CC - CATEGORY CODES: 18-Solid-earth-geophysics
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 51; illus. incl. 1 table, sketch maps.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0012-821X
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-035270
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199912
Registro 5342 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Petroleum geochemistry of Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia.
AU - AUTHORS: Ramon-J-C; Dzou-L-I
SO - SOURCE: Organic Geochemistry. 30; 4, Pages 249-266. 1999.
PB - PUBLISHER: Pergamon. Oxford-New York, International. 1999.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
DE - DESCRIPTORS: aliphatic-hydrocarbons; alkanes-; alteration-; biodegradation-; biomarkers-; C-13-C-12; calcareous-composition; carbon-; Cenozoic-; clastic-rocks; Colombia-; condensates-; Cretaceous-; crude-oil; gas-chromatograms; genesis-; geochemistry-; hydrocarbons-; isotope-ratios; isotopes-; La-Luna-Formation; lithofacies-; macerals-; Magdalena-Valley; mass-spectra; Mesozoic-; mixing-; oil-wells; organic-compounds; petroleum-; phytane-; pristane-; production-; reflectance-; reservoir-rocks; sedimentary-rocks; siliciclastics-; source-rocks; South-America; spectra-; stable-isotopes; steranes-; sulfur-; Tertiary-; thermal-maturity; Upper-Cretaceous; vitrinite-; well-logs
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 02D-Isotope-geochemistry
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 23; illus. incl. chart, 2 tables, sketch maps.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 0146-6380
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-035219
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199912
Registro 5343 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Laser-induced luminescence of emeralds from different sources.
AU - AUTHORS: Moroz-Inessa; Panczer-Gerard; Roth-Michael
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel
SO - SOURCE: Journal of Gemmology. 26; 5, Pages 316-320. 1999.
PB - PUBLISHER: Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britian. London, United Kingdom. 1999.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Preliminary spectroscopic analysis in the red range of the spectrum between 674 and 679 nm using the new laser-induced (time-resolved) photoluminescence (LPL) technique, has been carried out on six natural emeralds from Afghanistan, Brazil, Colombia, Nigeria, Russia and Zambia, and one hydrothermally grown synthetic emerald. Emeralds from different sources have distinctive luminescent spectra and the usefulness of the results is evaluated. Although the luminescence spectra of emeralds from Afghanistan, Russia and Zambia are similar to that of the synthetic emerald, they show an additional "bulge" towards the longer wavelength. The artificial emerald displays about three times greater intensity of luminescence than that shown by the natural emeralds.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Afghanistan-; Africa-; Asia-; Brazil-; chemical-composition; chromium-; color-; Commonwealth-of-Independent-States; crystal-structure; East-Africa; emerald-; hydrothermal-alteration; Indian-Peninsula; intensity-; laser-methods; luminescence-; metals-; metasomatism-; mineralogy-; models-; natural-materials; Nigeria-; ring-silicates; Russian-Federation; silicates-; South-America; spectra-; synthetic-materials; vanadium-; West-Africa; Zambia-
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 01B-Mineralogy-of-silicates
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 18; illus. incl. 1 table.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 1355-4565
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-026384
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199910
Registro 5344 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Decapod and Stomatopod crustaceans from mass mortality Lagerstatten; Turonian (Cretaceous) of Colombia.
AU - AUTHORS: Feldmann-Rodney-M; Villamil-Tomas; Kauffman-Erle-G
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Kent State University, Department of Geology, Kent, OH, United States
SO - SOURCE: Journal of Paleontology. 73; 1, Pages 91-101. 1999.
PB - PUBLISHER: Paleontological Society. Lawrence, KS, United States. 1999.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Mass mortality surfaces and bioclastic lags in Turonian siliceous shales of the San Rafael and La Frontera formations in Colombia have yielded two species of decapod crustaceans, Opthalmoplax spinosus new species and Pinnotheres? species indeterminate, as well as one stomatopod. Sculda sp. All represent first records for the country. Remains of the swimming carcineretid crab, Opthalmoplax spinosus, in association with fish fragments and pelagic ammonites, cover mass mortality surfaces. The occurrence suggests that the high density living population of the crabs, exploiting abundant food resources in areas of topography-controlled upwelling, was periodically reduced catastrophically, perhaps by advection of toxic trace elements or by oxygen starvation. Two other taphofacies, characterized by current oriented appendage fragments and scattered skeletal elements represent normal accumulations of fossil material in the San Rafael and La Frontera formations.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Andes-; Arthropoda-; bioclastic-sedimentation; biofacies-; Boyaca-Colombia; catastrophism-; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; Crustacea-; Eastern-Cordillera; Invertebrata-; La-Frontera-Formation; Lagerstatten-; Malacostraca-; Mandibulata-; mass-mortality; Mesozoic-; new-taxa; Opthalmoplax-spinosus; paleoenvironment-; Pinnotheres-; San-Rafael-Formation; Sculda-; sedimentation-; South-America; Stomatopoda-; taphonomy-; Turonian-; Upper-Cretaceous
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 10-Invertebrate-paleontology; 06A-Sedimentary-petrology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: S053100; S045800; LONG: W0733100; W0742000.
