!{loa; joth October,1969 (Kartika 8, 1891)

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..:......G. R. Mamnk'l£rve, ,Conservator Panagl, 24 de' OUtubro' de '1969. -'-: G. R. Mavinkurve, Con­'of Forests, , / servador das ¥atas.

,,;.". ',i:'.~_:"'::'-'~ ;-:,'i :' ,_ _J.JoJic~. '_"'--Itr accofdance; With; _-"the' terms .and" fOr the purpose 'establish-ed' in''the;aHicle'-330-of:··ru~Vc8de" of ComUnidadeS: in force',-lt"is -hereby 'announced ~that'Bap~a;l Khusl,l.a]das.. \~re­'< sident-' '0:( Marg-a;cF'Cricket' Cltl}j: :-:'of ,-'Margao;__ 'has' ,~pplh~d 't~ yi'eld grat'ltity' 'Of 'afpart/-o~,·the-:'.paddY:-~fie1_d:.·~eno~ipate~: ~~;,o lan'go ,de," 1V101D.deUa/'plot(rid:''7'5~.c6f ·~6mQ.iiidade~)pr.-:~>a'r~, 'o.fi-Iength-of 181'oo":_metres' ahd 'width of five metre~',~n -.~r.d~r to serve as access or passage to Dr. Rajelldra P.rassad Sta~ dium to t~e, east" qeing ..th~" r~fe~-re;d,_l?~4dX;:f1eld ,_leas!~(t·by Ana Maria Pereira, -widow of Sebastiao Meni¥', d~,_, ,Costa an_d bc;mnded by north with the public road which :fu'om Margao"directs;'to Quepem, 'On the sout). with row IOf .coconut trees of Maria. Quiter-ia . ~~q,~k?J..'':9n the.east with the plot no. 7,54 denommated Gomdella of, the saId Comunidade and on-the, We§f,' wi~, the P19t.' nor 75?~,denominated-, lZlld:' plot of Moj.ndella of ,the said Comunidade-'~xpr0pri~~; by.,tbe-Muni­. cipallty of S~sete,. no", yielded ..to' the .~a!d 9\ub,,,-'Flle ,no. 177/1969, '. . ...• ..... .... .. Anyone' h'
Margao 22nd October; )1.969. ~The _Secretary," Bogvont.o Vitol POl:obo Chimulc,a1'. "

V. nO. 63lJ2/1969

Administration office ofth" Comunidades of Bardez


_2 In accordance ,with the terms, and for the _purpose es­tablished in the artlcle 330 of the 'Code ofC6munidades in force" it,is hereby' announced that: _ArjJina_ V~su AI4oncar,

'resident of Paliem,_has applied on lease' for construction of' a house, the_rockyt uncultivated (and ',unused t:plot 'namedd«-Parte de Alto_de Cumbarvadd6l>, situated at Paliem, -and' ·belonging ,to, the Comunidade of the same village, covering an area of 6QO sq. metres. It is bounded on the east by the limit of Punola village and road; on",weSt by the property of the heirs of _caetano Maria, de Mendollga and plot of _the said Comuw

nidade,~on north by the division no. -3 of, bumpem and leased plot of Jose AVelino Soares, and road' -and on the, south' by the :property of Pedro de Souza ..and others and leased plot of Jose' caetano de "Souza;----.:. File' nO. '118/:1969." '

If any person has--any objection against the propOsed lease,

he -should,' submit ,his 'objections in' writing to'the':'Adminis;" ,trator: of. Comunidades, ,within 30 days from the -\Second pub­'~licat1on of this notice in,-the,Government Gazette..

Ma:tmsa, 1st Septelllbert 19~~t~Tli~ S~cret,ary, Ma;f1.guexa Ragoba Sinai 'Qu~b;

. '\1,-no, 6227/1969

, (Repeated)

"Comunidades» .


,3 A,s,~ir~cted" the, ::1:bove~enti,one.d Comu~idade.is her~by convened for'-~ extraordinary meeting at its Meeting Hall on 3rd Su:p.day,.after the publicatiQn of this notice In the Go­vernment Gazette, 'at 10.00 'a. m. 'to resolve :on the .appli~aiion made by ,Mr..Antonio ~~.rzif1&';de Jesus Pereira, member of this -Co{nunidade, dated grd August, 1969 in which he pro­poses that the hilly lands of this Comunidade be brought

"un"'~:~ia~~ 28th; :S~~t~~~e~~ -19u~"~'~e Clerk,:' Panduronga .

