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Within the Moldova-EU subcomitte meeting În cadrul reuniunii Subcomitetului de Cooperare Moldova-UE nr. 4 „Energie, Mediu, Transport şi Telecomunicaţii, Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie, Instruire şi Educaţie”, care a avut loc la Bruxelles în perioada 4-5 mai 2006, s-a convenit asupra necesităţii actualizării de către Moldova a Strategiei Energetice.

Astfel cu suportul şi expertiza Comisiei Europene a fost elaborat noul proiect al Strategiei Energetice pînă în 2020 (proiectul final fiind remis CE) care a fost aprobat de Guvern la 25 august 2007.

Textul documentului include pe lîngă priorităţile de dezvoltare a sectorului pentru perioada 2008-2020 şi un plan de acţiuni cu indicarea exactă a sumelor necesare, resursele disponibile, precum şi termenii de implementare.

În vederea asigurării implementării documentului în cauză în perioada 24-25 septmebrie la Chişinău s-a desfăşurat o reuniune a donatorilor pentru evaluarea mecanismelor financiare disponbile finanţării Strategiei respective.


Strengthen capacities for monitoring and forecasting energy developments.

Realizat parţial

Principalele organe de monitorizare şi prognoză a evoluţiilor în sectorul energetic, conform Strategiei Energetice, sunt: Ministerul Industriei şi Infrastructurii, Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, Agenţia Naţională de Reglementare în Energetică.

În cadrul Autorităţii naţionale în energetică este creată o subdiviziune responsabilă nemijlocit de monitorizarea programelor şi strategiilor existente, în funcţia căreia intră şi monitorizarea implementării prevederilor documentului dat.

Au fost evaluate mecanismele existente de monitorizare şi prognoză în sectorul energetic – cum ar fi statisticile înregistrate de dispeceratele sistemelor electroenergetic şi cel al gazelor naturale privind volumul livrărilor, consumul etc

A fost elaborat şi aprobat Programul de modernizare a sistemului de evidenţă a energiei electrice de către Î.S. “Moldelectrica”. Actualmente se desfăşoară concursul pentru procurarea utilajului şi echipamentului în sumă de 8 mln.lei. A intrat în faza de implementare proiectul de reabilitare şi modernizare a sistemelor de contorizare, dispecerizare, telecomunicaţii şi transport de energie electrică, lansat în cadrul Proiectului Energetic II, urmărindu-se crearea condiţiilor corespunzătoare pentru continuarea procesului de liberalizare a pieţei electroenergetice.



Gradual convergence towards the principles of the EU internal electricity and gas markets

Establish - on the basis of Moldova's experience in the Regional Energy Market in South East Europe initiative ("Athens Memorandum") - a list of measures for gradual convergence towards the principles of the EU internal electricity and gas markets, accompanied by time schedules and a financing plan. Reciprocity issues to be addressed appropriately (market opening, environmental norms).


Alinierea treptată la principiile pieţelor interne de energie electrică şi gaze naturale ale UE este determinată de integrarea Republicii Moldova în Comunitatea Energetică din Europa de Sud-est, realizată prin aderarea ţării noastre la Tratatul privind crearea Comunităţii Energetice. În acest sens au fost întreprinse acţiuni susţinute în vederea participării permanente a Republicii Moldova în calitate de stat cu statut de observator la toate evenimentele Comunităţii Energetice.

În baza raportului companiei americane independente „Pierce Atwood”, care a efectuat studiul privind conformitatea legislaţiei naţionale cu cea a Uniunii Europene, inclusiv a Tratatului Comunităţii Energetice (studiul dat a fost efectuat în cadrul realizării proiectului Băncii Mondiale „Energetic II”).

Cu asistenţa proiectului TACIS de asistenţă a implementării PARMUE a fost elaborată Lista de măsuri de apropiere treptată la principiile pieţelor interne de energie electrică şi gaze naturale ale UE, document prezentat Comisiei Europene în cadrul reuniunii de la Bruxelles din 4 mai 2006 a Subcomitetului nr.4 de Cooperare RM-UE. Concomitent, raportul în cauză a constatat că starea lucrurilor în sectorul energetic la compartimentul legislaţie este la un nivel satisfăcător.



Energy price developments and tariff reforms towards the elimination of distortions; improvement of bill collection rates.

