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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed Jan 17, 2001 3:31am

Subject: Caution! Don't rage while driving
Ellie, something very disturbing is happening. I'm having accidents. Tonight I ran over some animal on the way home after the examination at the hospital. I was being examined because last night an 80-year-old woman ran a stop sign and totaled my rental car. I am in a rental car because three weeks ago the night after Christmas Day a deer ran into my own car, and it's being repaired.
I believe these accidents are because I'm expressing more and more rage. I was just frothing at the mouth Monday afternoon as I drove into New Orleans, violently angry at my mother, and I even told the tape recorder that I carry with me to record my feelings that I felt so angry it was like I was going to have an accident. And then a few hours later that woman hit me. A lot of the current rage was because we just celebrated the birthday of the sister who was meanest to me when I was little. The day after that occasion I raged and cried all day.
I was always one to turn the rage against myself. I would get angry and somehow doors would smash into me, my elbows would bang against something because space was suddenly too tight. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Don't get in touch with your rage when driving...STUFF IT if you have might do some major redirecting before you leave home, so you are in a calm state when driving.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Jan 20, 2001 6:59am

Subject: 7. eGroup Description
7. eGroup Description
An anonymous non-interactive group restricted to persons 18 or older who are using self-help measures that relieve depression permanently in a few months, and after about a year bring virtually full recovery from emotional disorders and addictions. These measures are proven to work because they are based on the discovery of the biology of emotional illness published in a medical journal. The list is restricted to adults using the self-help measures in the article on:

It is also on and
Before joining study the longer version and the scientific article on

If you are interested in these techniques to help others you are also welcome. If you are severely depressed and suicidal please seek professional help. I am a neuroscientist, not a medical doctor. The self-help measures can be used along with other therapies and medication. In time you will be able to taper off medication under medical supervision. In these articles you learn how to heal from emotional disorders and the co-dependency that underlies all addictions. Emotional disorders and addictions are caused by the suppression of justifiable anger during childhood trauma, and recovery involves releasing and redirecting repressed anger toward past abusers, not in person, but as described in the article. Please read all the articles (also the Endorsements on:

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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Jan 20, 2001 7:12am

Subject: Prison Project Update
Some of you have been interested in the prison project mentioned on:

I wanted to tell you some exciting news. The greatest response has been from poorer countries where it seems the RST will reach prisoners, and hopefully those who oppress them will be confronted. I just had a request from the Republic of Zambia for 15,000 pamphlets, a bit over my budget, but I will be able to send them 10,000.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Jan 30, 2001 8:10am

Subject: Pain killers
I was asked about taking some aspirin during the headaches. I was pleased to hear about the headaches--it's a good sign. All drugs are toxic and will cause future detox symptoms, so it's whether you are willing to put up with the detox symptoms. My suggestion is that it's no big deal if you pop an aspirin, but try not to do it routinely. The nice thing about this recovery is that eventually your body will easily get rid of toxins daily and symptoms will be mild. You will be able to have narcotic drugs if needed without fear of addiction. When I had dental implants made last year I took some Tylenol with codeine. I didn't need very much. My dentist was shocked at how little I took. I also still get headaches from toxic foods I can't help eating, but they are mild.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Feb 2, 2001 5:58am

Subject: 9. Who is Ellie
9. Who is Ellie

I am Ellie, who owns and moderates this eGroup. Yahoo has listed my article, The Biology of Emotions, in their Depressive Disorders section and the hits on my website increased. This eGroup, which is for support for persons using the self-help measures in that article is growing fast. I want to apologize if some of you have tried to reach me but your email did not come through and to say if the group gets very large, I may not always be able to respond. I hope you will refer to the articles and Archives when you have questions. If you cannot find answers there I am happy to answer questions and will keep trying to do so individually. But this is about self-therapy and hopefully everything you need to know is in the articles. Once you have begun the redirecting you will be guided as your own toxic mind clears. I want to repeat that in my own recovery I had no one to guide me, only the knowledge of the toxic mind theory, so I know this is enough for you too. This is why I encourage you to study the articles and read the Archives. I have discontinued posting your comments and my replies, which have become repetitious, and instead will post important information repeatedly. Look for Archives that have a numerical number in the Subject, When you just want support please go to the other Archives.

