The third pull [ 1956 1962 ] 1956 Vision of the Third pull

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E-79 Then standing here that day I picked up this Bible, said, "Father, I don't know. Maybe just Your love, You didn't show me her going. But I'm so broke up, God. Will You just give me some word of comfort out of Your Word?" I said, "Let me just read something that's comforting to me," and I just let the Bible open up like that, and there it was, big red letters. "She is not dead, but sleepeth."

And I went in the room. We went to sleep. About eight o'clock the next morning got up. They was going to have her fixed up along about noon, so we could go down and see her. Meda went out to get the children's breakfast, and little Joe crying, Becky in one corner still crying, "Will I ever see Grandma again?"

And I said, "Yes. Yes, you'll see her. She's just crossed--went upstairs." I said, "She... We'll see her again." And she loved them little kiddies, you know.

And so, and they was all crying, "Can we see Grandma this afternoon?"

I said, "You can see the body she lived in, but Grandma's gone up to be with your other Grandmother, and them up in heaven." And Joe couldn't understand it, my little boy, you know. He just couldn't understand it.

He said, "Then will Grandma come back down tonight?"

And I said, "No, no. I don't know when she'll come back. When Jesus comes she'll come back."

And I was standing there, and I turned around and walked in the room, and when I did (Don't ask me to explain it, there's no way to explain it.), I seen myself standing out there, just the same as I look across this audience. And I was leading songs. I never did that. I can't even sing at all. So, and there was a great mammoth crowd of people.

On this side the--the auditorium looked like it was a--outside, like, oh, I don't know what you would call it, kind of down a hill, and kind of like a amphitheater. And it was so far back, the lines was, till they had to be raised up like this, so the ones so far in the back had to look this way. But all right in the middle just three rows like this. And right in the middle was just like wind rows ripped in, of little spastic, crippled children laying in them rows.

E-82 And I had on a dark suit, and I was singing "Bring them in, bring them in, bring the little ones to Jesus." We sing that at the church quite a bit, especially in dedicating of children. And there was a--like a box, here, where the celebrity set and the pulpit was close to that. But I was down leading songs. And all at once, me standing there, and looking at myself, then... Oh. Don't try to think it out, 'cause you can't. Then when I was here, then it become here. I don't know. Two of them went together, and it's...


E-83 So standing there looking, and I went into that vision. And while in there, I noticed a renowned person come back at the back of the place. And they were, I said... Well, they're coming to the celebrity box, so they come walking up this way. And I thought, "Well, I'll sing once more while that lady is coming." She was dressed old fashion.

Now, some of you ladies will remember this, when they wore kind of skirts like, around here, and it went way down over laced-up shoes, and they had kind of a full... What is it you call them things, like this lady's got on here now? That blouse. One of those things like that, and had real full sleeves in it. You remember them? Went up around the neck here, with a little kind of a little button of a thing went in here. And then a great big hat on, turned up on the side. And the ladies in them days, they wore long hair, so they pulled it down like this, and set a hat on it and put a pin in it, you know, to keep it on--for they had to ride sidesaddle and things.

So this lady was coming up, and everybody was respecting this lady. And I thought, "Well, she'll go to the celebrity box." So then, I was saying, "Once more, all on this side. 'Bring them in.' Now, over here, 'Bring them in.' Then all in the middle, all together now, 'Bring the little ones to Jesus.'"

Just as I said that, this lady had already entered the box, and I could see... When she entered the box everybody stood up, and they were kinda doing like this, recognizing her. And she was recognizing them.

I thought, "Well, it's time for me to preach, and I'll go praying for them sick people." And I got up here on--on the pulpit like this, and the box was right, oh, it was close as this brother setting here and I turned around like this.

I thought, "Well now, that lady will bow to me, so I'll just recognize her." And so, when I turned around she already had her head down like this, and I was putting my head down like that. And when I raised my head up the same time to meet her, it was mama: young, pretty.

I looked at her. I said, "Mama."

She said, "Billy."

And just then, lightning begin to flash around in the building, thunders roared, and a shaking come. And a voice said, "Do not fear about your mother." Said, "She's the same way she was in 1906."

And the--I said, "What? 1906?"

And Meda said, "What's the matter with you," my wife.

I said, "Honey, 1906, what was 1906?"

She said, "Why?"

I said, "A vision. I seen mama standing right here."

Said, "You seen what?"

I said, "I seen mama."

Said, "Sure enough, Bill?"

