North american silver star championships

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41 4965 Bagaca C. W. Lyon Jr Frank Lyon AH dnf dns dns dns dns 0


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 4861 Ariel Alan Holt Richard Gates Shil 1 1 2 2 1 238

2 4887 Turmoil Gary Comer Bill Bennett SLM 5 3 1 3 5 228

3 5016 Quest Walter Crump Nils Eriksen Ric 3 11 7 7 8 209

4 4809 Inchmaree John Bennett M. Shanahan Mis 8 4 17 4 12 200

5 5133 Cirrus Howie Lippincott Asa Colson BB 6 5 6 11 18 199

6 5126 Avante Ralph DeLuca J. McWhorter WSFB 12 9 3 22 9 190

7 4913 Frolic Bill Buchan Jr Stan Lee PS 4 2 dsq 1 3 186

8 4340 Aquarius Mead Batchelor William Summer Mid 11 19 4 26 2 183

9 5218 Addiction Eugene Corley Steve Heater SLM 13 22 5 6 26 173

10 4207 Dingo J. Schoonmaker P. Henderson BisB 2 6 13 12 wdr 163

11 4754 Tackless John Goddard Jeff Goddard CA 14 13 29 20 13 156

12 4667 Big if Thompson Adams Wm. Richards WH 7 12 15 dnf 11 151

13 4756 Daemon Dave Millar P. Van Buskirk LOC 15 20 18 32 10 150

14 5177 Heather William Lynn P. Botsolas WLIS 24 dnf 10 8 6 148

15 4844 Finesse Michael Flynn George Flynn ELIS 22 15 19 13 29 145

16 4322 Blue Moon Steve Haarstick Steve Simon MorB 38 21 11 15 14 145

17 5007 007 David Jewett A. N. D. Hyde CA 21 8 33 27 21 137

18 4867 Caprice Robert Walker Cameron Clark LOC 27 32 9 14 28 136

19 4280 Tranquil John W. Allen Peter Payson WH 16 15 36 31 15 133

20 4067 GG III Steve Andrews Bill Moss HB 20 17 23 24 31 130

21 4860 Volare R. Campanelli Gerard Cayne ERF 30 42 12 17 17 127

22 4949 Quasar Watt Webb Charles Tracy Ith dnf 23 8 18 20 127

23 4870 Tsunami Anson Beard John Huntsman GSB 9 10 dsq 5 dns 123

24 4789 Gem IX Durward Knowles Robert Levin N 10 19 20 25 wdr 123

25 3858 Ingenue George Thomas C. Simpson III CLE 17 26 14 23 dns 116

26 5109 Hiker Bruce Carroll J. Van Dellen CLE 29 29 22 29 27 109

27 4105 Good Hope John Trinter Bob Van Wagnen SLE 32 36 dsq 16 4 108

28 5158 Gorne Bob Lippincott Ted Rapp WJ 18 7 16 dns dns 106

29 4956 Centavos Willard Hodges Robert Black Sun 31 31 37 19 23 104

30 5191 Cookies II David Cook C. Williamson Sun 34 33 32 39 7 100

31 4850 Mavourneen H. S. Moore J. Swanton HB 25 25 27 45 24 99

32 5020 Ampewa Walter Pilcer R. Burgess GrL 23 27 39 40 25 91

33 4985 Magic Robert Rodgers W. Van Arsdale GLW 26 28 dnf 30 22 90

34 4745 Impulse Dave Gaillard Samuel Hall CB 39 37 41 21 19 88

35 4640 Bimbo James King Carey Long StJ 33 43 25 9 wdr 86

36 4720 Gypsy Ken Kirkland Robert Burgess EB 43 34 21 28 34 85

37 4965 Bagaco C. W. Lyon Jr Frank Lyon AH 19 24 24 dns dns 80

38 4454 Donnybrook Jack Lynch Harvey Lekson WS 41 30 40 10 wdr 75

39 4757 Slipalot Stan Lippincott W. L. Nelson WJ 37 38 28 38 33 71

40 3396 Gemini William Watson Ted Watson LOA 35 39 38 35 30 68

41 4995 Gadfly J.M. MacCausland D. Branning CR 28 16 wdr 36 wdr 67

