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Paper: II Amraz-e -Nau-Maulood

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Paper: II
Amraz-e -Nau-Maulood

    • Care around birth :

(a) Resuscitation of the newborn,

(b) Neonatal unit.

    • General Neonatal care :

(a)Examination of the newborn,

(b)Temperature control,

(c) Infant feeding,

(d) Care of normal term newborn baby,

(e) High risk Infant and Multiple births.

    • Fetal Assessment:

(a) Gestational Age assessment,

(b) Assessment of foetal wellbeing

    • Maternal Disorders and Fetal outcome:

(a) Pregnancy induced Hypertension

(b) Polyhydrmnios

(c) Oligohydrmnios

(d) Chronic Systemic Disorders

(e) Miscellaneous Disorders.

    • Congenital defects and malformation syndromes

    • Pulmonary diseases of the newborn:

(a) Acute respiratory disease

(b) Chronic Lung disease

(c) Malformations of lower respiratory tract

(d) Apnia and Bradycardia

(e) Airway problems

(f) Respiratory failure

    • Cardio Vascular diseases:

(a) Cyanotic congenital Heart Disease

(b) Acyanotic congenital Heart Disease

(c) Common Neonatal Cardiac Surgical problems.

    • Neonatal Jaundice and Congenital defects:

(a) Bilirubin Metabolism

(b) Kernicterus

(c) Exchange Transfusion

(d) IsoImmune Hemolytic Disease of Newborn

(e) Drugs and Jaundice.

    • Disorders of Kidney and Urinary Tract:

(a) Failure to pass Urine

(b) Hematuria

(c) Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

(d) Acute Renal Failure

(e) Abdominal Mass

(f) Proteinurea in Newborn.

    • Central Nervous System:

(a) Convulsions in Newborn

(b) Perinatal Asphyxia

(c) Hypoxic Ischemic Brain Injury

(d) Intracranial Hemorrhage

(e) Neural Tube defects.

    • Orthopedic Problem in neonate:

(a) Torticolis,

(b) Congenital Dislocation of Hip

(c) Polydactily, Syndactily

(d) Fracture Clavicle

(e) Congenital and Infantile Scoliosis

(f) Congenital Genu Recurvatiure

(g) Deformities of feet.

    • Neonatal Dermatology:

(a) Transient Cutaneous Lesions

(b) Developmental abnormalities of skin

(c) Vascular disorders and malformations.

    • Neonatal Hematology:

(a) Anaemia of prematurity

(b) Polycythemia

(c) Bleeding in an Infant

(d) Thrombocytopenia

(e) Transfusion reaction.

    • Infectious Disease:

(a) Congenital Viral Infections:

(i) Cytomegalovirus

(ii) Rubella

(iii) HIV

(b) Bacterial infection

(i) Septicemia

(ii) Focal Bacterial infection

(iii) Skin Infection

(iv) UTI

(v) Pneumonia

(vi) Septic Arthritis

(vii) Osteomylitis

(viii) Diarrhoea


(x) Congenital Malaria



    • Surgical Problems:

(a) Anticipation of type of congenital anomalies

(b) Postnatal Manifestations

(c) Cleft lip and Cleft palate

(d) Oesophageal Atresia

(e) Tracheo-besophageal Fistula

(f)Intestinal Obstruction

(g) Duodenal Atresia

(h)Small bowl Atresia

(i) Meckel Diverticulum and duplication

(j) Complete duodenal obstruction

(k) Meconium Ileus

(l) Hirsch Sprung’s disease

(m) Exophthalmus

(n) Imperforate Anus

(o) Diaphragmatic Hernia

(p) Undescended Testis

(q) Necrotizing Enterocolitis

    • Miscellaneous:

(a) Birth Injury

(b) Nerve Injury

(c) Bone Fractures

(d) Shock

(e) Neonatal Transport

(f) Cyanosis

(g) Ascitis

(h) Multiple gestations

(i) Baby friendly Hospital

(j) Neonatal Autopsy.

