Overview of ece theory : the collapse of the standard model

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Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar

TU Vienna, ETH Zurich, Ostroj Mining Machinery Czechia, TMCZ Heavy Transport Czechia, Jan Evangelista Purkine, Beuth University Berlin, IPHT Jena, Leibniz Research Center Munich, Students Bonn, TU Darmstadt, Bonn, Hamburg, Jena, Cologne, Copenhagen, Institute of Astrophysics Tenerife Spain, Andalucian Government, Cadiz, Malaga, Polytechnic Catalonia, Seville, Helsinki Finland, Turku, French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission, Pierre et Marie Curie, ENSEEIHT, Institute of Space Astrophysics Orsay, Lille 1, Poitiers, St. Etienne, Italian CNR Institute of Informatics and Telematics, INFN Gran Sasso Science Institute Italy, Genoa, ISP Fabriek Netherlands, Amsterdam, Free Univ Amsterdam, Eniro Norwegian Univ. Science and Technology, Poznan Poland, TU Warsaw, Lisbon Tech Portugal, Landau Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Bashtel region, Middle East Technical University Ankara Turkey, Cities of Yalta, Odessa and Poltava Ukraine, Cambridge Computing, Jesus College Cambridge, Robinson College Cambridge, St Edmund’s College Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham, Kent, Nottingham, St. Anne’s College Oxford, University College Oxford, University of Oxford, British Library.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Library of Congress of Argentina, UNC Argentina, INTI Argentina, Wollongong Australia, Office of the Brazilian President Planalto, National Capital Freenet Canada, Carleton Canada, Alberta, British Columbia, Waterloo, Chile, China extensive, National Univ. Colombia, Andes, City Hong Kong, ITB Indonesia, NITS India, Tezpur, IMSC India, Kyoto Japan, Osaka*, Riken Research Organization, American Univ. Beirut Lebanon, Cicata Altamira Mexico, UITM Malaysia, ADMU Philippines, NUST Pakistan, QAU Pakistan, Physics National Univ Uruguay, Cape Town South Africa.

Summary of December 2014

For www.aias.us there were 82,984 hits, 16.87 gigabytes downloaded, 12,072 distinct visits, 57,542 page views, 2,862 documents read from 90 countries, led by USA, Germany, Britain, Czechia, China, Austria, Italy, Russia, ......

and for the year 2014 there were 1,797,040 hits.

For www.aias.us, www.atomicprecision.com and www.upitec.org These figures are increased by a factor of 1.55 to allow for an estimated one day lost by timer readjustment and for a 50% increase in traffic as usual from the other two sites. Sothis gives 128,625 hits, 26.15 gigabytes downloaded, 18,712 distinct visits and 89,190 page views for December 2014.

All UFT papers read (survey of late December on blog), led by: 177, 25, 88, 243, 169, 175, 166, 140, 150B, 39, 43, 18, 107, 155, 42, 94, 201, 41, 152, 56, 142, 67, 13, 228, 8, 158, 214, 229, 27, 157, 4, 61, 19, 44, 65, 85, 159(Sp), 170, 279, 47, 57, 159, 10, 58, 161, 168, 234, 239, 3, 144, 160, 224, 36, 116, 150(Sp), 146, 35, 64, 153, 174, 12, 15, ......

All Books and articles read, led by: Autobiography Volume One, F3(Sp), UNCC Saga1, CV, Autobiography Volume Two, LCR Resonant 2f, Space Energy, Numerical Article, Book of Scientometrics, Potential Waves, HPexp2, Definitive Proof One, Universe of Myron Evans, Space Energy Devices (Sp), CEFE, Spacetime Devices 2, ..

All Essays read and heard, led by: 24(pdf), ECE Theory of Hydrogen Bonding, Implications of Finite Photon Mass, 26(pdf), 43(pdf), 7(pdf), 11(pf), 24Sp(pdf), 44(pdf), ........