42 4420 North Star A. Schuster Fred Goodwin LOA 46 45 30 41 16 67

43 5162 Susan V Carl Petersen T. Johannsen EB 42 35 34 37 36 61

44 4635 Lamb Chop D. Kingston W. Simpson Brown AH 44 41 26 43 32 59

45 4797 Chipteen Roger Doane David Doane SLE 36 40 35 34 dns 51

46 5015 Spindrift Dick Poole Fred Glazier GrL 40 dsq 31 33 wdr 43

47 4663 Bottoms Up Gordon Bell Bev Waddell StJ 45 46 dns 44 35 26

48 4040 Try III C. McManus Edward Rich CB 47 44 42 42 wdr 21


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5150 Good Grief Tom Blackaller Gary Mull WSFB 2 1 2 2 5 168

2 5245 Blott X S. Wennerstrom S Christensson Kat 1 2 5 4 4 164

3 5226 Zucker Kaninchen Chas. Lewsadder Wm. Munster NH 4 6 1 3 3 163

4 4809 Inchmaree Pete Bennett Mike Shanahan Mis 8 3 6 7 1 155

5 5169 Krangel John Albrechtson George Yule Vin 5 4 4 9 8 150

6 4862 Swingin' Star Donald Trask Wm. Kreysler Ric 3 20 3 1 6 147

7 4926 Hannah Barton Beek Ron Anderson LAH 7 10 8 13 2 140

8 4987 Dolphin Frank Raymond W. Lane WH 16 5 7 6 10 136

9 4351 Gemini Timothy Sawyer C. Gallivan WSFB 6 7 11 5 20 131

10 4817 Nothing Yet Richard Gates J. Hafrenson PS 10 13 16 8 16 117

11 5126 Homer Ralph De Luca B. Nordfeld LAH dnf 8 10 11 7 108

12 4883 Noncents Kim Fletcher Hap McGill SDB 19 9 18 16 11 107

13 5177 Heather William Lynn Tupper Hale WLIS 12 14 17 17 13 107

14 5100 Amethyst John Sherwood Charles Graves CB dnf 15 9 10 9 101

15 4951 Vasa II Nils Eriksson H. Bernwall WSFB 14 17 15 20 15 99

16 5016 Quest Gerard Cayne J. Samuels ERF 18 19 12 23 19 89

17 5218 Addiction Eugene Corley Steve Heater SLM 11 16 dnf 12 17 88

18 4602 Alvo Charles Dole J. Davis Kan 9 11 19 dnf 18 87

19 913 Windor William West J. Gosden EB 20 21 14 15 23 87

20 5175 Snafu Stuart Jardine D. Holm NFB 15 18 22 18 26 81

21 4720 Gypsy Ken P. Kirkland Ian Kirkland EB 21 24 24 25 12 74

22 4992 Paula Tom Tranfaglia Gerry Donovan BH dnf -- 13 14 14 67

23 4885 Sidewinder Kevin Douglas W. Mooers Ric 17 22 20 22 dnf 63

24 4820 Windy Jay Winberg C. Beard Shil 13 12 21 dnf -- 62

25 3871 Pepper IV Wm. H. Kieser V. Lederman CarL 23 26 26 27 24 54

26 4905 Hilarius Hilary H. Smart J. Gannon CA dnf dnf 23 19 22 44

27 5204 Spankuk C. V. Jensen K. Klaus JP dnf 23 dnf 24 21 40

28 4557 Ballad Robert H. Hall R. McDonald Ric 22 dnf 25 26 -- 35

29 4132 Whistler John R. McGann N. Fowler CarL dnf 27 27 29 28 33

30 5188 Adagio Warren Odegard D. Tillson PS dnf -- -- 21 25 26

31 4560 Surge Ernest Hildner S. Hildner CarL dnf dnf -- 28 27 17

32 4640 Bimbo James F. King R. Shafer StJ dnf 25 dnf -- -- 11

33 3971 Bonnie Lassie John McKeague Jack Lynch StJ dnf dnf dnf -- -- 0

34 4331 Music II P. Schoonmaker J. Jenson LAH dnf -- -- -- -- 0

35 5297 Old Jerve Jones G. Jones SBC dnf -- -- -- -- 0


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5350 Hannah Barton Beek Charles Beek LAH 1 1 1 4 4 109