S'inai Oandiaparcar. / ,;")

>, .. " ,: • , '

V. no. 6297/1969 Mcirgcio

4 The abovementioned Comunidade is hereby convened-for, an extraordwa:ry ·meetlng on the 3rd ~Sunday after the publi­cation of this noti.ce in the 'Government Gazette, ,at 10 a~ "m., in its Meeting Hall,' to deal' with the petition of Narayn G. K~at... res:id4lg at Margao, fUe no:', 4 of 1969; wherein he

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... ·'·'0·' ,,'-,.> "-:::,dTt)

kW : ,.~d!'1,in~tra~ao das Comunidades ''Saicete

i> y"-~,>l t-n~m;j,oJ:' <, ";0,,(

'):: ,

:~os-: ternios'; e,' "p_ara' 6s:-fin's -d0 ':-q1iS-Posto, nO'·.'iirtigti,: ,SSOi9 do C6dlgo' tlas!Conl1.inidadeS'~eni'.:vigdt, anunCia;;seo:que -Bapala,l -Khushaldas;-,'P:resident'e'-'de ,Mal"ga'o)~Cr.icket· Club;'-de 'Margao, requereu ·Bi ce'de~c1a gratuita-'de.tlma,':parM de: \rarzea')d:erlo~ li1inada;j1~(,' -i'ang6,_de,},Moiridena; iot'e __!_ri:<{ 7q5; di;:'co¢iinid~~:_'d~ Ma"tgao; no",cofuprilTiehtd!tle'-i81/20,~-m..,·e na largu~ai"de 'cin~ metros, para servir de accesso ou passagefu -a Dr:" Rajerld-ra Prassa:d Stadium, ,.do--lacto.~~riascehte, sendo--a' referida.: .varZea arrendada por Ana ~ariaPereira, viuva de Se-ba.stiao Menulo da ,CQsta, e, confrontado de norte, com a estrada nacio-nal que de Margao se dirige a Qu~~~m.; "~~e, suI com 0 valado de pal­meJ.ras de Maria Quiteria" :Barreto. de nascente ,com 0 lote ,n.~, 1'5~'_ d,~nol11-\Iladq/q9it;Ldell~ _d~li;dib!t-,--c9mu.ni~: e;-de, p~nte .com;. 0\ (lote, li.75,6: denominado' l2;~o late, de "Moinde:lla'; da tlitiI. comunidade ,I?.xpropriado_ pel.i camara-"MuniCipal de, Salc-ew • bra',:cedidb ;ao dito, Club. ~Processo n.O ,.177/1969. ",

Qualquer pessoa que' tiv~r objecgao--Elobre Ii' dita' i>fet~_nsao, deveta aprese:htar:.nesta' :A'4ministra~a.o.--'por 'ese:rito, a sJia~> reclaniagao,--dentro__ do-'prazo de_ 30 dias a c:~ntar_ da,'segund~ publicagao >d~ste ,no BOlefim 0fiqiai. '~:

M'arga:o:, 22 q'e Outubro'-de:,-'_1.96~•.-/b S~cretariO> ~ogwnto ,Vi~ol ,Porobo Ohimulcar.

: G. n.' 6312/1969

Admi~istra~ao das Coinunida'C1es· de Sardis


2, Nos termos e para os fins do disposto no-artigo 330.° do vigente' .C6digo das Comunida:des; anuncia-se que Arju~a Vassu Aldoncar, TeBldente em Paliemt requereu 'em afora-, mento_para constru{;iao -dE!; casa 0 terreno rocho~o" incult-o e -desaproveita:ao, denominado «Parte. de' Alto de Cti~~~~ad~~~:, sito em Pa1iem e pertencente a comunidade de mesma aldeia, na area de '600m2, confrontado de nascente com 0 limite da aldeia Punola e caminho, de poente com 0 predio dos_herdeiros de caetano MarJa de Mendonga _e terreno da dita comunidade,

i:de '-llOtte "c6in,-' 0 taJ.h:ao n.o.' '3: de ,Dumpem -:e -atoramehto de Jose Avelino Soares-e caminho:ce de SuI com ',<> predio' de Pedro 'de Souza e outros e aforamefito de JOse Caetan

Se-',alguem tiver qualquer objecgao. contra',-a 'pretensao em objecto, ,dEwera submeter-'aB','suas objecgoes por escrlto 'a6 Administtador: das', Comunidades .no, p:razO '((6':-30 tlias"~a contar da--'segunda' publicagao' deste anuncio' no );Jolet"iin ·Oficial. .

, ' . , .',' -" -" ,-'-' ~ , ,"

Mapu~,,1_ de S,etembro 'de ,196\). -:-_0 ,Secr~tarlo".1~angwp;aRagobd 'S;inai Quencro.' ' ';;-, , ". '

G. n.' 622\11969


Comunidades ,--'

3' ~Por.': detenn1n~ciio-superior';~: ··convoca.da~ a ,',sobredita comunidade,_ para lSe reunlr em sessao extraordmArla~,_no terce-iro, donlingo ap6s a publica~'O del:;te no Bolet'im QfiiWal;_ 'no local de 'casa de suas sessoes, pelaS~-io horas" para' delib~,t:'~l'

o que'tiver por conveniente sobre a petigao do 'Sr~ Ant6Ii1b Virgilio,'-:'de Jesus Pereira, componente desta comunidade, datada de a de Agosto findo, em que propoem que _os terrenos oiteirais desta cOllfunidade sejarn trazidos ,a cultul'a de c-~jual

'pOr esta comlinidMe." >,. -•

"Rata, '2S'-:-sete~b1.:~~~:a~>r_~9~;9: 7" 9,~~~c~iv~,Q,-_~~n4~~~~~~

S'mai 'OandiaiJa'};car. " '.