1 - 15 December

U .S. Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Amherst, SUNY Buffalo, Caltech, Columbia, Cornell. CSU Chico, Cleveland State, City University New York, Case Western Reserve, Florida Institute of Technology, Iowa State, Illinois*, Johns Hopkins, New York University, Purdue, San Francisco State, Syracuse, Chicago, UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, Maryland, U Pennsylvania, Washington*, Washington State, U. S. Archives, Valley View School District; Chevron Corporation.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Philips Campus Eindhoven Netherlands, Charles University Prague, Mazaryk University Brno, Kplan Engineering Germany, TU Berlin*, Bonn, Heidelberg, Potsdam, Tuebingen, Ulm, Spanish Research Council Institute for Catalysis, Basque Country, Seville, Salamanca, Enterare Europe, Lacompany France, Le Floch, Poitiers, Ioaninna Greece, Genoa Italy, Greenwich, Imperial, British Library*, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (National Library of Wales), Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands, Government Canary Islands, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Leicester, Bristol, Nottingham, Durham, Firzwilliam Colleeg Cambridge, Swansea, Southampton.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

INTI Argentina, Adelaide, GEGEP Limoilou Quebec, Waterloo, China extensive, Valle Columbia, ITS Indonesia, NITS India, Indian Railways, Tokyo, RIKEN Japan, Hitachi, IPN Mexico, UASLP, UDG, UNAM Mexico.

15 - 31 December
U. S. Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Hawaii, NewYork, Michigan, Oak Ridge, U. S. Archives, Chicago Public Library, Cisco, Yonkers Public Schools New York City.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Andorra, OEAN Educational Agency Austria, TU Vienna, EPFL Switzerland, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, SXG Software Czechia, TU Berlin*, TU Darmstadt, Erlangen, Heidelberg*, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Koeln, Konstanz, Tuebingen, Salamanca Spain, CEA France, Ioaninna Greece, NDCO Iran, Informatics Institute Italian CNR, Genoa, LAU Lebanon, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Academ Russia, Max Planck Software Systems. Serbian Academy, Lipetsk Region Russia, City of Siguna Sweden, Siberian Academy of Sciences, Anadolu Turkey, Bilkent Turkey, Odessa Ukraine, Cambridge portal, King’s College London, Keele, Southampton, Swansea.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNGS Argentina, INACAP Chile, Sernapesca (Ministry of Fisheries) Chile, UFRO Chile, China extensive, Envigado Gov. Colombia, ITB Indonesia, UNPAD Indonesia, Bose India, IMSC India, Tokyo, Nikon Company, Korea, KMITL Thailand, NTTU Taiwan.

END OF 2014

Summary of January 2015 : New Record High

For www.aias.us There were 14,203 distinct visit, 101,598 hits, 77,244 page views, 16.71 gigabytes downloaded, 2,903 documents read from 93 countries led by USA, Germany, Latvia, Italy, China, Czech Republic, Canada, Britain, Russian Federation, .......

The combined total for the three sites www.aias.us, www.atomicprecision.com and www.upitec.org is estimated to be 60% higher from the 2014 total of hits, and one day is estimated to be lost as the timer changes over. Therefore the adjustment factor for January is 1.632. This gives a total of 23,051 distinct visits, 165,807 hits, 27.12 Gigabytes downloaded and 125,367 page views in January 2015.

All UFT papers read, led by: 93, 89, 25, 54, 88, 155, 43, 169, 42, 47, 177(Sp), 39, 300, 177, 166(Sp), 41, 107, 166, 140, 239, 94, 85, 152, 158, 191, 170, 175, 228, 243, 46, 159(Sp), 170(Sp), 157(Sp), 67, 142, 146, 86, 38, 2, 61, 149, 116, 83, 63, 168, 15, 290, 8, ........

All Books and articles read, led by: Autobiography volumes 1 and 2, Principles of ECE Theory, Book of Scientometrics, F3(Sp), Engineering Model, Second Book of Poetry, ......