2 5214 Shrew William Parks Robert Halperin SLM 4 5 6 5 1 99

3 5261 Sashay Thomas E. Oller Peter Murray SLM 5 3 3 11 6 92

4 4862 Swingin' Star Don Trask Wm. Kreysler WSFB 6 2 11 3 9 89

5 3970 Bonnie Lassie John McKeague Charles Barnes GL 14 4 4 9 2 87

6 5255 Magic Robert Rodgers Don Casey GLW 8 7 7 7 8 83

7 5150 Good Grief! Tom Blackaller Douglas Holm WSFB 2 6 2 20 11 79

8 4667 Big If Thompson Adams Wm. Richards WH 21 13 5 1 3 77

9 5310 Pink Lady Robert O'Neil Jerry Leterman SLM 9 9 9 14 5 74

10 4078 Evening Star Larry Whipple Gary Philbrick PS 3 10 15 13 21 58

11 4995 Gad Fly J.M. MacCausland Robert Fetters CR 10 14 14 8 17 57

12 4225 Snow Goose W. V. Castle R. W. Castle LOA 17 16 10 15 7 55

13 3130 October Eugene McCarthy Chris Jensen JP 13 11 13 16 13 54

14 4987 Dolphin VI Frank Raymond William W. Lane WH 11 18 16 12 10 53

15 5348 Blue Chip III David Gaillard Jack Levedahl CB 15 12 17 10 14 52

16 4703 Hoya Daniel Mullane R. A. Webster BH 12 dsq 18 6 12 48

17 5322 Blue Moon Steve Haarstick Cleve Morton Ith 18 8 12 19 16 47

18 5294 Surprise Jack Rickard James Egan JP 20 17 19 2 19 43

19 4776 Sadalsund Gary MacDonald Millard F. Smith BH 16 20 8 18 18 40

20 5379 Donnybrook Jack Lynch Kevin Joyce WS 22 15 20 17 15 31

21 4887 Glider Richard Stearns Lynn A. Williams WH 7 dnf dns dns dns 17

22 5409 Big Kookie Tony Lorch Peter Kosa LOC 23 21 21 dnf 20 11

23 4854 Argo Ben Konsynski David Konsynski JP 19 19 dsq dnf dnf 10


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5455 Gem X Durward Knowles David Dickey N 1 1 2 1 3 257