  1. A fost aprobată noua metodologie de calul a tarifelor pentru energia electrică, în consultare cu principalii parteneri intenaţionali

  1. A fost elaborată şi implementată legislaţia secundară privind diferenţierea tarifelor pe nivel de tensiune, de reglementare a activităţii consumatorilor eligibil, a condiţiilor de eligibilitate. De menţionat că aceste reglementări care prevăd şi liberalizarea totală a pieţei energie electrice pînă în 2015 sunt în deplină concordanţă cu prevederile Tratatului Comunităţii Energetice

Pentru liberalizarea efectivă a pieţei de energie electrică a fost implementat mecanismul acreditării consumatorului eligibil, a fost deschisă piaţa pentru consumatorii mari alimentaţi de la reţelele de înaltă tensiune (35 şi 110 Kv). La ora actuală piaţa de gaze naturale şi petrol este complet liberalizată.

Rata de colectare a facturilor la energia electrică a crescut de la 97% în anul 2004, la 99,4% în anul 2006, la gazele naturale de la 88% în anul 2004, la 92,2% în anul 2006. Problema restanţelor la plăţi în anii precedenţi a fost condiţionată de situaţia social-economică temporară în ţară.

Întru stabilirea unui set de reguli şi norme în vederea asigurării accesului utilizatorilor la reţele electrice, de către ANRE a fost aprobat capitolul Consumuri tehnologice al Normele tehnice de regleentare ale reţelelor electrice şi cel al reţelelor de gaze, regulile pieţei de gaze, regulamentul privind măsurarea energiei electrice în scopuri comerciale. Au fost elaborate şi se află în ultimul stadiu de dezbateri Codul tehnic de măsurare a gazelor naturale.

Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a adoptat Legea cu privire la măsurile de protecţie socială a populaţiei în legătură cu majorarea tarifelor la gazele naturale nr 261-XVI din 27.07.2006, care prevede compensarea cheltuielilor suplimentare suportate în legătură cu majorarea tarifelor la gazele naturale prin plata cheltuielilor respective din bugetul de stat direct către Moldovagaz.



Further develop the National Energy Regulatory Agency towards an independent body.

Se realizează - măsură cu caracter continuu

A fost desemnat Directorul General al ANRE, astfel contribuindu-se la consolidarea activităţii Agenţiei

Întru asigurarea dezvoltării Agenţiei Naţionale de Reglementare în Energetică, transparenţei şi independenţei efective ale acesteia, Guvernul monitorizează în permanenţă îndeplinirea necondiţionată a legislaţiei cu privire la organul regulatoriu, diminuarea implicării altor organe în activitatea ANRE şi afectării puterii sale de decizie.

Participarea ANRE în cadrul organismelor regulatorii europene este susţinută financiar de USAID prin intermediul NARUC (Asociaţia Naţională a Comisiilor de Reglementare din SUA) şi ERRA (Asociaţia Regională a Reglementatorilor din Europa centrală şi de Est).

Dezvoltarea bazei de reglementare şi perfecţionarea continuă a ANRE se reaizează cu suportul SIDA (Agenţia Internaţională pentru Dezvoltare şi Cooperare a Suediei)



Further restructure the electricity, gas and heat sectors and address payment arrears.

A fost realizată în comun de către experţii RM şi UE o evaluare privind situaţia în sectorul energetic din RM, în vederea stabilirii punctelor de referinţă pentru ulterioara cooperare între Moldova şi UE. Evaluarea respectivă a cuprins toate aspectele ce ţin de energetică, accentul fiind pus pe tendinţele sectorului energetic şi politicile de stat în acest domeniu, problemele existente, posibilele căi de soluţionare, s-au discutat modelele de cooperare pe viitor. Aceste chestiuni se examinează şi în cadrul Programului INOGATE în cadrul Iniţiativei de la Bacu privind colaborarea în energetică între Uniunea Europeană, ţările riverane Mării Negre şi Mării Caspice şi ţărilor lor vecine, de grupurile de lucru la şedinţele comune din martie şi iulie curent la Bruxelles. Rezultatul acestor activităţi a găsit realizarea în cadrul Cartei de Parcurs semnate de către miniştrii energeticii ale ţărilor participante, în cadrul celei de-a doua Conferinţe ministeriale pe 30 noiembrie 2006 la Astana.
Întru restructurarea sectorului energetic sunt expuse pentru privatizare un şir de întreprinderi din sector, precum şi 2 centrale electrotermice CET-1 şi CET-2. Pentru privatizarea sunt propuse cinci întreprinderi din sectorul electroenergetic – 2 reţelele de distribuţie şi 3 centrale electrice, însă ultimul concurs investiţional a fost desfăşurat în 2003 fără succes. Reţelele de distribuţie sunt privatizate la nivel de 60% de către compania spaniolă „Union Fenosa”. Statul colaborează activ cu această întreprindere.

