Ndr interface Dependency Agreement

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Greyhounds Australasia

National Data Repository (NDR)

Interface Dependency Agreement

Document ID:




13 February 2017


Approved – with Updates

Table of Contents

1.Document Control 3

1.1.Document Owner 3

1.2.Document Contribution List 3

1.3.Document History 3

1.4.Stakeholder Signoff 10

2.Introduction 11

2.1.Document Purpose 11

2.2.Intended Audience 11

2.3.Document Scope 11

2.4.Guiding Principles 11

2.5.Decision Register 12

3.Business Overview 18

3.1.Business Context 18

3.2.Business Entities 19

3.3.Business Operations 20

4.Logical Interface 23

4.1.Logical Data Model 23

4.2.Data Ownership 31

4.3.Logical Events 34

5.Physical Interface 35

5.1.Web Services 35

5.2.Encryption 54

5.3.Authentication 54

5.4.Change Detection 55

5.5.Schemas 57

5.6.Validation 62

5.7.Status Codes 63

6.End to End Scenarios 65

6.1.Success Scenarios 65

6.2.Failure Scenarios 69

7.Backwards Compatibility 72

7.1.Operation 72

7.2.Existing NDR files 72

7.3.Legacy Unknown Data 74

8.Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 76

9.Reference Documents 77

10.Appendix: Use of ETags 78

12.Appendix: Description of Attributes 81

12.1.Attributes of Dogs 81

12.2.Attributes of Litters 84

12.3.Attributes of Meetings 85

12.4.Attributes of Persons 88

12.5.Attributes of Groups 89

13.Appendix: Description of Types 90

13.1.Basic Types 90

13.2.Types used across Entities 90

13.3.Types relating to Dogs and Litters 90

13.4. Types relating to Meetings and Races 101

13.5.Types relating to Persons and Groups 115

13.6.Types relating to Events 118

1.Document Control

1.1.Document Owner

If you have any feedback, questions, or require an electronic copy of this document, please contact:

Author: Chris Hawken

Email: chawken@smsmt.com

1.2.Document Contribution List



Key Areas

David Elias



1.3.Document History




Version Update Details


August 2 2011

Idan Manor

Initial Draft.


October 21 2011

David Elias

Updated with Business Overview and description of Logical Interface.


October 26 2011

David Elias

Draft circulated for comment.


October 28 2011

David Elias

Document updated with feedback from Craig Taberner.


November 21 2011

David Elias

Document updated based on feedback from State Bodies.


November 30 2011

David Elias

Key changes in this version:

Section 2.5 Decision Register updated.

Section 4.1 Logical Data Model refined. Events added to Logical Data Model.

Section 4.2 Data Ownership refined.

Section 5.1 Web Services refined. Search methods (Identify) added.

Section 5.5 Schemas updated.

Previous Section 6 Service Level Requirements removed from this document. These will be specified in the contractual arrangement between the State Bodies and GA.

Section 10 Description of Types added to document. This section lists all types used in the Logical Data Model.


December 2 2011

David Elias

Key changes in this version:

Section 2.5 Decision Register updated.

    1. Item 4: Multiple sires: Business impact updated.

    2. Item 8: NDR will store a history of previous owners and previous trainers of a Dog. This change is reflected in Sections 4.1.1 and 5.1.1.

    3. Item 16: Moving group: Noted that this is pending definition of Business Rules.


January 13 2012

David Elias

Document baselined as representing the agreed position of all parties at the date of release.

Section 12 has been added to provide a description of the attributes of each Entity.

Substantial change to dog penalties. It is now possible to specify that a penalty requires a satisfactory trial. Any authority can clear a penalty, allowing the possibility of a satisfactory trial being performed in a state other than the one that originally issued the penalty. Affects Section 2.5 (decision 15), Section 4.2.2, 5.1.1, 12.1, Error: Reference source not found and the schemas types.xsd, dog.xsd, dog_in.xsd, dog_penalty.xsd.

At the suggestion of WA, modified Dog Lifestate to clearly distinguish “retired” and “deceased”, and to add extra reasons for each. Affects Section Error: Reference source not found and the schema types.xsd.

At the request of Queensland: Added Novice to Dog Grade Type. Affects Section Error: Reference source not found and the schema types.xsd.

At the request of GA: Added “service method” (i.e. natural / FSI) to Litter Entity. Affects Sections 4.1.2, Error: Reference source not found and the schemas types.xsd, litter.xsd, litter_in.xsd. In addition, added details for a FSI service, including inseminator, facility name, breeding unit ID. Affects Sections 4.1.2 and Error: Reference source not found, and the schemas types.xsd.

Explanatory Material: Section 6.1.1. Added description of the End to End Process for Assigning / Updating a Dog Name.