E-86 I said, "Yes. She was standing right here, and she was pretty, and He said..." I said, "She was just a young woman." So I went and got the old family record. And you know what she was in 1906? My father's bride. That's the year she was married. Now, she's part of another Bride, the Bride of the Lord Jesus.
21. Kissing; men and women.

669-Q-156 Is it right for Christian men and women to kiss one another (Oh!) on greeting?

No, sir. No indeedy. No, sir. You kiss one woman, brother, that's your wife (See?), or your--your child, or what... See?

"Is it right for..." Let me see if I got that right. "Is it right for Christian men and women to kiss one another on greetings?"

No, sir. No indeedy. That... Don't you never get that started. Yes, sir. No, sir. You keep away from women. Shun away from them. Exactly right.

Now, they're our sisters, but don't... Now, they got that. That in... That thing even got over in Pentecost, and it's called "free love." And when you do--get anything like that, you stay away from it. That's right.

I don't care how clean you are... You're my brother, and I--I believe that you're--you might be a good sanctified, holy man. I don't care how holy you are; you're still a man. And I don't care how holy she is; she's still a woman. Stay away from it till you're married. You just do that.

Remember, the body... I'm going to speak double now, so that you older people will understand. It's a mixed group, but I'm your brother, and this was the question. See?

Each human being male and female have a different type of gland. A female has a female gland, sex gland. A male has a male gland, sex gland. And those glands lay in the human lips. That's right.

And here's another thing might be brought up, men kissing one another in the mouth. That's dirty. That's filth. And what does it do? It starts homosexuals. Stay away from that. You say...

670-127 A guy asked me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, why, they greeted one another with a holy kiss." They kissed on the back of the neck, fell upon their neck, and kissed them on the back of the neck. That was before handshake come in. It's a greeting. That's the way it is. They didn't shake one another's hands; they put their arms around one another; they kissed one another on the back of the neck, not on the lips, in the face. That starts a perversion. Stay away from it. Don't never do that.

Now-a-days, we shake hands with one another. If you want to... You got your arm around your brother, and kiss him on the neck, or he kisses you on the neck, that's all right. But don't you kiss that woman, and don't you let that woman kiss you. See? That's right. You take her by the hand, say, "Wait a minute, Sister, just a minute here (See?); let's get this straight!" And so, now you do that.


50 I went to a certain place the other night to get something to eat, and the little boys and girls up there hugging and kissing like I don't know what. And do you know, my little sister, that that's potentially an adultery? When a man kisses you, he's potentially committed adultery with you. You should never let him kiss you until you're married, for the glands, both male and female glands, is in the lips. Do you understand? And when male and female glands come together, let it be where it may be, you have potentially committed adultery. And you shouldn't let a boy kiss you until that veil is raised on your face and you're his wife. Don't do that. It's committing adultery. It's mixing male and female glands.

Why don't a man kiss a man, woman kiss a woman in the lips? Because it don't cross the glands. Children is born by crossing glands. So it's almost a public adultery again, everywhere. Look on the screens and everything you see, a--a slobbering and a--a carrying on. No wonder immorality is on the--is on the incline. How can they do it and spurn themselves all up by kissing those women in the mouth, knowing that that's adultery. God won't forgive it unless you repent.

112 I want to ask you a little question while we stop, before we continue on with this service, just a few minutes. I wonder if I could ask you this.

Anyone knows that the world, positionally, everything's setting in order for His coming: "Earthquakes in divers places; the moon is spurting out red blood, or red volcanic all over it, covering it," as Jesus said watch for that sign in the last days; "sea a roaring, men's hearts failing for fear, and perplexed of time, distress between the nations."

Look at the perversion on the move today. Look at it today, forty percent increase in California, of homosexuals: natural affections already lost.

115 Look at on... Look at today, how the people will stay home, that's call themselves Christians, and listen to such characters as Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Ernie Ford, and those who sing hymns on Sunday; and look at them things, they look at them kissing them women, and things out there.

When no man should ever kiss a woman till he's married to her. That's male and female glands crossing. Let it be wherever it may be; it's wrong. It's potentially a sex act. When male and female glands touch, it's a sex act. There's made... A man kiss a man in the mouth, it'd make him vomit, or a woman a woman. Why is it different? It's a--it's a sex act, potentially. That's right. A type of Christ kissing His Bride. See? You should never do that.

But look at it today, all these movies and things, and one big conglomeration of kissing and hugging. And it's absolutely almost public adultery everywhere, and the people so blind they don't see it. That's right. Everything's in a Sodom condition, Sodomite everywhere, as the Bible said.