2 5409 Star of the Sea Joseph Duplin Millard Smith BH 2 2 4 2 7 248

3 5469 Cirrus Howie Lippincott James Alsopp ES 4 4 10 4 6 237

4 5494 Azure James Lippincott Alan Lippincott BB 5 16 3 6 13 222

5 4667 Big If Thompson Adams Bill Richards WH 21 11 5 3 9 216

6 5100 Amethyst John Sherwood Colin Smith CB 15 8 9 7 11 215

7 4780 Conqueror William Gerard Sheridah Gerard SBC 7 7 22 5 12 212

8 5214 Shrew VII William Parks Thomas Oller SLM 14 26 7 8 1 209

9 5496 Sally Bob Lippincott Thomas Pickard WJ 16 21 12 12 17 187

10 4844 Finesse Michael Flynn George C. Flynn ELIS 11 15 39 13 2 185

11 5358 Aquarius S. Prinsenberg Dirk Prinsenberg EB 3 18 32 14 15 183

12 5157 Riot Hank Rowan Del Dhein LG 26 23 8 10 21 177

13 5354 Virgo II Peter Wright William Wright SLM 8 6 13 dnf 10 175

14 4927 Leprechaun Rich Robinson Ron Dougherty LAH 12 22 17 15 27 172

15 4861 Ariel Alan Holt Richard Gates PS 6 3 1 dsq 33 169

16 4905 Hilarius Hilary H. Smart John G. Clark CA 28 5 15 22 32 163

17 4987 Dolphin VI Frank Raymond W. W. Lane WH 9 17 11 wdr 14 161

18 5141 Iwalani Charles Dole Frank Egger Kan 13 28 20 17 5 161

19 5322 Blue Moon Steve Haarstick Malc. Murchison Ith 19 19 14 dsq 4 156

20 5379 Donnybrook Jack Lynch Kevin Joyce WS 30 34 20 9 23 149

21 5495 B-Nexxon Steve Lippincott Skip Lippincott ES 33 20 18 34 19 141

22 5353 Heavenly Body David Kingston Gary MacDonald AH 17 27 36 21 28 136

23 5204 Spankuk Chresten Jensen Thomas Borak JP 43 14 6 36 34 132

24 4843 Lynx Ernest Hanmer John Heighway CLE 24 36 25 26 22 132

25 5218 Addiction Daniel Mullane W. C. Greene BH dns 10 38 18 16 130

26 4995 Gadfly J.M. MacCausland George Szabo CR wdr 9 19 32 24 128

27 5343 Navillus Pike Sullivan Rick Burgess GrL 27 12 24 28 dnf 121

28 5435 Whitecap Roger E. Doane Richard Pinter SLE 22 37 21 27 38 120

29 5445 Magic Robert Rodgers Donald Casey GLW 40 38 34 16 18 119

30 5335 Envy II Thomas Linville Frank Kruesi SLG 18 30 27 43 31 116

31 4340 Aquarius Mead Batchelor William Sumner Mid 25 32 29 23 41 115

32 5216 Taupou Wm. McAndrew Richard York PS 10 13 23 dnf dns 113

33 4555 Ranger Russell Brooks Chris Aley HB 29 40 16 25 45 110

34 5247 Marmaduke Stephen Smith William Kerber GBT 44 46 37 11 20 107

35 3540 Zapatero Carl Schumacher John Franklin SBC 23 25 dnf 19 40 105

36 5348 Blue Chip III David Gaillard Jack Levedahl CB 35 24 dns 31 30 92

37 5278 Guacharo Alan R. Burtis Peter Beam SLIS wdr 41 42 29 8 92

38 5191 Cookies II David Cook Jeff Foster Sun 34 39 35 38 29 90

39 5395 Flying Home Jack Danes Sandy Dunbar MorB dnf 29 26 33 39 85

40 5261 Hotspur Fred Losen Robert Walden HB 42 31 40 42 26 84

41 4881 Lucifer Ernie Wiggins Mike Phillips Mid 45 48 30 20 43 79

42 4343 Lily IV Gerard Cayne Rocco Campanelli ERF 20 49 45 40 36 75

43 4757 Blue It Stan Lippincott Ron Lippincott WJ 37 35 44 30 46 73

44 3086 Whim Alden T. Bryan P. Burrage C 31 45 43 37 37 72

45 4754 Tackless John M. Goddard Geoffrey Goddard CA 36 47 28 dnf 35 66

46 5102 Norpac Paul Capron Robert Saltz SLIS 38 50 50 39 25 63

47 5409 Big Kookie Tony Lorch Norman Tucker LOC dnf 52 31 24 47 58

48 5467 Stamper Charles H. Judd T. Van Dorn CLE 41 43 48 35 42 56

49 4616 Faendanse James Seemann Roy Neuer C 47 33 47 41 48 49

50 5325 Shamrock Russell Bogie R. Alexanderson SLG 46 44 33 44 dnf 45

51 5020 Ampewa Walter Pilcer Russell Veenema GrL 39 42 46 wdr 49 36

52 5222 Griffin Dexter Richards Skip Nolin Sun 32 51 49 dnf 44 36


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5635 Neguinho Joerg Bruder Claud Biekarch Gua 1 3 7 7 6 231

