Overview of ece theory : the collapse of the standard model

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Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UIBK Austria, Leuven, Ghent, CERN, ETH Zurich*, Geneva, Zurich, ECIC Czechia, Bremen (school), FBH Berlin, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Siemens Company, TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, Bremen (university), Duisburg, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Leipzig*, Mainz, Muenster, Paderborn*, Potsdam, Rostock, Stuttgart, Tuebingen; CSIC Spain, Madrid Autonomous*, Cordoba, Granada, Murcia, UNED Spain, Seville, Valencia, Sapnish Parliament (Xunta), HYV Finland, YOK Finland, AC Amiens,EC-M, OBSPM France, Oleane France, Evry, Poitiers*; NTUA Greece, Tellas, Patras, FER Hungary, FSB Hungary, KFKI Hungary, Dublin City, DKIT, University College Dublin Ireland, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem, SISSA Italy, Trieste, Modena*, Padua, Rome 1, UNO Norway, ITP Norway, Al Balqa Jordan, EX Forum Poland, Belgrade*, Kirov, Dubna, Joint Institutes Nuclear Research Dubna, Russian Space Science Internet, Chalmers Sweden, Lund* Sweden, Tarassul Syria, Itu Turkey, Metu*, SDA, ILYA Ukraine, Brunel, Corpus Christi College Cambridge, Eduram Cambridge, NAT Cambridge, Jesus College Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham*, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Kent, London Metropolitan, Manchester, Churchill College Oxford, Physics Oxford*, Queen Mary London, Rutherford Appleton, Southampton*, St. Andrews*, Government Shetland Islands, Bedford School, George Watson’s College Edinburgh, Westminster School, Westminster Parliament.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar

CNEA, Mecon Gov. Argentina, East Queensland, Monash, Wollongong, Queensland, UEFS, UEG, UFPA, UFRN* Brazil, Brock Canada, Lakehead, National Research Council, Siemens Canada, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia*, Toronto, Western Ontario; UCN UTFSM Chile, UDEA, UTP Colombia, Jijel Algeria, ESPOL Equador, ITS, UGM Indonesia, Kyoto, Shibaura, Totech, Tokyo, Chiba Japan, Fuji Xerox, KAIST* South Korea, UNAM Mexico, Tatiuc Malaysia, Auckland NZ, SQU Oman, Quitos Peru, LCWU, NUST, QAU Pakistan, NU Singapore, NDHU Taiwan, AIMS, Capetown, Pretoria South Africa.

Summary of December 2010

For www.aias.us there were 105,092 hits and 68,648 page views from 12,524 distinct visits. There were 6.766 gigabytes downloaded and 2,042 documents read from 98 countries, led by USA, Russia, Britain, Sweden, France, Ukraine, Austria, Germany, ….. The twelve month running total of hits was 1,128,670 and there were 27,006 blog viewings during the year.

The most read UFT papers were: 24, 41, 43, 51, 4, 94, 168, 165, 107, 166, 157, 152, 164, 18, 155, 53, 161, 156, 20, 63, 142, 49, 7, 163, 54, 121, 21, 110, 149, 159, 61, 93, 131 (Spanish), 162, 46, 114, 140, 11, 2, 38, 100, 140 (Spanish), 30, 81, 116, ……. All papers read.

The most popular talks were: Film script, On the Deflection of Light by Gravity, Nobody is Perfect, Introduction to 139, Attempts to measure photon mass, self inconsistencies of twentieth century physics, general relativity and particle scattering, geometry and conservation of linear momentum, covariant mass ratio, meaning of covariant mass ratio, Essays 4, 9, 7, and 8. All talks received an audience.

The most popular articles and books were: F3 (Spanish), Levitron, Spacetime Devices, Sapce Energy (Spanish), Mercury as Crystal Spheres, Space Energy, MWE biography, Galaxies, Latest Family History, F1, F2, CEFE, …….. All articles and books were read.

