Madaminova moxidil qurvonali qizi

get/go/set to work (on smth) – ishga kirishmoq

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Madaminova Moxidil Qurvonali qizi

get/go/set to work (on smth) – ishga kirishmoq;
a bad workman quarrels with his tools -yomon kosib bigiz tanlar;
out of work - ishsiz, bekor;
many hands make light work – ko‘pdan quyon qochib kutilmas;
no bees, no honey, no work, no money – mashaqqatsiz baxt
kelmas,mehnatsiz taxt kelmas;
care killed the cat - ish qaritmaydi, balki g‘am qaritadi;
such carpenters, such chips - mol egasiga o‘xshamasa, harom o‘ladi;
if you agree to carry the calf they will make you to carry the
cow-yog‘oshning bo‘shini qurt yer; daraxtning mo‘rtini qurt yer;
burn the candle at both ends - kuchini bekorga sarflamoq, kuch berib
burn the midnight oil - kechasi bilan uxlamasdan ishlamoq;
Thus, if languages go back to one original source with their borrowing, one can talk about the figurative and stylistic similarity of such idioms, which have become so familiar for both Uzbek and English that we do not think about their origin. However, translation from language to language often changes This is such an interesting phenomenon for English and Uzbek language. So we see the difference of images in the following idioms:
To make a mountain out of a molehill - pashshadan fil yasama;
A piece of cake – Oddiy masala;
dun’s the Mouse - аhа, qo‘lga tushding-mi, ajab bo‘ldi!;
has the cat got your tongue? - nima tilingizni yutib yubordingizmi?;
off one’s own bat – nima bolsa bo‘lar ;
A comparative typological analysis of the phenomenon of idioms in English and Uzbek phrases made it possible to draw the following conclusions:
-Phraseological units in Uzbek are subdivided into two types: phraseological unity and phraseological merge, in English language are subdivided on phraseological unity and phraseological fusion, phraseological combinations or collocations.
-In both languages, phraseological units are known to be grouped according to their semantic properties and meanings.
In terms of meaning, phraseological units are essentially two types: pronouns and expressive expressions, and they are analyzed in both languages, and they are mostly grammatical or verbal expressions for expressing words and actions.
Thus, the phraseological units in each language have their own linguistic features. But in both languages, phraseological units serve as a unique and rich part of language. Multi-valued phrases help enrich vocabulary and language and combine meaning with emotional meaning.
Idioms can not seen only as a separate part of a lingusitcs, that can be used, or not used, because they form an essential part of a general dictionary of both languages. At present, it is very important to monitor the replenishment of the Uzbek and English phraseological fund, because idioms appear at great speed, which is due to the development of branches of science, the introduction of new technologies, political games and military conflicts, the influence of which is also essential for English and Uzbek people.
At present, the formation of idioms is important by rethinking stable phrases of a non- idiomatic nature, terminological combinations from the field of science, technology, sports. Such combinations are easily metaphorizable and as a result of figurative- metaphorical use obtain stable meaningful values, gradually acquiring all signs of idioms, adding their structures.
So we looked at the main ways and means of translating idioms in English and Uzbek languages. We have seen that related problems are considered differently by different linguists, different methods of translation are recommended, divergent opinions are found. Different approaches may be needed in different situations. But the main role here belongs to the personality of the interpreter itself. The interpretator must feel part of the culture in the language of which a text is translated, must be embedded in it, must make the only possible and at the same time unique version of the translation. To do this, the interpretation needs to integrate into his thinking the vast body of realities of foreign culture, and to present other people 's thoughts as clearly and freshly as they were expressed, while fulfilling all the power and wealth of the native language.
There are various methods of systematizing phraseological units. Linguists have not yet developed a single principle for the classification of phraseological units. We will consider several classifications phraseological units of the English language offered by different authors.
Semantic classification of phraseological units. The most widely known is the classification of Academician V.V.Vinogradov . In accordance with it, all phraseological units from the point of view of semantic fourteen technical fusion of components are divided into three categories: phraseological fusion, phraseological unity, phraseological combinations.
It is well known that phraseological units appear from a free combination words, which is used in a figurative sense. Of course over time the portability is forgotten, erased, and the combination becomes stable. Depending on how erased the nominative meanings of the components of the phraseological unit, how strong the figurative meaning is in them, V.V. Vinogradov and divides them into three types: phraseological adhesions, phraseological unity and phraseological combinations. Let us analyze these types of phraseological units in use for modern English language.
Phraseological adhesions. Phraseological adhesions, or idioms, are completely indivisible, indecomposable stable combinations, the general meaning of which does not depend on the meaning of their constituent words: kick the bucket (colloquial) - to bend, die; stretch your legs; send smb; to Coventry - boycott someone, stop communicating with anyone; at bay - hunted down, in a hopeless position; be at smb’s beck and call - to be always ready for services; to run errands; to rain cats and dogs - pouring like a bucket (about rain); be all thumbs - be awkward, awkward; Kilkenny cats are deadly enemies. Phraseological adhesions occurred on the basis of figurative meanings of their components, but as a result, these figurative values became incomprehensible from the point of view modern language. The imagery of phraseological adhesions is revealed only historically. For example, the words “bay” meaning “dead end” and “beck” – “wave of the hand” are archaisms and are not used anywhere except for the phraseological unit given above. Or, for example, the expression to be all thumbs was historically formed from the expression one‘s fingers are all thumbs. We consider a similar thing in the phraseological units of Kilkenny cats (which, apparently, dates back to the legend of a fierce struggle between the cities of Kilkenny and Irishtown in the 17th century, which led to their ruin) and send smb. to Coventry (in the book Clarendon’s “The History of the Great Rebellion and Civil Wars in England” tells that during the English Revolution there was a prison in the city of Coventry, which contained exiled royalists.