2 5524 Super Rat Read Ruggles David Dickey BisB 6 2 14 2 1 230

3 5607 Dingo J. Schoonmaker Thomas Dudinsky BisB 3 1 5 13 8 225

4 5516 Wind Machine John Jennings Mike Robertson TaB 10 7 1 16 2 219

5 5636 Fiamma Oskar A. Meier Daniel Wyss ZU 16 11 2 10 4 212

6 5647 Frolic Bill Buchan Jr Alan C. Holt PS 5 8 19 1 15 207

7 5525 Gem Durward Knowles Monty Higgs N 9 5 27 3 5 206

8 5543 Zig Zag II Frank Zagarino William Beeman BisB 4 12 4 34 3 198

9 5609 Wild Thing Francis Seavy Bruce Colyer TaB 24 14 12 6 14 185

10 5631 Subbuboana Eckart Wagner Peter Moeckl ZuW 2 9 dsq 5 13 175

11 5638 Blue Star Charles Morgan Conn Findlay TaB 18 6 9 11 36 175

12 5630 Riot IV Henry M. Rowan Robert Q. Buss LG 19 17 25 8 11 175

13 5100 Amethyst John R. Sherwood Totch Hartge CB 14 26 11 12 18 174

14 5469 Cirrus Howie Lippincott Rick Burgess ES 8 31 13 19 10 174

15 5648 Swinging Star Donald Trask Wm. Kreysler WSFB 7 28 10 33 9 168

16 4995 Gadfly Bruce Dougherty Kim Fletcher CR 11 44 6 17 16 161

17 5521 Scorpio John F. Buchan John Albertson PS 30 23 16 4 22 160

18 5522 Blue Peter Steve Haarstick Alan Lippincott Ith 17 4 22 18 34 160

19 5470 Brutis Basil Kelly N. Given N 28 20 15 15 26 151

20 5563 Ragamuffin Larry Whipple Carl Pollard PS 23 36 3 24 25 148

21 5588 Intense Excit Joseph Killeen Alfred W. Brown NOG 12 16 23 27 33 144

22 5353 Get'n Down James Lippincott Steve Dunn WJ 21 24 17 25 35 133

23 5581 Glider Richard Stearns Robert Lansing WH 13 15 20 30 -- 126

24 5612 Bounty IV Mario T. Innecco Rob Hasselmann Gua dsq 22 21 14 21 126

25 5214 Shrew VII William Parks Charles Bruning SLM 36 13 36 21 24 125

26 5494 Super Frog Ted Rapp Jr Robert Kurtz WJ 32 18 37 28 17 123

27 5540 Spirit David Oberg Edward Gately CR 22 dnf 28 26 7 121

28 5589 Big Bird George F. Thomas George Benson CLE 20 41 8 32 dnf 103

29 5639 Unnamed Ian Bruce Peter Bjorn LOC 31 10 dnf 9 -- 103

30 5348 Blue Chip III David Gaillard Jack Levedahl CB 41 40 29 22 20 103

31 5345 Starcastic John J. Jenkins Ben Hall MorB 15 38 35 36 29 102

32 5643 Noni Antonio Correia Antonio Rocha Set 33 27 39 45 12 99

33 5642 Ministar Carlos Ferreira Don Horn Set 29 19 45 38 27 97

34 5007 El Mole Colin Smith A. N. D. Hyde CA 40 36 18 43 23 94

35 5422 Bullshot E de Sousa Ramos Peter Metzner GuB 25 25 31 29 dnf 94

36 5634 Pimm W. v. Huetschler Daniel Schwartz RdJ 27 21 42 23 dnf 91

37 5204 Spankuk Chresten Jensen Harald Jensen JP 37 39 32 37 19 91

38 5455 Y Stanley Leibel Charles Moses LOC 26 dnf 30 20 -- 77

39 5379 Donnybrook Jack Lynch Rob Larsen WS 38 29 40 40 32 76

40 5428 Kernan Charles McManus John Trolly CB 39 32 33 39 -- 61

41 5580 Anduril Jeffrey Foster Anne Cook Sun 34 -- 24 35 -- 60

42 5625 Demon IV Ken Cole Doug Butler LS 43 33 47 44 31 57

43 5496 Procyon Stan Lippincott Lewis C. Mills WJ 35 30 38 46 -- 55

44 5330 Old Blue Too Fabrizio Serena Ottavio Serena OL 42 35 34 41 dns 52

45 5178 Bonheur Steve I. Simon Victor Hertzog LOC 47 43 43 48 30 44

46 5325 Shamrock Russell A. Bogie R. Alexanderson SLG 44 45 26 47 -- 42

47 5471 September III Otto A. Kopence Norman van Etten JP 46 34 44 42 -- 38

48 5544 Flipper Joseph Roborts Joseph Roberts LMF 48 dnf 41 49 28 38

49 5546 Yahoo II Ross Thompson Rick Lightbourn N 45 46 46 31 -- 63

50 5562 Camaraderie Leon Krasowski Carl Woodcock BB dnf 42 48 -- 37 26


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5669 Strings'nThings Charles Morgan John Winters TaB 4 1 1 2 6 wdr 171