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 35,097 hits and 12,079 page views from 5,917 distinct visits.

For www.upitec.org there were 3,235 hits and 824 page views from 505 distinct visits.

This gives a total of 143,424 hits and 81,551 page views from 18,946 distinct visits.
1 – 15 December

US Universities, Institutes and Similar

Albany, Berkeley, Boise State, Buffalo, Caltech, Colorado, Cornell*, Central Washington, DBCC, Duke, Emory, Furman, Georgia Tech., Harvard*, Haverford, Illinois, Indiana, Johns Hopkins, Kansas State, Louisiana State, Mineral Area College Missouri, Montana, Northwestern, Redwoods, Richland, Renselaer, San Diego State, Southern Michigan, Stanford, Stonybrook, Mendez, SUNY Stonybrook, Tuskegee, Central Florida, Chicago*, UCLA, Florida*, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota Twin Cities, Pennsylvania*, Texas Arlington, Utah*, Texas, Washington State; Bureau of Land Management, US Gov., DHS, Library of Congress, WOAA, Social Security, US Patent Office, US Military DISA, US Navy NMCI*, Naval Research Laboratory, Ford, Honeywell.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

TU Vienna, UCL Belgium, Ghent, EPF Lausanne, CAS Czechia, Brandenburg, German Synchrotron Facility, HS Bremen, HS Karlsruhe, TU Darmstadt Electrical Engineering, Bayreuth, Erlangen, Heidelberg, Jena, Konstanz*, Leipzig*, Oldenburg, Potsdam, Regensburg, Wuerzburg, Sonderborg Denmark, Valencia Polytechnic, Univ. Valencia, Valladolid, Tontut Finland, Nancy Metz France, CIUP, ENSCP, OBS-MIP, OLEANE France, Polytechnique, Avignon, Lyon 2, Poitiers*, UCD Ireland, Ben Gurion Negev, Jerusalem College of Technology, INFN Bologna, Univ Calabria, Modena*, Pavia, Rome 1, VGTU Lithuania, Etat Luxembourg, CSS Latvia, FR – FANS Netherlands, Groningen, FFI Norway, AGH Poland, US Poland, Lodz Poland, UC Portugal, UBBCLUJ Romania, Nis University Serbia, Irkusk*, MTU Net Russia, Norrkoping Sweden, Lviv Ukraine, Aberystwyth*, Bristol, Wolfson College Cambridge, Cardiff, Edinburgh*, Imperial, Manchester, Maths Oxford, Oxford OULS, Oxford St Edmund Hall, Plymouth, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway London, Shefield Hallam, Strathclyde, Swansea, East Anglia, British Library, Met Office, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol, Ynys Mo^n, Ankara, Novosibirsk.
Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Shariah Emirates, UNLP, UNSJ Argentina, Cordoba Gov. Argentina, Queensland, Victoria Australia, UFMG, UNICAMP Brazil, Gov. Canada, McGill, McMaster, memorial Newfoundland, Ontario, Queens, British Columbia*, Manitoba, Montreal, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Saskatchewan, Victoria, York Univ. Toronto, UNAL UTP Colombia, IDSn Gov. Colombia, IIS Ermoahli India, IITM India, Univ Nitw India, Kindai, Osakafu, Titech, Tokyo*, Chiba Japan, KAIST S. Kora, Ipicyt, UNAM, USON Mexico, NUST, QAU Pakistan, NCTU, NDHU, NTHU Taiwan.

