The rise of the Ottoman Empire took place during the period of the first 10 Ottoman sultans.
The most important Sultans of this period are 2nd Mehmed, 1st Selim and 1st Süleyman.
Mehmed II occupied Istanbul in 1453 and moved the capital here. This was the capital city
until the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Mehmet II also occupied the Black Sea completely.
Trabzon put an end to the Greek Empire. He ended the Venetian-Genoese colonies in the
Mediterranean and Black Sea. He accepted it as a legitimate law for the sultans who would
follow him for the future of the state to kill their brothers. Thus, the princes carrying the
blood of the Ottoman dynasty were prevented from disrupting the state's order by fighting for
the throne, and the sultan had his brothers strangled.
Since the blood of the princes carrying the blood of the Ottoman Dynasty was considered sacred, when they
were killed, their blood would not be shed and they were killed only by strangling with a rope.
1. Selim organized expeditions to Africa and Asia. At the end of these expeditions, the state
reached a lot of booty. At the end of these campaigns, Selim took the title of Caliphate, which
was given to the religious leaders of the Muslims, from the Arab lands and brought it to
Istanbul, and thus the Ottomans became the leader of the Muslims.
In the period of Suleyman I, the Ottoman Empijre reached its widest borders. As far as
Vienna in the West, into Persia in the east, as far as the Russian steppes in the North, and
Algeria and Yemen in the South.
1. Suleyman won magnificent victories in Europe and the
borders of the state reached the widest borders. He went on a total of 13 campaigns and spent
10 years and 1 month of his life in wars.
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