14-2 Notice. Now, she has a sacred trust of virtue that's been given to her, trusted to her by the Lord. God gave her that virtue. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, she can say, "yes" or "no." She has a sacred trust of womanhood committed to her that she must not break. The womanhood, I'm speaking of here, is her conduct, her character around men, not letting every man... Looks on these screens and see these movie stars kissing and hugging and slopping around over these women. A woman does that is of a bad character. She might be virtuous otherwise, but, see, in her heart--when those glands... Sex glands are in the lips. A man kisses a woman, he's actually, potentially, committed adultery.

Sex glands are in the woman's lips and in the man's lips. He could kiss her on the hand, it wouldn't mix the--the sex glands, but the sex glands is in the lips. And see all this nonsense and the--the Hollywood today of all this slopping, and loving around with women, and so forth; and little girls looking at all that. No wonder our morals are rotten, and decayed, and filthy. See? Because it's put before the children. That's right. It has to be that way for the last days.

Now, keep the church in mind. She's kissing, and slopping, and mixing around in everything else but the Word. Let the devil, and education, and scientific searches, and so forth... When scientific education and everything is absolutely contrary to God.

The whole system of civilization that we have now, is absolutely antichrist; educational system is antichrist; civilization is antichrist. It's against God. You say against civilization? God will have a civilization one of these days that won't have any death associated into it.

This modern civilization come by Satan. I'll prove that to you, if the Lord willing tonight, out of the Bible. All these things are of Satan. Our new civilization will have none of this in it.

15-1 She has this sacred womanhood. No wonder that men act around women the way they do. Is because women act around men the way they do. She characters herself out here with a pair of shorts on, and skin tight, and men's clothing and things out on the street, twisting around. No matter what she says... She might be as virtuous to her husband as she can be, but in the sight of God she is an adulternous. "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." And she presented herself to be that. And that's exactly what the church has done with the world.
22. Day of Pentecost. [Acts 2]

E-61 Boy, He had some candidates right away. When I first heard it I was one too. I didn't care what they said to me, I wanted that. And I always said, "If this isn't that, I want to keep this till that comes." Yes. That's what I wanted, that inoculation.

They went up there and waited for ten days. Oh, my. Oh, when all at once when the inoculation came down from heaven, like a mighty rushing wind, and It filled every one of them, inoculated a hundred and twenty... Oh, what a time that was. That was the way back. Oh, my. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, begin to speak with other tongues, tongues of fire setting upon them, God, the great Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel, God.

Not three Gods, one God, one God, not three Gods, but one God in three offices, called Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Father God in a Pillar of Fire, God the Son in His own Son, God the Holy Ghost in you, the same God all the way condescending, coming down, making His way to get into human hearts. Yes, sir.

There they seen the evidence of it, the promise of Jesus. There they seen this Pillar of Fire fall among them and separate itself. And tongues of fire, forked tongues of fire set upon each one of them, the same Pillar of Fire that come with the Israel through the wilderness.

There God was dividing Himself among His church. Like a man and his wife being one, so is God and His church One. There's one. "That day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you and you in Me." That's the inoculation. That's the inoculation He had. That's the inoculation He received. "It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works. Not Me that sees these visions, it's My Father. I can do nothing... The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise."

That's the inoculation from unbelief. It anchors you in a settled faith of Christ. It anchors you.

There you know that you've passed from death unto Life. No man can talk you out of it. Nobody can explain it away from you. You was on those sacred sands with God alone, and you know you were borned again. Your whole life is changed and you're a new creature in Christ. There ain't enough devils in hell can take it away from you. You're a new creature, a new creation. You're inoculated with the power of God, the Toxin of God's. Holy Spirit has wooed you. Amen.

23. Vision of mamba snake.

56 And now, in the visions... I might say this. I mentioned it once. I was going to cut it off the tape, but I believe I'll just leave it on. I...

It was about three o'clock in the morning, I suppose. I'd gotten up, and I looked where in front of me, and I was coming down to the Jordan: looked like I was standing on the map of Palestine. And I was coming down to the Jordan. And seemed like I could hear the song, "I'm going down to the Jordan," someone was singing it. And as I drew near the river, I looked back and seen which a way I had come, and I was two thirds of the way there to the Jordan. And I looked across Jordan, and I said, "Oh, praise God, just on the other side is where all the promises lay. Every promise lays in the promised land."