I want to take this opportunity to tell you who I am not and who I am
Who I am not...

I am not a psychiatrist, medical doctor, or therapist of any kind. I am not a guru or spiritual teacher. I am not a new friend, that is, in the codependent sense, and certainly not someone who will try to take away your pain by offering you comfort and sympathy. I am not the good mother you didn't have, or a substitute for her. I cannot offer you that codependent kind of love, nor will I let anyone else in the eGroup offer it to you.

Who I am...

I am a neuroscientist, who was on the faculty at NYU School of Medicine and did research in biological psychiatry for close to 50 years, beginning at Rockefeller University where I worked for, and published with, one of the first scientists to investigate the serotonin hypotheses. I have published many articles, my final one being 'The toxic mind: the biology of mental illness and violence.' The theory presented in this article is scientifically true and has been accepted by the neuroscientists most in authority on this subject. Because of personal denial, most of these scientists are ignoring this discovery. If you are neuroscientists, I will be happy to discuss the biology with you. If you are not, but question the science, I can't debate it with you. The self-help measures in the article, The Biology of Emotions, are based on the toxic mind theory, and because the theory is true, the self-help measures work if you work them. %100 of persons who used them as suggested have been relieved of chronic anxiety and depression and in time of emotional disorders and addictions.

I am a person who has been blessed with virtually full recovery (no human has perfect health) from anxiety, depression, a book full of psychiatric disorders, and addictions to people, alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, sex, money, you name it. I am a facilitator who is offering you my experience using the self help measures.
There are times when I have thought that evolution took a turn toward the destruction of our species, and I have just been lucky to stumble on some biological mechanisms that, if followed, would change our direction. But the number of coincidences in my life that led me to this discovery and to my own healing have been so overwhelming that I believe this understanding of the biology was a gift from God. I know this is a leap of faith, but I think God, or Higher Power, or Enegry, is tired of the medical approach, the government approach, the philosophical approach, the religious or ethical approach, and has decided to intervene again. I find constant correlation with Biblical stories of Jesus and other spiritual teachers, who were trying to heal using similar techniques. We are Wonderfully made with the capacity to heal from birth and the detoxification process has been going on in all of us even prior to birth. The Knowledge of how to heal is in every living being. It is not some special wisdom given to me. All forms of life know how to heal, but this Knowledge has been obscured by the toxicosis. Toxicosis is the true disease. The symptoms are healing events, and people who are emotionally sick as diagnosed by psychiatry are actually healthier than the apparently normal people who are still emotionally shut down. Melody Beattie has suggested that 99% of the population is codependent--this is the basic addiction-- and this means most humans have toxic minds and are not normal. Toxic minds are delusional minds, and the world is running on delusion. Post flood people are normal.
Who are you...

I must be honest and say that anyone attracted to this eGroup is codependent, has a toxic mind, and is in need of this recovery. Having a toxic mind means that you may not understand the theory or believe it will work for you. You may feel sicker, even crazy, during the redirecting. After doing some redirecting you may feel more depressed temporarily and discouraged. I want to praise you for having the courage to begin this process, If you have joined to see 'if' it works you may not be ready, but I hope a seed is planted.

