Nabokov, Nicolas [Nikolay]

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Nikolovski, Vlastimir

(b Prilep, 20 Dec 1925). Macedonian composer. He studied at the Skopje Music School, at the Leningrad Conservatory with Evlahov (composition, 1947–8) and at the Belgrade Academy of Music, where he graduated from Živković's composition class in 1955. He then worked in Skopje as a music teacher, manager of the opera, a music journalist for Radio Skopje, professor at the pedagogical academy and, from 1966, professor and dean at the University of Skopje School of Music. He became a member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1972. After an early romantic period based on folk music, he went on to refine and modernize his style, though without losing contact with Macedonian folklore. The essential features of his work are a use of ancient modes, the derivation of melody from speech intonation and a rich deployment of asymmetrical rhythms. Later pieces are abundantly polyrhythmic and polytonal.


(selective list)

Orch: In modo antico, op.8, 1957: Sym. no.2, op.30, 1968

Vocal: Po putevima [On the Roads], op.12, lv, orch, 1960; Serdarot [Commander] (cant.), op.20, 1963; Klimentu (orat), op.29, 1966; Sinfonia barbara, op.31, ballet, solo vv, chorus, orch, 1968; Antiliturgy, op.35, solo vv, chorus, orch, 1973; choral cycles, pf and chbr pieces

Principal publishers: Društvo na Kompozitorite ma Makedonija, Muzika, Peters, Savez Kompozitora Jugoslavije


Nikol'skaya, Irina Il'inichna

(b Ukhta, Komi, 27 Dec 1943). Russian musicologist. After studying at the Gnesin Music Teachers' Training College and the musicology institute at Warsaw University (with Lissa), she graduated from Gnesin in 1973. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Moscow State Institute of Art Studies, where she was appointed directing academic officer in 1976. She took the doctorate in 1992. She has received the Asaf'yev Prize for musicology, the medal of the Polish Union of Composers for her ‘outstanding contribution towards the study of Polish music’ (1989), and the ‘Ordre du Mérite Culturel’ (1981). Her main areas of interest are 19th- and 20th-century Polish music and 20th-century Russian instrumental music. Her work is particularly concerned with questions of musical style in contemporary Russian music, such as symphonies composed during the 1970s and 80s and the works of Gubaidulina, Ustvol'skaya and Weinberg.


‘Profil dynamiczny w polskiej muzyce współczesnej na tle tradycji romantycznej’ [A dynamic profile in Polish music against the background of the romantic tradition], Muzyka, xxiv/3 (1979), 3–20 [with Eng. summary]

ed., with Yu. Kreynina: K. Shimanovskiy: vospominaniya, stat'i, publikatsii [Szymanowski: reminiscences, articles, publications] (Moscow, 1984)

‘Dramaturgie und Form bei F. Chopin und die polnische Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts’, Chopin a romantyzm: Warsaw 1986, 233–45

‘Karol Shimanovskiy’ [Karol Szymanowski], Muzïka XX veka: ocherki [The music of the 20th century: essays], ii/5, ed. M. Aranovsky and D. Zhitomirsky (Moscow, 1987), 111–47

‘O ewolucji twórczości instrumentalnej K. Pendereckiego’ [The evolution of Penderecki's instrumental work], Muzyka, xxxii/1 (1987), 31–53 [with Eng. summary]

Ot Shimanovskogo do Lutoslavskogo i Penderetskogo: ocherki razvitiya simfonicheskoy muzïki v Pol'shye XX veka [From Szymanowski to Lutosławski and Penderecki: essays on the development of symphonic music in 20th-century Poland] (Moscow, 1990)

‘Wiederbelebung der Melodie: über einige Grundzüge thematischer Formung in W. Lutoslawskis Musik der achtziger Jahre’, Musiktexte, no.48 (1991), 51–8

Ot Shimanovskogo do Lyutoslavskogo i Penderetskogo [from Szymanowski to Lutosławski and Penderecki] (diss., Moscow State Institute of Art Studies, 1992)

‘Russkiy simfonizm 80-kh godov: nekotorïye itogi’ [Russian symphonism of the 1980s: a few summary facts], MAk (1992), no.4, pp.39–46

‘Symfonizm Witolda Lutosławskiego’ [The symphonism of Witold Lutosławski], Muzyka, xxxvii (1992), 37–51 [with Eng. summary]

‘Sofia Gubajdulinas symfoniska kompositioner underb åttiotalert’, Melos, li/2 (1992), 21–3

‘Samïy luchezarnïy iz tvortsov (materialï o A.N. Skryabine iz domashnego arkhiva E.O. Gunsta)’ [The most radiant of creators (materials on Skryabin from the domestic archive of E.O. Gunst)], MAk (1993), no.4, pp.168–75

Conversations with Witold Lutosławski (1987–1992) (Stockholm, 1994)

‘Symfonie K. Meyera’ [The symphony of Meyer], K. Meyer: do i od komposytora, ed. Maciej Jabłonski (Poznań, 1994), 109–20

Besedï Irinï Nikol'skoy s Vitol'dom Lyutoslavskim: stat'i, vospominaniya [Conversations between Irina Nikol'skaya and Witold Lutosławski: articles, reminiscences] (Moscow, 1995)

‘Ob istinnïkh tvortsakh i opasnosti kanonizatsii’ [On true creators and the danger of canonization], MAk (1995), no.3, pp.38–41

‘On some Symphonic Works in the 80s’, The Music of K. Penderecki: Poetics and Reception: Studies, Essays and Materials, ed. M. Tomaszewski (Kraków, 1995), 45–53

‘Postmodernizm w interpretacji Pawla Szymańskiego’ [Postmodernism in the interpretation of Szymańowski], Muzyka polska 1945–1995, ed. K. Droba, T. Malecka and K. Szwajger (Kraków, 1996), 297–307

ed., with Yu. Khokhlov: Russko-nemetskiye muzïkal'nïye svyazi [Russian-German musical contacts] (Moscow, 1996)

‘Simfonicheskaya muzïka Rossii’ [The symphonic music of Russia], Istoriya-muzïki narodov SSSR, vii/1, ed. G. Golovinsky and N. Shakhnazarova (Moscow, 1997), 83–128

ed., with Yu. Kovalenko: Pol'skoye sovremennoye iskusstvo i literatura: ot simvolizma k avangardu [Polish contemporary art and literature: from symbolism to the avant garde] (Moscow, 1998)


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