Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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А.К. Лукашик

Республика Беларусь, Пинск, ПолесГУ

Научный руководитель – В.В. Ширяев


Everyone is talking about trends today. Not only trends in education but trends as they are set and followed in every area of human activity. Why are we so much interested in tracking trends? Actually in today’s rapidly changing world where the human behaviour became totally unpredictable, watching trends has a huge impact on every business. If you are not paying enough attention to what is in trend, it is very difficult for your business to develop. Why is that so? Because people want to make sure that products and services they consume are the latest, the most innovative, simply the best. That is why it is so important to learn how to keep up with trends, to be able to distinguish between trends that are worth pursuing and the ones that are temporary and to predict how they can impact your business [1].

Trends cause the change and the change is what today’s education needs.

Everyone involved in education – teachers, educators, methodologist, educational publishers – are actively engaged in attempting to foresee students’ future needs and to transform education to meet them. We all wish to win the competition and be able to attract and better satisfy our clients.

No one is able to predict the unpredictable but there are a few ways of finding the answer to the question: what will students need to be well-educated in 10–20 years? A detailed analysis of emerging trends can help you to find that answer [2].

Watching trends might be tiresome. They are described in many different ways and places like educational websites, magazines, blogs, social media, and groups on the Internet etc. It may be difficult to collect and analyze all the necessary information in these days. So there is a short list of some new trends in education.

Video killed the chalk board. Although video is opening new digital doors in terms of class work and teaching styles, it’s not taking the place of actual instructors. Whether teachers want to prerecord their lectures or choose from thousands of video lessons online, video in the classroom is really adding to the teaching and learning process. Video in the classroom can also make way for video outside of the classroom in the form of homework. Instead of handing out textbook style assignments, teachers can send homework assignments via email or through the school’s learning management system with a video tutorial attached.

Gaming is the new learning. Games make learning easier, which is exactly why ABC building blocks and color-coded shape games are so important for early development. The same idea of gaming as a way to teach extends to higher education. Whether you call it academic game play or educational entertainment, gaming in the classroom is quickly becoming a major teaching trend.

Textbooks are going digital. Backpacks are going the way of the newspapers because digital textbooks are becoming the new norm in hallways and classrooms all across the world. It’s only a matter of time when technologies replace the paper.

The cloud classroom. Hi-tech world is buzzing about the cloud’s anywhere. Сapabilities are catching on by using cloud computing and it has many benefits both inside and outside of the classroom. For teachers, the cloud is great for managing and accessing student data like test scores and files from anywhere. As for students, the cloud represents access to information on coursework, class schedules, and upcoming school-wide events. Additionally, the cloud brings parent/teacher conferences to a whole new level. With the cloud, parents can have the same access to their child’s in-school performance as teachers do, which bridges the communication gap between parents, students, and teachers.

Anyway these new technologies have to be connected with the global purposes in the field of education: expansion and improvement of complex measures for care of children of younger age and to their education; providing free and obligatory initial education; satisfaction of educational requirements of youth and adults; elimination of a gap between boys and girls in primary and secondary education; improvement of quality of education in all its aspects; improvement of quality of education by diversification of its contents and methods; assistance to experiments, innovation, publications and data exchange and development of dialogue in policy issues in the field of education [3].

The main idea is not to overdo. Technologies improve our life, make it easier but sometimes replace the real life, communication, emotion. Everything should be thought out.

  1. 5 Big Trends for Education in 2012-13 [Electronic resource] // Forbes. – Mode of access: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmarshallcrotty/2011/. 11/21/5-big-trends-for-education-in-2012-13/2/. – Date of access: 17.03.2015.

  2. Teach. Make a difference [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://teach.com/education-technology/a-new-way-to-teach-and-learn-5-tech nology-trends-in-education. – Date of access: 17.03.2015.

  3. Портал Организации Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры [Электронный ресурс] / UNESCO. – Режим доступа: http://en.unesco.org/themes/education-21st-century. – Дата доступа: 17.03.2015.

В статье описаны некоторые мировые тенденции в области образования, связанные с развитием технологий и инноваций, которые могут быть использованы непосредственно в процессе обучения, общения между преподавателями и обучающимися, обмена информацией. Автор показывает связь между облегчением процесса обучения и глобальными целями человечества в области образования.

М.В. Максимчук, А.В. Олехнович

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГТУ

Научный руководитель – Т.В. Шишко


The main purpose of the environmental policy of the Republic of Belarus is to assure environmentally safe conditions for people’s living, rational use and protection of natural resources, elaboration of legal and economic grounds for protection of the environment in the interests of the present and future generations.

