Národní knihovna ČR, Knihovnický institut, studijní a informační oddělení, Klementinum 190, 110 01 Praha 1

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Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Space; School libraries; Role; Embedded librarianship;



Autor: Kelley-Mudie, Sara

Autor korepondence: Kelley-Mudie, Sara  

Název publikace: Knowledge Quest

Svazek: 42

Číslo: 4

Strany: 54-57


et stránek: 4

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: American Library Association, Chicago IL

ISSN: 1094-9046

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-07-01

Přístupové číslo: 201406238

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1541990170

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1541990170?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 260 z 318
Looking for Peace and Quiet

Autor: Palin, Ray

Informace o publikaci: Knowledge Quest 42.4 (March 2014): 16-21.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Much has been written about the advantages associated with the learning commons model of library design. Less has been written about its drawbacks. The open, technology-rich, and collaborative atmosphere of a commons nicely supports teaching, group work, and digital communication. Yet, for some tasks and for some students, the commons atmosphere might also limit the library's usefulness. For tasks requiring concentration, such as reading and problem solving, the social and active nature a learning commons could be distracting. And for the more introverted student, a loud and busy room might seem uninviting. For these reasons, library design should take into consideration different types of work and different personality types. In a learning commons, therefore, space and resources should be organized and managed in ways that meet 21st-century learning needs but also ensure fairness and service to all students. By working from a clear vision and with carefully crafted plans, designers can achieve openness while also including smaller, quieter spaces suitable for individual work. With the assistance of architects and sound professionals, or simply on their own through problem solving, librarians have developed a variety of strategies to reduce noise disturbances and visual distractions. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Space; Design; Libraries; User behaviour;


Název: Looking for Peace and Quiet

Autor: Palin, Ray

Autor korepondence: Palin, Ray  

Název publikace: Knowledge Quest

Svazek: 42

Číslo: 4

Strany: 16-21


et stránek: 6

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: American Library Association, Chicago IL

ISSN: 1094-9046

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-07-01

Přístupové číslo: 201406241

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1541990308

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1541990308?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 261 z 318

Autor: Loertscher, David V; Koechlin, Carol

Informace o publikaci: Knowledge Quest 42.4 (March 2014): 14-15.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: The author's work to conceptualize a school library responsive to client needs and global changes erupted from this exercise nearly six years ago. They started not with the space or program but with the users' needs and then tried to figure out what the organization had to do to get the desired results. It became clear that the focus of the transformed school library should be on learning in its many manifestations, whether formal or informal, and the word "commons" should reflect a shift from top-down organizational structure to the flat networked world in which the clients, both teachers and students, considered themselves to be in command of their information access and learning. Learning Commons is a common or shared space that is both physical and virtual. They have proposed that the learning commons serve a unique purpose in the school as a bridge between educational philosophy being practiced and the real world. As such, the learning commons serves school curriculum but is also known as a place for experimenting, playing, making, doing, thinking, collaborating, and growing. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Design; School libraries; User needs; Computer centres;



Autor: Loertscher, David V; Koechlin, Carol

Autor korepondence: Loertscher, David V  

Název publikace: Knowledge Quest

Svazek: 42

Číslo: 4

Strany: 14-15


et stránek: 2

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: American Library Association, Chicago IL

ISSN: 1094-9046

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-07-01

Přístupové číslo: 201406239

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1541990457

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1541990457?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 262 z 318
The new library of Rosignano Maritime

Autor: Brogi, Vincenzo; Tesi, Valeria; Magnano, Raffaella; Garrone, Sylvie; Gabriele, Antonio

Informace o publikaci: Biblioteche Oggi 32.2 (March 2014): 43-55.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: A series of articles describe in detail the new public library of Rosignano Marittimo (in Tuscany): its 'concept', its architecture and design, its services and activities are covered. The library is conceived as part of a larger cultural centre where many other cultural and social services take place, so that the new library becomes a real 'knowledge square' available for all citizens. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Public libraries; Library buildings; User services; Architecture;

Klasifikace: 3.12: PUBLIC LIBRARIES

Název: The new library of Rosignano Maritime

Alternativní titul: La nuova biblioteca di Rosignano Marittimo

Autor: Brogi, Vincenzo; Tesi, Valeria; Magnano, Raffaella; Garrone, Sylvie; Gabriele, Antonio