15 – 30 December
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Ball State, CSU Ohio, Georgia Tech., Kansas, North Dakota System, Salk Institute, Ana Mendez, UCLA, Central Oklahoma, Florida*, Maine, Maryland, Michigan*, Texas Arlington, Utah, Vermont; Brookhaven, US Dept. of Energy, El Paso, IRS, Library of Congress, Miami Dade, USPTO, Andrews AF, Eglin AF, Robins AF*, Gordon Army, NGB Army, US Army Special Operations Command, Motorola*.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

TU Vienna, Ghent, Charles Univ Prague, HU Berlin, Siemens, TU Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Stuttgart, CNIC Spain, Madrid Complutensian, TSAI Spain, Laguna, Murcia, Leon, Barcelona Tech., Cesiege France, CIUP, Inserm, Oleane, Paris Psud, Lyon 2, Poitiers* France, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Bologna, Modena, Naples, Pavia Italy, Groninegn TO Eindhoven Netherlands, AGH Poland, UJ Poland, UNS Serbia, Irkutsk, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ahievran Turkey, Hacettepe Turkey, Brunel, Heriot Watt, Southampton, European Space Agency.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

ECU Australia, Wollongong, UFPE Brazil, British Columbia Canada*, Univ. Chile, National Univ Colombia, Gov. Equador, BARC Gov. India, RCIL Gov India, JEC Japan, Kyoto, Shimane, Tohoku, Chiba Japan, KMITL Thailand.


Summary of January 2011

For www.aias.us there was a new eight year record of 122,521 hits, an average of about 4,084 hits a day for thirty days. There was a technical outage on 1st Jan. so the total is estimated to be 126,605 hits. There were 80,350 page views, average of 2,678 a day for 30 days, so estimated total of 83,028, and 15,350 distinct visits, average of 512 a day for 30 days, so estimated total of 15,862, 7.738 gigabytes downloaded, 1,947 documents read from 93 countries led by US, Germany, France, Brazil, Russian Federation, Britain, Ukraine, Austria, ……

All UFT papers read, the leading papers were 166, 165, 25, 169, 41, 43, 54, 149, 140(Sp), 81, 107, 18, 4, 168, 150B, 28, 7, 1, 42, 8, 93, 27, 2, 65, 130, 131(Sp), 142, 161, 76, 11, 23, 170, 63, 35, 67, 140, 20, 37, 45, ….

Leading Talks were: Universe of Myron Evans, Nobody is Perfect, Deflection of Light by Gravity, Introduction to UFT 139, Essays 15, 10, 11, 4, 8, 12, 13, 7, 14, 9, …..

All articles read, leading articles were Sapcetime Devices, Device Dev, Levitron, Family History, Space Energy, …..

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 32, 235 hits, 10,228 pages downloaded , 4,919 distinct visits and 0.768 gigabytes downloaded.

For www.upitec.org there were 3,964 hits, 1.025 page views, 552 distinct visits and 0.368 gigabytes downloaded.

This gives a total of 162,804 hits, 94,281 page views, 21,333 distinct visits and 8.874 gigaybtes downloaded.

Dairy now records a total of 30,497 views from Jan. 2010. Average per day for 2011 is 116, 42340 a year.

1 – 15 January

US Universities, Institutes and Similar

Auburn, Caltech, Catholic Healthcare West, Colorado, Columbia, City University New York, Case Western Reserve, Florida State, Husson, Indiana, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics, Mayo Clinic, MIT, North Dakota, Ohio State, Plymouth, Penn State*, Purdue, Stanford, UC Davis, Univ. Chicago, Univ. California Irvine, Univ. California Santa Barbara, Univ. California San Diego*, Unity, Univ. Texas, Virginia, Argonne National Laboratory, Gov. California*, U. S. Dept. of Energy, US General Services Administration, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Geological Survey, US Army ARO, US Army Wiesbaden, US Navy NMCI, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar

TU Graz, Univ Insbruck, Linz, Vienna, Louvain, Free Univ Brussels, KU Leuven, OMA Belgium, CMI Czechia, Siemens, TU Darmstadt Physics, TU Munich, Dortmund*, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Siegen, Wuerzburg, Herlufsholm Denmark, Parliament of Andalucia, Valencia, HTV Finland, JYU Finland, French National Particle Laboratory, LPTL Jussieu, Paris Psud*, F. Comte, Paris 13, Poitiers*, Savoie, KLTE Campi Hungary, Bar Ilan, Yel Aviv, INFN Naples, NGI Italy, SISSA Italy, Bologna, Medina, Milan, Turin, Luxembourg Sites, CSS Latvia, Univ Malta, RU Netherlands, TU Delft, NTNU Norway, UJ Poland, Astral Romania, Volgograd Russia, MGN Russia, MTS-NN Russia, Ankara Turkey, Kharkov Ukraine, Kiev Ukraine, Bath, Biotechnology and Biological Research Councils, Luton, Oxford Physics, British Government Energis.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar

CNEA Gov Argentina, CSIRO Australia, Gov. Brazil, UEFS, UFF, UFPR Brazil, Concordia Canada, McGill*, Univ British Columbia, Univ of Northern British Columbia Prince George, Univ Quebec Trois Rivieres, LN China, PRI India, Shiraz Iran, Nagoya, Tokyo Japan, Sonora Mexico, Univ Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakistan, IT Ladkrabang Thailand, CHNA Taiwan, Academica Sinica Taiwan, VDC Vietnam.

15 – 30 January

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Austin CC, Berkeley, Bethany Lutheran, Brigham Young, Caltech, California College of the Arts, Allegheny County CC, Cooper*, CPE Moody Bible, California State Univ. Long Beach, City Univ. New York, Dartmouth, Georgia State, Harvard*, Hawaii, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics, MIT*, Michigan State, North Carolina A and T, North Dakota, Northwestern*, Naval Postgraduate School, Old Dominion, Oklahoma State, Pacific, Stanford*, Arkansas, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC Sanat Cruz, UC San Diego, Delaware, Girona (on edu), Florida*, Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas Arlington, Univ Texas*, Tennessee Martin, Toledo, Vermont, Washington, Wednet, William and Mary, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Gov. El Paso Texas, US Food and Drug Administration, US Gov. NOAA, US Social Security, US Dept. Agriculture, Kirtland Airforce Base, Wright Patterson Airforce Base, US Navy Mediterranean, IS Navy NMCI, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Vienna, KU Leuven, EPF Lausanne, Univ. Zurich, Josefka Gymnasium Czechia, Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich, RWTH Aachen, Siemens, Augsburg, Bielefeld, Heidelberg, Jena*, Karlsuhe, Konstanz, Leipzig, Mainz, Ulm, Kollegienet Denmark, Aragon, Barcelona, Granada, Seville, HTV Finland, JYU Finland. IRCAM France, OLEANE France, Nice, Lille 1, Poitiers*, NTUA Greece, RU Netherlands, RU Groningen, TU Eindhoven*, NTNU Norway, Krakow Poland, UB Romania, UBBCLUJ Romania, SBB Serbia, Corbina Russia, HC, OSU Russia, Troitsk, LIU Sweden, UU Sweden, WLB Slovenia, Sik Slovakia, Metu Turkey, Anadolu Turkey, Kharkov Ukraine, Kiev Ukraine, Birmingham City, Bristol, Cambridge*, Durham, Edinburgh, Essex, Luton, Nottingham, Oxford (Keble, Merton, Trinity, physics), Southampton, Swasnea*, University College London, York, Ceredigion.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Gov. Argentina, Gov. Brazil, Concordia* Canada, McGill*, Memorial Univeristy Newfoundland, Perimeter Institute, Univeristy British Columbia, Calgary, Manitoba, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Saskatchewan, Toronto, Victoria, UTFSM Chile, SJTU China, UTP Colombia, IITM India, Shiraz Iran, NIIT Japan, UTM Malaysia, UET Pakistan.

Summary of February 2011
For www.aias.us there were 105,707, 74,230 page views, 12,596 distinct visits, 8.948 gigabytes downloaded, 1,963 documents read from 88 countries, led by USA, Russia, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Austria, Sweden, Mexico, Hungary, Britain, Slovak Republic, …..

