Sub Partner Name(s)
(No data provided.)
Overview Narrative
Catholic Relief Services(CRS) through the AIDS Relief Consortium supports a standard package of basic HIV care services, including antiretroviral treatment (ART), tuberculosis (TB)/HIV, and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) at 25 Mission and several satellite clinics located all over Kenya. Recently, CRS has been funded to support and expand male circumcision. Activities are accomplished by offering on-site material and technical support to build the capacity of these local facilities to provide the services. The package of HIV clinical care services will include cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, treatment of opportunistic infections, nutritional supplementation, TB screening, and sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosis and treatment, PMTCT, improved access to malaria prevention interventions, and safe water for pediatric households. CRS also supports staff salaries, training of staff and laboratory evaluation. Institutional capacity is also strengthened through support for strategic information systems, commodities management, and finance and administrative management capacities. CRS collaborates with various in-country organizations (government, FBO, NGO) for additional training resources. Leveraging of other resources through wrap-around programs will increase access to clean water, provide insecticide treated bednets, and support improved nutrition.
CRS and its consortium members will also work towards building the capacity of an indigenous organization to implement comprehensive prevention, care and treatment activities and compete for USG and other funds as required by the class deviation waiver for track 1 partner.
These activities complement the activities funded through track 1 treatment program area( HTXS).
Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)
(No data provided.)
Key Issues
(No data provided.)
Budget Code Information
Mechanism ID:
Mechanism Name:
Prime Partner Name:
Catholic Relief Services
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
$4,200,000 - country funds; and $5,851,680 - central funds
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
Catholic Relief Services (CRS), working within the AIDSRelief consortium, will begin to work with the Kenyan ministries of health and the National AIDS and STI control program at the national, provincial and district levels to support the provision of HIV testing and counseling services in all health facilities in five provinces of Nyanza, Central, Eastern, Western, Coast and Nairobi. The partner will specifically support provider initiated HIV testing and counseling (PITC) provided by all health workers as part of routine minimum package of care for all patients, family members and relatives regardless of their presenting signs and symptoms. This shall be in line with the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan for HIV AIDS (KNASP III) that aims to attain universal access to HIV testing and counseling by 2013.
CRS will support HIV testing and counseling for 30,000 patients, family members and relatives in 2010-2011 program year. It will also support training of 40 health care workers on PITC, support staff salaries, continuous medical education, promotional meetings, national and regional coordination meetings, quality assurance activities, printing of recording and reporting tools, supplies and other relevant logistics. CRS will continue to ensure that at least 30% of all out patients and 80% of all patients admitted in the health facilities are provided HIV testing and counseling and received their results as per national guidelines. The CRS will work closely with NASCOP and the ministry of medical services, medical superintendants and other relevant leadership to ensure that a positive attitude and support is given towards routine HIV testing and counseling. It will also work towards ensuring high level of quality through supporting of regular supervisions, mentorships, and external test validation and proficiency testing as per the Kenya national quality assurance strategy. Finally, CRS will work to ensure effective referral and linkages to prevention, care and treatment depending on the outcome of the HIV testing and counseling.
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information
(No data provided.)
Implementing Mechanism Details
Mechanism ID: 9143
Mechanism Name: Kenya Department of Defense
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Defense
Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement
Prime Partner Name: Henry M. Jackson Foundation Medical Research International, Inc.
Agreement Start Date: Redacted
Agreement End Date: Redacted
Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No
Total Funding: 2,496,801
Funding Source
Funding Amount
GHCS (State)
Sub Partner Name(s)
(No data provided.)
Overview Narrative
The Kenya Department of Defense HIV program is a national wide program based on collaboration between the Kenya Ministry of Defense and the Walter Reed Project. Over the last four years, the program has significantly expanded HIV services to the over 100, 000 people who include the KDOD personnel, their dependants, KDOD civilian employees and communities living in the neighborhood of the barracks. The Program encompasses the entire continuum of HIV prevention, care and treatment services including: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT), HIV Testing & Counseling (HTC), TB/HIV, OVC, ART, Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB) and Strategic Information.
Key 2010 program emphasis include HTC expansion in all the treatment sites including PITC, couple and family testing at the facility level. Other encouraged approaches will include barrack based HCT, mobile services in the military hot spots and other hard to reach areas throughout the country. This will contribute towards the partnership framework goal to support implementation of the Kenya HIV response that seeks to strengthen the capacity to increase HCT such that 80% of Kenyan adults know their status.
The program will consistently integrate prevention across all program areas through a combination of prevention interventions including behavioral, biomedical and structural.
In order to build on sustainability of the program, integration of care and ART plans into the annual Military performance contracts will be continued. The program will support and strengthen the capacity of the KDOD HIV structures from the Unit HIV committees at the lowest military establishment to the Armed Forces AIDS Committee at the highest level. High level command sensitization will be maintained in order to promote ownership of the program. Collaboration with other USG partners, GoK, NGOs, CBO and FBOs will be enhanced. The program will continue to be closely monitored in line with PEPFAR and the Ministry of health guidelines.
Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)
Food and Nutrition: Commodities
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery
Human Resources for Health
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