No. Objective The measure from the ap

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Prepare for possible extension of the Tempus programme to the areas of vocational training as well as adult education

Not completed
European Commission decided not to extend the Programme on the areas mentioned in the objective. Actions in this matter can not be completed.


Enhance youth exchanges and cooperation in the field of non-formal education for

young people

During the year of 2007 the Republic of Moldova was involved in the following actions:

  1. Participation in the period of 23-24 of April 2007 of the representative from the Republic of Moldova at the World Assembly of Young for road/traffic security within the first edition if the Global Week for Road Security, in Geneva, Switzerland.

  2. Organisation on 7-10th of May 2007 in Baku, Azerbaijan, of the personal exhibition of the young photographer from the Media Centre for young with the topic “Moldovan Children” in the framework of the Action plan for realisation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of youth policies and sports for the period of 2006-2007.

  3. Participation of 5 young people from the Republic of Moldova and the representative of the Youth Direction to the summer school “Young and the European Values” organised in Constinesti, Romania, during 13-20th of June 2007.

  4. Organisation of the working visit of the Mr.Ion Ceban, Head of the Direction for Youth, in the period of 1-6th of July 2007, to Vilnus, Lithuania, in the framework of the action plan for the completion of the Agreement between the MEY of Moldova and the State Council responsible for Youth of the Republic of Lithuania on the cooperation in the area of Youth.

  5. According to the National Action Plan for the developing of the European Campaign for Youth, diversity, participations and human rights “all different- all equal” on the date of 2nd of October the project “Info bus” was launched – mobile information point (bus). The bus is circulating in the central – north region of the country (Chisinau-Straseni-Ungheni-falesti-Chisinau) with stops in the mentioned localities and distribution of information material and promotion of the campaign “All different – all equal”,


Increase promotion of intercultural dialogue, youth exchanges and co-operation in the field of non-formal education through the YOUTH programme

In the process of completion

In collaboration with the National Council for Youth from Moldova (NCYM) and the network of the "Youth in Action" Programme in the Republic of Moldova, the action plan was adopted for the development of the information sessions on the European Commission programme “Young in Action”. In the period of 25th of August – 25th of October 2007 the informational seminars with the involvement of the representatives of the “Young in Action” programme in Moldova started the distribution of information materials on the European Commission programme and the possibility for young people and Youth organisations from Moldova to participate. The regional and local NGOs and the members of the Local Councils for Youth were involved at the seminars. The seminars was held in the 10 rayon resource centres for youth and in Chisinau.

A meeting was organised with the representative of the SALTO office from Poland. During the meeting the main directions for collaboration were established for the fulfilment of the Programme “Youth in Action”. The MEY named the contact person responsible for fulfilling the activities in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme. In the last quarter of 2007 round tables and meetings for the exchange of experience and studying of best practices will be organised.


Culture and audio-visual issues

77. Enhance cultural co-operation

Intensify cultural exchanges giving priority to mobility of young Moldovans,

particularly through the Youth programme.

In the process of completion
During this period many youth associations and non associated, participated at the cultural meetings organised in the framework of Youth Programme. The number of these persons is about 200 per year.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has organised continuously important actions for bilateral cooperation, on the basis of the collaboration agreements and mutual cultural exchange signed with more than 30 countries.



Approximate relevant audiovisual legislation in full compliance with European standards (with a view to a possible future participation in the Media programme if prerequisites are fulfilled.)

