Overcoming Backward Capitalism in Rural South Africa? The Example of the Eastern Cape

Figure 1: Growth rates of real GDP per capita in South Africa and upper-middle-income economies, 1960–2012 (constant 2000 US Dollars)

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Figure 1:

Growth rates of real GDP per capita in South Africa and upper-middle-income economies, 1960–2012 (constant 2000 US Dollars)

Figure 2:

Growth rate of manufacturing value added, 1966–2011

Source: World Development Indicators, 2013

Figure 3:

Index of agricultural production per capita, 1961 to 2011

(2004–2006 = 100)

Source: FAOSTAT, 2013

Figure 4:

Comparative value of agricultural exports (current US Dollars), 1994–2011

Source: FAOSTAT 2013

Figure 5:

Volume of exports of lemons and limes: South Africa, Mexico and Argentina, 1993–2011

Source: FAOSTAT 2013

Figure 6:

Single-strength citrus juice export volumes: Spain and South Africa, 2002–2011

Source: FAOSTAT 2013

Figure 7:

Apple export volumes: South Africa and China, 1999–2011

Source: FAOSTAT 2013

Figure 8:

Single-strength apple juice export volumes: South Africa and China, 1992–2007

Souree: FAOSTAT, 2011

Figure 9:

Apple juice exports from South Africa, 1999–2010

Source: FAOSTAT, 2011

Figure 10:

Volume of exports of pears: South Africa and Argentina, 1986–2011

Source: FAOSTAT 2013

Figure 11:

Output of pineapples: South Africa, 1985–2011

Source: FAOSTAT 2013

Figure 12:

Value of flower exports: Ethiopia and South Africa, 1997–2012

(US Dollars)

Figure 13:

Gross fixed capital formation in agriculture forestry and fisheries

(millions of Rands), 1980–2010

Source: SA Reserve Bank


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