Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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In order to successfully eliminate the pathogenic microbes, you must also eliminate their protective biofilm). There are 5 methods to inhibit blocking quorum sensing, (2) obstructing the initial attachment phase of biofilm colonies, (3) restricting the swarming motility of pathogenic organisms, (4) employing efflux pump/multi-drug resistance pump inhibitors, and (5) using bacteriostatics or bactericidals.

shield (the biofilms: (1) Quorum sensing is a method of communication between bacteria. One species of bacteria takes on the role of “main bacteria” and the other species of bacteria follow along. When that species is killed, the bacteria choose a new species to be the main bacteria.

A combination of enzymes, chelating agents, antimicrobials, prebiotics, and probiotics can be used to disrupt pathogenic biofilm and support normal gastrointestinal microbiota. Systemic enzymes such as nattokinase and serrapeptase all decrease the formation of Lyme biofilms. Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced in the intestines of silk worms which is used to break down the walls of a cocoon. These enzymes also break down and eliminate circulating immune complexes (CICs). Systemic enzymes are different than digestive enzymes. The three types of digestive enzymes are proteolytic enzymes (protein), lipases (fat), and amylases (carbohydrates).

Identify injured areas, especially if you suffer from Lyme disease. Systemic enzymes not only help with biofilms, but also are used to repair tissues from damaged areas. Systemic enzymes clean out the debris in the blood and stimulate the immune system.

There are supplemental products that work against gram positive and gram negative bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasites, and viruses. There are even some that inhibit the formation of biofilms. In 2013, research with the supplement Biocidin by Bio-Botanical Research at the University of Binghamton showed that biofilm communities were eradicated within 24 hours of use. Apple cider vinegar can also be a useful therapeutic option for biofilms.

Notes on biofilm. Antibiotics make it worse

When infections become chronic, a war rages in your body. And the pathogenic bacteria and fungi are winning. Antibiotics and antifungals may alleviate some symptoms initially, but they don’t address the source of the problem. In fact, it turns out that antibiotics actually make these pathogens stronger!

This is why some people never get well. The bacteria and fungi that are keeping them sick are successfully able to survive no matter which antibiotics, antifungals, herbs, and other substances they use.

Here’s what’s going on: Free-floating pathogenic bacteria come together

to form a sticky substance, which encases them within a protective matrix. This prevents anti-inflammatory cells and antibiotics from reaching them. This substance is called biofilm.

The fascinating world of biofilm

You’ve heard about biofilm before, but maybe not by this name. In fact, you have it in your mouth and fight it every day. You know it as dental plaque. And it causes chronic infections from dental implants. This is why dentists are years ahead of medical doctors when it comes to understanding and treating oral biofilm. One of their treatments, ozone therapy, is very effective in treating oral biofilms. But it’s not as effective against those biofilms that live in the intestines where they’re more protected.

I recently heard about biofilms in the digestive tract — and how to eradicate them — from two of my trusted colleagues who find natural solutions to health problems. They teamed up with an expert in biofilm, Stephen Olmstead, MD, to find a solution to pathogenic biofilms in the gut. And it looks like they found it.

Most doctors, even doctors who practice integrative medicine, haven’t even heard about biofilm or its solution. But I predict that this will soon become more widely known and accepted, due in part to Dr. Olmstead’s research.

When it is, remember that you heard about it first, here in these pages.

Biofilms are substances, common in nature, that form when free-floating pathogenic microbes join together and stick to surfaces. They can be the slime you find coating rocks in a stream, the “gunk” in your drains, or dental plaque. Or they can live hidden in your digestive tract or genitals where they can impair your health.

Biofilms are complex communities of microbes living within impenetrable protective “cages” made from various sugars, minerals, and other substances. These shells keep antibiotics and antifungals from reaching and destroying biofilms’ pathogens.

These masses of microbes are tenacious. They stick to surfaces like the metals and plastics used in medical devices. They also stick to the intestinal lining, where they contribute to numerous chronic illnesses. Some people with invasive candidiasis have fungal biofilms from dental implants, catheters, and heart valves.