All UFT papers and articles by colleagues were read, all talks received an audience.

The most read UFT papers were: 92, 25, 159(Sp), 43, 41, 172, 4, 165, 94, 54, 107, 2, 18, 8, 50, 21, 140, 81, 19, 143, 149, 114, 140(Sp), 74, 96, 53, 88, 110, 104, 131, 142, 29, 76, 131(Sp), 45, 27, 61, 93, 99, 144(Sp), …….

The most read articles were Devices, Felker3 (Sp), Progress in ECE Theory, Levitron, Maxwel III, Maxwell, Devices (Sp), Family History, Special Relativity, Universe of ME.

The leading lectures were: “Nobody is Perfect”, Universe of Myron Evans, Essay 7, Advances in ECE Theory, Deflection of Light by Gravity, Intro 139, 7, 4, 12, 13, 15, 11, 14, 19, 8, 9, 10, 20, 22, 21, 23, ……

From 1st January 2010 to 28th Februrary 2011 there have been 33,430 diary viewings, for February 2011 averaging 100 a day.

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 26,724 hits, 7,967 page views, 3,733 distinct visita, and 0.563 gigabytes downloaded.

For www.upitec.org there were 4,225 hits, 852 page views, 509 distinct visits and 0.680 gigaybtes downloaded.

This gives a total of 136, 656 hits, 83,049 page views, 16, 838 distinct visits and 10.191 gigabytes downloaded.
1 – 15 February

US Universities, Institutes and Similar

Berkeley*, Boise State, Caltech*, Colgate, California State Dominguez Hills, California State Long Beach, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins*, Maine, Colorado School of Mines*, MIT*, New Mexico State, Naval Postgraduate School, Ohio State*, Oregon State, Owens, Penn State, Rice, Rockefeller, Santafe, Stanford, SUNY Stonybrook, Texas A and M*, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, Florida, Illinois Urbana Champaign, New Mexico*, Vermont, Washington, William and Mary, Washington St. Louis, US Bureau of Land Management, NASA, Sandia National Laboratory, US Social Security Administration, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Justice, US Army NGB, Sill, Tactical Command, Amersham, Lockheed Martin*, Motorola, Northrop Grumman*, Aerospace Corporation, World Wide Web Consortium.
Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar

KU Leuven, CERN, EPF Lausanne, FU Berlin, Ruhr University Bochum, RWTH Aachen, Siemens, STW Bonn, TU Berlin, Bremen, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Dronninglund Gymnasium Denmark, Vendia College Denmark, Ministry of Science Spain, Gov. Valencia Spain, TSAI Sapin, Barcelona Autonomous, Granada*, Seville, Salamanca, Vigo, Valencia, Europa, JYU Finland, AC Nancy Metz, French National Particle Laboratory, OBSPM France, Schneider Automation France, Cergy, Brest, Poitiers*, UTC France, NTUA Greece, Szeged Hungary, NUI Galway, Technion Israel, Weizmann, INFN Bologna, INFN Padua, Univ. Padua, Turin, Trieste, Duoman Centras Lithuania, CSSGroup Latvia, RU Netherlands, Wroclaw Poland, Telfort, Joint Institutes for Nuclear Research Russia, Chalmers Sweden, Umea, Uppsala, Bilkent Turkey, Kiev, Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln, Bristol, Huddersfield, Imperial, King’s College London, Lancaster, British National Museum Consortium, Brasenose College Oxford, University College Oxford, Worcester College Oxford, Scotgrid system, St. Andrews, Sussex, University of West Scotland, Warwick, York, National Heath Service.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

CNEA and CBA Gov. Argentina, Defence Australia*, Transport Queensland, Camarqa Govt. Brazil, UFPB, USP Brazil, McGill Canada*, Perimeter Institute, Alberta, British Columbia*, Laval, Quebec Montreal, Quebec Trois Riviers, Saskatchewan, Waterloo, HA China, UO Cuba, INF Cuba, UH Cuba, ULEAM Equador, Unita Equador, IIT Karanpur India, RCIL Gov. India, NARL India, Hokudai Japan, IMS, Osakafu, Tokyo*, Waseda, SQU Oman, Pieas Pakistan, NU Singapore, Chula Thailand, VC Venezuela, UTNG Mexico, UNAM Mexico, UITM Malaysia, Munin Venezuela.

