Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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What causes upper gut fermentation?

▪ Western lifestyles!

▪ Failure to inoculate the gut at birth with the correct friendly bacteria -see PROBIOTICS

▪ Diet

· high in sugar and refined carbohydrate

· low in fresh vegetables and fibre

· low in vitamin C

· low in other micronutrients

▪ Modern medication

· antibiotics, which wipe out the gut flora

· Pill and HRT, which suppress the immune system and encourage yeast overgrowth

· acid blockers such as antacids, H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors, which inhibit stomach acid production – see HYPOCHLORHYDRIA

B8) Lymph Drainage

Do you have watery bags under your eyes? This is not only a sign of kidney distress, but also lymph congestion. The lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system make up the fluid management system in your body. These two systems should have a 1:1 ratio. As your body’s health becomes compromised, your lymphatic system becomes bogged down and your body ends up with two, three, or even four times the amount of lymph compared to blood. Lymph becomes saturated with yeast, fungus, bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, and other toxins which harm your body’s ability to keep your blood clear of these things. This problem is commonly referred to as lymph edema or cellulite. An easy way to test for an edema is to press your finger into the inflamed area (your leg, ankle, arm, hand, etc.). If that slight pressure from your fingertip leaves an indent, you likely have edema.

The lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels, ducts, and nodes that move fluid between the cells and tissues of the body. The lymphatic system is the information highway of the immune system that distributes the infection fighting and scavenging cells of the body. The lymphatic system is not a part of your immune system but it does work with the immune system.

Originally, the lymph was discovered from human cadaver dissection. Currently, most medical textbooks show lymphs simply playing the role of surface drainage channels. The lymphatic system has a lot more going on than just surface drainage! Electrodermal screening has identified that there are also deep drainage areas of the body. For example, when there is flooding in a city, the solution is not simply to raise the curbs on the streets. Rather, the city must improve its sewer drainage system so that it can handle larger amounts of rain water. The same is true for your body. Fixing the surface doesn’t fix the problem.

Using a rebounder (trampoline) is a commonly recommended therapy to assist the lymphatic system along with actual physical lymphatic massage. I also recommend incorporating an energetic herbal formula and frequency therapy to assist clients who suffer from lymph problems. Addressing the lymphatic system is a necessity when dealing with Lyme disease. Symptoms, commonly referred to as herxing or Herxheimer reaction, is primarily due to the body’s inability to drain the debris and by-products of pathogens.

a) The Liver and Gallbladder

According to Dr. Jack Tips, only 1 in 100,000 people have a truly healthy liver. The liver produces 13,000 chemicals and 50,000 enzymes for the body to use. Your liver is part of your immune system and also recycles adrenal and thyroid hormones.120 Your liver affects nearly every organ and system in your body.

• Do you have trouble digesting fats?

• Are there vertical wrinkles between your eyebrows? This usually indicates that your liver is enlarged and hardened.

• Pimples or growth of hair between your eyebrows is also connected to the liver, gallbladder, and spleen.

• Do you have oily skin on your forehead? This is an indicator of poor liver function.

• Does your skin have a yellow hue to it (especially your hands)? My wife had this for years and people thought she ate too many carrots when they saw her. This wasn’t only a silly thought, it was also impossible because she was allergic to carrots at the time.

• Do you have poor vision? The liver can take Vitamin A from your eyes when it’s in need.

• Do you have a six pack abs in morning but are bloated by end of the day? This could indicate problems with your liver and gallbladder.

_______ The liver is the lifeline of the detoxification system. _______

Scientists estimate that up to 80% of the liver can be damaged without producing any symptoms.

Now the other thing to consider is diastasis recti, where there is a widening of the gap between the two sections of your abdominal muscles. This is extremely common in women post-pregnancy and in men or women with large bellies. Until we identified the problem, my wife suffered from this after giving birth to our daughter. She experienced pain in her reproductive area almost all the time (even when just moving or climbing a flight of stairs). We turned to the traditional medical world for help but when her OBGYN ran tests everything was shown to be “normal.” How could that be? We knew there had to be an explanation for her suffering.