Autor korepondence: Brogi, Vincenzo  

Název publikace: Biblioteche Oggi

Svazek: 32

Číslo: 2

Strany: 43-55


et stránek: 13

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Editrice Bibliografica SpA

ISSN: 0392-8586

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: Italian

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-08-01

Přístupové číslo: 201505696

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1700661434

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1700661434?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 263 z 318
Changes in higher education and the future of the learning commons

Autor: YAMAUCHI, Yuhei

Informace o publikaci: Journal of College and University Libraries  100 (March 2014): 48-52.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Just as society is being changed by informatization and internationalization, the skill sets sought by learners is also changing. In order to get up to speed on 21st century skills like transferable general skills and up-to-date specialized knowledge, new forms of education, such as MOOC and flipped classroom, have begun to spread. Face-to-face learning spaces are also changing, as can be seen by active learning studios and learning commons, which is likely to have a large impact on the way libraries operate in the future. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Space; Academic libraries; Design; Trends; Higher education;


Identifikátor/klíčové slovo: 21st century skills MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) flipped classrooms active learning studios learning commons

Název: Changes in higher education and the future of the learning commons

Alternativní titul: Transliterated title not available.

Autor: YAMAUCHI, Yuhei

Autor korepondence: YAMAUCHI, Yuhei  

Název publikace: Journal of College and University Libraries

Číslo: 100

Strany: 48-52


et stránek: 5

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Gakujutu-bubnken-fukyu-kai, Tokyo, Japan

ISSN: 0386-0507

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Jazyk publikace: Japanese

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-11-01

Přístupové číslo: 201508200

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1728646184

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1728646184?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 264 z 318
"It Is Silly to Hide Your Most Active Patrons": Exploring User Participation of Library Space Designs for Young Adults in the United States

Autor: Bernier, Anthony; Males, Mike; Rickman, Collin

Informace o publikaci: The Library Quarterly 84.2 (April 2014): 165-182.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: This article advances the first attempt to collect and examine empirical data on young adult (YA) spaces in public libraries from institutions across the United States by surveying current practices in new and renovated buildings. Analysis of an online survey of 257 library and information science (LIS) professionals produced an innovative Youth Participation Index (YPI) used to document the relative intensities of youth involvement in the design and execution of YA spaces. Libraries claiming higher levels of youth participation reported significant quality service improvements across a wide range of outcomes. However, after several decades of advocating for youth involvement in the delivery of library services from many LIS sources, only a minority of the libraries surveyed reported high YPI scores, and the specific mechanisms for enacting youth involvement require further investigation. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Young people; Design; User feedback; Space; Public libraries;


Název: "It Is Silly to Hide Your Most Active Patrons": Exploring User Participation of Library Space Designs for Young Adults in the United States

Autor: Bernier, Anthony; Males, Mike; Rickman, Collin

Autor korepondence: Bernier, Anthony  

Název publikace: The Library Quarterly

Svazek: 84

Číslo: 2

Strany: 165-182


et stránek: 18

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: University of Chicago Press, IL

ISSN: 0024-2519

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2014-07-01

Přístupové číslo: 201406234

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1541990473

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1541990473?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 265 z 318
KU Leuven planning a new campus library for Biomedical Sciences

Autor: Van Kiel, Hilde

Informace o publikaci: META: tijdschrift voor bibliotheek & archief 90.3 (April 2014): 37.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Anyone who has ever come on Gasthuisberg, Belgium, will find that construction cranes are permanently present. All these activities are designed the master plan for the campus and entering the hospital. This master plan also provided for the establishment of a clear educational axis. Because the current campus library, however, is in the middle of this axis and it was determined that the adjustments to the new learning environment of the students in the current location had reached its limit, and the design of a new building was begun. Adapted from the Source Document

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Academic libraries; Planning; Library buildings;


URL: http://www.vvbad.be

Název: KU Leuven planning a new campus library for Biomedical Sciences

Alternativní titul: KU Leuven plant nieuwe campusbibliotheek Biomedische Wetenschappen