Consequently, in phraseological adhesions, the connection between direct and figurative meanings has been destroyed, the figurative has become the main thing for them. That is why phraseological splices are difficult to translate into other languages.
Phraseological adhesions have a number of characteristic features:
-their composition may include the so-called necroticism - words that nowhere, except for this splicing, are not used, are incomprehensible as a result this from the point of view of modern language; the structure of adhesions includes archaisms;
-they are syntactically indivisible;
-in most cases, the permutation of the components is unacceptable;
-they are characterized by impermeability - do not admit to their structure auxiliary words.
Losing its free lexical meaning, “... words that enter into the composition of a phraseological splicing, turn into components of a complex a lexical unit that matches the meaning of a particular word”.
Consequently, many phraseological splices are synonymous with the words:
-kick the bucket - to die; send smb. To Coventry - to ignore, etc. But not worth it forget that, as mentioned in the chapter on the equivalence of phraseological unit word, from the point of view of stylistics PhU and the word are far from each other.
Phraseological unity. Phraseological unity is such a stable combination of words in which, in the presence of a single figurative meaning, clearly retains the features of the semantic separation of components: to spill the beans - give a secret; to burn bridges - burn bridges; to have other fish to fry - to have more important things to do; to throw dust into smb’s eyes - speak teeth; to burn one’s fingers - get burned on something; to throw mud at smb - pour mud; to be narrow in the shoulders - do not understand jokes; to paint the devil blacker than he is - to exaggerate the colors; to put a spoke in smb’s wheel - put a spoke in wheel ; to hold one‘s cards close to one’s chest – hold something in secret, do not divulge anything, keep quiet, keep your tongue out teeth; to gild refined gold - to gild pure gold, try to improve, decorate something already good enough; to paint the lily - tint the color of a lily, try to improve or decorate something that doesn't need in improvement.
“Phraseological unity is somewhat close to phraseological mergers in their imagery, metaphoricity”. But unlike phraseological adhesions, where the figurative content is revealed only diachronically, in phraseological units, imagery, portability understood from the point of view of modern language. V.V. Vinogradov notes expressiveness is a characteristic feature only of phraseological unity. “The connection between the components of phraseological unity is motivated, metaphorization is clearly felt”. To understand the phraseological unity, it is necessary to perceive its components in a figurative sense. For example, the meaning of the expression makes a mountain out of a molehill is to do from an elephant fly, greatly embellish something (literally, make a mountain from a mound of a mole’s mink), is revealed only if the word molehill is considered to mean “something insignificant, small”, and the word mountain is something very big”. As part of phraseological there are no words that are not clear from the point of view of modern language.
Phraseological units such as “bo‘yniga qoymoq,yerga urmoq” are interpreted on the basis of the specific meanings of the lexemes they contain, and they are also perceived in the form of a free link. Free association and figurativeness in the phraseological unit formed on this basis is the motivational (logical) basis, the criterion that maintains the connection between them. The phraseological units “ og‘iz ochmaslik,to‘nini teskari kiymoq,qo‘lini yuvib qo‘ltig‘iga urmoq” form a phraseological meaning based on the semantic transformation of the free link. The phraseological units “ kalavani uchini yo‘qotmoq,kalavani uchini topmoq” are also phraseologized on the basis of the semantic transformation of the free link.
Compounds like “boshini olib chiqib ketmoq, oyog‘ini qo‘liga olib, o‘pkasini qo‘ltiqlamoq “ are not based on free connections, they are not perceived as free connections, it is practically impossible to perform actions like in human activity. In this case, the use of a phrase in a non-specific way, on the basis of semantic transformation, forms a meaning specific to the phraseological unit.
That is links that are not interpreted on the basis of the lexeme- specific meanings in the context, that do not take into account the First of all, it should be noted that in the process of phraseologization, the meaning of free connection changes. The compound “Yeng shimarmoq” is derived from the mutually compatible spiritual combination of the “yeng” and “shimarmoq” lexemes that make them up only in the form of a free binding, retaining their lexical meanings and acquiring a meaning that represents the action associated with squeezing the hem of a garment. This creates a meaning that can be interpreted on the basis of lexeme-specific meanings. In the process of phraseologization, the meaning of the free link is completely changed, and the meaning of “astoydil ishga kirishmoq”, which is not specific to the lexemes in it, is formed. Phraseologisms are therefore divided into types such as interpretable and unexplained on the basis of lexeme-specific meanings.
