This file contains all the messages in the Yahoo group currently located at the link below. This will allow you to read through the messages off-line

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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Nov 30, 2000 5:28am

Subject: Finances

I'll bet this site is going to be so busy that you will no longer be able to respond. Would you consider hiring anybody else to respond to questions, etc. I need income. My brother, thru clever lawyers, took my mother's estate from my sister and me when she died two yrs. ago. We would have been well taken care of in these older times had he not done this (he was very wealthy anyway). Unfortunately money can bring real greed into the heart of a person. (another person that I am going to need to redirect anger to) My father was also very stingy to us all in his family with his sizable inherited wealth, so I suppose that is where my brother got his ethics.


I wish I had the money to hire a lot of people to spread the good word, but I'm running this on a shoestring myself. I had to dip into my savings for the translations. Like you I ended up pretty broke for different reasons. My husband was a compulsive gambler and wiped me out. We were so broke we shared the same raincoat, and he almost sold out my tiny apt. here in NYC, and I would have been a street lady, feeding the pigeons. Did you read my story, Confessions of a Schizophrenic on:
I'm glad you will redirect to your father and brother too. I think you will find when you recover that you will get what you need. I had to save carefully when my husband died and left me in debt, but I believe God has provided me with everything I need and want. There are some nice Bible verses that promise this. 'Seek ye first the Kingdom and all else will follow,' I've found this is true, 'My cup runneth over.'


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Nov 30, 2000 10:28am

Subject: Rebirthing

Yesterday I had my 2nd rebirthing session I had reached post-flood in two months according to your criteria, but the focus was then on overcoming grief and misdirected anger at my two ex-wives. But after that, I quickly moved into the rebirthing experience.

For example, yesterday, Simon, my rebirther remarked: "I was looking down at one mad baby!" I had been writhing through the birth canal and then I started screaming at all the people who were talking, perhaps the doctors and nurses, telling them to stop talking and listen to me, that I had to do this at my pacing on my time and not theirs.
Anyway, rebirthing seems to bring up a lot of specific targets against which to redirect. I don't know where this will all end but I appreciate you for bringing the toxic mind theory which is still the best modality to use in detoxing prenatal traumas. Tom
I'm pleased to hear you are still redirecting, although I doubt you were post flood when you began the rebirthing. Post flood is when about 95% of the anger related to early trauma is gone. If you had been post flood and into the muddy basin period you would not have experienced the writhing or emotional pain during this experience. As soon as I was post flood I was able to flash back and re-experience my birth trauma, but with no emotional pain. Rebirthing is similar to primal therapy and the toxic mind theory supports the use of these therapies, but it is not necessary to re-experience the early trauma to recover. You only need to continue redirecting whenever you have excitatory nervous symptoms. This will bring full recovery sooner and with less emotional pain than these other therapies.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Nov 30, 2000 11:14am

Subject: In Dad's presence

I've just started on my redirecting work, and I've got a few questions to pose.

The source of most of my anger (Dad) is still the cause of most of my anger. In other words, I feel like a pretty well-adjusted guy until I get in his presence. But having just returned from his house over Thanksgiving, I'm really not looking forward to return for Christmas. What do I do when I'm in the midst of a conversation that makes my stomach ache?
I also have found that I do the redirecting when it's convenient for me. I found that the car is a great place to scream. Does it matter whether or not this redirecting happens organically? What do people envision while they do it? I've just been picturing my dad's face.
I'd also like to read some archives of this group. Could someone lead me down that path?


It may not be possible to do the redirecting when you are actually in your Dad's presence. You can try to talk to him mentally quietly in your mind, but since you are new at doing this it may not be easy. If his conversation is triggering your anger, try to change the subject or get away. See the list of ways to release anger in the Welcome Message. You might find just balling up a piece of paper and throwing it in the wastebasket helps. Others may not notice you are even releasing anger. Or you could write a letter to him and then tear it up. If you can get to a safe place during your Christmas visit try to do it whenever you have the excitatory nervous symptoms.
Picturing his face sounds good or just thinking about him. As for doing it when it's convenient, that may be practical, but try to do it whenever you have excitatory nervous symptoms. This is the key to a rapid recovery. See the list in The Biology of Emotions article and watch for these symptoms. They are detox crises, and the fastest way to clear the toxicosis is to do the redirecting during these detox crises.

Please go to:
for the Archives. They are called Messages.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Dec 1, 2000 0:50am

Subject: Other therapies
I hope you understand I have nothing against other therapies, including rebirthing and primal therapy. The redirecting concept should work nicely along with any kind of therapy that helps to reduce the toxicosis. Redirecting is not new with me and is used in many therapeutic centers. But my article and the focus of this eGroup is on self-help measures that can be done safely without a therapist. I did need to express my opinion that it is less emotionally painful and more efficient to do the redirecting during the periodic detox crises, ie the excitatory nervous symptoms. It is also the way it can be done without a therapist. Self-primalling, for example, is not a good idea and has brought on severe psychotic episodes. To eliminate the toxicosis and reach virtually full recovery it is not necessary to re-experience the early trauma and all the emotional pain that was associated with it. When post flood some of these memories will return, but without the emotional pain.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Dec 1, 2000 7:22am