If your health has deteriorated after a medical or dental procedure and antibiotics haven’t worked, you may have an excess of pathogenic biofilm. If this is the case, you may not be able to get well until you get these biofilms under control.

Biofilms are innately more resistant to antibiotics than free-floating bacteria. How resistant? They can be from 10 to 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics than free-floating bacteria! At best, antibiotics may work initially. But a relapse is sure to follow. Similarly, Candida is resistant to common antifungals like fluconazole.

Finding a program that works

Each type of biofilm responds to a slightly different protocol so an individualized approach is essential. Dr. Olmstead advises doctors on the best protocol for each patient. He has been collecting clinical reports on treatments to eradicate biofilm. This is no simple matter, because fungal biofilm need a different protocol than bacterial biofilm.

Here’s what you need to treat biofilm:

First, you have to disrupt the protective shell surrounding biofilm that prevents antibiotics and antifungals from killing the bugs.

Next, you need to use the right antimicrobials to destroy the particular microbes inside your biofilm. These may be antibiotics or herbs, depending on which bacteria or fungi you need to eradicate.

Finally, you need to add pre-and probiotics to increase colonies of friendly bacteria. These bacteria strengthen your immune system so it can better fight infection from pathogenic biofilm.

You need to have a doctor administer and monitor this program. Since few doctors know about biofilms, I’ve found a way for you to either get your doctor the information he or she needs, or to find a doctor who is familiar with this program.

Next month I’ll tell you about this three-step program in more detail and how to find a knowledgeable doctor to work with you. It will give you the hope you need to heal your body. Stay tuned.

In last month’s issue, I told you about highly intelligent microbial substances called biofilm. These “bugs” prevent many people from getting their chronic fungal or bacterial infections under control. An overgrowth of gastrointestinal biofilms is the reason why thousands of people either don’t get well or why they continue to relapse.

I explained just what biofilms are and mentioned that there was a three-part program your doctor can help you with that can destroy these seemingly invincible substances. If you relate to the information in this article, I suggest you read last month’s article and show it to your doctor. If you’ve given your copy away or misplaced it, you can read it on my website.

While I wish it was possible for you to follow this program on your own, this is one case where a doctor is a necessity for getting a key ingredient in the antibiofilm protocol. If you don’t have someone who’s willing to work with you to get your biofilm colonies under control, I’ll help you find someone who will.

The biofilm solution, step one

Biofilms are a major factor in antibiotic resistance in part because they live in a protective environment. So the first step is to break down the biofilm’s protective cage. It’s very much like a fortified city. To break it down, you need to use a combination of specific digestive enzymes, chelating agents, and natural antimicrobials. They disrupt the substances that form biofilm. Once you have compromised the biofilm, you need other nutrients to repair the intestines that the pathogens damaged.

The pathogenic bacteria in biofilm weave a protective matrix out of polysaccharides and proteins. These substances then attract metals and nucleic acids. So the first step is to damage this matrix, making penetration possible. Unless and until you do, there’s simply no way any antibiotic or other antimicrobials can destroy the pathogens within the biofilm.

What can break down this matrix? Enzymes.

Don’t think that you can pick up any enzyme or enzyme formula at your local health food store and start feeling better. Even if it’s strong. You need specific enzymes that are effective in binding to the cellulose in biofilm’s matrix, and others to attach themselves to minerals and protein. It takes the right enzymes in the correct potency taken over the right length of time to get results.

Dr. Stephen Olmstead, an MD at Klaire Labs, has researched biofilms for nearly a decade. He’s developed a combination enzyme formula that penetrates biofilms’ matrix, allowing antimicrobials to then kill off pathogens like H. pylori, Klebsiella, C.difficile, Candida albicans, MRSA, and others. It’s called InterFace™ and InterFase Plus™.