Once we identified the problem, she went through a natural protocol to repair the torn abdominal muscles, did specific core exercises, wore a supportive belt during the day, and topically treated the area with topical magnesium gel and DMSO gel (mentioned earlier). She used frequency technology to support regeneration of tissues, which accelerated her healing. My wife, Heather, noticed a big difference in just one month of following this protocol.

About 500,000 gallbladders are removed every year in America through surgery.121 The standard liver blood tests SGOT, GGPT, and SGPT measure liver pathology but not metabolic function. The liver is the lifeline of the detoxification system. It produces bile, which is then stored in the gallbladder. When someone has gallbladder issues or has had it removed, it is almost always because of toxic sludge buildup in the bile duct system.122 Think of toxic sludge like trying to push glue through a straw.

There are some great herbal energetic formulas that help: Lb (Liver/gallbladder) by Systemic Formulas helps to establish proper portal duct function. Detox 1 by Bryon White Formulas helps to gently support drainage of the colon, liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. It helps to decrease liver and blood stagnation, promotes peristalsis, and cools inflamed tissue. I really like this formula for it gentle effect for sensitive people. This formula needs to be taken by itself, away from everything by 30 minutes and 1 hour away from any vitamin C.

There are some great German spagyric formulas that assist the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and help with lymph draining. A spagyric is a hybrid product that is different than a homeopathic remedy or herbal formula. It is basically an extraction of a plant where the plant is calcined and minerals are then added back. This gives them an energetic and herbal signature that is more powerful than it would have been in its original form.123

b) Coffee Enemas

One great tool to open and empty the bile duct system is a coffee enema, which has more importance than just getting rid of bile. First, let me tell you I understand that you’re skeptical. You should see the responses I have received from some of my clients when I mention coffee enemas! It’s important to understand how a coffee enema works before you ever consider doing one. The main purpose of doing a coffee enema is not for weight loss or colon cleansing (did you notice that I didn’t even mention an enema in the colon section of this book?). The primary purpose of a coffee enema is detoxifying your liver by dumping the toxic sludge (bile) from it.

Coffee enemas were first used during World War I. Nurses would typically administer a water enema before surgery to clear the patient’s colon. When no water was available, a nurse used the coffee that was meant for the surgeons to drink instead. They found using the coffee reduced the soldier’s pain. The procedure was repeated and they discovered that the other soldiers felt relief as well from the coffee enemas. German scientists soon began to study the clinical effectiveness of coffee enemas.124 More recently, Max Gerson, a physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, came across this research and began using them in his protocols. The coffee enema was even mentioned in the Merck Manual of Medical Diagnosis up until 1984 as a means to detoxify the body but was removed because it didn’t benefit the pharmaceutical industry.125

The liver produces an enzyme called Glutathione S transferase, which research from the University of Minnesota has shown increases by 600-700% after just one coffee enema.126 Your liver uses palmitic acid as the chemical base to manufacture glutathione S-transferase. Air roasted or lightly roasted coffee is the recommended form for coffee enemas because it has the most palmitates. More heavily roasted coffee beans have less palmitates. So why not use green (unroasted) coffee beans? First, green coffee

_______ The primary purpose of a coffee enema is

detoxifying your liver

by dumping the toxic

sludge (bile) from it. _______

beans don’t blend into a powder form very well. However, the main concern I have is that green coffee extract has been shown to shunt the methylation process in the body. While it is not proven whether green coffee beans will do the same thing as green coffee extract, I am not comfortable suggesting their use. That’s why it’s so important to get the right type of coffee! Using lightly roasted coffee beans is the safest option.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Study Retracted