Subject: Murder/Suicide
Two tragic outcomes of not doing the redirecting can be murder or self murder, i.e. suicide. There is no limit to the extent of toxicosis due to the suppression of anger, anger that is now rage and stored in our brains as toxic amounts of neurochemicals. When the neurons in the brain go into a detox crisis to release the neurochemicals responsible for storing up this rage, much of the rage is likely to be misdirected, i. e. through the Wrong Neurons, so to speak. Please take a moment to look at the picture of this in my article:
This is the cause of rage misdirected at others, from a minor verbal retort, to violent aggressive action, and even to murder. The consequence is death. It is also possible for the rage to be misdirected though the Wrong Neurons inward toward oneself. This is the cause of self destructive rage misdirected toward oneself, from guilt, to low self esteem, to suicide. The consequence is death. These actions are unconscious physiological actions, and we are innocent of doing them. This is why there is no judgment in this eGroup.
This is also why I urge all of you to be vigilant about recognizing misdirected anger and doing the redirecting everytime it surfaces. Please study the excitatory nervous symptoms in the article. If you have resentments do the redirecting. If you feel the slightest bit of guilt recognize this as a trigger for repressed anger turned inward, and do the redirecting. The lives of others and your own life may depend on this. If you have joined this eGroup you are at risk for these terrible outcomes. Please stay and do the redirecting as suggested. My eyes fill with tears at the thought of this.



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Dec 2, 2000 7:26am

Subject: Foreign languages
I have just met this theory and I feel very excited but I am not very sure that I understood it correctly (English is not my mother language maybe that's why I feel very depressed for a very long time, my childhood was a horror because of my 2 step mothers and my ignorant father feel very abused by my family and ex-husband, sometimes I think that it was all my fault because I let them do it. I am unhappy. I cannot concentrate on anything and I cannot succeed.
I dont know where to start. I know I am angry but I don't know with what I am angry.
I am not a stupid person but I live like I am very isolated from other people and have no friends, but I still have hope. I think I have a kind of mechanism in me...when I get angry, I work on it and the result is always the same. I take all responsibility and say "its your fault" to myself.
I don't know myself clear enough and its getting worse. I cannot express my feelings properly.
I need help.


If your language is not English please ask for help in understanding the self-help measures.
If you speak languages other than English go to:

At the end of the article the self-help is in 23 languages. If your language is there you can print out the self-help as a one page pamphlet from a pdf file.
If your language is not there, please print out the pamphlet and the Welcome message in English and study them, keep reading until you understand how to use the self-help. Also read the Archives/Messages on:

Ask me any questions and I will try to answer them off the eGroup mailing list.

It is NOT YOUR FAULT. Whenever that anger surfaces try to recognize it as a signal to redirect anger to your stepmothers and to your father. Whenever you feel it is your fault try to understand that your stepmother and father made you feel as though everything was your fault. You are justifiably angry at them and to recover you need to redirect your repressed anger toward them whenever you have the periodic excitatory nervous symptoms, like anxiety, fear, guilt, etc. See the list in the article. Their voices are still in your head trying to put you down. Get mad at them by going and pounding on a bed and yelling at them while you think about them or picture them. See the list of ways to release and redirect anger in the Welcome message. Do NOT try to recollect specific childhood incidents or trauma. Just get that anger out and redirect it to them using the self-help measures in the article, The Biology of Emotions.
BTW If there are any others who have browsers for any of the 23 languages would you please let me know. I need some help with search engines.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Dec 2, 2000 7:58am

Subject: A new eGroup
As I mentioned the group is growing so much I am no longer able to respond to all your questions and comments, and I hope you are going to the articles and archives. If you don't find answers there, please do contact me, and definitely let me know when you are post flood. I am here to support you in every way I can. I won't be posting your current comments unless I feel they are new insights that will be helpful to others. The Archives are already repetitious.
What I hope to do is edit some of the old Archives and repost them. So you may see your past comments reposted. This does not mean you need to reply to them. I am grateful for all your contributions and want to repost them for new members.
We also may form a new eGroup for post flood people that will be interactive, a place to share about going through the muddy basin period, your new lives and careers, etc, and a way to make permanent, non-codependent friends. Post flood people may feel a bit estranged from the sick society we are no longer a part of, and I think this new group will be a growing community of emotionally healthy people. More about this later...


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sun Dec 3, 2000 7:00am

Subject: Guilt
This is a rerun. I am deleting repetitious archives and resending edited ones to support new members.

This week I have been very depressed. Mainly because of my dire financial situation, which I feel is my own fault. See, I haven't even tried to find a job for 5 months, or cleaned up the house so I can rent out a room. So of course most of my old credit card bills haven't been paid for months. Now a creditor is suing me and I don't know what I need to do. Why can't I ever take care of these things before I'm actually "forced to" when I'm pushed against the wall? I got myself into this situation. It's hard to direct that anger at anyone but me. Yes, I know that my parents "failed" to give me what I needed to be able to function like a normal person, but it's hard for me to know what to get angry at them for. Yesterday I focused on my dad. I just talked out loud "to him" as I punched the pillow and told him that he was never there for me, that it's his fault I got so screwed up and my life if such a mess. That made me cry a lot, not sure if that's an expression of anger, but I'm trying. But how do I REALLY get mad?