In the process of completion
According to the provisions of the art.48 of the Audiovisual Code, in order to fulfil its obligations, the Audiovisual Coordinating Council (ACC) developed its statute and the structure, including the territorial structures for monitoring, foreseen by the statute, later adopted by the Parliament decision no.433, in force since 28.12.2006. ACC developed the recommendations on the mechanisms for entry into force of the radio emitters funded and financed by the local public administration authorities. After public debates, the Regulation on the implementation and observance of the ACC was developed and is published on the ACC web site.
The art.66 of the AC ensures the right of the foreign investors from other states to hold the control packages of radio emitting companies. The AC, art.66 on “the creation and functioning of private radio emitting companies: point 1 – private radiometers can be constituted by physical and legal persons; point 2 – a physical or legal person, local or foreign, can be the investor or the majority stakeholder, directly or indirectly, not more then to 2 different types of radio emitting companies.”
The ACC is continuously inviting and welcomes the participation of the local as well as foreign persons, to the contests for occupation of the available radio frequencies.
The ACC sessions are public and involve the participation of the mass media. The procedure of issuing the emission licences and radio frequencies as well as the discussions of the ACC members are done in public sessions. The decision made by the ACC, including the justifications, are published in the Official Monitor and on the web site.
During 2007, in the activity of the National Teleradio Company of Moldova, were not diffused video tapes of the Government of other Government Institutions (information provided on 5th of July 2007).
The Centre for monitoring from Chisinau, Balti and Edinet is functioning in full capacity, but the centres from the other 4 regions are in process of staff search. The results obtained from the audiovisual monitoring for the centre of the republic are the basis for the violations of the provisions of the ACC legislation. On the basis of this information, consultations and coordination is made with the radio-emitters.
The rapid development of the electronic technologies sets the necessity to continuously develop and improve the capacities of the monitoring Centres in order to better manage the policies in the field. It is planned that exchange of experience will be made with the similar centre from Ukraine and Poland. Unfortunately the technologic development and improvement requires additional financial resources, which the ACC does not possess.
In the new AC are stipulated the main principles for audiovisual communication according to the international standards. The monitoring of the implementation of the legislative provisions in the area will be more efficient when the Centre for monitoring foreseen by the EU- Moldova Action plan (second phase – end of 2007) will be created.
The creation of the regional centres for monitoring is finalised. The ACC is facing difficulties in the process of hiring personnel for the regional monitoring offices. The Office from Edinet is in the process of opening. The monitoring of the audiovisual activities will ensure the implementation and observance of the Audiovisual Code, which will allow the improvement of the relations between the ACC and other stakeholders in the field of audiovisual in the country, a better understanding of the problems that exist and respectively an adequate involvement of the ACC in their solution.
The improvement of the legal framework from the audiovisual area, was made through the adoption of the AC (27th of July 2006) the development of which was made according to the recommendations of the Council of Europe. The Parliament adopted the ACC statute and the annexes regarding the licensing conditions and criteria for issuing of the radio frequencies and TV channels.
During the implementation of the AC the legislative gaps on the publicity are being considered. At the end of the 2007 the legal acts will be systematised and the national legal acts requiring adjustment will be proposed to the legislative body for the necessary amendments.
With the support of the Great Britain government Centre for monitoring of the ACC in the main regions of the country 7 local centres for monitoring were created.
The Strategy for covering the national territory with services of audiovisual programmes (2007-2010) was adopted, during the meeting with ACC.


Develop a dialogue on cultural diversity, including in the context of the relevant

negotiations in UNESCO

In the process of completion
- According to the provisions of the EU-Moldova Action Plan, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism completed all the internal procedures for the ratification of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, adopted in Paris in 2003. (Law no.12-XVI of 10.02.2006, promulgated by the Presidents Decree no.457-IV of 17.02.2006). On 24th of March 2006 the ratification instruments were sent to the General Director of UNESCO.

- The internal procedures for the ratification by the Republic of Moldova of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, adopted in Paris on 20th of October 2005 (Law no.258-XVI of 27.07.2006, promulgated by the President Decree no.713-IV of 03.08.2006) were accomplished. On 5th of October 2006 Moldova sent the ratification instruments to the General Director of UNESCO.
- The internal procedure for signing by the Republic of Moldova of the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe on the social value of the cultural patrimony (Faro, 2005) was initiated.
The implementation of these activities, demonstrates the creation by the state of the favourable conditions for the protection and promotion of the cultural identities, of the diversity of cultural expression, free development and interaction of the cultures by mutual enrichment, and in the external aspect – considerable intensification of the relations for cultural cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the European states, with aim the fulfil the strategic objective of European Integration.
On 21st of May 2007 in Chisinau was organised the 5th consultative meeting of the national coordinators of the regional programme “Kiev Initiative”, to which the representatives of the Council of Europe secretariat participated as well as the national coordinators from the 5 participant states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.