Begin with InterFace

Pathogenic biofilms can hide anywhere, from the sinuses to the large intestines. InterFace is a combination of eight enzymes specifically chosen for their ability to break down biofilms throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In addition, this formula also is available with Disodium EDTA. Both formulas are effective in disrupting biofilm made by various pathogens.

Calcium, magnesium, and iron are minerals essential to our health. They’re also essential to the formation of biofilm. Disodium EDTA binds to calcium and magnesium in the biofilm matrix, making them more permeable. Lactoferrin effectively binds to iron. But you should avoid it if you have a dairy sensitivity.

Antibiotics and antimicrobials: step two

Penetrating pathogenic biofilm isn’t enough. You also need to stop biofilm from multiplying, and you need to destroy some of the existing pathogenic biofilm. This is when and where antibiotics, antifungals, and antimicrobials come in. They may be anything from antibiotics to natural antimicrobials, such as the berberine found in golden seal root, oregano, and green tea extract.

But you’ll need to take enough of the right herb — or antibiotic — long enough to destroy biofilms’ pathogens. This means working with a knowledgeable health care practitioner to make sure you’re taking the antimicrobials that can best fight your particular bacteria or fungi. If he or she doesn’t know how to design a protocol for you, I’ll tell you shortly how to find someone who can.

Re-establishing your gut health: step three

Various probiotics (friendly bacteria) help reduce colonies of pathogens within biofilm in the GI tract. Not all probiotics are effective against all pathogenic bacteria. Prebiotics, which are foods for healthful probiotics, stimulate the growth of some of these beneficial bacteria. It’s vital to increase the good bacteria while decreasing the bad guys.

The prebiotics and probiotics you take to help reduce biofilm need to be the specific ones known to work with your particular pathogens. Your doctor can get some of this information in an article Dr. Olmstead wrote in the Townsend Letter (October 2009) and from Dr. Olmstead, at Klaire Labs.

Your next step

So, what should you do if you suspect your health problem is complicated by an overgrowth of pathogenic biofilm, knowing that your doctor probably hasn’t even heard about this problem? Different pathogens and the composition of their matrixes need different and specific, protocols. This is where Dr. Olmstead comes in.

Disrupting biofilm is simple, but tricky, especially since there are no tests to accurately determine the presence of pathogenic biofilm overgrowth. However, symptoms often disappear with this three-step antibiofilm program. The good news is that Dr. Olmstead is available to speak with your doctor and help design a protocol specifically for you. There is no charge from Dr. Olmstead for his services.

You need to take all of the supplements in this three-step program concurrently for at least two weeks. Some may need to take them as long as three months, or longer. You’ll need someone knowledgeable to help you understand what to take and for how long. You can obtain the InterFace enzymes and probiotics appropriate to your condition from your doctor through Klaire Labs. The ones you need to take depend on the type of pathogens you have.

Show this article to your doctor and ask him or her to call Dr. Olmstead at Klaire Labs (888-488-2488) for further information.

I know that this is a more complicated program than those I usually give you. But just think. It could be the solution to your chronic GI problems that can’t be corrected by any other method.

I suspect that over time there will be more refinements and perhaps simpler programs to deal with biofilm. As soon as I hear about them and check them out, I’ll let you know.

Petrova, Olga E., and Karin Sauer. “A Novel Signaling Network Essential for Regulating Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Development.” PLoS Pathogens, 2009; 5 (11): e1000668 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000668.

Braz J Infect Dis. 2008 December;12(6):526-30.

Darvish, Dr. Nooshin K. “The Antibiotic Complicated,” 28/02/09.

Biofilms, Parasites, Mold and Electromagnetic Frequencies - See more at:

Clean Up Your Teeth

When it comes to restoring health, people often underestimate how important the condition of their mouths and teeth are. Old root canals, toxic materials, and pathogens living in your teeth all need to be dealt with. Almost 60 million root canals are performed each year. Root canals leave miles of accessory pathways (dentin tubules) which create the perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria to thrive and then spread throughout your body. The bacteria in these dentin tubules remain protected from the body’s immune system and are often left untouched by antibiotics and other therapies. The danger is that they have direct access to the blood stream.