I hear guilt talking, your parents voices still in your head telling you everything is your fault. Tell those voices to 'shut up.' Guilt is anger turned inward, so send the anger back to them. You are doing it absolutely right. You don't need to have a specific reason to get angry at your father. Just get mad every time you have excitatory nervous symptoms, including the guilty feeling. Keep pounding the pillow. Crying can be an expression of anger or grief, but grief usually follows anger and is more likely too come later on in your recovery. You can't force getting mad, but anger will surface periodically when you recognize excitatory nervous symptoms as detox crises and signs of emerging anger. See The Biology of Emotions article for the list of excitatory nervous symptoms.



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Dec 4, 2000 7:42am

Subject: 1.The toxic mind: the biology of mental illness and violence
1. Here are some sections from the scientific paper, which is the basis for the self help, The toxic mind: the biology of mental illness and violence, E. Van Winkle, Medical Hypotheses 2000; 55(4): 356-368. I have deleted the detailed biochemistry and the evidence. The full text is on:
Archive Note: The lengthy text in this message has been deleted. It was posted several times. Rather that repeating it, it has been posted once at the end of the archives under "Part 3"


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed Dec 6, 2000 8:39am

Subject: Change in this eGroup
I have been editing some Archives/Messages and will be posting in a new way. I have discontinued posting your comments and my replies, which have become repetitious, and instead will post important information repeatedly. Look for Archives that have a numerical number in the Subject, some of which can be printed out from pdf files. When you just want support please go to the other Archives. If you cannot find answers to your questions after studying the articles and Archives please contact me.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Dec 9, 2000 6:26am

Subject: eGroup name change

The Depression-Anxiety eGroup name has been changed to

The URL is:

You can change your subscription here to Individual Email or Daily Digest or NoMail/WebOnly

Archives/Messages are on:

If you wish to contact me reply to any future post or email me at: or


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sun Dec 10, 2000 7:18am

Subject: Games
There is another game you might find helpful for releasing and redirecting anger on this site:
Go to Desktop Games Christmassy (alias Stress Reducer). You might pretend your past abusers are on your computer screen and let them have it with these many weapons.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Dec 11, 2000 6:07am

Subject: New eGroup for Post Flood People
As post flood people we are socially comfortable and yet find ourselves somewhat estranged from society. There is a need for us to find ways to communicate with each other. Two longtime post flood members have started a new interactive eGroup, which will be an extension of this group, a place to share going through the muddy basin period, to make friends, and to form a community of emotionally healthy people. You will be asked for a brief summary of your recovery, including the Questionnaire in the Welcome message, so we know the group will be a safe place to share. These two post flood members have already shared their stories of recovery with you. People who are not from my group will find us on the Internet and will want to join, and we need to maintain a policy of screening everyone. If you are post flood and have discontinued other therapies and any mood altering medications please set your subscription to NoMail/WebOnly in my group, and join the new eGroup,
If you are a public figure or just prefer to stay anonymous, use a pseudonym. Please join even if you don't have time to share, you can set to NoMail in the new group. This will give us an idea of how many post flood people there are. If you would rather not join the new group, but are post flood, I would appreciate a one line response to this post, just reply with a message, 'I'm post flood, but don't wish to join the new group.'

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Dec 11, 2000 11:48am

Subject: New eGroup
Here is the Description on the new eGroup for post flood people on:
This is an interactive discussion group for those who have recovered from symptoms of depression and/or anxiety through redirecting therapy or primal therapy. It is a place to share our unique perspective as post-flood/post- primal individuals with other like-minded people who are no longer codependent, on a wide range of topics, from our relationships with significant others (who may not yet be healed) to our relationship to the larger world; from philosophy and spirituality to socio-political concerns.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Dec 15, 2000 8:33am

Subject: 3. Long Lay Version

Archive Note: The very lengthy text has been removed from this message. It was posted at the end of this file under "Part 3".



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sun Dec 17, 2000 6:47am

Subject: New eGroup for post flood people
Sharrhan, who you know as a moderator of this non-interactive group, has set up the new interactive eGroup for post flood people. Here is part of her story she shared with us in the new group.
"It's wonderful to have found Ellie's discovery and we are living proof that the theory is correct and the self-therapy works! There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful to myself for never giving up on the little thought that was always there, lighting my way: "There's got to be away out of this suffering. I just know there's something. I won't give up till I find it." I found it in November of 1999, and by December 31st of 1999 I was 80% there. By May of 2000 I was healed. Thank you, Universe! This is my first Christmas "post-flood." -- realizing the term "post-flood" is just a convenience and is not a set-in-stone achievement. In truth, perhaps no one is 100% "post-flood." ;-) and there is a need to still redirect, on occasion, after becoming "post-flood." Sharrhan
Be sure to join us when you are post flood on:


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