Nabokov, Nicolas [Nikolay]

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Neumann, Věroslav

(b Citoliby, nr Louny, Bohemia, 27 May 1931). Czech composer. He studied composition with Řídký at the Prague Academy of Musical Arts (1950–54) and at the same time directed several of the city's youth ensembles and its military ensemble. He worked with the Czech Music Fond (1958–60), and in the Union of Czechoslovak Composers (1962–9) occupied several positions, including that of general secretary and president (1968–9). During the 1950s he composed numerous mass songs, some of which were published and received awards at the Fifth World Youth Festival in Warsaw in 1955. His style of composition marked him as a traditionalist during these early years, though later he created a more personal style, taking ideas from new music such as the abandonment of strict metrical structures and the employment of akatoric procedures within tightly defined limits. His vocal works and songs for children have enjoyed widespread popular appeal. In 1982 his Soleils couchants received 3rd prize at the international choral competition in Tours, while in 1987 he won the prize of the Union of Czech Composers and that of the Czech publishing house Panton. A lecturer at the Popular Conservatory, a secondary music school, in Prague from 1969, in 1991 he was appointed director of the Prague Conservatory.


(selective list)

Stage: Opera o komínku [Little Chimney Op] (opera buffa, K. Loos), 1965; Gloria (radio op, K. Čapek), 1970; Příběh se starou lenoškou [Story of the Old Armchair] (comic op, J.Z. Novák, after C. Dickens), 1987

Vocal: Zelené roky [Green Years] (cycle, F. Branislav), S, A, 2 vn, pf, 1961; Panorama Prahy [Panorama of Prague], Bar, orch, 1962; Nářek opuštěné Ariadny [The Lament of Ariadne] (M. Kundera), SA, 1988 [after Monteverdi]; Intervaly [Intervals] (Neumann), children's vv, pf, 1971; Vánoce malých zpěváčků [Christmas of the Little Singers] (Czech and Moravian carols), children's chorus, orch, 1976; Svítáníčko [Dawn Song] (folk poetry), female chorus, 1979; Soleils couchants (P. Verlaine), SATB, 1982; V Čechách [In Bohemia] (cant., J. Čarek, F. Nechvátal), SA, chbr orch, 1983; Prstýnek [Little Ring] (M. Florian), SA, 1961; Atlantida [Atlantis] (V. Nezval), SATB, 1985; Dove sta amore (L. Ferlinghetti, J. Zábrana), SA, 1985; Rýmovačky [Rhymes] (various Czech poets), S, fl, pf, 1980; Když zmlknou ptáci [When Birds Fall Silent] (4 songs, J. Seifert), 1v, pf/pf qt, 1985; Sbohem, Amadee! [Farewell Amadeus!], S, fl, pf, 1978

Inst: Str Qt, 1969; 5 dramatických sekvencí [5 Dramatic Sequences], vc, pf, 1978; Symfonické tance [Sym. Dances], orch, 1984

Principal publishers: Panton, Supraphon


Neumann, Werner

(b Königstein, 21 Jan 1905; d Leipzig, 24 April 1991). German musicologist. He studied the piano and music theory at the Leipzig Conservatory, and musicology (with Kroyer and Zenck), psychology and philosophy at Leipzig University, taking the doctorate there in 1938 with a dissertation on Bach’s choral fugues. His subsequent career was devoted to work on Bach. While working in Leipzig as a music teacher, critic and lecturer at the Musikhochschule he founded (1950) and directed the Bach-Archiv as the German centre for the collection of Bach documents; after joining the board of the Neue Bach-Gesellschaft (1952) he became co-editor of the Bach-Jahrbuch and the Neue Bach-Ausgabe (1953), to which he contributed several volumes. In 1954 he acquired professorial status. His writings include studies of Bach’s cantatas and their texts; he has also edited a pictorial biography and, with H.-J. Schulze, three volumes of Bach documents. He was twice honoured with a Festschrift, published as the fifth and ninth volumes of the series Bach-Studien (Eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen, ed. R. Heller and H.-J. Schulze, Leipzig, 1975 and Johann Sebastian Bachs Traditionsraum, ed. R. Szeskus and J. Asmus, Leipzig, 1986).


J.S. Bachs Chorfuge: ein Beitrag zur Kompositionstechnik Bachs (diss., U. of Leipzig, 1938; Leipzig, 1938, 2/1950)

Handbuch der Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs (Leipzig, 1947, 5/1984)

ed.: J.C. Lobe: Katechismus der Musik (Leipzig, 1949, 11/1978)

Auf den Lebenswegen Johann Sebastian Bachs (Berlin, 1953, 4/1962; Eng. trans., 1957)

Johann Sebastian Bach: Sämtliche Kantatentexte (Leipzig, 1956, 2/1967)

‘Zur Frage der Gesangbücher J.S. Bachs’, BJb 1956, 112–23

Bach: eine Bildbiographie (Munich, 1960, 2/1961; Eng. trans., 1961, rev. 2/1969 as Bach and his World)

‘Das “Bachische Collegium Musicum”’, BJb 1960, 5–27; repr. in Johann Sebastian Bach, ed. W. Blankenburg (Darmstadt, 1970)

ed.: Bach-Dokumente, i–ii (Kassel, 1963–9) [with H.-J. Schulze]; iv (1979)

‘Über Ausmass und Wesen des Bachschen Parodieverfahrens’, BJb 1965, 63–85

‘Probleme der Aufführungspraxis im Spiegel der Geschichte der Neuen Bachgesellschaft’, BJb 1967, 100–120

‘Eine Leipziger Bach-Gedenkstätte: über die Beziehungen der Familien Bach und Bose’, BJb 1970, 19–31

‘Zum zwanzigjährigen Bestehen des Bach-Archivs’, Internationales Bachfest II: Leipzig 1970, 65–6

‘Johann Sebastian Bachs “Rittergutskantaten” bwv30a und 212’, BJb 1972, 76–90

Sämtliche von Johann Sebastian Bach vertonte Texte (Leipzig, 1974)

Aufgaben und Probleme der heutigen Bachforschung (Berlin, 1979)

‘Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Bachinterpretation aus historischer Sicht’, Beiträge zur Bachforschung, i (1982), 7–24

Über das funktionale Wechselverhältnis von Vokalität und Instrumentalität als kompositionstechnisches Grundphänomen, dargestellt am Schaffen Johann Sebastian Bachs (Berlin, 1982)


Johann Sebastian Bach: Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, I/i: Adventskantaten (Kassel, 1954) [with A. Dürr]; I/vii: Kantaten zu den Sonntagen Septuagesimae und Sexuagesimae (Kassel, 1956); I/xxi: Kantaten zum 13. und 14. Sonntag nach Trinitatis (Kassel, 1958); I/xxxviii: Festmusiken zu Leipziger Universitätsfeiern (Kassel, 1960); I/xxxvi–xxxvii: Festmusiken für das Kurfürstlich-Sächsische Haus (Kassel, 1961–3); I/iv: Kantaten zu Neujahr und zum Sonntag nach Neujahr (Kassel, 1965); I/xcl: Hochzeitskantaten: weltliche Kantaten verschiedener Bestimmung (Kassel, 1970)


N. Rubin: ‘“Fugue” as a Delimiting Concept in Bach’s Choruses: a Gloss on Werner Neumann’s “J.S. Bachs Chorfuge”’, Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Music in Honor of Arthur Mendel, ed. R.L. Marshall (Kassel and Hackensack, NJ, 1974), 195–208


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