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Dr. Ruby Ghosh


Scientist- B


Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany,

53, University Road,

Lucknow- 226007

Educational Qualifications M. sc., ph. D (University of Calcutta)


The climate during Holocene showed significant variability both in temporal and spatial domain. The study of Holocene climate especially the last few thousand years is important because the climatic condition during this period was driven by internal boundary conditions, such as size and shape of the continents, the major ice-sheets and the external boundary conditions like mean radioactive forcing due to changes in Earth-orbital geometry, that were similar to those today. Study of this interval, thus, provides a means to gain insights into the natural variability that might be expected today in the absence of human influence.

My interest is in reconstruction of monsoonal variability in Lower Gangetic plains and Eastern Himalayas since late Quaternary. In India, especially in Eastern Himalayas and in lower Gangetic plains, only a few attempts have been made to study the past monsoon variability combining the multproxy data i.e. phytoliths and palynology. To fill in this gap, a multiproxy study combining pollen and phytoliths is required to attempt a more precise climatic reconstruction.

Research Experience

  • Presently working as Scientist-B, in Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow (from 29.07.2011 till date)

With different proxies i.e. phytoliths and palynomorphs to explore Quaternary Palaeoclimate of different regions of peninsular India.

  • From April, 2010- July, 2011

Worked as Research Associate of CSIR, New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Opal A particles in environmental reconstruction and recognition of impact of natural disasters in coastal region: Case study from coastal West Bengal”.

  • From November, 2009- March, 2010

Research Fellow in Palaeobotany-Palynology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta as honorary basis

  • From November, 2008- November, 2009

Worked as Extended SRF of CSIR, New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Biogenic silica in quantitative reconstruction of coastal environment and recognition of tropical cyclone over wash: Case study from Sunderbans, West Bengal”.

  • From December 2005 – October, 2008

Research Fellow in Palaeobotany-Palynology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta as honorary basis

  • From November 2004 to December 2005

Worked as Birbal Sahni Research Scholar (SRF) funded by Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow [an autonomous Institute under Department of Science & Technology (Earth System Science), Govt. of India, New Delhi] sponsored Project entitled "Archaeobotanical studies in Southern part of West Bengal, India”

  • From December 2002-November 2004

Worked as Birbal Sahni Research Scholar (JRF) funded by Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow [an autonomous Institute under Department of Science & Technology (Earth System Science), Govt. of India, New Delhi] sponsored Project entitled "Archaeobotanical studies in Southern part of West Bengal, India.”

Medals : Awarded “Pratul Chandra Bhandari Medal 2006” for significant research work in Archaeobotany from Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow.
Fellowships :

BSRS (Birbal Sahni Research Scholarship) in a Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow [an autonomous Institute under Department of Science & Technology (Earth System Science), Govt. of India, New Delhi] sponsored Project entitled "Archaeobotanical studies in Southern part of West Bengal, India” during December 2002 – November 2005.
Extended SRF of CSIR, New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Biogenic silica in quantitative reconstruction of coastal environment and recognition of tropical cyclone over wash: Case study from Sunderbans, West Bengal”, during 3rd November 2008- 30th November 2009.
Research Associate of CSIR, New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Opal A particles in environmental reconstruction and recognition of impact of natural disasters in coastal region: Case study from coastal West Bengal, since 1st April, 2010 up to 26.07.11.


  1. Sayantani Das, Ruby Ghosh and Subir Bera. 2013. Application of non-grass phytoliths in reconstructing deltaic environments: a study from the Indian Sunderbans. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecolog (Elsevier Publ.) (accepted)

  1. Yi-Feng Yao, Xiao Li, Hong-En Jiang, David K. Ferguson, Francis Hueber, Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera and Cheng-Sen Li 2012. Pollen and Phytoliths from Fired Ancient Potsherds as Potential Indicators for Deciphering Past Vegetation and Climate in Turpan, Xinjiang, NW China. PLos ONE, 7(6) e39780. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039780

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Naskar, Madhab and Subir Bera. 2011. Phytolith assemblages of grasses from the Sunderbans, India and their implications for the reconstruction of deltaic environments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Elsevier Publ.), 311:93–102

  1. Mahasin Ali Khan, Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera, R. A. Spicer and T. E. V. Spicer. 2011. Floral diversity during Plio-Pleistocene Siwalik sedimentation (Kimin Formation) in Arunachal Pradesh, India and its palaeoclimatic significance. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (Springer Publ.), 91:237–255