-. . G_ n.~6297(1!t1W

Margcio 4, ,~ COI?-v9C~a a 'supradi~ corm;mi¢ade.. em ses'saO'i~t¥­

oreUnAi'm, 'no;" tereeiro·' domingo' ap"&:;" ii" ptiblicacaoc., oeste' Y no .1!oletim, Pficial, '~s 10-'Jio.ra.s•.a,fim -de-reunindo lia '-ca'ss' 'de sessOes,' del1berar 0 que tiv.er por-cOl).veniente_sobre~a..peti~o de ,,;Narayap. G. Kamat, residente em Margao, autuada sob

o n.O '4.de ''1969, em que requere em aforamento paTa cons­(l'cquest the lease of l~d with nl) special denomi:nation, Situated at -Sollsodo, belo"ngiIig' to this Comunidade for cons~ truction of a house.

v. no; 6310/1969

5 The abovenamed ,Comuntdade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting on the. :3rd Sunday. after th~,·publi­cation _of -~hts notice in the Government Gazette; at ilO a: m. in its Meeting Hall. to -deal with the petition of Dr. Rama Hegdo, xesiding, a:t Margao, file no.. 3 of -1969 wherein he request the lease' 9f. ,land _ with no "speCial, denomination, sl­t1:lated l!lt :Sonsodo, belo~ging to this :Gomunidade -.for c.ons­truction_ -of . a house.

Margao, nSth October, 1909. ---:'The Clerk, G1.l,rudas Govinda


v. no. oorl;71!J69



6 The abovementioned -Comunidade, 'is convened to-meet .in an _extraordinary me:eting, at',ll a. m., at::1ts Meeting Hall, on _the',Srd Sunday after the ,_publication, of ,this notice in_ the Government Ga,z~t,te, ,with, the representation on ,2/3:iof: its social capital, to deliberate _about the ;following matters:­,1st ~eque~t -of' Gram Panchayat?-_ of grant pf: remaining-part


of land, «Nof9.och~, dos Ferreiros» in the area of -792 sq. metres for the construction of Gram: Panchayata Ghar, cum Community Hall (Libr~ry);' 2nd -Request of the subsidy at the ,favour-of, «Centro :Cultural , Recreativo EutrapeUa» of Ca­lang-ute. If there is no quorum, the same' is-convened for 2nd .time,-: with, t.he. same representation of social capital at the same time and place tq deUberate the same matters on the 4th Sunday, and even if it does not meet this time, the same ::is convened for 3rd time,_ with ordinary form, OU the '5th Sun­day in the-fsame place"and ·time to-'dellberate:'tlle'same mat­ters. The twenty major shareholders are also hereby con­

...-vened at 12 a. m. on the 6th Sunday in the $ame place to give their opinion on the deliberation taken by the Comunidade or i,t~ M&-nagi!l.g Cpml)1it~ee -in its absence. If t:tte day fixed fqr meetings there falls any Goy~rnment holidays, then the meet~ng WIll .be ileld t,he ,next day. '

Calangute, 21ist October, -1.969. -The Clerk, Rajaram-a Pon­aori Folari.

v. no. 6316/1969


. 7'The abov:ementioned Comunidade Is hereby convened for, ~ n:tee~ing -_at. -~ts. Meeting Place, on 3rd ~unday after ,tP-e-·puplica~~9n.. o:t this notice_ in ,the Governm~nt Gaiette, at '11 a. m.;_with the representation oJ_2/3_ .of its sh_are capital, J,:p. orde.r,:tq~giye.its opinion"on the petition of G. S. Nachinol­,ker•.Chief ~i:'omotor 'f.or, «Garden Homes», H;ousing ,Co-ope~

rative, 'S,o'ci~ty;" -Bardez, Goa, referred ill' the file n.o. 101 ... of ,1969 'in-whi¢l).--'-ll,e ,mshes_lto purc:qase a portion of -land of the lot n.o. '341, named «Goddibaim» belonging. tQ ,tflis Comunidade of Pilerne and situated on the both sides of the road which ,from P.o~vorim' leads 'to -Sangolda, '~dicat~d in the in~p, at the, pages' 16 of '\the said file, covering ari area of 30.000 S:q.~ metres for the cQnstruction of houses being the 'price based on total payment of twenty instalments of mini­mum annual lease rent (fero) and free of any auctiQn. If ~t fails to meet on the aforesaid date it is convened for the 2ri,d time on the 4th S1,lnda,Y,:~t,tl).e; same time and place and With representatiQn of the same capital social tQ resolve the same' 'issue. And -,even though it fails to .-meet during this time, it is again convened for the third time on 5th Sunday, dn'its:-Qrdinary: form,-at the,same place"Iand time to-discUSS the 'same ~issue•.

Pilerne, 12th C~tober, 1969. -_The 'Clerk -ih charge~
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