I will never judge you although I may get angry at your disease if you misdirect anger toward me. I will not allow anyone else in this eGroup to judge you. You are, as I was, an innocent child, and whatever misdirecting of anger you may have done, even murder, was an unconscious attempt to heal. I love you unconditionally in what I think is the true definition of love-- to care about the well being of another.
Thanks for joining this eGroup and be assured I am a friend, a post flood friend. There is a new eGroup for post flood people where you can share going through the muddy basin period, make friends and be a part of a growing community of emotionally healthy people. The Bible predicts, 'a little child will lead them,' and we are the little children who will lead them.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Feb 3, 2001 6:10am

Subject: Excitatory nervous symptoms
This is a reminder that the key to speeding your recovery is to watch for the excitatory nervous symptoms and do the redirecting during these symptoms. It is important to continue this all through the muddy basin period to achieve full recovery. Here is the list.

Anxiety, fear, palpitations, panic attacks, nightmares, tremors, insomnia, compulsive thoughts or behavior, mania, paranoia, resentments, judgmental thoughts, criticism of character, moral condemnation of others, misdirected anger or rage, aggressive behavior, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, suicidal thought, biting your nails or picking at your skin, cravings for alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, shopping or other psychological stimulants, cravings for sedatives or sedating foods or other ways to calm yourself, such as meditation, fear of abandonment, feelings of rejection, cravings for company, loneliness.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Feb 6, 2001 6:24am

Subject: Abusive Relationship
If our fathers misdirected anger toward us, we may be attracted to men who rage at us. If our mothers abandoned us emotionally or physically, we may choose partners who will sooner or later abandon us. Some of us seek out friends who are submissive and misdirect our anger toward them. We find jobs with bosses who order us around just as our parents did, campaign for government leaders who suppress us with laws, and join churches with sermonizing ministers. How often we hear the tragic story of a seemingly gentle person who goes off on a spree and kills a few of these authority figures. Some, who were taught to believe in a judgmental God, join monasteries and flagellate themselves with hourly "mea culpa" prayers. We seek persons in authority who will abuse and judge us, or we strive to be authorities and abuse others. We become abusive parents, doctors, priests, judges, and lawmakers--even dictators. We project our parents onto our children and to those we oppress-all in attempts to have our justifiable anger. The redirecting self-therapy allows us to direct anger to all persons who abused us and/or caused us to suppress anger, but it is primarily about redirecting anger to our parents or early caretakers, because our anger at current abusers has more to do with those early relationships.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed Feb 7, 2001 6:25am

Subject: Kick the big gorilla
Hello Ellie,
I wanted to share a discovery I made. I'm steady reading the posts, but so far I haven't read anything about this and I'm excited so I want to share.
Being a mother and living at home with my grandparents has made it somewhat difficult with redirecting my anger, since I'm 95% of the time not able to scream and yell the way I want to when I'm at home. I mostly do the yelling before I go home at a huge parking lot in my car.
For Xmas my co-worker gave me a semi-big gorilla for my son. It is the perfect object because I can kick it against the wall without making any noise. The material inside is very soft. So when my son and grandparents are sleeping I like to go to the living room and kick the shit out of that gorilla. I kick it I stomp on it I kick it against the wall until I'm out of breath and dizzy from the high and all that without noise. I do speak towards my abusers while doing this but not very loud. This I want to share with all people that are in a situation similar to mine.
When it's hard to get to that anger I also write in my diary about how I feel about myself, the low self esteem and self hate and I start feeling very low because I feel all the pain, and then suddenly I start feeling angry because I remember how I got to feel that way in the first place. Then I'm able to scribble real hard with crayons on paper and let that anger out. Once I did that I really start raving and I start kicking and hitting my beloved gorilla until I'm exhausted.