During the reunion the terms of reference for the new pilot projects were discussed for each of the participant country to the fulfilment of the programme.

The representative of the MCT participated at the coordination and implementation session of the project “The Wine Growing and Making and Culture Tourism” that will be implemented in the years of 2007-2009 in the framework of the programme “Kiev Initiative” with the support of the Council of Europe, which took place on 28-30 of June 2007, in Kusadasi (Turkey).
The aim of the reunion was to establish the action parameters for the year of 2007, as well as the examination of the draft Terms of reference and establishment of the methods for collaboration between the participating parties.
During the working session the following subjects were discussed:
-The wine growing and wine making routes that will be developed in the context of the fulfilment of the „Wine Making and Growing and Culture Tourism” Programme;

- The actual level for development of growing and making wine routes;

- The connection of growing and making wine tourism with the culture;

- The sectorial necessities: winery, culture and tourism;

- The importance of the international collaboration in the relevant fields;

- The importance and efficiency of the technologic and electronic platform of information exchange and others.

In the period of 2-4 of August 2007 at the SAM premises the International Conference “The diversity of cultural expressions of the traditional habitat in the Republic of Moldova” organised by the MCT, National Commission for UNESCO, The Institute for Cultural Patrimony of the SAM and the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History with the occasion of the ratification of the UNESCO Convention on protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expression (2005).
During the Conference were presented 48 scientific reports of the researchers from 4 countries (Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia and Ukraine) and 12 research institutions, as well of culture and education.
As a result of the works of the International conference, with the financial support of the UNESCO office from Moldova, until the end of the 2007 a book will be edited with the title “ The diversity of cultural expressions of the traditional habitat from the Republic of Moldova”.
The Projects in the framework of the programmes, CULTURE 2007, to which Moldova can participate as a full rights member state, were examined. The establishment of the collaboration contacts with the contact points of the CULTURA 2007 programme from the EU states with which Moldova has bilateral agreements in the field of culture.


Civil society co-operation

78 Promote civil society co-operation

Further develop and build on experience of existing Institution Building Partnership

Programs (IBPP)

In the process of completion
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration signed a memorandum for partnership with more then 20 NGO organisations and civil society for the fulfilment of the objective for European Integration. At the same time, a number of round tables of the social partners, public administration authorities, representatives of mass media were organised in Chisinau and in other regions of the country, with the support of the Interactive European Centres “Pro-Europa”. The Objective of the reunion is to develop the platform for permanent dialog between the Moldovan citizens at all the levels.

Central Public Institutions

Encourage the empowerment of consumers and the protection of their legitimate economic interests

Central Public Institutions

Public health


Increase the level of health security and epidemiological safety in Moldova in line with EU legislation and in cooperation and with the support of the WHO. Relate the information system of Moldova to the health indicators process underway in the EU.

Health information and knowledge:
Organise collection of information on health indicators


The health indicators are reported regularly to the European Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO). The methodology of calculation of the health indicators in Republic of Moldova is adjusted to the WHO recommendations.

With international organizations’ support, Monitoring and Evaluation Information Systems (MEIS) of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and drugs have been created. Also the Information System of Logistic Management of Contraceptives and Reproductive Health was created.

With the financial support from Health Metrics Network and WHO, an analysis of the health information system was done in July 2006 – July 2007 and a comprehensive plan for development of this system is being elaborated.

At the same time, the European Commission (the Network of Competent Authorities in Health Knowledge and Health Information) tries to unify the health indicators in the EU member states. Afterwords, the EU experience could be shared with the Republic of Moldova.