Text Books:

S. No.

Title of the book



Name of the Author


Year of



Amrazul Atfal

3rd edition

Shafaqat Azmi

Quomi council, New Delhi



Ayena Atfal

1st edition

Mohd Rafiq Hijazi

Aijaz Publication



Roberton’s Text book of Neonatology

4th edition

Janet M Rennie

Elsevier Churchill Livingstone



Text Book of Obstetrics, Neonatology and Gynaecology and Child health Education

6th edition

C S Dawn

Dawn Book’s, Kolkotta



Neonatology Principles and practice

3rd edition

Dipak K Guha




Principles and practice of Neonatology

1st edition

R. Arvind

Churchill Livingstone

Paper III

Amraz e Niswan

  • Diagnosis of Gynaecological disorders.

  • General examination and Preparation of case sheets.

  • Malformation of female genital organs

  • Diagnosis of sex and inter sexuality



  • Amraaz e Farj (Disease of vulva)

(a ) Khiiqi ghair tabayi kaifiyat (Congenital abnormalities),

(b) Iltehab e farj (Inflammations of vulva),

(c)Qurooh e farj (Ulceration of vulva)

(d)Chronic epithelial dystrophies,

(e)Hikath ul farj (Pruritis vulvae)

(f) Kesa- e- farj (Cysts of vulva)

(g) Neoplasm of vulva.

  • Amraaz e Mahbal (Disease of Vagina)

(a) Biology of Vagina

(b) Sailan (Leucorrhea)

(c) Specific Vaginal Infection


(e) Candidiasis

(f) Chlamydia

(g ) Gardinella (Bacterial Vaginosis)

(h) Iltehab e mehbal (Vaginitis)

(i) Oestrogen deficiency Vaginitis

(j) Vulvo vaginitis in children

(k) Senile Vaginitis

(m) Secondary Vaginitis,

  • Qurooh, Kesa wa salaat- e- Mahbal (Ulcerations, Cysts and Tumours of Vagina)

(a) Sozak (Gonorrhoea)

(b) Aatishak (Syphilis)

(c) lympho granuloma venerum

(d) Granuloma inguinale

(e) Chancoroid

(f) AIDS

  • Diq e Zanana aza- e- Tanasuliya (Tuberculosis of Female genital tract)

  • Zarba-e- Zanana aza-e- Tanasuliya (Injuries of Female genital tract)

  • Uqar wa Banchpan (Sterility and infertility).

(a)Usr-e- jima (Dyspareunia)

(b) Vaginismus

(c) Zoafe Bah IAnanat / Na Mardi / Mardana Kamzori (Male Impotency)

(d) Female frigidity

(e) Surat-e- Inzaal (Premature Ejaculation)

  • Khandaani Mansooba Bandi (Family Planning)

(a) Sterilization and Birth control.

  • Futoorat-e-Haiz (Disorders of menstruation)

(a) Precocious puberty

(b) Ehtebas-e-Tarns (Amenorrhoea)

(c) Cryptomennorrhoea

(d) Usr ut Tams (Dysmenorrhea)

(e) Pre Menstrual Syndrome

(f) Oligomenorrhoea

(g) Hypomenorrhoea,

(h) Kasrat ut tarns ( Menorrhagia, Polymenorrhea, Metropathia Haemorrhagica)

(i) Istehaza (Metrorrhagia)

(j) Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)

(k) Premenopausal Bleeding (PMB)

  • Warm-e-Raham wa Unq ur Raham (Inflammation of Uterus and Cervix)

(a) Utehaab e raham Haad wa Muzmin (Acute and Chronic Endometritis)

(b) Itehab e Unaq ur reham Haad wa Muzmin (Acute and Chronic Cervicitis)

(c) Ectropion

(d) Anaqi taakul (Cervical Erosion)

(e) Cervical polyp.

  • Inzalaaq ur Raham (Prolapse of uterus).

  • Inqalaab ur Raham (Displacement of uterus)

(a) Inversion of uterus

(b) Retroversion of Uterus

  • Salaat ur Raham (Tumours of uterus)


(b) Fibroid complicating Pregnancy

(c) Sarcomas of Uterus,

  • Amraaz-e-Khusiyat ur Raham (Diseases of Ovaries)

  • Non-neoplastic enlargements of the ovaries

(a) Follicular cysts

(b) Follicular Haematomas

(c) Lutein cysts

(d) Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease

  • Ovarian tumours

(a) Benign Tumours

(b) Malignant Tumours of ovaries

  • Sartaan Zanana Aza-e-Tanasuliya (Gynaecological Oncology)

(a) Sartaan Firj (Carcinoma of Vulva)

(b) Sartaan Mahbal (Carcinoma of Vagina)

(c) Sartaan Unaqur Raham (Carcinoma of the Cervix)

(d) Sartaan Raham (Carcinoma of Uterus)

(e) Sartaan Qajifain (Carcinoma of the Fallopian tubes)

(f) Sartaan Khusiyat ur Raham (Carcinoma of the Ovaries).

