English comparative phraseological units and the way of their translation into different languages 5A120102–Lingvistika (Ingliz tili) mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha
Magistr darajasini olish uchun
MAGISTRLIK DISSERTATSIYASI Ish 18-may 2022-yil sanasida Ilmiy rahbar, Filol.f.d.(DSc)
Magistrlik dissertatsiyasi dastlabki ___________A.I.Ziyayev
himoyasida ko‘rib chiqildi
(bayonnoma № )va
himoyaga qo‘yildi.
“Ingliz tili o‘qitish metodikasi”
Kafedra mudiri
Namangan - 2022 CONTENT INTRODUCTION 2-4 Chapter I Comparative study of phraseological units 5-36 §1.1 Comparative typological analysis of English phraseology 5-10
§1.2 Linguocultural aspects of English phraseology… 10-15
§1.3 Semantic structures of English phraseological units….......................15-33
Conclusion of the first chapter 34-36 Chapter II. Sociolinguistic features of Idioms in the English, Russian and Uzbek languages 37-64 §2.1. General characteristics of English Idioms on sociolinguistic
features 37-43
§2.2.Lingua-cultural approach to the Idioms in English, Uzbek and
Russian 43-51
§2.3. Functional-semantic peculiarities of Idioms expressing different
relationships in the English language 51-62
Conclusion of the second chapter 62-64 Chapter III. Translation problems and the ways of translating English comparative phraseological units into Russian, and Uzbek Languages………………………………………………………………..65-91 §3.1. National-cultural semantic components of Phraselogical units in
English and Uzbek, Russian languages 65-71