Nteq lesson plan

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NTeQ Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Fitness

Subject Area(s): Health Grade Level: 9

Lesson Summary

The purpose of this lesson is for students to come up with their own fitness lesson plan for 45 minutes a day over a one week span that demonstrates increases and decreases in heart rate through exercising. Students can research various exercises online through sources such as YouTube, Fitnesblender.com (recommended), or DVD videos such as P90x or Insanity for help. Students will then demonstrate their fitness plan, assess their own plan and modify their plan.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

  • Be able to design, demonstrate, assess, and modify their own physical fitness plan.


  • 9.3 The student will demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by designing, implementing, self-assessing, and modifying a personal fitness program.

  • a) Demonstrate program-planning skills by setting goals, devising strategies, and making timelines for a personal physical activity plan.

  • b) Apply the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) principle and other principles of training such as overload, specificity, and progression, in accordance with personal goals.

  • c) Include scientific principles and concepts (e.g., methods of stretching, types of muscular contractions) as strategies for improvement of personal fitness.

  • d) Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to assess, design, and evaluate a personal fitness plan.


It is helpful to include a “Think Sheet” of questions that require students to use critical thinking skills.

  • DVD Player

  • Graphic Organizer

  • Insanity or P90X video or other fitness video

  • Pen/Pencil

  • TV

  • 15 lap tops

  • Projector

  • YouTube

  • 15 iPads

  • 30 Heart rate monitors

  • 15 iPads

  • www.fitnessblender.com

  • 15 Lap tops

Computer Functions and Data Manipulation:
use computers to research exercises that can be performed anywhere. Use of www.fitnessblender.com is encouraged, but students may use another site to obtain information.

Specify Problem

Write in language you will use with students. For example, Today, we are going to investigate…… What would you do if …..
Today students you are going to devise a one week fitness plan for your classmates. Your teacher has been diagnosed with the flu and he is not going to be able to design or demonstrate any physical education for the week. If every student creates a fitness plan for the substitute then we do not have to go and talk about being physical fitness in the health classroom for the week. So please come up with active plans that increase heart rate that can be used without p.e. equipment because the substitute does not have a key to the p.e. storage.

Multidimensional Activities

Students will have to research exercises and use a graphic organizer that helps place exercises in categories such as warm-up, stretching, training type/focus, and cool down. Students may also need a graphic organizer to help them with the frequency, intensity, time, and type when they are choosing a workout. The website www.fitnessblender.com will create a work out for them, but it is the student’s job to make sure they can explain and demonstrate the exercises that they chose.

Lesson IntroductionThis would be a lesson that I would perform at or near the end of the year with my students because hopefully they would see me demonstrating a proper fitness program daily in physical education. Students would be exposed to a work out like Insanity that demonstrates all of the proper components of a fitness work out. Students will be required wear heart rate monitors to show changes in the heart during rest and during physical activity.

Computer Activities

Activity 1

Activities to be completed:

Prior to going to computer

  1. Students will watch an Insanity video.

At the computer

  1. Students will research various program planning, exercises, and training principles

After going to computer

  1. Students will use a graphic organizer to compose a fitness program in the order of warm-up, stretching, target training exercises, and cool down.

Supporting Activities

Activity 1

Activities to be completed:

  1. Students will practice demonstrating proper exercise form.

Culminating Activity –

The teacher will demonstrate what a physical fitness program should look like, then the students will be asked to lead the entire class for one day in their exercise program. All students including the students leading the fitness program will wear heart monitors to help get instant feedback on their heart rate. Students will also be given feedback by the class and or instructor of the class at the end of the class by filling out an exercise rubric.

Rotation Plan Briefly describe how students will rotate through the computer and supporting activities

Intro 10-15 minutes

Insanity video 15-20 minutes

Computer research 30-45 minutes

Demonstrate plan for 45 minutes

Closure 20 minutes

Assessment Use a template similar to the one below to develop your rubric(s). A sample is provided to guide your writing.

Rubric Template. Place performance objectives in the first column, then create descriptions of each level of performance.

Objective or Performance










1. Students will create a fitness program that lasts 45 a minutes a day for one week

Made a one week fitness program

1 week program with different exercises

1 week program with different exercises that demonstrates F.I.T.T.

1 week program with different exercises that demonstrate F.I.T.T. and exhibits hear rates are increasing and decreasing through 45 minutes

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