  • Pelvic Inflammatory diseases and Chronic Pelvic Pain

  • Daroone Rahmiyat (Endometriosis) and Adenomyosis

  • Inflammation of uterine appendages

(a)Iltehab qazifain wa Khusiyat ur Raham (Salpingo-oophoritis)

  • Amraaz e Saddi (Diseases of breast)

(a) Warm e Saddi (Mastitis)

(b) Sigar e Saddi (Atrophy of Breast)

(c) Izm e Saddi (Hypertrophy of Breast)

(d) Kasarat ul Laban (Galactorrhoea)

(e) Quillat ul laban (Oligogalactorrhoea)

(f) Hikkat us Saddi (Pruritis of Mammary gland)

(g) Inzalaaq e Saddi (Laxation of Breast)

(h) Breast Engorgement

(I) Kesa e Saddi (Breast cyst)

((j) Qurooh e Saddi (Ulcers of Breast)

(k) Dabilat us Saddi (Abscess of Breast).

  • Benign Breast Disease (a) Fidroadenoma of Breast (b) Fibro adenosis

  • Sartan e Saddi (Breast Cancers)

  • Imaging Modalities in Gynaecology

Reference Books

S. No.

Title of the book



Name of the Author


Year of



Al Qanon fil tib (Arabic Version)

3rd vol

Ibn Sina

(Urdu Translation by Kanturi)

Tareekhe Tibbi wa Abhas- ul- Tabiya, New Delhi.

Nawal Kishore, Lukhnow.



Al Hawi

9th vol

Mohd Bin Zakriya Razi

CCRUM, New Delhi.



Rabban Tabri (Urdu translation by Kabeeruddin)

Faisal Publication, Deoband.




Ali Ibne Abbas Majoosi (Urdu translation by Ghulam Hasnain Kantoori)

Nawal Kishore, Lukhnow.



Zakheera Khwarizm Shahi

Ismail Jurjani

Nawal Kishore, Lukhnow.




Zakriya Razi

CCRUM, New Delhi.


Moalijat Buqratia

Rabban Tabri translated by CCRUM.

CCRUM, New Delhi.

Text Books:

Sl N.

Title of the book

Edition &Volume

Name of the Author


Year of Publication




Waseem Ahmad Azmi

Ejaz Publishing House, Daryaganj, New Delhi





Khursheed Ahmad Shafaqath Azmi

Urdu Development Board New Delhi








Amraaz un Nisa wa Moalijat wa Safa wa Jarahat

Ahmad Isa

Al Adab al Moyyed, Cairo, Egypt



Tajreezul Atfal

Isa Buk Hamdi

Al Maroof Bisharae Fajaila, Egypt






John Hawkins & Jordon Bourme

The English Language Book Society


Tarbiyathul Atfal

Mohammed Abdul Hameed Buk

Al Maroof Bisharse Fajalila, Egypt


Umul Amraz-e-Nis'wan

Vol. I

Ghulam Dastagir

Jay & Churchill Ltd.



Jeffcots’s Principles of Gynaecology

5th edition

VR Tindall

Butterworth Heinemann



Text book of Obstetrics

5th edition

Dutta D.C.

New Central Book Agency New Delhi



Text book of Gynecology

2nd edition

Dutta D.C.

New Central Book Agency New Delhi.



William Obstetrics

22 edition





Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

14th edition

Das Gupta




Text Book of Obstetrics

16th edition

C. S. Dawn

Dawn Book, Kolkatta



Text Book of Gynaecology.

14th edition

C.S. Dawn

Dawn Book, Kolkatta


Department of Hifzane Sehat
Syllabus for MD Course


The Post Graduate will be able to provide restorative care for the patient with complex problems that are beyond the treatment skills of general Unani physician and demonstrate evaluation and judgement skills in making appropriate decisions regarding Tashkhees wa Ilaj, Tahaffuz and to deliver comprehensive care for the patients keeping in view the National Health Programmes.

