The security of the United States, its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners;
A strong, innovative, and growing U.S. economy in an open international economic system that
promotes opportunity and prosperity;
Respect for universal values at home and around the world; and
A rules-based international order advanced by U.S. leadership that promotes peace, security,
and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges.
Especially in a changing global environment, these national interests will continue to guide all we do
in the world. To advance these interests most effectively, we must pursue a comprehensive national
security agenda, allocate resources accordingly, and work with the Congress to end sequestration. Even
so, our resources will never be limitless. Policy tradeoffs and hard choices will need to be made. In such
instances, we will prioritize efforts that address the top strategic risks to our interests:
Catastrophic attack on the U.S. homeland or critical infrastructure;
Threats or attacks against U.S. citizens abroad and our allies;
Global economic crisis or widespread economic slowdown;
Proliferation and/or use of weapons of mass destruction;
Severe global infectious disease outbreaks;
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