Autor: Van Kiel, Hilde

Autor korepondence: Van Kiel, Hilde  

Název publikace: META: tijdschrift voor bibliotheek & archief

Svazek: 90

Číslo: 3

Strany: 37


et stránek: 1

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief en Documentatie

ISSN: 2033-639X

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: Dutch

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

Aktualizovat: 2015-02-01

Přístupové číslo: 201501519

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1650141022

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1650141022?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 266 z 318
More Than Bricks and Mortar: Building a Community of Users Through Library Design

Autor: Meunier, Benjamin 1 ; Eigenbrodt, Olaf 1 UCL Library Services, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Informace o publikaci: Journal of Library Administration 54.3 (April 3, 2014): 217-232.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Although libraries seem to be in the middle of a decade of increased building activities which are resulting in both spectacular new buildings and smaller but not less important refurbishment or renovation projects, library design is facing several challenges. Due to the accelerating technical progress, the changing cultures of learning, (co)working, recreation and communication as well as social changes, the predictability of the future use of library space has become uncertain. Both the uncertainty about coming developments and the pursuit for welcoming, user-friendly environments led to the idea of involving the user in the planning process. This column looks at participatory design, which reflects a growing trend in the creation of libraries as people's palaces. The first section of the article discusses project management processes, and the challenges of engaging with stakeholders. In the second section is an exploration of the political context of participatory design with a current example from Berlin. Finally, the article looks at some of the benefits of participation, both in terms of process and outcomes, in the delivery of cutting-edge facilities suited to a community of users. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Libraries; Architecture; Interior design; Citizen participation;


Název: More Than Bricks and Mortar: Building a Community of Users Through Library Design

Autor: Meunier, Benjamin1 ; Eigenbrodt, Olaf1 UCL Library Services, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Autor korepondence: Meunier, Benjamin  

Název publikace: Journal of Library Administration

Svazek: 54

Číslo: 3

Strany: 217-232


et stránek: 16

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia PA

ISSN: 0193-0826

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2014.915166

Aktualizovat: 2014-09-01

Přístupové číslo: 201408285

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1558999294

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1558999294?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 267 z 318
Placemaking in the Academic Law Library

Autor: Peoples, Lee F 1 1 Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Informace o publikaci: Legal Reference Services 33.2 (April 3, 2014): 157-190.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Public and university libraries have embraced placemaking theories to develop user-centric library spaces. Placemaking has largely been overlooked in the context of academic law libraries. This article explores the range of space planning choices available to law libraries as they downsize their print collections. The benefits of reimaging law library space using placemaking concepts are explained. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Space; Law school libraries; Planning;


Název: Placemaking in the Academic Law Library

Autor: Peoples, Lee F11 Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Autor korepondence: Peoples, Lee F  

Název publikace: Legal Reference Services

Svazek: 33

Číslo: 2

Strany: 157-190


et stránek: 34

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia PA

ISSN: 0270-319X

Typ zdroje: Scholarly Journals

Recenzované: Ano

Jazyk publikace: English

Typ dokumentu: Journal Article

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0270319X.2014.898533

Aktualizovat: 2015-01-01

Přístupové číslo: 201500646

ID dokumentu ProQuest: 1641421969

URL adresa dokumentu: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1641421969?accountid=12797

Poslední aktualizace: 2016-09-27

Databáze: Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)


Dokument 268 z 318
Better Library and Learning Space

Autor: Lusher, T J 1 1 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL; Lusher, T J

Informace o publikaci: Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 26.2 (April 3, 2014): 159-160.

Odkaz na dokument ProQuest

Abstrakt: Book review abstract. Better Library and Learning Space. Edited by Les Watson. London, UK: Facet Publishing, 2013, 99.00 USD. ISBN: 978-1-85604-763-0. Reviewed by T.J. Lusher. Adapted from the source document.

Odkazy: Linking Service

Předmět: Space; Library buildings; Planning; Architecture;

Klasifikace: 1.11: BOOK REVIEWS

Název: Better Library and Learning Space

Autor: Lusher, T J11 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL; Lusher, T J

Autor korepondence: Lusher, T J  

Autor recenze: Lusher, T J

Název publikace: Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship

Svazek: 26

Číslo: 2

Strany: 159-160


et stránek: 2

Rok vydání: 2014

Vydavatel: Haworth Press/Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia PA

ISSN: 1941-126X

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