15 – 27 February

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Bowdoin, Caltech, Claremont, Colorado, Columbia, Cornell, Florida State, Georgia College, Iowa State, Illinois, Johns Hopkins, Kansas State, Miami, Notre Dame, New Mexico State, Ohio State, Oregon State, Princeton, Penn State, Purdue, Smithsonian, Stanford, Texas Tech, Ubaguio, Central Florida, Chicago, Connecticut*, UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego*, Delaware, Florida, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Urbana Champaign, Minnesota, U Penn, Puget Sound, Toledo, Yeshiva; US BNL, NIH, Oak Ridge, OSIS, USPTO, Wright Patterson AF Base, US Army Belvoir, US Army SWA, Lockheed Martin.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

TU Vienna, Ghent, ETH Zurich, MUNI Czechia, German National Synchrotron Facility, Jacobs, KFA Juelich, Siemens, Students Bonn, TU Berlin*, TU Chemnitz, TU Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, UCO Pain, UPC*, UPM, UV*, ECP France, Mairie Quimper, OBSPM France, Strasbourg, nice, Poitiers*, UCSQ Hungary, BME Hungary, KFKI Hungary, Szeged, Trinity College Dublin Ireland, INFN Florence, INFN Naples, INFN Padua, Univ. Padua, Units, LTF Luxembourg, IU Netherlands, Leiden, RU Netherlands, Poznan Poland, Warsaw, UA Portugal, SBB Serbia, Corbina Russia, Yaroslav, BTH Sweden, Students UU Sweden*, HCK Slovakia, Odessa Ukraine, Students Aberystwyth, Bristol, Bolton, Churchill Cambridge, CSX Cambridge, Cranfield, Imperial*, Nottingham, Churchill Oxford*, Exeter Oxford, St Annes Oxford, St Hilda Oxford, Southampton, Sussex, York SJ.

Rest of World: Univeristies, Institutes and Similar.

CSIRO Australia, Melbourne, UWS, Defence, UFPR Brazil, UFSAM, USP Brazil, Concordia Canada, McGill*, British Columbia*, Laval, Quebec Montreal, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Waterloo, UCLV Cuba, IITM India, Goa, IIT Karangpur, CAT Gov. India, IRDE India, NARL India, Kyoto*, Titech, Tohoku, Tsukuba, Tokyo, UTNG Mexico, SQU Oman, UOK Pakistan, KMITL Thailand, Betla Venezuela, CPUT South Africa, Witwatersrand.

Summary of March 2011

For www.aias.us there were 105,932 hits, 69,795 page views, 14,579 distinct visits and 7.917 gigabytes downloaded. 2009 documents were read from 96 countries, led by USA, Russia, Britain, Germany, France, Australia, Mexico, Austria, …..

The most read papers were: 143(Sp), 19, 25, 92, 43, 69, 18, 94, 41, 54, 107, 39, 66, 4, 7, 140(Sp), 45, 146, 1, 51, 67, 8, 144, 21, 110, 44, 63, 68, 116, 159, 174, 49, 99, 161, 11, 17, 140, 47, 159(Sp), 132, 158, 131(Sp), 59, 104, 170, 26, 142, 102, ….