Using the best DNA testing technology available, the Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) identified multiple pathological bacteria within teeth that have had a root canal procedure done to them. The bone adjacent to the teeth and other nearby extraction sites were also impacted. TERF believes it is no coincidence that in the US, people who suffer from Multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, Lupus, leukemia, diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other autoimmune diseases have had at least one root canal.199 The inventor of the root canal procedure, Dr. George Meinig, spent the last years of his career trying to get dentists to stop doing the procedure. Teeth that are removed only have 1.1% of their tubules infected, whereas teeth that have had root canals performed on them had 39% of their tubules infected in just 3 months.200 Dr. Josef Issels of Germany found that in his forty years of treating "terminal" cancer patients, 97% of his patients had undergone root canals. He now mandates that all root canals be removed before a patient can begin treatment with him.201

I recommend using a biological dentist to assist in proper care of your mouth and teeth. Partial dentures, bridges, or implants are good options in situations when a root canal would usually be offered as a form of treatment. However, stay away from titanium because it has immunosuppressive qualities to it. Also, be aware that just like with mercury laden fillings, removing the tooth is not enough. Conventional dentists are taught to remove the tooth but leave the periodontal ligament behind. This ligament is a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria and must be properly removed along with the damaged tooth.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is great for the teeth, but it will not detoxify your body at the cellular level. Oil pulling originated with Ayurvedic medicine thousands of years ago. Sesame oil has always been the recommended oil to use, but I believe that coconut oil is much more effective because of its antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

Oil pulling basically consists of rinsing your mouth out with oil, much like you would with mouthwash. The oil is “worked” around your mouth by pushing, pulling, and drawing it through your teeth for 15 minutes. Once the 15 minutes have gone by, spit the oil out and rinse out your mouth with water. Warning: coconut oil is great to consume, but do not swallow the oil after it has been used for this procedure because it is full of toxins.

Oil pulling is most effective when done first thing in the morning, just after you wake up. It is great for reducing plaque accumulation and tooth decay because when it is done properly, it has a significant cleansing, detoxifying, and healing effect for the mouth.

“It acts much like the oil you put in your car engine. The oil picks up dirt and grime. When you drain the oil, it pulls out the dirt and grime with it,

leaving the engine relatively clean. Consequently, the engine runs smoother and lasts longer. Likewise, when we expel harmful substances from our bodies our health is improved and we run smoother and last longer.”

- Bruce Fife, Naturopathic Physician -

You can also eliminate pathogens in your mouth by doing the oil pulling procedure with 1 milliliter (mL) of liquid wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). Another option is to use 1mL of goldenseal liquid and 1mL of wormwood with water in a Waterpik® flosser. This practice is good for gum health, tooth abscesses, general tooth pain, and pathogen elimination.


Many people have never considered that they might have parasites. However, it has been estimated that more than 50% of all people in the Western world will have some sort of parasite or semi-parasitic animal living in their bodies during their lifetime.202 Researchers now believe that parasites could be a co-factor in almost every illness we suffer from.203

Worms, bacterium, viruses, and fungi enter our bodies because we provide an ideal environment for them. Our intestinal flora is disrupted and our immune systems are compromised by the antibiotics we take, the junk food we eat, and the other chemicals we ingest. Our weakened state turns us into the perfect breeding ground for parasites to invade and thrive in. Parasites can be picked up in many ways, but eating pork or visiting parts of the world where clean water isn’t widely available are two of the most common causes of infestation.

