OMG Issue No: 11781
Title: NFP: value syntax (adopt a compact graphic notation for NfpType values: value + unit)
Commissariat a l Energie Atomique-CEA/LIST (Mr. Huascar Espinoza,
[NFP: value syntax] It may be useful to have a shorter (graphical) notation for NFP types including the value and unit slots only, e.g., ‘(55, kHz)’, or still ’55 kHz’, instead of the notation ‘(55, -, kHz, max, -, est, -)’ with all the qualifiers. This will enhance the graphical models readability. While this feature may be only a tool-specific mechanism, which could propose a graphical view (short notation) of the repository notation (full notation), it would be useful to standardize this notation in the MARTE spec.
We include this syntax (value-unit) only as a tool-specific feature to show NFP values in graphical models. This means that the syntax defined in VSL is still valid for NFP values (tuple notation). The reason is that the model repository needs to keep all the required NFP value information (value, unit, plus other qualifiers).
Revised Text:
It is important to note that such a shorter (graphical) textual notation will be normative, in the sense that it is valid. However, it is not mandatory.
-Insert a new Section between 8.3.2 and 8.3.3:
“8.3.3 Graphical Syntax of NFP Value Specification
In this section, we define an alternative graphical syntax for value specifications having NfpType as data type. This syntax consists of a pair of a value and a unit:
::= [' ' ]
The following are typical examples:
5 ms # a duration value
50 kHz # a frequency value
Note that this notation is for the graphical view of models only. The tuple notation (see Section B.3.3.9) is still valid for NFP values (NfpType inherits from VSL::TupleType), both in graphical models and in the repository as well. For instance, the NFP value: ‘50 kHz’ can be specified in the model repository as: ‘(50, -, kHz, max, -, est, -)’ or ‘(value=50, expr=null, unit=kHz, statQ=max, dir=null, source=est, precision=null)’
The main rationale of the “value-unit” notation is readability of graphical models. Specific tools could provide more flexibility in the graphical notation. For instance, users may be able to customize the elements of a tuple in a NFP value specification that should be displayed. However, because of its common usage in engineering models in general, the “value-unit” notation is normative (although not mandatory) in MARTE.”
-Change Fig. 8.9 by the following one:
Figure 8.9 - Example of user model for analysis with NFP annotations
Disposition: Resolved
Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11818
Title: Section: 1 MARTE spelling missing in the introduction
Thales (Laurent Rioux,
MARTE spelling missing in the introduction possible resolution: introduce the term MARTE in the introduction of the document MARTE: Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embededd systems.
Can be added as a subtitle on the cover page.
Revised Text:
On Cover page of the document, replace: “A UML Profile for MARTE” by “A UML Profile for MARTE: Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems”
In the introduction section (section1.1), paragraph 1, sentence 2, replace: “…profile for MARTE (in short MARTE),…” by “…profile for MARTE (in short MARTE for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems),…”
Disposition: Resolved
Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11829
Title: Figure E.6 (p 460)
INRIA (Mr. Pierre Boulet,
The two composition links from the Reshape stereotype to the Tiler Stereotype should be removed.
Replace figure E.6 by removing the two composition links from Reshape to Tiler.
Revised Text:
Replace figure E.6 by 
Disposition: Resolved
Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11830
Title: Reshape stereotype (pp 463,464)
INRIA (Mr. Pierre Boulet,
The default topology of a link connecting two shaped elements should be specified.
Proposal: use a direct element-wise topology when the shapes of both ends are identical, undefined otherwise.
Revised Text:
Replace in page 463
This stereotype maps the Reshape concept of page 415 to assembly connectors. It allows specifying a set of potential connector instances between multidimensional arrays of potential port instances.
This stereotype maps the Reshape concept of page 415 to assembly connectors. It allows specifying a set of potential connector instances between multidimensional arrays of potential port instances. If the shapes of these arrays of port instances are identical and the connection topology is a direct point-to-point topology, the Reshape stereotype can be omitted. If the shapes are different and no Reshape stereotype is specified, the link topology is indeterminate.
Disposition: Resolved
Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11831
Title: Shaped stereotype (pp 464,465)
INRIA (Mr. Pierre Boulet,
a notation to refer to a particular element of a shaped collection by index should be added.
Proposal: use ElementName[index].
Revised Text:
At the end of the Shaped stereotype description (page 465), in the section Notation, add
To refer to a specific Element that is part of a multidimensional collection specified by a shape, one can use the ElementName[index] notation where index is the index of this element in the collection. The index is a vector of n naturals where n is the number of dimensions of the shape. The indexes are numbered from 0 to the size of the corresponding dimension minus 1. For example if a part is declared as PE: ProcessingElement [{10,10}] one can refer to the specific PE of index {0,6} by PE[{0,6}].
Disposition: Resolved
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