În ce priveşte gazele naturale, Guvernul promovează politica liberului acces la piaţa gazelor naturale în baza regulilor de piaţă a gazelor naturale, elaborate de ANRE. Odată cu implementarea proiectului Energetic II, care va finaliza contorizarea sectoarelor electro- şi termoenergetic, piaţa energetică a Moldovei va fi pregătită pentru liberalizare totală, adică va fi mai atractivă pentru investitorii străini.

Problema restanţelor la plăţi în anii precedenţi a fost condiţionată de situaţia social-economică temporară în ţară. Astăzi achitarea serviciilor prestate în sectoarele electroenergetic, şi gaze naturale se află la un nivel satisfăcător. Întru stabilirea unui set de reguli şi norme în vederea asigurării accesului utilizatorilor la reţele electrice a fost aprobat în şedinţa publică a Consiliului de Administraţie al ANRE nr.190 din 30.08.2005 capitolul Consumuri tehnologice al Codului tehnic al reţelelor electrice şi cel al reţelelor de gaze, regulile pieţei de gaze.

De către S.A. „Termocom” se efectuează o serie de măsuri tehnice care sunt îndreptate spre majorarea esenţială a eficienţei sistemului centralizat de încălzire şi anume:

Întru micşorarea pierderilor de căldură în reţelele termice anul curent au fost montate 18,4 km de conducte preizolate dotate cu sisteme de depistare a scurgerilor, în total fiind instalate 63,7 km.

De asemenea, S.A. „Termocom” a implementat un nou Sistem Automat de Monitorizare a reţelelor de distribuţie a energiei termice, ce va permite controlul „on line” a parametrilor de lucru aşa ca: presiunea, temperatura şi fluxul în diferite puncte, astfel depistînd sectoarele în care au loc scurgeri sau pierderi de temperatură. Odată cu începerea perioadei de reparaţie şi pregătire către sezonul rece a anului a început şi procesul de modernizare a punctelor termice centrale.



Participation in EU related energy events.

Republica Moldova participă activ la toate reuniunile internaţionale privind cooperarea în domeniul energetic (în cadrul GUAM, INOGATE şi altele) unde, printre altele, se discută şi posibilităţile de construcţie a unor gazoducte magistrale transfrontaliere. La etapa actuală nu a fost definitivat nici un proiect de gazoduct de aşa categorie, cu participarea Republicii Moldova.

Pe data de 17 noiembrie 2006 Moldova a fost acceptată în unanimitate în calitate de ţară observator la Tratatul Comunităţii Energetice din Europa de Sud-Est (TCE), care a intrat în vigoare la 01 iulie 2006. Pe data de 19 ianuarie 2007, autorităţile moldoveneşti au transmis cererea de aderare la TCE în calitate de membru cu drepturi depline.

La 29 iunie în cadrul reuniunii Ministeraile a Comunităţii Energetice a fost luată decizia de a acorda Republicii Moldova statutul de membru cu drepturi depline pînă la sfărşitul anului 2007.

De asmenea au fost demarate în comun cu partea ucraineană procedurile de conectare la UCTE.




Progress regarding energy networks

Further rehabilitate and upgrade the network.

În perioada de raportare s-a întreprins un şir de acţiuni de ordin tehnic şi organizatoric, cum ar fi: (i) optimizarea schemelor de alimentare prin înlocuirea transformatoarelor cu capacitate corespunzătoare; (ii) înlocuirea branşamentelor cu cablu izolat şi instalarea contoarelor de tip revers în exteriorul spaţiilor rezidenţiale; (iii) reconstrucţia reţelelor de distribuţie de 0,4 kV cu cablu izolat şi (iv) deconectarea consumatorilor răuplatnici şi achitarea datoriilor istorice, ceea ce a sporit tendinţa de reducere a pierderilor de reţea.

Din fondurile grantului ASDI, actualmente se implementează proiectul pilot de modernizare a sistemului centralizat de încălzire din mun. Chişinău.

Proiectul prevede eliminarea punctelor termice centrale; reconstrucţia reţelelor termice cu 2 ţevi pînă la blocurile locative, folosind ţevi preizolate; pozarea fără canale şi instalarea cu pre-încălzire; instalarea în locul punctelor elevatoare a punctelor termice individuale pentru încălzire şi alimentare cu apă caldă menajeră a fiecărui bloc. Activităţile respective se implementează la 5 blocuri locative anterior alimentate de la 2 PTC.

În urma unor concursuri internaţionale au fost selectate companiile furnizoare de materiale necesare pentru executarea lucrărilor sus menţionate. În prezent S.A. „Termocom” efectuează reconstrucţia reţelelor termice folosind materialele procurate (o mai mare parte a lucrărilor au fost deja efectuate).

