Such collaboration is especially important in vulnerable countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and
Honduras, where government institutions are threatened by criminal syndicates. Migration surges
involving unaccompanied children across our southern border is one major consequence of weak
institutions and violence. American leadership, in partnership with these countries and with the support
of their neighbors, remains essential to arresting the slide backwards and to creating steady improve-
ments in economic growth and democratic governance. Likewise, we remain committed to helping
rebuild Haiti and to put it and our other Caribbean neighbors on a path to sustainable development.
We will support the resolution of longstanding regional conflicts, particularly Colombia’s conclusion
of a peace accord with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Overall, we have deepened our
strategic partnership with Colombia, which is a key contributor to international peace and security.
Equally, we stand by the citizens of countries where the full exercise of democracy is at risk, such as
Venezuela. Though a few countries in the region remain trapped in old ideological debates, we will keep
working with all governments that are interested in cooperating with us in practical ways to reinforce
the principles enumerated in the Inter-American Democratic Charter. As part of our effort to promote a
fully democratic hemisphere, we will advance our new opening to Cuba in a way that most effectively
promotes the ability of the Cuban people to determine their future freely.
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