The student should possess basic and systematic knowledge in the following subjects.

  • Itlaqi Kulliyat, Umoore Tabiyah, Maheyatul Amraz, Tahaffuzi Tadabeer, Samaji Tadabeer, Khandani Bahbood programme, Bainul Aqwami Satah ke sehati programmes and their applied aspects.

  • Mareez ki Halate Taghziya.

  • Sehate Aamma ki Tadabeer.

  • Identification of the cases, which are outside the area of his/her speciality / competence and refer them to the appropriate specialists.

  • The student should attain continuing education programmes, seminars and conferences related to Hifzane Sehat thus updating himself

  • Should have essential knowledge of Shakhsi Hifzane Sehat, Tadiya, Tahaffuz, Fuzlat ka indefa’, keeping in view the risks of transmission of Warme Jigar, Illat Qillat Manaa’te Maksooba (AIDS).

  • Should be able to manage the health problems of the community.

  • Should be able to organise epidemiological studies to identify health problems.

  • Plan, implement and evaluation of various health programmes in the specified area, specially National Health Family Welfare and disease control/ eradication programmes by applying the basic fundamentals of Tibbe Unani.

  • Should be able to demonstrate the clinical competence necessary to carry out appropriate treatment at the level of knowledge, training and practice skills currently available in their competence area.

  • Perform Dalak, Hammam and Riyazat procedures with proper indications.

The candidates should be able to

  • Adopt ethical principles in practice, maintain professional honesty and integrity.

  • Willing to share the knowledge and clinical experience with professional colleagues.

  • Willing to adopt new methods, competence techniques in the subject, based on scientific research, in-patients best interest.

  • Organise health care services, routine for special groups and during epidemics and natural disasters.

Department of Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan

(Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Syllabus for MD Course


The postgraduate will be able to provide restorative care for the patients with complex problems that are beyond the treatment skills of the general Unani physician and demonstrate evaluation and judgement skills in making appropriate decisions regarding treatment and referral to deliver comprehensive care for the patients.

With the knowledge and skills developed at the completion of the course. The candidate should possess basic and systemic knowledge on the following subjects:

  • Janeen wa Mashima, Azae Niswania, Itlaqi Kulliyat wa Usoole ilaj.

  • Mareez ki Halate Taghziya.

  • Mutalliqa aam sehati umoor.

  • The candidate should be aware of his/her own limitations to the application of the speciality in situation, which warrant referral to major centres or individuals more qualified to treat.

  • The candidate should be able to contribute towards prevention of maternal mortality and morbidity and improving neonatal outcome.

  • The candidate should offer standard care to the community in Qabalat and Tashkhees of Amraze Niswan by application of basic principles of Tibbe Unani.

  • The candidate should possess the knowledge of National Programmes relevant to women’s health.

  • Effectively communicate with patients or relatives so as to educate them sufficiently and give them full benefit of informed consent to treatment and ensure compliance effectively communicate with colleagues.

  • The candidate should be able to examine the patients with Hamal, and manage Wazae Hamal.

  • The candidate should be able to examine patients suffering from Amraze Niswan clinically, investigate the patient systematically, analyse the result, diagnose the ailment, plan a treatment, communicate it to the patient and execute it.

  • The candidate should be able to do research in Unani Manae hamal advia, Muqawwie raham, Mudirre haiz wa musqit advia.

  • The candidate should be able to educate the patient about the importance of Zabte Tauleed wa Manae Hamal ki mukhtalif tadabeer.

  • The candidate should be able to demonstrate the clinical competence necessary to carry out appropriate treatment at the level of knowledge, training and practice skills currently available in their competence area.
Clinical Skills

  • Ilmul Qabalat

  1. Ibtedae Hamal ki Tashkhees, Awarizat daurane Hamal aur unki tadabeer. (Identify and recognize the medical diseases and disorders complicating pregnancy and childbirth).