Concomitent au fost procurate punctele termice individuale prefabricate pentru blocurile locative menţionate mai sus (producătorul şi furnizorul – Alfa Laval, Suedia). Punctele termice au fost livrate şi în prezent sînt pregătite pentru instalare.

Deasemenea, a fost anunţat un tender internaţional conform procedurilor Băncii Mondiale şi ASDI pentru proiectarea, furnizarea, instalarea, testarea şi darea în exploatare a sistemelor interioare de încălzire şi apă caldă menajeră şi a sistemului de contorizare. Lucrările de instalare se vor efectua în perioada caldă a anului 2008.

Acţiunile întreprinse la reţelele termice, cum ar fi înlocuirea graduală a conductelor magistrale, de distribuţie şi reţelelor termice de cartier cu utilizarea ţevilor prefabricate cu izolaţie din poliuretan şi optimizarea reţelelor au aceeaşi tendinţă, avînd ca scop atingerea unei medii de 6-7% pierderi în reţelele termice.




Improve transparency, reliability and safety of the gas transit network.

Further rehabilitate and upgrade the network.

Dezvoltarea şi extinderea gazoductelor magistrale şi a gazoductelor- branşamente are loc conform prevederilor Programului Naţional de Gazificare.
Programul se constituie din 3 etape:

1.Gazificarea centrelor raionale;

2.Montarea gazoductelor la hotarul tuturor localităţilor;

3.Gazificarea tuturor consumatorilor finali

În anul 2004 a fost finalizată I-a etapă, fiind gazificate toate centrele raionale. La 01.09.2007 din 1528 localităţi ale ţării erau gazificate peste 730 de localităţi sau circa 50%. Pentru finalizarea etapei a II-a pînă la finele anului 2009 urmează a fi gazificate circa 800 localităţi. La 27 iulie curent a fost dat în exploatare gazoductul magistral Tocuz-Căinari-Mereni, pentru asigurarea Chişinăului din a II-a sursă. A fost elaborat studiul de fezabilitate şi au demarat lucrările de proiectare a gazoductului magistral de importanţă naţională Bălţi-Ungheni. Prin construcţia gazoductului nominalizat, se prevede asigurarea cu gaze naturale nord-vestul republicii şi va fi posibilă interconectarea sistemului naţional de transport gaze cu sistemul de transport gaze al Uniunii Europene.

Operatorul naţional, SA”Moldovagaz”, asigură continuu integritatea reţelei de gazoducte efectuînd exploatarea gazoductelor prin aplicarea strictă a măsurilor prevăzute conform normelor de asigurare a securităţii reţelelor de gaze.



Identify and start to implement reform options for the gas (transit) network.

A fost promovat proiectul construcţiei gazoductului magistral transfrontalier Drochia-Ungheni-Iaşi, la moment nu este posibilă realizarea acestui proiect. Dat fiind faptul, că tranzitul nu a putut fi implementat, se preconizează construcţia gazoductului magistral „Bălţi-Ungheni” de importanţă strategică la nivel republican în partea de nord-vest a ţării, ceea ce va permite gazificarea integrală a raioanelor Sîngerei, Făleşti, Teleneşti şi Ungheni.

În perspectivă, prin intermediul acestui gazoduct va fi posibilă interconectarea sistemului naţional de gazoducte la sistemul Uniunii Europene, cu beneficierea asigurării cu gaze a republicii din surse alternative, cum ar fi gazoductul NABUCCO.



Install additional gas metering devices on pipelines at border crossings points.

La etapa actuală SA”Moldovagaz”, operatorul naţional în domeniul gazelor naturale, examinează posibilităţile instalării unor contoare de evidenţă a gazelor naturale la hotarele republicii. Totodată, evidenţa volumelor consumate şi tranzitate pe teritoriul ţării este asigurată la punctele din Alexeevca, Grebennichi, Orlovca, Ananiev (Ucraina, cu prezenţa reprezentantului SA”Moldovagaz”) şi Tocuz (Moldova, cu prezenţa reprezentantului Ucrainei)-necesităţi suplimentare de contorizare nu sunt.




Progress on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

Prepare an Action Plan for improving energy efficiency and enhancing the use of renewable energy sources, reinforcing the relevant institutions, accompanied by a financing plan, quantitative targets and timetables for implementation.

Implement a set of low cost measures in this area.

Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei în comun cu Ministerul Industriei şi Infrastructurii a elaborat Legea energiei regenerabile nr.138-XVI din 21.06.2007, care a fost publicată în MO 107-111 din 27.07.2007.