From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Feb 9, 2001 6:01am

Subject: 10. Codependency/Addictions
10. Codependency/Addictions
Codependency and overlying addictions will slowly subside during the muddy basin period.
All children are born with healthy anger, which is part of the fight or flight reaction. When parents mistreat or neglect us emotionally, even unintentionally, they usually cause us to suppress our justifiable anger. No parent need to be perfect, but we must be allowed to be angry. The suppression of anger is more damaging than the trauma itself and leads to anxiety and depression later in life. Even the lullaby, 'Hush Li'l Baby Now Don't You Cry' serves the parent, not the child. Our parents probably had to suppress their anger as children and this recovery is for them as well. As adults we unconsciously form codependent relationships, which are re-enactments of childhood relationships, for the purpose of releasing repressed anger and grief. Many of us have sought partners, bosses, and friends who remind us of our parents and have been unhappy in these relationships.
Codependent relationships are formed unconsciously with parent substitutes for the purpose of setting a stage to reenact the childhood relationships and get anger out. The behavior of these parent substitutes is stimulatory and triggers needed detox crises during which anger is released. Codependency is the basic addiction of mankind. Other overlying addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, and stimulatory activities such as sex, shopping, gambling, etc also trigger detox crises. These addictions will linger past the post flood point as long as any toxicosis exists, but will slowly subside.
Characteristics of codependency
I assume responsibility for other's feelings and behaviors.
I feel overly responsible for other's feelings and behaviors.
I have difficulty in identifying feelings -- Am I Angry? Lonely? Sad? Happy? Joyful?
I have difficulty expressing feelings -- I am feeling ... Happy, Sad, Hurt, Joyful.
I tend to fear and/or worry how others may respond to my feelings.
I have difficulty in forming and/or maintaining close relationships.
I am afraid of being hurt and/or rejected by others.
I am perfectionistic and place too many expectations on myself and others.
I have difficulty making decisions.
I tend to minimize, alter or even deny the truth about how I feel.
Other people's actions and attitudes tend to determine how I respond/react.
I tend to put other people's wants and needs first.
My fear of other's feelings (anger) determines what I say and do.
I question or ignore my own values to connect with significant others. I value other's opinions more than my own.
My self-esteem is bolstered by outer/other influences. I tend to judge everything I do,
I do not believe that being vulnerable and asking for help is both OKAY and NORMAL.
I do not know that it is OKAY to talk about problems outside the family; or that feelings just are -- and it is better to share them than to deny, minimize or justify them.
I tend to put other people's wants and needs before my own.
I am steadfastly loyal -- even when the loyalty is unjustified -- and personally harmful.
I have to be "needed" in order to have a relationship with others.
My good feelings about who I am stem from being liked by you
My good feelings about who I am stem from receiving approval from you
My mental attention focuses on solving your problems/relieving your pain
My self-esteem is bolstered by solving your problems
My own hobbies/interests are put to one side.
I am not aware of how you feel. I am aware of how you feel
I am not aware of what I want - I ask what you want. I am not aware - I assume
My fear of rejection determines what I say or do
I use giving as a way of feeling safe in our relationship
My social circle diminishes as I involve myself with you
I put my values aside in order to connect with you
I value your opinion and way of doing things more than my own
The quality of my life is in relation to the quality of yours



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Feb 15, 2001 7:07am

Subject: Determined to heal
Yes, I am determined to heal and this really works. I see small improvements and today I'm more balanced. I did quite some redirecting yesterday and I'm still doing it today and tomorrow and so on. My will is very strong and I'm tired of depression and all those other symptoms. There is so much I want to do in this lifetime and I am going to do it. I'm angry with my mother because she didn't further me to be all I can be (It's so good to write this because almost everytime I find some more real reasons to be angry). The other day I finally realized what a special person I am. For the first time in my life I truly feel good about myself, at least for the moment. Not many people are as blessed as me, that's why I know that God has a special job for me to do. I'm blessed with strength, intelligence and of course a whole lot of other things (Man does it feel good to blow my own horn, HA, HA I even got jokes today).
All my life I walked around with my feelings half cut off, I never was able to experience the fullness of happy feelings, there always was a dark shadow there. Now there is only a little dark shadow there not a complete dark shadow, so I still have quite some redirecting to do. This is also what I have done wrong with my son. I wasn't able to be emotionally close to him. But you know this is also improving. Natalie
Thank you...keep blowing your horn and redirecting...yes you are a blessing.

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