  2. Muayena qabale viladat aur Awarizat ki Tashkhees wa Ilaj.

  3. Zachgi khana mein tabeeb ka khidmat anjaam dena, tabayi aur ghair tabayi Wazae hamal aur awarizat ke intezamat.

  4. Identify and recognize complications of labour and refer them to appropriate hospitals.

  5. Naumaulood ki nighadasht aur mukhtalif tadabeer.

  6. Baad viladat tabayi wa ghair tabayi Wazae hamal ki nigahdasht.

  7. Khandaani Mansoobabandi programmes: Contraceptive Methods like IUD insertions, adopting classical Unani Methods of contraception like Aabzan, Bukhoor, Shafa, Zimad, Tila, Farzaja, Nutool and Unani Herbs.

  8. Rural obstetrics care and referral services.

  • Amraze Niswan

  1. Out Patient and In Patient activities and consultations.

  2. Examination of cases with special reference to gynaecological history taking, abdominal and pelvic examinations.

  3. Tashkhees wa Ilaj of Amraze Niswan like Futoorate Haiz, Amraze Farj, Mahbal, Raham, Unaqur Raham, Qazifain wa Khusyaturraham, Sadiyan, Sailanur raham, Uqr, Amraze zahravia, Inzelaqur raham, Inqelabur raham, salaat ur raham.

  4. Writing case records.

  5. Candidate should write separate PG case sheets, they should keep diary and logbook and get verified by the unit chief by the end of each month.

Department of Moalejat
Syllabus for MD Course


The post graduate course in Moalejat is to impart teaching and training to the Unani graduate in the field of general medicine, to treat the sick as per the principles of Tibbe Unani, to produce skillful Unani physicians, clinical researchers and teachers of Unani system of medicine with special emphasis on modern diagnostic techniques.

The postgraduate should be able to provide restorative care to the patients having complex problems that are beyond the treatment skills of the general Unani Physician.

The candidate should possess basic and systemic knowledge on the following subjects:

Kulliyate Tib, Sareeriyat, Usoole Ilaj wa Tashkhees, Ilaj Bit Tadbeer.

Along with the following:

  • Nutritional Status of the patient.

  • General health condition.

  • Identifying social, economical, environmental and emotional determinates of the patient and considering them in planning the treatment.

  • Identifying the cases, which are outside the area of his/her speciality/ competence and referring them to the appropriate specialties.

  • Advice regarding the case management involving surgical, interim treatment etc.

  • Should attend continuing educational programmes, seminars and conferences related to Moalejat thus updating himself / herself.

  • Teach his/her team, colleagues and other students.

  • Should be able to use information technology tools and carry out research in both basic and clinical, with aims of publishing his/her work at various scientific fora.

The candidate:

  • Should be able to examine the patients clinically, investigate the patient systematically, analyse the investigation results, diagnose the ailment, plan a treatment, and communicate with the patient.

  • Should be able to demonstrate the clinical competence necessary to carry out appropriate treatment at the level of knowledge, training and practice skills currently available in their speciality area.

  • Adopts ethical principles, maintains professional honesty and integrity.

  • Gives treatment irrespective of social status, caste, creed or religion of the patient.

  • Willing to share the knowledge and clinical experience with professional colleagues.

  • Willing to adopt new methods and techniques in this subject occurring from time to time based on scientific research, which are in best interest of patients.

  • Respect patient’s rights and privileges including patients right to information and right to seek second opinion.

  • Willing to teach under graduates.
Communication abilities

  • Develop communication skills, in particular, to explain treatment option available in management.

  • Provide leadership and get the best out of his/her group in the congenial working atmosphere.

  • Should be able to communicate in simple and understandable language with the patient and explain the principles of the subject competence to the patient. He/She should be able to guide and counsel the patient with regard to various treatment modalities available.

  • Develop the ability to communicate with professional colleagues through various media.


Teaching/Learning Activities and Monitoring Learning Progress

Teaching/Learning Activities:

All the candidates registered for Mahire Tib (M.D.Unani) postgraduate degree course in various specialties shall pursue the course for the period of three years as full time students. During this period each student shall take part actively in learning and teaching activities designed by the institution /university.

1. Lectures:

There shall be some didactic lectures in basic science and allied fields. The postgraduate departments should encourage the guest lectures in the required areas to strengthen the training programmes. It is also desirable to have certain integrated lectures by multidisciplinary teams on selected topics.