În baza acestei legi urmează să fie elaborat un set de acte normative pentru reglementarea integrală a tuturor activităţilor în domeniul vizat.

La elaborarea legii s-a ţinut cont de legislaţia ţărilor europene şi, respectiv, acesta conţine prevederi similare privind susţinerea producerii şi utilizării energiei şi combustibilului din surse regenerabile.

Concomitent, se lucrează asupra proiectul Programului Naţional pentru valorificarea resurselor regenerabile de energie pînă în a. 2010. care urmează să fie adus în concordanţă cu Strategia energetică recent aprobată, precum şi cu prevederile Legii energiei regenerabile.

Prin dispoziţia Guvernului din 04 ianuarie 2006, a fost creat Consiliul Coordonator pentru utilizarea surselor energetice regenerabile, care selectează proiecte în domeniul respectiv pentru implementare în Republica Moldova. Astfel, pînă în prezent au fost selectate 16 proiecte.

Cele menţionate confirmă corespunderea politicii Guvernului în domeniul energeticii cu directivele respective ale UE şi cu prevederile Cărţii Energetice a Europei, a cărui membru este şi Republica Moldova.

În stadiu de elaborare se află proiectul Legii pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii privind conservarea energiei. Proiectul dat prevede reorganizarea Agenţiei naţionale de Conservare a energiei în Agenţia pentru eficienţa energetică, extinderea atribuţiilor, inclusiv în domeniul surselor regenerabile de energie, modalităţi suplimentare de finanţare a activităţilor în domeniul conservării energiei.






1. Adopt a national policy on the development of the sector.

The national policy in the field of telecommunications was approved by the Governmental Decision no. 975 from 13.09.2001 and has as main aim the liberalisation of the telecommunications market, the creation of a modern infrastructure, integration of the Republic of Moldova telecommunications into the European and World system of telecommunications. An adjustment to the national policy in the field of telecommunications is about to take place with the approval of the draft Law on electronic communications.

The draft law on electronic communications was developed by a group of experts, from which were part the representatives of the Ministry of Informatinal Development, the National Agency for Regulation in Informatics and Telecomunications (NARIT), representatives of the operators in the field and civil society. During the process of development of the draft law on electronic communications the Working Group studied other states advanced experience in this field, the recommendations of the WTO and IUT, took into account the provisions of the national legal framework and the necessity to approximate the national legislation to the Community legal framework in the field of electronic communications. The draft law provides for the main rules and conditions of activitiy in the field of electronic communications, the general policy and strategy framework in the development of the sector through the identification of competences of central specialised authorities, the general regulatory framework of the activities in the electronic communications networks and services through the identification of the regulatory authority’s objectives or regulation of electronic communications, the rights and obligations of the State, physical persons and legal entities in the process of creation, administration, utilisation, upkeep of the electronic communications networks, given at disposal for the purpose of ensuring the population with various modern and useful services of electronic communication, as well as insurance of free access to all potential users of electronic communications public services of a certain quality level at reasonable prices.

The draft law on electronic communications was approved by the Government through Decision no. 1145 from 5th of October 2006 and wad adopted by the Parliament in first reading on the 8th of December 2006, the necessity being mentioned to expose the draft law to an European expertese. The draft law was sent for comments to the European Commission. Presently, all the proposals and objections presented by the experts are analysed by the specialied Committee of the Parliament. The approval of the Law in final reading is planned until the end of the current Parliamentary Session.



2. Adopt a comprehensive regulatory framework including licensing, access and interconnection, numbering, cost-orientation of tariffs, Universal Service and users rights, privacy protection and data security.

The approval and adjustment of the regulatory normative framework for the electronic communications and implementation of the respective actions and measures from the Action Plan Republic of Moldova – European Union is an action that will be completely implemented after the Parliament adopts the draft Law on electronic communications. The respective draft law was approved by the Government through Decision no. 1145 from 5ht of October 2006 and adopted in first reading by the Parliament on the 8th of December 2006. Presently, the draft Law on electronic communications, with the comments from the European Commission and the World Bank, is in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to be adopted in final reading with the respective modifications.
After the entry into force of the Law on electronic communications, NARIT will, as a first priority, make the respective changes in the current regulations in line with the present law and will adopt the necessary new regulations (included in the ENPAP) in accordance with the European norms and standards.

The Regulations on the Universal Service,

The creation of the Universal Service Fund and the implementation of the Universal Service,

The Regulations on the determination of relevant markets and identification of operators with significant power on the market,

The Regulations on Separate Accounting Keeping,

The implementation of the LRIC calculation model of service delivery costs,

Regulation of the access to the local loop, etc.