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Narayan Ghorai and Subir Bera. 2010. On the feeding preference of some flower visitors of guava: a study through pollen analysis. Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal, 64(2): 169-174.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Sudha Gupta, Subir Bera, Hong-en Jiang, Xiao Li and Cheng- Sen Li. 2008. Ovi-caprid dung as an indicator of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in northwestern China, Quaternary Research (Elsevier Publ.), 70 (2): 149-157.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Ashalata D’Rozario, and Subir Bera 2006. Can palynomorphs occur in burnt ancient potsherds? An Experimental Proof, Journal of Archaeological Science (Elsevier Publ.), 33 (10): 1445-1451.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera, Ashalata D’ Rozario, Manju Banerjee and Supriyo Chakraborty. 2006. Plant remains from archaeological site as indicators of vegetation and agricultural practice during 3320  400 to 2080  80 years BP in the Gangetic West Bengal, India. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (Blackwell Publ.), 48 (6): 628-641.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera, Supriyo Chakraborty, Rupendra Kumar Chattopadhyay& Manju Banerjee 2005. Significance of study of Phytoliths in understanding vegetational pattern in an archaeological site of West Bengal, India. Phytomorphology, 55 (3&4) :221-232

  1. De, A., Ruby Ghosh, De, B. and Subir Bera. 2001.Palynoassemblage of Quaternary Peat deposits from Ziro Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Geology, 73(3): 181-186.

Abstracts published

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Dipak Kumar Paruya, Yi-Feng Yao, Cheng-Sen Li and Subir Bera. 2012. A combined pollen and phytolith record for post-Siwalik vegetation change in Darjeeling foothill region, eastern Himalaya. In: 13th International Palynological Congress and 9th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference 2012, held during August 23-30, 2012 at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Journal of Palynology (Special issue: Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012), pp.70.

  2. Subir Bera, Ashalata D’ Rozario, Ruby Ghosh, Radhanath Mukhopadhyay. 2012. Record of a possible Marattiaceous fern from the Upper Permian sediments of Indian Lower Gondwana. In: 13th International Palynological Congress and 9th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference 2012, held during August 23-30, 2012 at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Journal of Palynology (Special issue: Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012), pp.14

  3. Ruby Ghosh, Dipak Kumar Parua and Subir Bera 2011. Phytolith spectra from Pleistocene-Holocene sedimentary sequences in Darjeeling Sub-Himalaya and its palaeoclimatic significance. In: Plant diversity and resources: Evolution, Analyses, Stress and Challenges and Palaeophytodiversity: Its Aspects and Prospects” organized by Botanical Society of Bengal in collaboration with Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, pp.80.

  1. Madhab Naskar, Ruby Ghosh and Subir Bera. 2011. Variations of phytolith morphotypes in panicoid grasses from different phytoecological zones of Sundarbans, India. In: Plant diversity and resources: Evolution, Analyses, Stress and Challenges and Palaeophytodiversity: Its Aspects and Prospects” organized by Botanical Society of Bengal in collaboration with Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, pp.84-85.

  1. Subir Bera, Ashalata D’ Rozario, Ruby Ghosh, Radha Nath Mukhopadhyay. 2011. Record of a possible Marattiaceous fern from the Indian Lower Gondwana. In: Plant diversity and resources: Evolution, Analyses, Stress and Challenges and Palaeophytodiversity: Its Aspects and Prospects” organized by Botanical Society of Bengal in collaboration with Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, pp. 80- 81.

  1. Madhab Naskar, Ruby Ghosh and Subir Bera. 2009. Diversity of opal A silica in some panicoid grasses from South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. In: XIX Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Seminar on « Angiosperm Systematics & Phylogeny : Retrospects & Prospects (Organized by National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, pp.154.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Sudha Gupta, Narayan Chandra Ghorai & Subir Bera. 2008. Recognition of effective pollinators of Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae) through palynological analysis. In: XVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Seminar on " Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics" (Organized by University of Kalyani, West Bengal), pp.220.

  1. Ruby Ghosh & Subir Bera. 2008. Efficacy of grass phytoliths in reconstruction of coastal environment: A case study from south 24 Parganas, West Bengal. In: XVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Seminar on " Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics" (Organized by University of Kalyani, West Bengal), pp.243.