The study that promoted green coffee bean extract as a supplement and made it massively popular for weight loss has been retracted. The original study was published in 2012 in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. It claimed to study green coffee bean extract in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. In a news release, the Federal Trade Commission said that, “The study's lead investigator repeatedly altered the weights and other key measurements of the subjects, changed the length of the trial, and misstated which subjects were taking the placebo or [green coffee antioxidant] during the trial.”127

Effectiveness of a Coffee Enema

Every 6 minutes all of your blood goes through your liver to be detoxified. When a coffee enema is performed that time shortens to 3 minutes, which essentially makes a coffee enema like a purification dialysis cleaning process of the blood. Coffee enemas work because the hemorrhoidal veins in the descending colon dump into the portal system via the hepatic portal vein. The coffee uses the hepatic portal vein as a direct connection to the liver. The caffeine and cholerectics present in coffee cause the liver and bile duct system to release bile into the colon and increases the flow of bile. This allows your body to use the bile created in your liver to get rid of toxins.

The palmitates are responsible for the body increasing glutathione in the body as well. Drinking coffee with palmitates is not the same as administering it via an enema. The palmitates get used up and broken down during the digestive process. Likewise, the caffeine you ingest while drinking coffee can be hard on your adrenal glands. The caffeine has no affect on your adrenals when it is administered rectally in an enema.

_______ If you are in chronic pain, the coffee enema should help to minimize your pain. ______

Supplies Needed for a Coffee Enema

• Organic, shade grown, lightly roasted (air roasted), whole bean coffee (not decaf)

• Coffee grinder or small blender (like a NutriBullet®)

• 8-cup French press

• Electric water kettle

• Measuring spoons (1 tbsp size)

• Distilled water

• BIND by Systemic Formulas

• Organic coconut oil

• Stainless steel enema kit

• Old bath towels


This procedure is best to do in the morning after you have a normal bowel movement. Coffee enemas have the potential to disrupt sleep if done at night because of the caffeine in the coffee. Morning time is also when the colon is in an expelling mode versus at night when it is in an absorptive mode.

Coffee Enema Instructions

I want to thank my friend, Dr. Nick Ellenson, for helping to establish this effective and time efficient method.

• Grind up 4 tablespoons of whole coffee beans

• Boil 2.5 cups of distilled water in an electric water kettle

• Put the freshly ground coffee in an 8-cup French Press and add the boiling water. Let the mixture sit in the French Press with the cover on for 15 minutes.

• After 15 minutes, push the French Press filter down and pour the coffee into a measuring cup. You should have 2.5 cups of prepared coffee. Add distilled water until you reach 4 cups total. This reduces the temperature of the coffee and allows you to use it quicker.

• Note: If you don’t have a French Press, filter the coffee grounds with a fine strainer (sieve) or cheese cloth. Do not use a coffee filter because they remove the palmitates.

Go to to see a video and learn more about this topic.

Take 2-4 BIND capsules on an empty stomach. This is needed to grab and bind onto the bile in order to prevent reabsorption of toxins.

Allow the coffee to cool down to between body temperature and room temperature (70-98 degrees). While the coffee is steeping, place a heating pad or a far infrared heating mat over your liver/gallbladder area (the bottom of your front-right ribcage). Do not place the pad directly on your skin (for example, place it over a shirt). I recommend the far infrared heating mat because it penetrates the tissues deeper than just a regular heating pad. The heat will help to warm up your body and allow for better mobilization of the bile once the coffee enema is performed.

Once the coffee has cooled enough, bring the supplies to your bathroom that has a bathtub. Lay some towels down in the bathtub to lie on for comfort. With a hose attached to the stainless steel enema bucket and the hose clamped, pour the 4 cups of coffee into the bucket. Unclamp the hose until some coffee starts to come out and clamp again immediately. This will get the air bubbles out of the hose. Take a little bit of coconut oil and apply it to the end of the tube as a lubricant. In a bathroom, place the bucket up on the side of the bathtub or counter so that it is above the bottom of the hose (the enema works by gravity).