Until now NARIT developed a list of respective draft regulations (The Regulations on the determination of relevant markets and identification of operators with significant power on the market, The Regulations on Separate Accounting Keeping, The implementation of the LRIC calculation model of service delivery costs, in process of delivery is the draft Regulations on the Universal Service etc.) which will be put under the disposal of public consultations in the immediate future, but which cannot be adopted and implemented due to lack of legislative framework..

With the purpose of protection of consumer rights, of the confidentiality and security of data, on the 15th of February the draft law on “processing of data of personal nature” was developed. The draft law was developed by a Working Group constituted of experts from the Ministry of Informational Development. The draft was adopted by the Government through the Governmental Decision no. 1377 from 26th of December 2005 and was adopted by the Parliament in first reading on the 13th of January 2006, being subsequently exposed to independent expertise, including by experts of the Council of Europe. The aim of this law is to generally regulate the data protection that covers all aspects of personal data processing and follows the structure of the European standards in the field, namely: The European Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the automatic processing of personal data (Convention 108 of the Council of Europe) and Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 24th of October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

In order to ensure the personal data of citizens, according to this law, in the first 3 months after the endorsement of the law, the National Centre for the protection of personal data will be created, which will acts as an impartial and independent body with regard to other state bodies and will present annual reports on its activity to the President of the Republic of Moldova, the Parliament and the Government.

The approval and adjustment of the normative and regulatory framework for the electronic communications and implementation of the respective actions and measures from the Action Plan EU-RM also provide for: the access to partitioned access to the local loop; universal service; interconnection reference offer; regulations on tariffs; the notifications status; determination of operators with market power on the relevant markets; regulations on separate accounting and separation of costs; implementation of the LRIC method of calculation of costs. The implementation of these actions depends at this stage on the final approval of the Law on electronic communications and will be directly linked with the activity of the National Agency for Regulation in Informatics and Telecommunications, which will proceed to the approval of these regulations and norms only after the Parliament adopts the draft law in final reading.



3. Effective implementation of the market liberalisation launched on 1 January 2004 including support of a fully competitive environment.

In accordance with the provisions of the Law on telecommunications (article 43) the telecommunications market of the Republic of Moldova was totally liberalised starting with the 1st of January 2004. After two years of full liberalisation of the telecommunications and informatics services market, in 2006 this sector was one of the most dynamic in the national economy. According to the data provided for to NARIT by service providers, the aggregate turnover on this market increased, compared to 2005, with 23,52% and reached the value of 4,5 bln lei. The quota of the informational technologies and communications (ICT) in the gross internal product (GIP), according to the data made public by the National Statistics Bureau is 10,20%.
In 2006, the number of companies operational in the informational communications and technologies reached 880, which is 0,7% of the total number of enterprises in the country. Nevertheless, it is yet not possible to talk about the creation of a completely competitive environment on all the market segments. The market of telecommunications and informatics in Moldova is still under important influence from the historic operator (100% dominant, state property) “Moldtelecom”, which has a quota of 97,45% on the market of fixed telephony. Because of the non-balanced tariffs, lack of legal framework on the regulation of operators with market power and imposition of certain ex-ante conditions etc., non-implementation of the separate accounting etc., competition is developing with very slowly. Even if 42 operators were authorised to deliver local fixed telephony services, in 2006 only 9 of them were active.
The segments of mobile telephony and Internet access have a more rapid development and competition on these segments of the market is harsher. At the end of 2006, Republic of Moldova had on its market the following operators to provide mobile telephony services: JSC “Voxtel”, which was the first one who launched the mobile telephony GSM network in the Republic of Moldova in October 1998, “Moldcell” which began its activity on this market in April 2000, SJC “Moldtelecom”, which obtained the individual licence to deliver mobile telephony services, in CDMA 2000 standards, on a frequency of 450 MHz on the 29th of June 2006 and LLC “Eventis Mobile”, which won the bid for the 3rd GSM mobile telephony operator on the 26th of December 2006. In 2006, the annual turnover of the two operators (Voxtel and Moldcell) increased comparing to 2005, with 38% and constituted a 1,8857 bln. lei. Voxtel had sales of about 1,3154 bln. lei and Moldcell – 570,3 mln. lei. After the obtained income, Voxtel had a 69,75% share of the market, whilst Moldcell – 30,25%. The entry on the market of the new operators will intensify competition, which in turn will favour the diversification of services of mobile telephony and will make them more accessible for more users.
In 2006 on the transport of data and access to Internet services there were 41 active providers of these services. The turnover registered in 2006 increased in 2006, compared with 2005, with 50,4% and constituted 196,22 mln. lei. 88,43% of this amount is linked with the services of transport of data and internet access. On this segment as well the first place is with JSC Moldtelecom with 43,93% of the market share, second place – Telemedia Group with 20,69% and the third place – Starnet with 9,33% of the market share.