All essays heard or read, led by: 24, 24(Sp), 37, 9(Sp), 11, 86, 43, 49(Sp), 9, 31(Sp), 32(Sp), ........

1 - 15 January

U. S. Universities, Institutes and Similar

California State Polytechnic Pomona, Clemson, Denver*, Georgia Tech., Georgetown, Iowa State, Illinois, Michigan State, Northwestern, New York, Rutgers, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, Univ. Georgia, U Penn, U. S National Archives, Los Angeles Public Library.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar,

EPF Lausanne Switzerland, Valais Canton, Wagner and Grimm Engineering, Charles Univ. Prague, TU Dresden, Augsburg, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Munich, Tuebingen, Spanish Research Council Institute of Science and Materials Madrid, Granada, Complutense Madrid, Catalonia Polytech., Cartagena Polytech., Seville, JG Engineering Spain, Turku Finland, Patras Greece, Technion Israel, Science and Tech University Krakow Poland, City of Gdansk, Physics Moscow State University, City of Belgorod, Chalmers Sweden, Karlstad Sweden, Cities of Kiev, Odessa and Rovno Ukraine, Brunel, Physics and Applied Maths Cambridge, Cardiff, City, Imperial, Leicester*, Middlesex, Sussex, Swansea, York.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Deakin Australia, Monash, Perimeter Institute Canada, China extensive, International Inst. Information Tech. Bangalore India, Bhabha Atomic Research Institute, Indian Rail (RCIL), Azarbaijan University Iran, Kyushu Japan, Nagoya, Osakafu, Sophia, Hyogo, KEK High Energy Research Institute, Hitachi Corporation, Kongju University South Korea, Pohang Univ. Sceince and Technology, UDG Mexico, Mexican National Polytechnic Institute, Gujrat Pakistan, National Chiao Tung Taiwan, National Tsing Hua Taiwan, National Taiwan.

15 - 29 January

U. S. Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Arizona State University, Caltech, Clemson, Case Western Reserve, Denver*, Georgia Tech*, Iowa State, Illinois, Merrimack, MIT, Northwestern, Princeton, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, UC Irvine*, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, U Mass, U Penn, Texas, Washington*, Wisconsin, U. S. Navy Marine Command, Los Angeles Public Library.
Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Ghent, CERN, ETH, Zurich, Institute of Physics Czech Academy, German Aerospace Corporation (DLR), IDS Manheim, Munich, Oldenburg, Spanish Research Council Institutes*, Autonomous Barcelona, Granada, Murcia, Cartagena Tech, Seville, Helsinki, Tampere Tech Finland, Henri Poincare Nancy, Paris Diderot, Poitiers*, Croatian Geophysics Institute, Eotvos Lorand Hungary, University College Dublin, Iceland, Astrophysical Observatory Catania, Insubria, School of International Studies Trieste, HVIV Internet Freedom Netherlands, Radboud Nijmegen, Norwegian National Tech., Warsaw University Foundation, Academ Russia, Kurgan region, City of St. Petersburg, Swedish Society for Digital Freedom, Karlstad University Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Cities of Kiev and Odessa Ukraine, Bristol, Cambridge*, Cardiff*, Durham, Edinburgh*, Lancaster, Leicester, Newcastle, Swansea, Royal Society of Chemistry, BBC, News Corporation International (“The Times”), Ysgol CCC.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Monash Australia, Sao Paulo State Brazil, Campinas, Simon Fraser Canada, Montreal, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Toronto*, University of Chile, China extensive, UCLV Cuba, UEES Ecuador, Tezpur India, Asahikawa NCT Japan, Sophia, Tokyo, Waseda, Hitachi Corporation, KEK High Energy and Nuclear Physics Organization, Mexican National Tech, Monterrey Tech., Guadalajara, National Autonomous University of Mexico*, National University of Singapore, National Taiwan Ocean University.
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