And then I came to myself, and I thought, "Could I possibly have... Could it been that I was a-dreaming, 'cause it's nighttime?" See, a vision is something that you see with your eyes open, just like a dream. You're looking right at it, and you're--you're conscious that you're standing like here on the platform, and you're--you're standing here, but yet you look like you're in a dream. It's... You can't explain it; there's no way to do it. See? It's God's works. And God's ways are unexplainable; they have to be accepted by faith.

And then as I set there a little bit beside of this chair, then all of a sudden, here it come back again. Then I knew then that it was vision. And then when I come into the vision again, it seemed that I was lifted up and setting on a--a highway, a narrow highway with some brother. I never knew who the brother was. I looked around, and I said, "Now, I am sure and know this is vision; the Lord God is here." And seemed like everybody was afraid. I said, "What's everybody so afraid of?"

And a voice came and said, "There's such danger in these days. There's a great hideous thing that's death when it strikes you."

And I heard the weeds a-mashing down, and I looked, and here come a huge monster snake crawling through the weeds. I thought, "Now, knowing this is vision, then I shall see what this--this animal or this beast is." And he crawled up on the highway. And as soon as I got sight of him, I knew it was a mamba. Now, a mamba is an African snake, which is the most deadly bite of all things there is. There's nothing as poison as a mamba. And the snake, of course, represents sin, death. See? And there is the... We have in this country, the rattlesnake, and the copperhead, and the cottonmouth moccasin, many of those snakes, that if you're in bad health and one'd bite you, it would perhaps kill you, but if you didn't get aid of some sort right away...

And then--then we go into Africa and India, and we find the Cobra. There's a Black Cobra; he's a bad snake; he's a death-bite too. And there's a Yellow Cobra, which is far beyond him. And the Yellow Cobra, the patient dies with such a horrible death; it dies from suffocation. It--it paralyzes the breathing system. And they--they can't breathe; they just open their mouth and gasp, and trying to, and die like that. And that was the type of snake was just one lick from getting Billy Paul, when we got the snake in Africa.

And then--then comes the mamba, he's death. Just when he... He's so fast you can't see him. He goes over the top of the weeds and propels hisself with the back of his tail. Just, and he's gone. Hits you in the face usually. Stands up high and strikes hard. And when he hits you, you just got a few breaths till you're finished. Turn real... It don't only paralyze and get in the blood stream; it gets nerves, everything, you just die just in a few seconds. Them native boys and track boys, you can say "mamba," and they'll butt their heads together, scream, 'cause it's--it's death just in a few seconds (See?) when one hits you.

And here he was on the highway. I thought, "Well, this is it." So I looked at him. And he looked angry at me, and he licked his tongue, and here he come. But when he got right close to me... He...d would run up fast, and then he would get slower and slower, and just quiver and stop, and then something would hold him off. He couldn't bite me. And he'd turn around on the other side, and try to approach from this side. And he'd get back and get a start, and swish right towards me, get slower and slower and slower, and then to a stop, and then just shake like that and move back. He couldn't strike me.

Then he turned and looked at my friend, and away he went after my friend. And I seen my friend just jumping way in the air, and over him and over him and over him, trying, and the thing was striking at him. I thought, "Oh, if it ever hits him, it'll be instant death. No wonder everybody's so scared, 'cause when this thing hits you it's an instant death." And--and it was just striking at him like that, and I threw my hands up; I said, "O God, have mercy on my brother." I said, "If that serpent ever strikes him, it'll kill him."

And just then the serpent turned to me when I said that, and looked at me again. And a Voice came from above me and said, "You have been given power to bind him, the worst, or any."

And I said, "Well, God, what must I do?"

He said, "There's one thing you must do: you must be more sincere. (See?) You must be more sincere."

I said, "Well, God, forgive me for my unsincerity, and let me have sincerity." And when I raised up my hands to Him again, there was a great Something came over me, just lifted me up, seemed like that my whole body was charged with Something.

69 And I looked at the serpent. And then he started towards me, and he couldn't do it yet. And I said, "Satan, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind you." And the serpent, a blue smoke flew out of him, and he curled up and made that sign like a S, capital S made backwards, a "AND" [ & ] sign. And means "bind this one or anything below him," 'cause he was the worst. Blue smoke fell out of him, and his tail choked his ownself to death around his head, when he made this backwards S, that "AND" [ & ] sign (like a conjunction... You see?), choked it to death. And the brother was free.

And I went over and mashed on it. I said, "Now, I've got to find out about this, because it's vision." And I hit on the--on the thing, and it turned like that, looked like a handle, on a glass handle on a pitcher, and just made it solid crystal. And I said, "Think of that, how quick. That blue smoke was life and everything that left it, all the elements, and is turned to glass."