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 38; illus. incl. strat. cols., geol. sketch maps.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 0022-3360
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-024828
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199909
Registro 5345 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Dimensions of paralic sandstone bodies.
AU - AUTHORS: Reynolds-Anthony-D
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: BP Exploration, Houston, TX, United States
SO - SOURCE: AAPG Bulletin. 83; 2, Pages 211-229. 1999.
PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1999.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Petroleum reservoirs in paralic successions commonly comprise a wide range of sand-body types. To estimate the volume of petroleum that is present and the percentage that is recoverable, and to optimize development and production schemes, it is vital to know the dimensions and orientation of each sandstone body. Although the sedimentary facies and the orientation of paralic sand bodies have been extensively studied, there is little quantitative data on sand-body dimensions. This paper addresses that data gap and reports an extensive database of widths, lengths, and thicknesses of paralic sandstones. Following an approach that has been successful in fluvial successions, an attempt is made to develop predictive relationships between sand-body thickness, which is commonly known from well data, and the key unknowns of width and sand-body length. In pursuing this goal, in addition to classifying the data by sand-body type, grain size, basin type, etc., a key aim of this study has been to test the hypothesis that sand-body dimensions are controlled by their sequence-stratigraphic setting. Crossplots of sand-body width against thickness show that discrimination of the data by sand-body type produces the tightest set of clusters; therefore, this should be the first step in choosing a realistic range of dimensions for a given sandstone thickness. Further analysis reveals that sequence stratigraphic setting is a useful means of refining the choice of analog and reducing the range of dimensions. Specific conclusions are (1) Valleys are much wider than channels. Crude averages show that channels (distributary channels, crevasse channels, etc.) are narrow, less than 1 km in width, with aspect ratios of 1:100, whereas valleys average around 10 km in width and have aspect ratios on the order of 1:1000. (2) Shoreline-shelf sands are huge sheets tens to hundreds of kilometers in length, with mean widths that range from 7 to 25 km and vary according to systems tract. Shoreline-shelf sands deposited in highstand systems tracts are, on average, twice as wide as those deposited in transgressive systems tracts. Thicknesses of shoreline-shelf sands relate strongly to their position within a sequence set. (3) Valleys and shoreline-shelf sands have areal extents comparable to giant oil fields. Flood tidal deltas and mouth bars are comparable in area to small fields. (4) Distributary channels, crevasse channels, tidal flats, and crevasse splays are small areally. (5) Some systematic trends occur (e.g. in flood tidal deltas), allowing the prediction of width and length from thickness. Other data sets show a high degree of scatter, but maximum, mean, and minimum values can be determined for width, length, and thickness. (6) There is a clear partitioning of certain sand-body types into certain systems tracts.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Asia-; Atlantic-Ocean; Brent-Field; clastic-rocks; Colombia-; Cusiana-Field; deltaic-environment; depositional-environment; development-; Far-East; geometry-; grain-size; Indonesia-; Jones-Creek-Field; measurement-; North-Atlantic; North-Sea; oil-and-gas-fields; optimization-; orientation-; partitioning-; petroleum-; planar-bedding-structures; production-; recovery-; reservoir-rocks; sand-bodies; sandstone-; sedimentary-rocks; sedimentary-structures; South-America; stacking-; Statfjord-Field; thickness-
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 06A-Sedimentary-petrology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 45; illus. incl. block diags., 4 tables, sketch map.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States
IS - ISSN: 0149-1423
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-022530
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199908
Registro 5346 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Gravity signatures of terrane accretion.
AU - AUTHORS: Franco-Heather; Abbott-Dallas-H
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: University of Maine, Institute of Quaternary Studies, Orono, ME, United States
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Oceanic plateaus and hotspot islands; identification and role in continental growth.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Condie-Kent-C (editor); Abbott-Dallas-H (editor)
SO - SOURCE: Lithos. 46; 1, Pages 5-15. 1999.
PB - PUBLISHER: Elsevier. Amsterdam, International. 1999.
CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Submarine plateaus and hotspot islands young and old ; identification and role in continental growth. Salt Lake City, UT, United States. Oct. 20-23, 1998.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: In modern collisional environments, accreted terranes are bracketed by forearc gravity lows, a gravitational feature which results from the abandonment of the original trench and the initiation of a new trench seaward of the accreted terrane. The size and shape of the gravity low depends on the type of accreted feature and the strength of the formerly subducting plate. Along the Central American trench, the accretion of Gorgona Island caused a seaward trench jump of 48 to 66 km. The relict trench axes show up as gravity lows behind the trench with minimum values of -78 mgal (N of Gorgona) and -49 mgal (S of Gorgona) respectively. These forearc gravity lows have little or no topographic expression. The active trench immediately seaward of these forearc gravity lows has minimum gravity values of -59 mgal (N of Gorgona) and -58 mgal (S of Gorgona), respectively. In the north, the active trench has a less pronounced gravity low than the sediment covered forearc. In the Mariana arc, two Cretaceous seamounts have been accreted to the Eocene arc. The northern seamount is most likely a large block, the southern seamount may be a thrust slice. These more recent accretion events have produced modest forearc topographic and gravity lows in comparison with the topographic and gravity lows within the active trench. However, the minimum values of the Mariana forearc gravity lows are modest only by comparison to the Mariana Trench (-216 mgal); their absolute values are more negative than at Gorgona Island (-145 to -146 mgal). We speculate that the forearc gravity lows and seaward trench jumps near Gorgona Island were produced by the accretion of a hotspot island from a strong plate. The Mariana gravity lows and seaward trench jumps (or thrust slices) were the result of breaking a relatively weak plate close to the seamount edifice. These gravity lows resulting from accretion events should be preserved in older accreted terranes.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: accretion-; basins-; bathymetry-; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; Eocene-; fore-arc-basins; geophysical-surveys; Gorgona-Island; gravity-anomalies; gravity-field; hot-spots; Mariana-Trench; Mesozoic-; models-; North-Pacific; Northwest-Pacific; ocean-floors; Pacific-Ocean; Paleogene-; plate-collision; plate-tectonics; seamounts-; South-America; subduction-; surveys-; terranes-; Tertiary-; trenches-; West-Pacific
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 18-Solid-earth-geophysics
DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial; Conference-Document
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 26; illus.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0024-4937
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-019960
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199907
Registro 5347 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Late Quaternary pollen records from the middle Caqueta River basin in central Colombian Amazon.
AU - AUTHORS: Behling-Hermann; Berrio-Juan-Carlos; Hooghiemstra-Henry
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: University of Amsterdam, Hugo de Vries-Laboratory, Amsterdam, Netherlands
SO - SOURCE: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 145; 1-3, Pages 193-213. 1999.
PB - PUBLISHER: Elsevier. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1999.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Three pollen records are presented from the Pantano de Monica region (0 degrees 42'S, 72 degrees 04'W, 160 m elevation) on the lower terrace of Rio Caqueta of the central Colombian Amazonas. Ten radiocarbon dates from three cores indicate that the deposits are of Holocene age, but the pollen data suggest that the record may also contain the Late Glacial. The core Pantano de Monica 1 covers the time interval from 11,150 BP (extrapolated) to 4730 BP. During the Late Glacial and early Holocene this swamp was smaller in size and waters were more shallow than today, with abundant Mauritia palm trees. This indicates that the lower terrace of the Caqueta River was better drained than today, which might be related to changes in the drainage system and/or drier conditions during that time. Late Glacial and early Holocene vegetational changes in the rain forests surrounding the swamp Pantano de Monica indicate successional stages, probably related to changes in the drainage system and/or climate changes. Presence of Podocarpus pollen grains up to 2.6% of the total sum (and influx of 78 grains cm (super -2) yr (super -1) ) point to the regional presence of Podocarpus at the beginning of the Holocene. Evidence of Podocarpus during glacial times in other pollen records from the Amazon basin has been taken as indicative of cooling. Core Pantano de Monica 2 was taken in a small swamp (1000 m distance to Pantano de Monica 1) and starts at 4000 BP when this location was well drained. Several changes in the composition of the rain forest are documented, such as increase in disturbance (increase of Cecropia) followed by a quick recovery (increase of Psychotria). Protium and Caryocar tree taxa, were frequent, suggesting that the lower terrace area was well drained until 3080 BP, after which small swamps developed. Core Pantano de Monica 3 is from the wet forest in between the two swamps and represents the period since 3260 BP. Pollen data show a continuously increasing presence of palms, probably Euterpe, suggesting either a transition from well-drained to less drained conditions in the lower terrace during the late Holocene, and/or a more intensive human impact of the rain forest on the lower terraces of Rio Caqueta. The three records from the lower terrace of Rio Caqueta show different forest compositions in the past and indicate that the rain forest environments were not stable during Late Glacial and Holocene times. Comparison with other data from lowland records of northwestern South America suggest that climate change is a major factor for environmental change in central Colombian Amazon.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: absolute-age; Amazon-Basin; biostratigraphy-; biozones-; C-14; Caqueta-River-basin; carbon-; Cenozoic-; chronology-; Colombia-; cores-; dates-; forests-; Holocene-; humid-environment; isotopes-; miospores-; paleoclimatology-; paleoecology-; paleoenvironment-; palynomorphs-; Pantano-de-Monica; Pleistocene-; pollen-; pollen-diagrams; Quaternary-; radioactive-isotopes; rain-forests; South-America; terrestrial-environment; upper-Pleistocene; upper-Quaternary; vegetation-
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 24-Quaternary-geology; 03-Geochronology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: S004200; S004200; LONG: W0720400; W0720400.