Minor correction: Added the correct type (i.e. Dog Name Type) to Dog names in Figure and Figure .

Minor amendments to phone numbers: Extended phone type to allow domestic or international phone numbers. Mobile number changed to non-mandatory. Affects Sections 4.1.4, 13.5 and schemas types.xsd, person.xsd, person_in.xsd.

Modified API to reflect the fact that all events will be published to the same queue. Affects Sections 5.1.1-5.1.6.

Removed redundant authority field from person_penalty.xsd.

Minor change to Litter entity to include the name of the breeder. Affects Section 4.1.2 and schemas litter.xsd, litter_in.xsd, litter_whelping.xsd.

Extended maximum margin to 40 lengths, in increments of 0.25 between 1 and 5; increments of 0.5 between 5 and 10; increments of 1 between 11 and 40. Affects Section Error: Reference source not found and schema types.xsd.

At the request of WA, the time of an individual dog in a race result is now optional. Affects Section 4.1.3 and the schemas meeting_in.xsd, meeting.xsd.


January 31 2012

David Elias

Functional modifications:

    1. Modified FSI Details Type to allow multiple Breeding Units. Affects Sections 12.2, Error: Reference source not found, and the schema types.xsd

    2. Modified Dogs in Race to include a link to the Owner of the Dog (at the time of the race). Affects Section 4.1.3 (Figure ), and the schema meeting_in.xsd.

    3. Modified the interface to the Dog – Update (trainer) transaction to allow the removal of the current Trainer, without assigning a new Trainer. Affects Section 5.1.1.

    4. As agreed between WA and GRV: Added the following fields to the data recorded when a Dog completes a Satisfactory Trial: Distance, Number of Runners, Box No, Weight, Time, Place, Margin. Affects Section Error: Reference source not found, and the schema types.xsd.

    5. Margin Type modified to allow a margin of “0”. Affects Section 13.4, and the schema types.xsd.

Modifications to facilitate data migration:

    1. Modified Person Name Type to make Middle Initial optional: affects the schema types.xsd.

    2. Added Box Type and Rug Type as enumerations, mainly to allow “unknown” box no and rug no: affects Section 4.1.3 (Figure ), Section 13.4, and the schema types.xsd.

    3. Modified Margin Type, Race Result Type, Dog Grade Type to allow “unknown”: affects Sections Error: Reference source not found-13.4, and the schema types.xsd.

    4. Within Dog Race Result, margin is made optional (aligned with the attribute time). Affects Section 4.1.3 (Figure ), and the schema race.xsd.

    5. Race Result Info Type modified so that all fields non-mandatory. Affects schema types.xsd.

Cosmetic changes:

    1. Modified names in Figure to match text.

    2. Modified Figure and Figure to clearly show a Person or Group can own a Dog.

Modified description of Event / Meta data:

    1. Included API functions to read metadata. Affects Sections 5.1.1 – .

    2. Removed the schema event_extension.xsd. Affects Section 5.5.3.

    3. Included the schema: meta.xsd. Affects Section 5.5.4.

    4. Modified Event Type to match implementation. Affects Section 13.6 and schemas types.xsd.

    5. Added Event Details Type. Affects Section 13.6 and the schema types.xsd.


July 3 2012

Chris Hawken

Updated Litter API – Should be Sire then Dam for Earbrand


August 3 2012

Chris Hawken

Update Decision Register (section 2,5) with outcomes from NDR meeting held in Melbourne on 27th June 2012

Update Items Known to be Incomplete (section 2.6) with outcomes from NDR meeting held in Melbourne 27th June 2012

Remove embedded schema documents (section 5.5) from the IDA document. Schemas now available on NDR homepage.

Added Backwards Compatibility (section 7)

Split into separate elements within the race schema PIR and comments (section 11.3 and 12.4)

Add split rug number element to the Result in the races schema (section 11.3 and 12.4)

Separate out results (section 11.3) between dogs that:

    1. Do not start in a race

    2. Do not finish a race

    3. Finish a race and given a placing

Added email address to person schema (section 11.4)

Removed Unknown Dog Grade Type value (section 12.2)

Removed Unknown Rug Type value (section 12.4)

Removed Unknown Box Type value (section 12.4)

Changed Margin from enumerated type to decimal value (section 12.4). Margins no longer need to be rounded.

Removed Injured and Unknown Race Result Type value (section 12.4)

Sorted Track Code Type values (section 12.4)

Changed Dapto code (DAP) to DTO (section 12.4)

Changed BGC track name from Brisbane to Albion Park(section 12.4)

Added track code INT International (section 12.4)

Add 31 Race Grade Type values to cover missing and New Zealand grades

Added PersonUpdateGroupMembership Event Type (section 12.6)

Remove “Identify” Business Operation from each API in section 5.1.