2 5609 Wild Thing David Oberg David Branning CR 1 9 2 6 4 15 163

3 5750 Bounty Mario Innecco James Bankert RdJ 2 5 3 1 16 12 162

4 5630 Riot Henry Rowan Alden Bryan LG 7 7 6 4 1 wdr 160

5 5648 Killer Roy Troondle Jr Marc LeBlanc NOG 3 3 4 19 7 9 159

6 5540 Spirit J.M. MacCausland Chris Gould CR 6 2 5 9 8 23 155

7 5522 Blue Peter Steve Haarstick Brad Nicholson Ith 5 6 11 5 9 dns 149

8 5748 Too New James Allsopp Ed Gershey CB 17 11 14 3 2 6 149

9 5589 Big Bird George Thomas Jack Heighway CLE 8 10 10 21 5 8 144

10 5100 Amethyst John Sherwood Steve Humphries CB 9 8 8 7 10 wdr 143

11 5658 Windsong IV Robert Thompson Galen Clymer ES 11 4 13 14 11 16 132

12 5744 Gemini II William Watson James Garrison LOA 13 dnf 9 17 18 2 126

13 5519 Misty John W. Allen G. Vandenburgh WH 14 15 15 12 14 22 115

14 5739 Drifty Curtis Ivey Jr Barry Moore Sun 12 18 12 10 21 dnf 112

15 5722 Sidereus Dexter Richards Skip Nolan Sun 21 26 28 22 3 3 110

16 5719 Donnybrook Jack Lynch Robert Larsen WS 15 13 18 18 12 26 109

17 5702 Navillus Pike Sullivan Richard Burgess GrL 18 20 29 8 dnf 1 109

18 5125 Phoenix William Susen George Amer CLE 19 16 16 15 32 10 109

19 4995 Gadfly Bruce Dougherty Ted McGurk CR 27 27 7 13 17 18 103

20 5539 Raindrop Randall Wilkin Thomas Wysockey WH 30 14 17 11 25 20 98

21 5737 Whippet Frank Egger Mike Driscoll BH 10 12 dnf dnf 13 17 96

22 5455 Y Lorne Leibel Robert Butler LOC 26 17 21 20 31 11 90

23 5717 Heather Robert A. Wales Roger C. Low GrL 20 19 20 23 15 dns 88

24 5319 Granny Sampson Smith Rodman Carter OtL 22 24 26 16 23 14 86

25 5407 Spirit of '76 Steve Andrews Jon Andrews HB 25 22 22 24 20 24 73

26 5409 Snowbird Claus Heinecke Rolf Heinecke LOC 16 dnf 27 dsq 27 7 71

27 5625 Demon IV Kenneth G.Cole Tim Holden LS 31 21 19 dns 24 21 69

28 5427 Debbie Phillip Pines John Finch WH 33 25 dnf 26 28 4 69

29 4870 Riptide VI Richard C. Poole Wade Custance GrL 24 32 32 28 22 13 66

30 5279 Cheerio Otis Ingraham Tim Moore GL 23 30 30 25 29 19 59

31 5335 Startling Douglas D. Smith R. Alexanderson SLG 29 28 25 21 19 dns 57

32 5283 Polaris Walter F. Beach J. Klingensmith LOC 34 33 dnf 31 dns 5 45

33 5266 Banshee Frank Mulkerrin Ray Amiot BH 36 29 24 dnf 26 25 45

34 5650 Pattycake Pete Cutler Fred Heine GrL 28 31 31 30 30 dns 35

35 4861 Ariel Rod Monster William Moriarty LOC 32 23 23 dns dnf dns 33

36 5141 Zoom Richard Wait D. Birchenough OtL 35 34 33 29 33 dns 21


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5576 Big T R Thompson Adams Bill Richards WH 3 10 8 1 4 164