And just then a Voice came again, and said, "You can unbind him also."

So I said, "Then, Satan, that I might know, I unbind you." And when it did, he started coming to life again, wiggling. And I said, "I bind you back in the Name of Jesus Christ." And when it did, the smoke flew out of him again, and he choked hisself right back again and turned to crystal.

And then when he did that, that Voice said, "Now, you must be more sincere than what you are to do this." Then it left me, and I was standing in the room.

A few moments I heard a clock go off, and my wife had got... getting up. The children, you know how it is, I guess, at your house, one, "What am I going to wear today, mama? Where, where are my books? And what did I do?" You know. You, just like any home, you can't hear yourself think, hardly, for all of them trying to get ready at once.

And--and so I slipped off into the den room, and I got down on my knees, and I said, "Lord Jesus, I don't know these things. And what must I do? And the children will be calling me to take them to school in a few moments. What must I do?" And I looked around, and my Bible was laying there, and I said, "Lord, if You will forgive me..." I do not believe in just opening up the Scripture, and taking something out of the Bible and saying that, but there is times that when God can comfort you by such a thing. And I said, "Lord, in this case of emergency right now, before Your Spirit leaves me. And I--I don't know what to do. The kids will be a hour yet, before they'd be gone. Would You just show me? If that was something You're trying to get to me, heavenly Father, then let me know."

And I took this Bible and just pulled it open like that, and my thumb was laying at I Corinthians the 5th chapter, the 8th verse, when something reads something like this. "When you come..." I was planning on taking a fast to the Lord. I told Him I'd go out and fast. Said, "When you come to this feast..." Which, a fast in the body is a feast with the Lord. We know that. "So when you come to this feast, don't come with the old leaven or the leaven of malice, and so forth; but come with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth," just exactly what He had told me in the vision. "Come..." God is my solemn Judge. "Come with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, that is the Word." Then I seen what He meant. As He...

77 Years ago, when I seen the Bible come down (I got it wrote right here.), come down; and a hand came from heaven and pointed down to Joshua, and read the first nine verses, and stopped there. That's Joshua, come to the wilderness, but never did... He was ready to... When he got near Jordan, God called him out, said, "This day I'll begin to magnify you before the people." And then he took the children of Israel across Jordan to the land where--give them, divided to them, the promised land.

I went to the woods, and prayed, and prayed, and fasted. And now, I went back to that tree where I'd met, where those squirrels was, that you've heard in other messages (See?) where those squirrels was. And standing there, along about three or four o'clock in the morning, after I'd staggered through the brush with what light I could see to get to the tree, coming early because I was led there... Then I met Him. God, help me to ever live true.

E-94 About two or three months ago I was standing in the room, and I heard a voice speaking in the corner. I tried to wake my wife to look at it there. There was... The morning before that was a hideous thing standing there at the bed accusing me, after He'd told me... I'd seen a big mamba running; that's a African snake. And it was trying to kill people. And I... It was after my brother. And I screamed out, "Oh, God, what can I do?"

He said, "You been given power to bind him." Said "Be of a good courage."

I spoke to him, and his tail went up in the air, and whirled around, and just like this pitcher handle here, and choked hisself to death. Blue smoke flew out of him.

The next morning when I woke up, and I was laying there, and I said, "I'd better get up and take the children to school," and looked over. There was this hideous looking thing. Looked like it was Alley Oop in the funny paper, great big horns sticking out of it. He was going... Sounded like a hen cackling, or--or singing, like they're going from the barn. I looked at it, and I said, "Meda, Meda, honey," and she didn't wake up. I thought, "That'd scare her to death," and I waited there just a minute, and standing, watch.

People talk about devils, and don't even know what they are sometimes. That's right. But you run headlong into them every day, maybe. But you will.

Notice. After while he was accusing me, said, "You have no power with God. You're just a bluff. You have no power."

I said, "Satan, you're an offense to me. Get out of my way in the Name of Jesus Christ," and he left. I laid there a little bit in the bed, started to raise up. I felt a real sweet feeling come over me. I thought, "I wonder if the Holy Spirit now is close." And over in the corner... So help me... Here's my Bible over my heart. The sweetest voice I ever heard in my life said, "Don't fear to go anywheres; don't fear to do anything. For the never-failing Presence of Jesus Christ is with you wherever you go." That settled it with me. Let them rage. I got a Absolute. My anchor holds yonder, because it's the Word of the living God. Amen.

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