VI. Conclusion
This National Security Strategy provides a vision for strengthening and sustaining American leadership
in this still young century. It clarifies the purpose and promise of American power. It aims to advance our
interests and values with initiative and from a position of strength. We will deter and defeat any adversary
that threatens our national security and that of our allies. We confidently welcome the peaceful rise of
other countries as partners to share the burdens for maintaining a more peaceful and prosperous world.
We will continue to collaborate with established and emerging powers to promote our shared security
and defend our common humanity, even as we compete with them in economic and other realms. We
will uphold and refresh the international rules and norms that set the parameters for such collaboration
and competition. We will do all of this and more with confidence that the international system whose
creation we led in the aftermath of World War II will continue to serve America and the world well. This
is an ambitious, but achievable agenda, especially if we continue to restore the bipartisan center that
has been a pillar of strength for American foreign policy in decades past. America has greater capacity
to adapt and recover from setbacks than any other country. A core element of our strength is our unity
and our certainty that American leadership in this century, like the last, remains indispensable.