2 5525 Gem Durward Knowles Monte Higgs N 1 5 11 9 1 163

3 5758 Superstar James Lippincott Bone Lippincott BB 4 8 1 3 11 163

4 5690 Zig Zag III Frank Zagarino Frank Egger BisB 11 1 12 5 3 158

5 5609 Wild Thing David Oberg James Wolf CR 8 2 3 14 9 154

6 5767 Sashay Thomas Oller Robert Maine SLM 5 7 4 13 12 149

7 5749 Cirrus Howie Lippincott John Engle ES 14 6 10 10 10 140

8 5660 Mustard Seed Charles Morgan John Winters TaB 2 3 6 wdr 2 139

9 5715 Brutus Basil Kelly Steven Kelly N 9 9 2 17 14 139

10 5540 Spirit J.M. MacCausland Victor Oberg CR 7 4 wdr 4 5 132

11 5762 White Trash Steve Haarstick Ith 12 11 14 16 6 131

12 5700 Spankuk Chres Jensen Lars Hansen JP 6 23 5 8 21 127

13 5775 Hallelujah! Stan Lippincott Alan Lippincott WJ 10 12 7 19 26 116

14 5719 Donnybrook Jack Lynch John McKeague WS 15 19 9 18 16 113

15 4978 Shadow James Allsopp James Mahan ER 19 14 20 11 20 106

16 5730 Ragamuffin Robert O'Neil SLM 27 21 24 7 7 104

17 5494 Ice Blue Secret Ted Rapp Ted Rapp III WJ 23 13 25 12 13 104

18 5600 Hacker Bob Lippincott ES 13 16 dsq 2 18 103

19 5630 Riot IV Henry Rowan Dal Dhein LG 17 18 wdr 6 15 96

20 5539 Raindrop Randall Wilkin Michael Thomas WH 29 20 15 28 8 90

21 5345 Tellystar John Jenkins James Scott CB 16 25 22 25 19 83

22 5651 Impossible Robert Hall Roger Price WSFB 20 29 13 32 17 79

23 5562 Windsong Robert Thompson Sidney Dickson ES 21 15 18 30 28 78

24 5658 Windsong VI John Thompson Terry Hill ES 24 28 16 21 29 72

25 5294 Surprise Jack Rickard Frank Murphy JP 18 dnf 19 15 30 70

26 4745 Impulse Sam Hall Hank Cobb CB 22 30 23 23 25 67

27 5768 Demon VI Kenneth Cole Gil Cole LS 33 27 21 20 24 65

28 5640 Yankee Doodle Ralph DeLuca Ralph Bennett BisB 36 17 28 24 22 63

29 4995 Gadfly Bruce Dougherty Ray Grabo ER 34 31 17 22 31 55

30 5455 Spindrift John Finch James Finch LOC 32 22 31 26 27 52

31 5330 Old Blue Too Ed Pinkham Jack Levedahl BisB 25 26 32 29 34 44

32 5319 Granny Sampson Smith Rodman Carter OtL 26 32 26 31 32 43

33 5141 Zoo Richard Wait David Wilbur OtL 30 33 27 27 33 40

34 5516 Wind Machine Thomas Dudinsky TaB 28 24 -- wdr 23 39

35 5789 Six Pack Mike Greenwood Carla Chandler WS 31 dnf 30 35 35 21

36 5567 Irish Mist James O'Brien James O'Brien LH 35 dnf 29 33 37 18

37 5100 Amethyst Gerard Cayne William Cox ERF 37 34 33 34 36 16


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

1 5681 Virgo III Peter Wright William Wright SLM 6 2 1 1 9 146

2 5575 Suzanne Barton Beek Charles Beek LAH 2 4 6 5 17 139