Lying with your left side down and with your knees pulled up towards your chest, insert the enema hose into your anus. Insert the hose about 6-inches into your colon. Unclamp the cord and let coffee flow into the colon area. When you feel full, re-clamp hose. Gently and slowly pull the hose out of your anus. Stay in that position and hold the liquid inside of you for 15 minutes. Listen for gurgles in your liver/gallbladder area. After 15 minutes, sit on the toilet and gently push, trying to poop. Do not force elimination. Repeat this enema for a second time and take 2-4 more BIND capsules afterward.

Should You Drink Coffee? If you want to drink coffee there are ways to make it a healthy drink! But before you run off to the coffee shop, I want you to know that coffee can also be incredibly unhealthy. It’s all about quality and quantity. President Teddy Roosevelt is known to have consumed a gallon of coffee a day! Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. According to the National Coffee Association, the average American drinks 3.2 cups of coffee per day.128 Coffee beans are actually the pit of a berry, which technically makes it a fruit. Coffee is the number one consumed antioxidant on the planet with an ORAC score of 15,000-17,000. Coffee can then be seen as a healthy drink because research shows that a lack of antioxidants increases the risk of disease.129

7 Steps to Making Coffee Healthy:

1. Choose Organic Coffee. Non-organic coffee is sprayed heavily with chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.). Any chemicals on or in the coffee bean get released into your drink during brewing.

2. Choose Shade Grown Coffee Beans. Coffee beans that are grown in the shade remove the high amounts of acidity often found in conventional coffee. Likewise, sun cultivation requires an increased use of fertilizer and pesticides.

3. Buy Whole Bean and Grind It Yourself. Coffee begins to oxidize immediately after grinding. In addition, mycotoxins that are created by mold increase in coffee that sits around after being ground. Some companies also add cheap fillers to ground coffee in order to raise their profits.

4. Avoid Chemically Processed Decaffeinated Coffee. Many brands use the chemical ethyl acetate or methyl chloride in the process of decaffeination. Methyl chloride is listed as a possible carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute.130 The best companies use a water process that applies no chemical agents (only water).

5. Don’t Use Tap Water to Brew

6. Don’t Drink Too Much. Consuming too much of anything can make a healthy thing unhealthy. You shouldn’t need coffee to wake up. If you do, this is a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Also, stay away from coffee if you have massive adrenal fatigue.

7. Don’t Add Garbage to Your Brewed Coffee. Avoid artificial creamers, sugars, and milk. If you like your coffee to be sweet, use stevia, birchwood xylitol, monk fruit, or erythritol. Instead of conventionally processed milk, use grass-fed heavy cream, grass-fed butter, MCT oil, or coconut oil. Adding healthy fats to your coffee will help to control sugar cravings during the day.131

This comes from a health guy, not a coffee drinker.

c) Liver Gallbladder Flush

Below is my modified liver-gallbladder flush, which was originally made famous by the late Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. in her book, The Cure for all Diseases.132 I like my modified version of this flush because it’s easy and extremely inexpensive. This cleanse has saved countless individuals from having last minute emergency gallbladder surgery. You do not need to have any symptoms for this cleanse to be a benefit to you. However, there are a few downsides to this flush. You have to be home for about 24 hours, the Epsom salts taste horrible, and it is uncomfortable when your bowels open up and you experience diarrhea. I do not believe this flush cures everything, but I think it is a valuable way to release bile from your liver/gallbladder. Now, let’s get to the details:

What to do during the week before a flush

Drink one liter of water with the juice of half of a fresh lemon when you first get up in the morning to help stimulate a healthy natural bowel movement and to soften your bile. Some of the benefits of this simple detox drink include:

• Did you know that you often wake up dehydrated? Drinking this water will help to quickly rehydrate your system.

• Your liver works very hard during the night to turn toxins into less harmful water-soluble substances, so drinking water in the morning helps to flush these substances out of your body.