Removed “Unassigned” from the Box Type value (section 12.4)

Added to Lifestate “Retired” reason of “Other” (section 12.3)


September 13 2012

Mark Dodgson

Removed Etag attribute from entry element (section 5.5.3).

Removed Etag property from image (section 4.1.5).

Modified Etag and added version number information (section 5.4).

Added GET dog version number to Dog API (section 5.1.1).

Added GET litter version number to Litter API (section 5.1.2).

Added GET meeting version number to Meeting API (section 5.1.3).

Added GET person version number to Person API (section 5.1.4).

Added GET group version number to Group API (section 5.1.5).

Removed etag field from event details type (section 12.6).

Added information about meta version index (section 5.5.4).

Section 7 still under discussion/review.


September 27 2012

Chris Hawken

Update entity diagrams

Add additional information about the processing of events (section 5.1.6)

Add race grade of JG (Juvenile Graduation) and remove ST (stewards trial) (section 12.4)

Update events table (section 12.6)

October 2 2012

Mark Dodgson

Added additional information about the Margin for dog race results (section 2.5).

Added additional information about the Margin for dog race results (section 11.3).


November 7 2012

Mark Dodgson

Section 11.5 edited to add fromDate and linkType attributes.


November 9 2012

Mark Dodgson

  • Added AuthorityToBreed to Dog entity transactions (section 4.2.2 part 5).

  • Added Dog – Authority to breed (section 5.5.2).

November 12 2012

Mark Dodgson

  • Added dog without current active trainer (section 4.1.1 diagram).

  • Edited for group being active (section 4.1.4 diagram).

  • Edited DogTrialUpdated to Dog entity transactions (section 5.1.1).

  • Dog penalty updated (types.xsd).

  • The element 'trialCompletedInfo' has been rename to 'dogTrialType' and is part of 'trials' element (dog.xsd).

  • The child element 'trialCompleted' has been removed from 'penaltyClearanceInfo' element and now forms part of 'dogTrialType' (dog.xsd).


December 21 2012

Gayle Martin

Updated disjointed Document History table.

January 21 2013

Mark Dodgson

  • Added further information about the Margin for the dog race results (section 11.3).


February 1 2013

Gayle Martin

  • Added comment to Group Move

  • Inserted Penalty (Dog and Person) information

(Note: ER diagrams not have not been updated)

  • Removed “Unknown” as a gender option on dog/litter and service_type.


March 5 2013

Gayle Martin

  • Reinstated “Unknown” as litter and service_type as GA require this setting for creating international litters for pedigree purposes.

  • Added Dog Penalty Codes:

    • OT = Other

    • VC = Vet certificate required

  • Added Trial Reason

    • BM = Box manners

March 27 2013

Gayle Martin

  • Added Group Move event.


April 10 2013

Gayle Martin

  • DOG.OWNER.“internationalUnknownParty” LITTER.BREEDER. “internationalUnknownParty”

  • These field values can only be set by GA when recording the importation of an international dog and its related pedigree. If either the DOG.OWNER. “internationalUnknownParty” or LITTER.BREEDER.“internationalUnknownParty” values are set to TRUE, the value “UNKNOWNINTERNATIONALPERSON” will be recorded in the corresponding name field of the Internationally-bred DOG Owner and LITTER Breeder in the NDR.

  • Dog Penalty and Dog Trial changes.


August 30 2013

Matt Liu

  • Added split1, split2, split3 in dogOtherResult on Meeting type.

  • Added split1, split2, split3 in dogRaceResult on Meeting type.

  • Added entity status to support soft delete for Dog, Litter, Meeting, Person and Group.

  • Added international tracks on Meeting type.

  • Added race grade types for New Zealand meeting.

  • Added dog grade types for New Zealand meeting.

  • Added service state in litter FSI details.


October 24 2014

Helal Futloo

  • Added Grade 6 & 7 race types

  • Grade 7 for dog


February 6 2015

Helal Futloo

  • Added new race grades Restricted Win Qualifying Heat and Restricted Win Qualifying Final for Victoria Grade 6 & 7


February 26 2015

Helal Futloo

  • Added new race grades Mixed 6/7 Heat and Mixed 6/7 Final


November 6 2015

Helal Futloo

  • Added new race grades M123, M123H,M123F, 6NP, XM5NP ,M  


June 9 2016

Helal Futloo

  • XM6NP,XM6NPH,XM6NPF             


1st July 2016

Helal Futloo

  • Mixed 4/5/6, Mixed 4/5/6 Heat, Mixed 4/5/6 Final


8 December 2016

Helal Futloo


13 February 2017

Derek Baird

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