  1. Subir Bera, D. K. Parua, R. Ghosh, M. A. Khan, S. Chakraborty and A. Sarkar. 2008. A sediment-based reconstruction of Late Quaternary climatic changes in Ziro valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India using pollen and phytolith proxies. In: 12th International Palynological Congress & 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, pp. 24.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera and M. Banerjee. 2008. Phytolith evidences on climatic oscillations and rice cultivation since ca. 900/1000 years B.C from an archaeological site of deltaic plain of West Bengal, India. In: 12th International Palynological Congress & 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, pp. 91.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, M. Ali Khan, B. De and Subir Bera. 2007. Phytoliths in exploring vegetation and environment dynamics during Late Quaternary : A case study from Ziro Valley, Arunachal Pradesh. In : XXI Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology and Stratigraphy, (Organized by Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow. pp. 39.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera, Manju Banerjee & Supriyo Chakraborty. 2006. Phytoliths as indicators of grassland dynamics during the Late Holocene in Gangetic West Bengal. In : Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjects, Diamond Jubilee International Conference (Organized by- Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotay, Lucknow). pp. 43.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Sudha Gupta, Subir Bera, Hong-en-Jiang, Xiao Li and Cheng- Sen Li. 2006. Microscopic Analysis of ca. 2500 Years Old Cattle dung from Yang-hai Tomb at Xinjiang Province, China with Special référence to Cattle diet, Palaeovegetation and Palaeoclimate. In : Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjects, Diamond Jubilee International Conference (Organized by- Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotay, Lucknow). pp. 44.

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera ,Sup

  2. riyo Chakraborty and Manju Banerjee, 2004. ‘Ancient Phytoliths in determining the cropping system practiced by the Early Farming Community at archaeological site of Pakhanna, District Bankura, West Bengal’, by- In: National Conference on Plants, microbes and Environment: Issues and Challenges (Organized by: Department of Botany, University of Burdwan).

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Supriyo Chakraborty, Ashalata D’ Rozario, Subir Bera, Manju Banerjee, 2004. ‘Plant economy of Early farming community of ca. 3000 years BP at Pakhanna, District Bankura, West Bengal’ In: Eleventh West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress (Organized by Department of Science and Technology & Unconventional Energy, West Bengal DST).

  1. Ghosh R, Bera S., Chakraborty, S. & Banerjee M. 2004. Record of poaceous phytoliths from an archaeological site of West Bengal, India. In: Pollen, XI International Palynological Congress [Organized by- The Spanish Palynological Association (APLE), The International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS), The University of Granada, The Zaidin Experimental Research Station (CSIC), Granada]. pp. 266

  1. Ruby Ghosh, Subir Bera, Ashalata D’Rozario, Manju Banerjee and Chitrarekha Das Gupta. 2003.‘Records of Phytoliths and Palynomorphs in the muddy clay layer from Chalcolithic archaeological site of Pakhanna, District Bankura, West Bengal’. In : XIX Indian Colloquium on Micropalentology And Stratigraphy & Symposium on Recent Developments in Indian Ocean paleocenography and Paleoclimate (Organized by Benaras Hindu University & Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, University Grant Commission, Department of Ocean Development, Department of Science & Technology, National Institute of Oceanography) pp. 6.

  1. Manju Banerjee, Ruby Ghosh & A. Ghosh Dastidar. 2002. Palynoassemblage analysis of peat samples from Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, In: National Conference on Biodiversity – Past and Present (Organized by The Palaeobotanical Society, Lucknow) pp.6.


Name of the seminars, Conference Symposia

Name of the sponsoring Agency



13th International Palynological Congress and 9th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference 2012,

Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo, Japan.

August 23-30, 2012

Plant diversity and resources: Evolution, Analyses, Stress and Challenges and Palaeophytodiversity: Its Aspects and Prospects”

Botanical Society of Bengal in collaboration with Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta


December 20-22, 2011

XIX Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Seminar on « Angiosperm Systematics & Phylogeny : Retrospects & Prospects

National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow


November 12-14, 2009

XVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Seminar on " Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics"

University of Kalyani, West Bengal

West Bengal

11th - 13th October, 2008

Diamond Jubilee International Conference on “Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjects”

Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow

Lucknow, U.P.

15th – 17th November, 2006

National Conference on Plants, microbes and Environment: Issues and Challenges

Department of Botany, University of Burdwan


March 2004

Eleventh West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress, By Department of Science and Technology & Unconventional Energy, West Bengal DST

Dept. of Science and Technology, West Bengal

Kolkata, West Bengal

January, 2004

XIX Indian Colloquium on Micropalentology And Stratigraphy & Symposium on Recent Developments in Indian Ocean paleocenography and Paleoclimate

Dept. of Geology

Benaras Hindu University & Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, University Grant Commission, Department of Ocean Development, Department of Science & Technology, National Institute of Oceanography


October 2003


Member, International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP)

Trained for computer operation.
Joined the workshop on ‘Electron Microscopes, X-ray Diffractometer and their Applications in Material Science & Biological Science’ organized by Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Joined the workshop on ‘Bioassays in Plant Cells for the Improvement of Ecosystem and Human health’ organized by Centre for advanced study in Cell & Chromosome Research, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta (Sponsored by UGC).
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