The facilitation of competition on the telecommunications and informatics market is a continuing process, which presupposes the implementation of the following actions in the next period in the field of regulation of the electronic communications market:

  • Re-balancing of the historical operator’s tariffs

  • Ex-ante regulation (determination of the relevant markets and identification of operators with dominant position of these markets):

  • Implementation of portability of numbers

  • Implementation of the authorisation (notification) status

  • Implementation of the separate costs accounting

  • Insurance of access, interconnection and interoperability of networks and electronic communication services

The aim of the efficient implementation of the informatics and telecommunications market liberalisation is to ensures an efficient competition to increase the competitiveness of the products and services, bring a large spectrum of new services and technologies for consumers, offer more attractive prices and increase the quality of delivered services. The process of liberalisation today is in fact a regulatory function and a condition of competition development and this comes in line with the regulatory reform. Regulations are changing in time to adapt to the market conditions (globalisation, new technologies, Internet, etc.) and presently we are at the stage when the adoption of a new regulatory framework and new civilised activity rules on this market are needed.


4. Ensure the independence, increase the powers and improve the efficiency of the National Agency for Regulation in Telecommunications and Informatics (NARTI) by providing additional human and financial resources and increasing the enforcement powers.

According to article 8, para 1 of the Law on telecommunications, the National Agency for Regulation in Informatics and Telecommunications is a public authority independent of the operators, producers and the Government, with the exceptions provided for by law.

It is considered to be very important for the continuing development of the electronic communications market and fair competition on this market that the national authority, which has the mission to regulate the market, acts independently of the persons that enter its sector of regulation (operators) and the Government, with certain exceptions (the state has 100% share in the historic operator „Moldtelecom”).

The approval of the new Law on electronic communications, in strict conformity with the EU regulatory framework in the field of electronic communications, will offer NARIT strains, rights and empowerments to implement the necessary regulations and enforce its decisions.

Presently, NARIT cannot take any decisions, because in accordance with article 11 of the Law on telecommunications no. 520-XIII from 07.07.1995, the Decisions of the Administration Council are adopted with a majority vote of 3, whilst at present two posts are still vacant. The same article provides for that the Director and Deputy Directors are designated by the Government. The MID informed the Government of the created situation through an official letter no.01/998 from 28.04.2007.



5. Reinforce the commercial capabilities of MoldTelecom in the future competitive environment.

JSC „Moldtelecom” as the national operator of fixed telephony in the Republic of Moldova, manages a complex telephony network through 41 branches, situated in all the administrative-territorial units’ centres of the country. Presently, the total number of users of the fixed telephony of the enterprise passed the number of one million, having a telephony density of over 31%.

The enterprise continues the implementation of various new services of video-telephony, video-conferences, IP telephony, data transferral, access to the Internet etc. Year 2006 was marked by the implementation of a couple of project, aimed to diversity the spectrum of services delivered by the company and to offer new capacities for the services under delivery.

The project of mobile telephony in CDMA 2000 1X standard started in 2006 after the respective licence was obtained and was launched in March 2007 under the Unite brand. The launch of this product is part of the strategy of diversification of the products of the company, taking into account the migration tendencies of the traffic from fixed vocal telephony to mobile telephony. Thus, until the end of 2007 it is foreseen that a number of 70,000 users will be with the mobile telephony. As part of the same project, the launch of the wireless data transferral services through the CDMA EV-DO network is foreseen, actions that would permit access to Internet services at a speed of 2,4Mbps.

JSC „Moldtelecom” has successfully implemented the CDMA 2000 1X standard in the public communications network. (radio fixed access at the frequency of 450 MHz). At the end of 2006 there were about 50000 users registered with this standard.

As part of a different project, the inclusion of a new system of billing was developed, which would include all the services provided for by JSC „Moldtelecom” and will offer sufficient instruments to prepare and launch different offers, tariff plans and bonuses. For these purposes, a large commercial flexibility of the Company will be ensured in relation to other operators on the market. The first segment of the new billing system is already functional and serves the mobile telephony network of the enterprise.

Among the main priorities of JSC „Moldtelecom” is the development of ADSL services in the localities of the Republic. For these purposes, the network of optic fibres is under heavy development, which connects rural localities with the interurban network of optic fibres of the JSC „Moldtelecom”. For year 2007 it is planned that over 200 rural localities will be connected to the MaxDSL services. As a result, in 2007 a number of 2100 new clients of ADSL services is planned for these localities. At present time, the MaxDSL services are accessible in Chisinau and all administrative-territorial units’ centres, whilst the service has around 9000 registered users.