2. Journal Club:

The journal review meetings shall be held at least once a week. All candidates are expected to participate actively and enter relevant details in the logbook. The candidate should make the presentations from the allotted journals of selected articles at least five times in a year.

3. Seminars:

The seminars shall be held at least one in a week in each postgraduate department. All candidates are expected to participate actively and enter the relevant details in the logbook. Each candidate shall make at least five-seminar presentation in each year.

4. Symposium:

It is recommended to hold symposium on topics covering multiple disciplines

5. A. Clinical Postings:

Each trainee shall work in hospitals on regular basis to acquire adequate professional skill and competency in managing various cases to be treated by the specialists.

B. Practicals: concerned postgraduate department should work out the programme intimating R.G.U.H.S.

6. Clinico pathological conferences:

The clinico pathological conferences should be held once in a month involving the faculties and concerned clinical departments. The candidate should be encouraged to present the clinical details, Radiological and Histo-pathological interpretations and participate in the discussion.

7. Teaching skills:

All the trainees shall be encouraged to take part in undergraduate teaching programmes, if any, either in the form of lectures or group discussions in their subjects.

8. Continuing Education Programme:

Each postgraduate department shall organise these programmes on regular basis involving the other institutions. The candidates shall be encouraged to attend the programme conducted elsewhere.

9. Conferences:

The candidates shall be encouraged not only to attend conferences/ workshops/ advance courses but also to present at least one paper at state/ national competence meetings during their training period.

10. Rotation & posting in other departments:

To bring in more integration between the competence and allied fields each post graduate department shall work out a programme to rotate the trainees in related disciplines.

11. Dissertation:

Trainees shall prepare the dissertation based on clinical or experimental work or any other conducted by them under the supervision of the postgraduate guide.

Monitoring Learning Progress

It is essential to monitor the learning progress of each candidate through continuous appraisal and regular assessment. It not only helps teachers to evaluate students, but also student to evaluate themselves. The monitoring be done by the staff of the department based on participation of students in various teaching/learning activities. It may be structured and assessment be done using checklists that assess various aspects. Model checklists are given in this chapter, which may be copied and used.

The learning out comes to be assessed should be included

a. Personal Attitudes

b. Acquisition of Knowledge

c. Clinical skills

d. Teaching skills.

a) Personal attitude:

The essentials are: -

Caring attitudes


Organisational ability

Potential to cope with stressful situation undertakes responsibility.

Trust worthiness and reliability

To understand and communicate intelligibly with patients and others.

To behave in a manner which establishes professional relationships with patients and colleagues.

Ability to work in team

A critical enquiring approach to the acquisition of knowledge

The methods used mainly consist of observation. It is appreciated that these items require a degree of subjective assessment by the guide, supervisors and peers.

b) Acquisition of knowledge:

The methods used comprise of logbook, which records participation in various teaching/ learning activities by the students. The number of activities attended and the number in which presentations are made are to be recorded, the log book should periodically be validated by the supervisors some of the activities are listed, the list is not complete institutions may include additional activities if so, desired.

Journal review meeting (journal club): - The ability to do literature search, in depth study, presentation skills and use of audio visual aids are to be assessed. Faculty members and peers attending the meeting using a checklist make the assessment.

Seminars/Symposia: The topics should be assigned to the students’ well in advance to facilitate in depth study. The ability to do literature search, in depth study, presentations skills and audio visual aids are to be assessed.

Clinico-pathological conferences: This should be a multidisciplinary case study of an interesting case to train the candidate to solve diagnostic and therapeutic problems by using an analytical approach. The presenter(s) are to be assessed using a checklist similar to that used for seminar.

c) Clinical Skills:

Day to Day work: skills in outpatients and ward work should be assessed periodically. The assessment should include the candidate’s sincerity and punctuality, analytical ability and communication skills.

Clinical meetings: candidates should periodically present cases to his/her peers and faculty members. This should be assessed using a checklist.

Clinical and procedural skills: The candidate should be given graded responsibility to enable learning by apprenticeship. The guide assesses the performance by direct observation. The student in the logbook records particulars.

d) Teaching skills:

Candidate should be encouraged to teach under graduate medical students and interns, if any. This performance should be based on assessment by the faculty members of the department and from feedback from the under graduate students.