You may not like to hear it, but pork is not a good meat to eat. God even tells us this in the Bible! God specifically instructed His people not to eat pork and shellfish because they are “unclean” animals. (Leviticus 11:1-8) Pigs are considered the scavengers of the farm and often eat anything they can find. This is especially troubling because pigs don’t have sweat glands. The body uses sweat glands to get rid of toxins! Likewise, pork contains more toxins than any other commonly consumed meat because a pig digests whatever they eat rather quickly (in about four hours). By contrast, a cow takes about twenty-four hours to digest what it eats. Just like humans, animals get rid of excess toxins and other unwanted components of food that could be dangerous to their health during the digestive process. Since the pig’s digestive system is very simple, many of these toxins get stored in their fatty tissues, which we then consume. Pigs carry a variety of parasites in their bodies and therefore their meat. This is why there are so many warnings about eating undercooked pork!204 While cooking pork does eliminate some of the parasites and toxins, many of them are too strong to be killed by cooking.

_______ More than 50% of all people in the Western world

will have some sort of parasite or semi-parasitic animal living in their bodies

during their lifetime. _______

Pigs are primary carriers of these parasites and viruses:

• Trichinellosis or Trichinosis

• Taenia Solium Tapeworm

• Hepatitis E Virus (HEV)

• PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome)

• Nipah Virus

• Menangle Virus

What you choose to eat is up to you. I choose to stay away from pork (and shellfish for that matter). Do your own research, carefully consider what the Bible warns us about, and then make your own educated decision about what you choose to eat and feed to your loved ones. As my friend Jordan Rubin says, “Pork is not the other white meat. It’s the white trash meat.”

Parasite Elimination

To fully kill off parasites, it’s important you follow this protocol for a minimum of 40 days! Some people may need to go through this procedure four or five times before they are truly free of parasites. Likewise, some people may need to start with lower doses of these recommended formulas. This program should be comfortable. If you experience discomfort, lower the dosages and gradually increase them until you are able to handle the full program.

The Complete Parasite Elimination Protocol

For 10 days adults should take:

45 Minutes Before Breakfast (no eating, especially protein)

• 3 capsules of VRM-2 by Systemic Formulas

• 3 capsules of VRM-4 by Systemic Formulas

Before Bed (no eating, especially protein)

• 3 capsules of VRM-1 by Systemic Formulas

• 3 capsules of VRM-3 by Systemic Formulas

Then stop taking the VRM formulas for 5 days. Resume with a second 10-day cycle and then stop taking the formulas for another 5 days. Repeat this for a third 10-day cycle to complete the protocol.

If you cannot tolerate herb capsules without food, take them with celery, carrots, or other vegetables.

Remember that dead parasites are toxic. Don’t be surprised if you become irritable as you cleanse your system of parasites! If this occurs, drink more water and take 2-4 BIND capsules by Systemic Formulas once a day on an empty stomach with water (no food or other supplements for at least 2 hours prior). I like BIND because it contains pharmaceutical grade super-activated carbon that acts like a magnet by absorbing chemicals for safe and easy elimination.

VRM-1 (Large) was created to address large intestinal worms such as tapeworms (Cestoda).

VRM-2 (Small) was created to address small intestinal and blood-based parasites including roundworms (Nematoda) and microfilaria.

VRM-3 (Micro) was created to address micro-organisms in the intestines such as giardia, C-diff, and entamoeba histolytica (Protozoa, Amoeba, and some gram positive bacteria).

VRM-4 (Cell) was created to address mobile parasites such as flukes (Trematoda) and parasites that invade the cells.

How To Eat During the Complete Parasite Elimination Protocol Eliminating sugar and things that turn to sugar such as all grains. I even tell clients to avoid eating fruit during this parasite protocol because they contain too much sugar. One of the best foods you can eat to kill off parasites are pumpkin seeds. Eat 1 cup per day during this program. Feel free the blend the seeds up and put into a smoothie or a shake.

Frequency Technology

Frequency technology is a safe and powerful technology that was created by Royal Raymond Rife, a science prodigy who studied at John Hopkins University. In the 1920’s Dr. Rife helped to develop the technology that is commonly used in the following fields today: optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, and even aviation. He practically developed bioelectrical medicine himself! Dr. Rife received fourteen major awards and honors and was given an honorary doctorate by the University of Heidelberg. He invented the universal microscope in 1920 that defies our modern understanding of physics. To say that he was brilliant and revolutionary would be an understatement.

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