fotto ,from Marca1nij:The;--oa:Sic'·'bi~ amount for bidding Rs. 2-75 per interspace. ' . --",,~',~',
47..Locality situated at Manda bata:r-of'CUfid~ifu-6li'~~ifi:)' interspacings held ,by Shri Hori Shankar _Tari'_from CundaIm. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 'lJI5-50, per intespace; :~:,
4:8. Locality situated at Ambrlm o{-Neura-Of''S (clght\:'1~~' terspacings, held by Shri Costa Vaz from 1v!andur. ,The baSic bid amount for bidding Rs. 165-38 per interspaJCe~
Locality situated at Oanal of Cumbarjua of'S -('six) iD.t~t~ spacings, held hy Shri Vassu Fotto from Cundaim. The bas1e bid amount for bidding Rs. !1-37 per interspace.
Locality situated at Canal of Cumbarjua 'Of "4 {fotidinterspacings, held by Shri "Loximona Suba Tari from '-buri~ daim. The basic bid amount for bidding ,Rs. -!l,-:16_ per' int~r~ space. .
5J.. Locality Situated' at Canal of Cumbarjua of 2 -(tWo)' interspacings, held by Shri Loximona Suba Tari _,fl'oll1-Cundaim. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. :1-16 ,per, inter: space.
52. Localty Situated at Canal of Cumbar~ua _of: 4-, (four) interspacings, held by Shri. Krishna Tuco Foto fro,m_ 'Cqnda~ The basic bid amount for bidding iRs. 1,1-25 per__ intex:spa~,
53; LucaUty situated at Cunda!.m of 4 (four) interspac1ngsi held by Shri Bioal'o Shankar' Fotto from Cundaim. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 77~OO_ per interspac'e.' ,
Locality situated at Pargar, of CUndaim ·of -8 (eight' interspacings, held by Shri THu Siva Sawant from Neura. The basic bid amount for ,bidding Rs. :14.:57 -per inte-r:space.
LoC<'~Jity situated at Choutant of 2(two) int~tspacings; held by Shri Bernardino Cardoz:o from Curca. The b~ic,bid amount for bidding Rs. 4-1J. per interspace. , ..
Locality situated at Undir of 12 (two) interspacings~ held by Shri Digambur Deu S-awant from Curca._ .The 'basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 4-11 per interspace. "
'57. Locality Situated at Parar, of 2. (twpJ. lnteJ'spa'cJng$-;. held by -Shrt Babaji Deu Sawant from Curca. The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 19-25 per .interspace. '
Locality situated at Zonglear of Zuarj~1l__ 9i-'1_,,(oiI~-j-, interspacings, held by Shri Francisco de Souza from Goa Velha. The baste bid amount for bidding Rs. 3'30-55 per interspace.
Locality situated at Church of Siridao of 2 (two) interapacings, held by Shri Francisco Xavier de Souza frolli-Curca_: The basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 28-60 per -interspace'"
Locality Situated at -Ponsabaf of 2 (two) interspacirigs, held, by Shri Francisco Xavier de Souza from CUl;ca. The'~ basic bid amount for bidding Rs. 34-37 per interspace. " '
6'1. Locality 'situated at Junto de Ponte de $iridao _of 2~~(two) interspa<>ings, n,eld by Shri Maria Vitoria D,Souza, from :Curca:" The -baSic bid amount for bidding_, Rs. I-S7...per interspace,:
62. Locality situated at Banet-ar of. $iridao of 2 (two) inters
pacings, held by Shri Balm Krishna-,Naik from Curea. The I basic bid amount for bidding Rs. Q-i20 per interspace.,..
'63. Locality Situated at paino of Siddao' Of':~" hwo»)p.t~~~:-, pacings, held by Shri Caetano de, Souza ~rom .9u.~c~. ;TQ~_'j basic bid-amount for, bidding Rs. 1-16 per interspace. ,
:Locality,situated at Dandir-of Zuari~ of ,:l('i\.yo).'.i'nterS:.,-: pacings, held by Shri Francisco de Souza' fi~>ri\,' q1.1~,~:}~~~:-; basIc bid amount for bidding JRiS. 2J20-00 per 1nterspace~
Locality SitUated at Sinear of-Curca of ,_2 .(tW_o:)';:,fut~~~pacings, held by Shri Siva Pitu Tarf from Ctiica: ,The' basic: bid amount for bldding Rs. 2-79 per interspa:ce. '~ ,
66. Locality situated at Tondey of Carmona of 6, S(Six.'2'..:' interspacings, held by Shri Benjamim BenediUf-tia llva from Assolna. The basIc bid amount for bidding Rs. 1~65 per interspace~,.
-~ 67. tiJeality~¥situated ~t COrPi of 20 (twenty) interspacings, held, by Shri Ga"'br~~~ da Silva from Ambelim. The basic bid .~ amount for bi'dding: Rs. 1~65 ~er interspace.
Locality situated at Socoilo vaddo of Cavelossim of 12 (twelve) Interspacings, held IJY Shri Benjamin Benedito da Silva "froul'· AssolDa: The baSic bid amount for bidding Rs: 1-37 per Inters'paee. .
Locality situated at C~rmona Deussua of 3 (three) interspacmgs. held by Shri Agostinho _Leitao from-Deuss1l:a. The basic bid amount for biddfug Rs. 1-16 per interspace.
Locality situated 'at Chinchinim of 5 (five) interspa~ ciugs, held by Shri Agostinho Lei~ao from Deuss!J.~. The basic bid amQunt for biRs.--l~~4 per "interspace.. ":; ..
Locality situated at Chip£r of CavelQssim .of 8 (eight) interspacings, held by Shri. Gabriel da SUva from Ambelim. The basic bid amQunt' fQr bidding Rs; 1-14 per interspace.
Locality situated at Loliem _of Assolna .of 15 (fifteen) interspacings, held by Shri Gabriel da Silva from Ambelim. The basic bid amount for bidding Hs. 2-48 per interspace.
Locality situated at Manxern of AssQlna .of 15 (fifteen) interspacings, held by Shri Gabriel da _Silva fr.om Ambelim. The basic bid am.ount f.or bidding Rs. 2-48 per interspace.
74.' Locality siil.iated at FQnderQ .of Deussua .of 4 (f.our) interspacings, held by Shri Francisc.o Leita.o fr.om C:hinchinim. The basic bid amQunt ·f.or bidding Rs. 1-16 per mterspace.
Locality situated at GinQi .of Ass.olna .of 6 (siX) interspacings, _hel~ by Shri Minguel CQrreia f:?m Deus~ua. The ~asic bid amQunt f.o~ -bidding Rs. 2-48 per-mterspace.
Locality situated ,at S.oc.orer .of' Chinchinim .of 4 (four) " inter8pacings, held, by Shri Francisc.o Leitao fro~ Deussua. The basic bid' am.o_unt fQr bidding Rs. 2-48 per -mterspace.
~caiitY,situated at painint .of qavelossjm .of 15 (fifte~n) interspacings, held by Shri Gabriel da Silva fr.om. Ambellm. The basic bid am.oun~_ for bidding Rs. 2-48 per mterspace.
78.·L.ocality situated at Agarvad.o of Chinchinim of.4 .(~Q~r) interspacings, held by Shri Baltazar LeitaQ fr.om ~hmchlmm. The basic: bid_ am.ount for bidding Rs. 2-52 per mterspace.