In 2006 JSC „Moldtelecom” implemented the DWDM technology in the optic fibres interurban network, which offered the possibility to increase the speed of data transfer up to 2,5 Gbps with a subsequent possibility of upgrade. Due to these actions, the artery network was prepared for the increase of number and diversity of services based on IP protocol: broadband Internet, TV, radion, video on request, games etc.

For these purposes the IP MPLS technology was implemented, which permits the aggregation of these services along with traditional voice services and transferral to the final client.

Under implementation is the rebalancing of tariffs of traditional fixed telephony. Currently it is in its second stage, out of a total of four. Delays in the implementation of the last stage of rebalancing tariffs are due to social causes and low income of the population.

With the purpose of implementation of the separate accounting and separation of costs to delivered services, until present the following actions have been taken:

  • Separate accounting of the costs of CDMA to the costs of other JSC “Moldtelecom” networks was implemented;

  • The budget for the mobile telephony for 2007 was approved, separate from the traditional fixed telephony, at the chapters of „Income” and „Expenses”;

  • Separate management of the employed personnel for delivery of mobile telephony is ensured;

  • Separate management of expenses related to payment of personnel, social/medical contribution on mobile telephony is ensured;

  • Separate management of payments for the services of interconnection traffic to mobile telephony, including for the internal traffic between the mobile telephony and fixed telephony is ensured;

  • Indirect expenses, as used electricity by the CDMA equipment, waste of fixed assets, expenses for upkeep of the equipment, indirect expenses related to personnel etc., have been attributed based on the average number of mobile and fixed number of CDMA users;

  • Separate sub-accounts have been included in the “Universal Accounting” software for expenses on tranditional fixed telephony and mobile telephony. Also, through Order no. 828 from 15.08.2006, the directors of departments and services of SJC ”Moldtelecom”, when presenting the payment checks, accounts and collective papers for processing to the Finance Department, are obliged to indicate the sub-accounts for expenses attribution;

  • A separate account was opened for transfers that deal with mobile telephony, where the income from the mobile telephony services will be stored and payments for mobile telephony necessities will be made from.

By implementing these actions JSC „Moldtelecom” can ensure a very high level of transparency of its operations and of expenses and incomes related to mobile telephony. In the meantime, the company intends to implement in 2007 a new system of separate accounting that will include all the services provided by the company.




Accelerate progress in the development of Information Society services and in the integration of Moldova into the IST research programme

1. Further implement the national policy and strategy for the Information Society and provide sufficient funds for its implementation.

Through the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 255 from 9th of March 2005 the National Strategy of Informational Society Development – Electronic Moldova and the respective Action Plan was adopted, having as primary aim the implementation at large of the informational and communication technologies, a fact that will contribute to the increase of level of economic development of the country and development of the administration capacities. The development of the Strategy and the Action Plan was implemented with the support of UNDP, within the project “Informational Society Technologies for development”. The Action Plan “Electronic Moldova” provides for the implementation of the measures that deal with the development of the informational society on the following directions: e-governance, electronic economy, electronic education, electronic science, electronic culture, electronic health.

The functioning of the implementation mechanism of the Action Plan “E-Moldova” is possible only in the case of establishment of efficient financing instruments. For this purpose, the Ministry of Informational Development, jointly with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy and Trade, have developed the Regulation on the mechanism of implementation of the Action Plan “E-Moldova”, adopted through the Governmental Decision no. 27 from 6th of January 2006. In the meantime, all central and local public administration bodies have developed individual implementation plans for the Strategy and decision-makers have been nominated to monitor the implementation at large of the informational and communication technologies in the public institutions or the administered branches.

The State Budget for 2007 contains the Fund for the Implementation of the National Strategy of informational society development – “E-Moldova” in an amount of 17 mln. lei.


2. Promote the widespread use of the new technologies by business and administration, in particular in the health ad the education sectors (e-commerce, e-government, e-health, e-learning), via the provision of advanced infrastructures, the development of content and the introduction of pilot projects.

MID coordinates the implementation of a series of actions oriented towards this, including the following:

On the 15th of July 2004 the Law on electronic document and the digital signature was adopted, which is in conformity with the contents of Directive 1999/93/EC. The Regulation on the application of the digital signature and the electronic documents in the public authorities was approved through the Governmental Decision no.320 from 28.03.2006. The next indispensable step in the implementation of the electronic document and the digital signature is the creation of certification centres of the public keys. The Certification Centre of the public keys at high level and the Certification Centre of public keys of public authorities have already been created and are functional.

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