• Lemon juice has an alkalizing effect on the body. Since most of our diets (and therefore our bodies) are very acidic, this helps to balance that acidity.

• Lemon juice helps to promote healthy stomach acid secretion, which leads to better digestion.

• Lemons are high in Vitamin C, which helps to boost our immune system and prevent us from getting sick.

• Lemon juice is an antioxidant that helps to fight disease causing free radicals in the body.

• Lemon juice is antiseptic and antibacterial and helps to combat disease-causing bacteria in the digestive tract.

I also recommend that you drink 2-3 cups of chamomile tea per day, which aids in dissolving calcified bile.

Drink to sip on for 6 days before the flush

Mix 4 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in one liter of water. Add 125 drops of Phosfood Liquid by Standard Process and 50 drops of Stone breaker by Herb Pharm. Sip on this concoction from 9am to 6pm. Do not drink all at once!

Also take 2 Lb (Liver/Gallbladder) by Systemic Formulas twice a day – this formula helps to establish proper portal duct function.

Supplies needed for the day of the flush

• 4 tablespoons Epsom salts

• ½ cup olive oil

• 1 large or 2 small fresh pink grapefruit (enough to squeeze 2/3 or ¾ cup of juice)

• Manual citrus juicer (typically used for lemons)

• Jar

There are a few guidelines I’d like you to follow. First, choose a day like Saturday to do this cleanse because you will need to be able to rest the next day. Second, take no medications, vitamins, or pills that you can do without because they could impact the effectiveness of the cleanse. Third, eat a breakfast that contains no fat and a simple lunch like cooked cereal (oatmeal) with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), or a baked potato or other vegetables seasoned only with salt. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver (higher pressure pushes out more stones). It is also important for you not to eat after 2:00 PM. You will likely feel sick if you break this rule.


2:00 PM: Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tablespoons of the Epsom salts into 3 cups of apple juice and pour this mixture into a jar. This makes 4 servings (¾ cup per serving). I have found that most people prefer to have it refrigerated because it tastes better chilled.

6:00 PM: Drink one serving ( ¾ cup) of the Epsom saltsapple juice drink to begin getting the bowels moving. Take out the olive oil and grapefruit to allow them to warm to room temperature.

8:00 PM: Drink another ¾ cup of Epsom salts-apple juice drink. 9:45 PM: Pour ½ cup of the olive oil into a jar. Use a manual citrus juicer to extract the juice. You should get at least ½ cup of juice from the grapefruit (¾ cup is best). Add the grapefruit juice to the olive oil, close the jar tightly, and shake it hard until the mixture is watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this). Now go to the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your 10:00PM drink (but don’t be more than 15 minutes late).

10:00 PM: Drink the olive oil-grapefruit juice concoction. Drink it standing up and finish it within 5 minutes (15 minutes for elderly or weakened people).

Immediately lay down on your right side in a fetal position for 30 minutes with the far infrared mat or heating pad right across your liver/gallbladder area after drinking the olive oil-grapefruit juice mixture. Do NOT get up for 30 minutes. Do your best to rest and sleep if you can.

Next Morning: Upon awakening, take your third dose of Epsom salts and apple juice. If you are experiencing indigestion or nausea, wait for the symptoms to pass before taking this third dose. You may go back to bed to rest. Note: do not drink this concoction before 6:00 AM.

2 Hours Later: Take your fourth (last) dose of Epsom salts and apple juice (¾ cup). You may go back to bed if you feel like you need to rest.

After 2 more hours: You may eat. Start with fruit juice, and eat fruit about 30 minutes later. One hour after that you may eat regular food, but keep it light. By dinner time you should feel fully recovered.

How well did you do?

Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for bile stones in the toilet with your bowel movements (especially the green kind). Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but bile stones float because of the cholesterol inside. You may repeat this cleanse every two weeks. Never cleanse when you are ill.

• Sometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as “chaff” floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It is often tan colored and is likely harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging stones.

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