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 47; charts, 2 tables, sketch map.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0031-0182
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-016306
UD - UPDATE CODE: 199906
Registro 5348 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Gravity data define basin structure and the location of major oil and gas reserves; examples from Subandean basins, Tunisia, and the U. S. Rocky Mountain region.
AU - AUTHORS: Pratsch-Johann-Christian
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: petroleum geologist, Houston TX, United States
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Geologic applications of gravity and magnetics; case histories.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Gibson-Richard-I (editor); Millegan-Patrick-S (editor)
SO - SOURCE: AAPG Studies in Geology. 43; Pages 28-31. 1998.
NT - NOTES: Geophysical Reference Series; No. 8
PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1998.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Africa-; Andes-; basin-analysis; basins-; Bouguer-anomalies; Colombia-; geophysical-methods; geophysical-surveys; gravity-anomalies; gravity-methods; Llanos-; Lower-Magdalena-Basin; Mohorovicic-discontinuity; North-Africa; North-America; oil-and-gas-fields; petroleum-; petroleum-exploration; Powder-River-basin; primary-migration; reserves-; Rocky-Mountains; sedimentary-basins; South-America; surveys-; Tunisia-; United-States
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 20-Applied-geophysics
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: N430000; N450000; LONG: W1040000; W1070000.
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 9; illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, sect.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 0271-8510
IB - ISBN: 1-56080-078-X
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-041508
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200113
Registro 5349 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Fluorescence of emeralds from various deposits.
AU - AUTHORS: Moroz-I-I; Panczer-G
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Israel Geological Society annual meeting, 1998.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Weinberger-Ram (editor); Gavrieli-Ittai (editor); Yechieli-Yoseph (editor); Porat-Naomi (editor); Ayalon-Avner (editor)
SO - SOURCE: Annual Meeting - Israel Geological Society. 1998; Pages 71. 1998.
PB - PUBLISHER: Israel Geological Society. Jerusalem, Israel. 1998.
CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Annual meeting of the Israel Geological Society. Mitzpe Ramon, Israel. March 22-24, 1998.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Afghanistan-; Africa-; Asia-; Brazil-; chromium-; Colombia-; Commonwealth-of-Independent-States; East-Africa; emerald-; fluorescence-; gems-; identification-; Indian-Peninsula; laser-methods; metals-; Nigeria-; physical-properties; Raman-spectra; ring-silicates; Russian-Federation; silicates-; South-America; spectra-; West-Africa; Zambia-
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 28A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-nonmetal-deposits; 01B-Mineralogy-of-silicates
DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 0334-0694
CO - CODEN: #54599
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-035106
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200111
Registro 5350 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Layer silicates inclusions in emeralds from various deposits.
AU - AUTHORS: Moroz-I-I; Eliezri-I-Z
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Israel Geological Society annual meeting, 1998.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Weinberger-Ram (editor); Gavrieli-Ittai (editor); Yechieli-Yoseph (editor); Porat-Naomi (editor); Ayalon-Avner (editor)
SO - SOURCE: Annual Meeting - Israel Geological Society. 1998; Pages 70. 1998.
PB - PUBLISHER: Israel Geological Society. Jerusalem, Israel. 1998.
CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Annual meeting of the Israel Geological Society. Mitzpe Ramon, Israel. March 22-24, 1998.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Africa-; Australasia-; Australia-; Brazil-; Colombia-; Commonwealth-of-Independent-States; East-Africa; emerald-; gems-; genesis-; identification-; inclusions-; Lake-Manyara; mineral-inclusions; Mozambique-; Nigeria-; provenance-; ring-silicates; Russian-Federation; schist-type-deposits; sheet-silicates; silicates-; South-America; Sumbawanga-Deposit; talc-; Tanzania-; West-Africa; Zambia-
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