Communicable Disease Surveillance and Health Security:
Exchange information and technical expertise in order to facilitate participation in EU Network for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases

In the final stage of accomplishment

In accordance with the European Parliament and European Union Council Decision No. 2119/98/EC, European Commission Decisions No. 2000/96/EC, 2002/253/EC, 2003/542/EC, through the Ministry of Health Decree No. 385 of October 12, 2007, “Regarding the case definitions for communicable diseases reporting in the Republic of Moldova”, the standard case definitions for diagnosing, registering and reporting communicable diseases were revised, adjusted, developed and approved.

The European Commission has accepted to offer short term assistance (TAIEX) aiming at connecting the Republic of Moldova to the European Union Network for Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases. The international expert will visit Moldova on 19-23 November 2007.

Participation in dedicated surveillance networks, in particular those collecting data and

information on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, and hepatitis C and B.

Partially accomplished

The epidemiological data on HIV/AIDS in Moldova is reported to the European Center of Epidemiological Surveillance of AIDS.

In accordance with the European Parliament and European Union Council Decision No. 2119/98/EC, European Commission Decisions No. 2000/96/EC, 2002/253/EC, 2003/542/EC, through the Ministry of Health Decree No. 385 of October 12, 2007, “Regarding the case definitions for communicable diseases reporting in the Republic of Moldova”, the standard case definitions for diagnosing, registering and reporting communicable diseases, including sexually transmitted infections and viral hepatitis, were revised, adjusted, developed and approved.

The European Commission has accepted to offer short term assistance (TAIEX) aiming at allowing the Republic of Moldova to participate in the surveillance networks, in particular those collecting data and information on sexually transmitted infections, and viral hepatitis B and C. The international expert will visit Moldova on 19-23 November 2007.

Reform of health system:
Improve the primary health care system and the prevention of diseases, such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic, notably in rural and deprived communities and within vulnerable groups


Out of 378 existent rural Health Centers, 100 have been renovated, and 278 have been provided with medical equipment. All family doctors have received the family doctor’s bag.

35% of family doctors and 25% of medical assistants have benefited from training courses, according to a new study program.

All Family Doctor’s Centers have been provided with informational equipment.

In order to improve the performance of primary health care medical staff, a system of additional to the basic salary allowances was introduced from January 1st, 2007. This was done to increase the rate of primary diagnosis of patients with tuberculosis, cancer, for observed treatment of tuberculosis in ambulatory conditions (DOTS), for supervision of pregnant women and persons with hypertension.

According to the recommendations of the international experts, the autonomous financing of the primary medical institutions was piloted. Thus, the Central Medical Territorial Agency (Chisinau) and a range of other primary health care facilities from the Orhei rayon (Family Doctor’s Center from Orhei, Health Centers from Peresecina, Pelivan and Teleseu) became legally and financially independent. They have been contracted by the National Health Insurance Company directly and administrate their funds independently. Further, this experience will be undertaken at the national level too.

To strengthen primary health care further, two projects of external assistance have been negotiated:

1. The project “Health and Social Assistance Services”, with a period of 4 years and a budget of about 17 million US dollars (including 12 million for primary health care and 5 million for social assistance) was approved for funding by the World Bank Board on 7th June, 2007 and ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on 25th July, 207.

In the framework of this project, the feasibility study regarding the Primary Health Care needs (staff, infrastructure, medical equipment) was performed and its results were presented on 28 of September, 2007.

2. The TACIS project “Support to Health Reform. Strengthening of Primary Health Care in Moldova”, planned for a period of 3 years and a budget of 6 million Euros. The terms of reference have been received recently and it is planned to select a consultancy company until the end of this year and to begin the project implementation.

Activities of HIV/AIDS prevention, including harm reduction projects (for injecting drug users, truck drivers, commercial sex workers, prison inmates, MSM, etc.) are being implemented among the socially vulnerable groups.

Modernisation of emergency services

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