3 5540 Spirit J.M. MacCausland Victor Oberg CR 8 3 5 9 5 134

4 5609 Wild Thing David Oberg Alan Lippincott CR 29 1 4 10 7 135

5 5858 Easy Rider John Thompson Robert Thompson ES 3 12 8 12 1 132

6 5767 Sashay Thomas Oller Robert Maine SLM 14 7 13 2 3 131

7 5589 Big Bird George Thomas Jack Heighway CLE 7 8 9 3 22 129

8 4875 Cirrus Howie Lippincott John Jenkins ES 9 13 2 20 4 128

9 4978 Shadow James Allsopp Michael Gunin CB 1 14 11 4 15 126

10 5576 Big If Thompson Adams Wm. Richards WH 4 38 7 14 6 125

11 5840 Dolphin VII Frank Raymond William W. Lane WH 24 20 12 6 32 116

12 5820 Misty John W. Allen John Ahlquist WH 5 11 17 15 13 112

13 5771 Humbug XV Chuck Driscoll Thomas Driscoll SDB 12 9 23 16 14 105

14 5494 Ice Blue Secret Ted Rapp Ted Rapp III WJ 11 34 10 13 20 102

15 5704 Gadfly Bruce Dougherty Gary Miller ERF 13 19 15 33 8 101

16 5654 Cowardly Lion David Cox Thomas Firth ES 16 10 14 31 18 98

17 5864 Super Toy John McKeague Marcia McKeague StJ 30 26 3 8 28 91

18 5125 Pell Mel Mel Koster Barbara Koster SLE 28 27 26 7 10 86

19 5519 Fantastic Wm. Mitchener Douglas Cook IR 22 16 25 21 11 86

20 5781 Mint Chip Roger E. Doane Donald Strang SLE 19 23 24 17 12 85

21 5294 Surprise Jack Rickard Frank Murphy JP 20 15 dsq 11 26 84

22 5012 Swiss Miss II John A. Mueller Jack Wilkins IR 27 5 21 19 37 84

23 5809 Sidereus II Dexter Richards Randy Richards Sun 15 18 33 23 23 77

24 5428 Ole Yeller Stain Charles McManus John Trolley CB 17 17 22 28 25 75

25 5335 Green Machine Doug Smith Steve Westcott OtL 10 36 28 26 19 73

26 5700 Spankuk Chresten Jensen Lars Hansen JP 34 6 16 35 29 71

27 5731 Synergy Ernie Hammer Bud Wharton CLE 18 32 30 22 16 70

28 5810 Shenanigans David M. Wilber Robert Behlen CLE 21 22 19 24 27 70

29 5834 Hector Sampson Smith Rodman Carter OtL 25 28 18 27 21 65

30 5853 Berserk Jeffrey Cozzens Warren Cozzens SLM 33 25 20 25 32 54

31 5823 Peace Bruce Carroll George Auer CLE 23 37 34 18 30 51

32 5348 Blue Chip III David Gaillard Jack Levedahl CB 26 24 27 29 33 50

33 5768 Demon VII Kenneth Cole Clifford Cole LS 31 30 31 32 24 40

34 5520 Restless William Kieser Jay Langthorne CarL 38 21 29 37 36 33

35 5751 Yellow Bird John K. Robinson George Brothers MoB 37 29 32 30 34 31

36 5610 Squid Jeff Alfred Hal Davidson CD 35 33 36 34 31 23

37 4663 Bottoms Up Gordon K. Bell William Hill StJ 36 31 35 36 38 18

38 5435 Finale Bob Van Wagnen Don Klier SLE 32 35 dsq 38 35 16


Place No. Name Skipper Crew Fleet Daily Places Pts.

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