The fundamental regulatory act in the sphere of nature protection is the Law of the Republic of Belarus On Protection of the Environment (1992). This Law fixed the objectives, the principles and the legal basis for environment-protection activities, the range of natural resources, facilities and complexes to be protected, the rights and duties of citizens and public associations on environmental protection, the system of ecological information and education, the state regulation and management in this sphere, the economic mechanism for protection of the environment, the state system of observation over its condition and cadaster account of natural resources. It defines issues of regulatory and technical as well as scientific support of environment-protection measures. The Law also stipulates the performance of ecological expertise and participation in such expertise of independent groups of specialists at the initiative of public associations and citizens. Conclusions made by a public ecological expertise are to be taken into account by authorities performing state ecological expertise. Belarus has also passed laws on protection of land, forests, water sources, atmospheric air, wildlife, etc.

The Republic maintains permanent contacts with intergovernmental organisations: the UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), the World Health Organisation, the UN Economic Commission for Europe on Environment and Water Resources, Executive bodies of the Convention on the Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, the International Network for Environmental Information (INFOTERRA), etc. [3]

Let’s look upon some of these organizations.

1. National educational project SPARE (School Project for Application for Resources and Energy).

On March 26, 2009 SPARE was launched as a national project concerning energy and climate education in Belarus supported by the Norwegian organization Norges Naturvernforbund. Joint efforts from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Environment, educational and environmental organizations will provide education about the environment, energy and climate a real boost, and ensure dissemination on a national level. The project launch was arranged by Republican environmental centre for kids and youth, and was attended by 80 participants. Representatives from the national ministries of Education and Environment, project partner organisations, and representatives from the educational sector throughout Belarus attended the launch. From the Norwegian side Isabel Kemp from the Norwegian embassy in Kiev was present, as well as Yngvild Lorentzen from Norges Naturvernforbund. Norges Naturvernforbund has developed the educational project SPARE, which is the biggest educational project on environment, energy and climate in the world. It is at present implemented in 16 countries, most of which in the former Soviet Union. 300 000 pupils and 5000 teachers participate in the project. The project consists of three main components: theoretical education, concrete actions for energy saving at schools and at home, as well as informing the local society about the achievements. All pupils are invited to participate in an international competition every year. Training of teachers is also an important part of SPARE, as teachers in all countries lack sufficient knowledge on issues related to energy, climate and the environment in order to conduct up-to-date education regarding these issues.

The SPARE project is one of the first national projects implemented in cooperation with both the government and the civil society as mutual partners. This is a major development for the green movement in Belarus. The main aim for the project is to contribute to a more sustainable energy development in Belarus, and make the educational sector a lighthouse for this development [2].

2. TEMPUS project developed by the CRICUWR.

By the joint initiative of the Ministry for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources (CRICUWR) (person in charge Anton Shkaruba) together with the IVAM BV (Research and Consultancy on Sustainability at the University of Amsterdam) have developed project proposals on the analysis of the environmental education level in the Republic of Belarus and the modern system of the environmental experts training, its compliance to the requirements of the potential employers, international practice and modern tendencies. The project proposals, submitted in a project consortium with the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Technology University and Sakharov International Environmental University (Belarus) were selected by the European Commission and approved for funding. At the moment the project is in the process of registration according to legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The following results are anticipated to be achieved: to carry out national inventory of teaching resources in the field of the environment and needs of the labour market in environmental expertise; to carry out a series of workshops and training courses; to compile a monograph on the base of the assessment, to work out a set of recommendations for the competent public authorities [1].

Belarus' active participation in the process of international environmental cooperation helps to overcome ecological crisis together with other countries. Moreover, Belarus has a certain potential for improving technologies to make its economic activities more environmentally friendly.

  1. РУП Центральный Научно-исследовательский Институт Комплексного использования водных ресурсов [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.cricuwr.by/Text/news-11e.htm. – Дата доступа: 05.03.2015.

  2. Союз охраны природы [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://naturvernforbundet.no/international/news/national-educational-project-spare-in-belarus-launched-article8898-191.html. – Дата доступа: 05.03.2015.

  3. Христианский Образовательный Центр им. Святого Мефодия и Кирилла [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.christeducen ter.by/old/christeducenter.by/english/belarus/environment-protection.html. – Дата доступа: 05.03.2015.

В статье речь идёт об основных направлениях работы по реализации государственной экологической политики Республики Беларусь как в области законодательства, так и в сфере международного сотрудничества. Автор показывает, что отношение государства и организаций к охране окружающей среды стало более квалифицированным, научно обоснованным.

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