Periodic Tests: The concerned departments may conduct three tests, two of them be annual tests, one during the first year and the other in the second year. The third test may be held three months before the final exam. The tests may include written papers, practicals/clinical and viva voce.

Work Diary: Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and record his/her participation in the training programmes conducted by the department such as journal reviews, seminars etc. Special mention may be made for the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures if any conducted by the candidate.

Records: Records, logbooks and marks obtained in the test will be maintained by the head of the department and will be made available to the university or CCIM.

Logbook: The logbook is a record of the important activities of the candidates during the training; internal assessment should be based on the evaluation of the logbook. Collectively logbooks are the tools for the evaluation of the training programme of the institution by the external agencies. The record included academic activities as well as the presentations and procedures carried out by the candidates.

Format for the logbook for the different activities of the candidates is given in Tables 1, 2 and 3 of chapter IV. Copies may be used by the institutions.

Procedure for defaulters: Every department should have a committee to review such situations. The defaulting candidate is counselled by the guide and head of department. In extreme case of default the departmental committee may recommend the defaulting candidate be withheld from appearing the examination, if she/he fails to fulfil the requirements in spite of being given adequate chances to set himself/herself right.

Format of Model Checklists and Logbook

For Monitoring Learning Progress

Checklist - 1

Model Checklist for Evaluation of Journal Review Presentation

Name of the Candidate: Date

Name of the faculty/observer:


Items of observation during presentation



Below Average






Very Good



Article chosen was


Extent of understanding of scope and objectives of the candidate


Whether cross reference has been consulted


Whether other relevant publications consulted


Ability to respond to questions on the paper/subject.


Audio-visual aids used


Ability to defend the paper


Clarity of presentation


Any other observation

Total Score

Check List - 2

Model Checklist for Evaluation of Seminar Presentation

Name of the Candidate: Date

Name of the faculty/observer:


Items of observation during presentation



Below Average






Very Good



Whether other relevant publications consulted


Whether cross reference has been consulted


Completeness of the preparation


Clarity of presentation


Understanding the subject


Ability to answer the questions


Time scheduling


Appropriate use of audio-visual aids


Overall performance


Any other observations

Total Score

Check List - 3

Model CheckList for Evaluation of Clinical Work in OPD and Ward

Name of the Candidate: Date:

Name of the faculty/observer:


Items of observation during presentation



Below Average






Very Good



Regularity of attendance




Interaction with colleagues and supporting staff


Maintenance of case records


Presentation of cases


Investigations work up


Chair side manners


Rapport with patients


Overall quality of clinical work

Total Score

Check List – 4

Evaluation form for clinical presentation

Name of the Candidate: Date:

Name of the faculty/observer:


Items of observation during presentation



Below Average






Very Good



Completeness of history


Whether all relevant points elicited


Clarity of presentation


Logical order


Mentioned all positive and negative


Accuracy of general physical examinations


Diagnosis: whether it follows logically from history and findings


Investigations required complete list relevant order interpretations of investigations


Ability to react to questioning. Whether it follows logically from history and findings


Ability to defend diagnosis


Ability to justify differential diagnosis



Total Score

Check List – 5

Model CheckList for Evaluation of Teaching Skill

Name of the Candidate: Date:

Name of the faculty/observer:

Sl. No.

Strong Point

Weak Point

Communication of the purpose of the talk

Evokes audience interest in the subject

The introduction

The sequence of ideas

The use of practical examples and/or illustrations

Speaking style (enjoyable, monotonous, etc., specify)

Attempts audience participation

Summary of the main points at the end

Asks questions

Answers questions asked by the audience

Rapport of speaker with his audience

Effectiveness of the talk

Uses AV aids appropriately

Check List – 6

Model CheckList for Dissertation Presentation

Name of the Candidate: Date:

Name of the faculty/observer:


Points to be Considered



Below Average






Very Good



Interest shown in selecting topic


Appropriate review


Discussion with Guide and Faculty


Quality of protocol


Preparation of proforma

Total Score

Check List – 7

Continuous Evaluation of Dissertation Work by Guide/Co-Guide.

Name of the Candidate: Date:

Name of the faculty/observer:


Items of Observer during Presentation



Below Average






Very Good



Periodic consultation with Guide/Co-Guide


Regular collection of case material


Depth of Analysis/ Discussion


Department presentations of findings



Total Score

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