Therefore, what language factors are the basis for the formation of phraseological meaning. First of all, it should be noted that the free connection and the phraseology formed on this basis are figuratively connected. Image is a motivational (logical) basis and a criterion that maintains the connection between them. The image of the free conjunction “Yeng shimarmoq” appears in the formed phraseology. The The phraseologisms “To‘nini teskari kiymoq, qo‘lini yuvib , qo‘ltig‘iga urmoq” are also not a phraseological confusion, but a phraseological integrity. Because the basis of these phraseologies are free connections. phraseologies are grouped according to this classification, all proverbs, proverbs, aphorisms, wise sayings, scientific and technical compound terms should be included in this group. This ultimately expands the phraseological object.
Phraseological confusion, on the other hand, includes connections that are not interpreted on the basis of the specific meanings of the lexemes in their meaning, which do not take into account the lexical meanings specific to these lexemes.
Hence, the main criterion that distinguishes phraseology from free connection is semantic transformation and imagery. In phraseology, this or that action, the reflection of the event, the image must be embodied.
Phraseologization is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a product of the development of the human mind and should be considered as a linguistic-philosophical phenomenon. It is also present in philosophical observation in the process of phraseologization.
The recognition of a lexeme as a linguistic unit and as a linguistic phenomenon has left no one in traditional linguistics in doubt. H. Nematov and R. Rasulov state that the main feature of a lexeme is its “readiness”, that is, it is not artificial. Indeed, lexemes denote and express things, signs, quantities, actions, states, and features in reality, and are distinguished by their readiness for all members of society.
It should be noted that the phraseological units have undergone a process of interconnection, syntactic relations, until they become stagnant in the language and become intelligible to the owners of the language that represents a particular meaning. This process takes place in speech. The process of stabilization and willing participation in speech as a unit of language is the second stage in the formation of phraseological units. Hence, phraseological units functioned to participate in the speech process even before they became a linguistic phenomenon.
So far, there is no consensus among linguists in determining the scope of phraseological units. Most linguists include in the scope of phraseology all stable compounds - proverbs, sayings, idiomatic compounds, non-idiomatic combinations of words, stable phraseological groups and pairs of words, and believe that the common feature that unites them is stability and readiness in language. Such an approach makes it possible to consider all lexical units that have a portable meaning as a whole as phraseological units and expands the phraseological object.
In Uzbek linguistics, two semantic types of phrases, such as phraseological integrity and phraseological confusion, are distinguished on the basis of the relationship between the meaning understood from the phrase as a whole and the meanings of the lexemes in it.
A phrase that is not interpreted on the basis of the specific meanings of the lexemes in its structure, which do not take into account the lexical meanings specific to these lexemes, is called a phraseological confusion.
Linguists such as A.N Kononov, EI Ubryatova, NA Baskakov, considering that phraseological units are functionally close to words, recognize them as lexical word combinations or lexical units (lexical associations). E.V. Sevortyan considers phraseological units as lexematic compounds or closed compounds with lexical meaning. Researchers` recognition of lexical phrases makes it necessary to determine the relationship of phraseological units to lexemes.
Phraseological units are interpreted as lexical units in most definitions. Since lexical units are dates, they must also have lexical meaning. In the scientific literature, fixed word combinations include different types of compound words, lexematic phrases, grammaticalized phrases, phraseological combinations. Some scientific works classify idioms of lexical- phraseological type, ie phraseological units with specific lexical meaning, as well as idioms of pure phraseological type, all phraseological units without specific lexical meaning. However, observations suggest that phraseological units may not have a specific lexical meaning. But the idea that these meanings are expressed explicitly in one place and more abstractly in another is close to the truth.
Polish linguist K.M.Gyulumyants “One of the reasons for the transition of free compounds to stable compounds is the process of lexicalization. In lexemes in the field of phraseology, we say that the semantic meanings of the individual components of a compound gradually become imperceptible, and that the phrases have a common meaning that overlaps the meanings of the compound parts”.
As we recognize, the meaning of phraseological integrity derives from the general meaning of the lexical meanings of the units within it, and they are an alternative to a particular lexeme that exists in the language. In the explanatory phraseological dictionary of the Uzbek language “avra-astarini ag‘darmoq- to reveal all the nuances”; “ ammamning buzog‘i” –“ awkward, dim-witted”; “ anqoning urug‘i” - hard to find, rare, “aravani quruq olib qochmoq” - to boast, “ arpasini xom urmoq” - to do evil, “ belga tepmoq” - unwillingly, to interrupt unexpectedly, “ bel bog‘lamoq” - to get ready, to jump, to start earnestly, “ beli og‘rimoq” - not to hurt, “bel og‘ritmoq” - to suffer, “ bir yostiqqa bosh qo‘ymoq” - to have a family life, “ bir o‘q bilan ikki quyonni urmoq” - exactly one to work for two things at a time, “ boshi aylanmoq” - to be useless, to lose balance, “boshdan oyoq” - to be full, whole, “ bosh og‘riq” - to be anxious, to be in a state of angry; idioms have not equal to their real meanings based on the combination of the two words appear. At this point, phraseological units intersect with the phenomenon of lexicalization.

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