The most popular talks were: Universe of Myron Evans, Nobody is Perfect, Deflection of Light by Gravity, Intro to UFT 139, 20, 7, 10, 4, 14, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 23, 12, 22, 15, 19, 21, 17, …

The leading articles by colleagues were: Felker3 (Sp), Latest Family History, Sapcetime Devices (Spanish), Levitron, Spacetime Devices, Space Energy, Galaxies (Sp), Overview of ECE Theory.

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 32,358 hits, 11,820 page views and 4,309 distinct visits, 5.99 gigabytes downloaded.

For www.upitec.org there were 5,414 hits, 864 page views and 545 distinct visits.

This makes a total of 143,404 hits, 82,479 page views and 20,433 individual visits, 13.91 gigabytes downloaded.
1 - 15 March
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Alfred, Bucknell, Caltech*, Colorado, Cornell, Dartmouth, Drexel, Duke, Elgin, Georgia Tech., Harvard, Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, Illinois State Univ., Lehigh*, Louisville*, MIT*, Minnesota State Colleges, North Carolina State*, Ohio State*, Princeton, Penn State, Purdue, Stanford*, Trident Tech, Chicago, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, Delaware, Florida, Illinois Chicago, Toledo, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Federal Bueau of Prisons, Lawrence Livermore, NASA, NIH, NOAA, Sandia, US Navy Med., US Archives, Yonkers Public Schools NYC, SD Medical Center, Dupont, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

ESI Austria, Namur, KU Leuven, CERN*, ETH*, Charles Univ. Prague, Bosch, FU Berlin, Juelich*, Siemens, TU Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Mainz, Rostock, CBS Denmark, Aragon, UA Barcelona, Cordoba, Murcia, Zaragoza, Valencia Tech., Helsinki*, JYU Finland, CAM France, ISAE France, Polytechnique System, Paris Psud, Angers, Avignon, F. Comte, Poitiers*, Savoie, Forthnet Greece, Iskon Croatia, GN Gov. Ireland, NUI Galway, UCD Ireland, INFN Bari, INFN Turin, Bologna, Perugia, ONS Student Net Netherlands, TU Delft, FU Amsterdam, NTNU Norway, UI Oslo, AMU Poland, IFJ Poland, MIMUW Poland, Krakow, SBB Serbia, Corbina Russia, MTS-NN Russia, KTH Sweden, LU Sweden, UU Sweden, NLB Slovenia, SPSMT Slovakia, Gazi Turkey, Gyte Turkey, Kiev Ukraine, Aston, CSX Cambridge*, Dampt Cambridge, Coventry, Durham, Edgehill, Exeter, Hull, Manchester, Newcastle*, Bodleian Oxford, Christchurch Oxford, Physics Oxford*, Sheffield Hallam, Southampton, St. Andrews, British Library, BBC (thls), British Gov Energis and Ministry of Defence, NHS, National Library of Wales, Ysgolion Sir Ga^r (Carmarthen Schools).

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar

Melbourne, Queensland, UNESP Brazil*m Sao Paolo, McMaster Canada, Trinity Western, British Columbia*, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Toronto, Victoria, Waterloo*, UDEA Colombia, Andes*, RI Ministry of Education Cuba, Goa India, SKR India, Kyoto*, IPICYT Mexico, UNAM Mexico, LUMS Pakistan, NU Singapore, NCKU Taiwan, NCU*, NSYSU, NTHU*, Academica Sinica Taiwan, Univ Zulu South Africa, Witwatersrand.

15 - 30 March
US Universities, Institutes and Similar

Brandeis, Caltech, Colorado*, Colorado State, Cornell, Duke*, Eastern Kentucky, Elgin, IUPUT, Lehigh, MIT, Mount St. Mary’s, Northeastern, New York Univ., Pittsburgh, Rutgers, Stanford*, SUNY Stonybrook, Syracuse, UC Santa Barbara, Univ. Iowa, UNC Asheville, New Hampshire, South Carolina, South Florida, Utah, Wisconsin, Yale, US Gov. Mine Safety and Health, National Institutes of Health, Oak Ridge, US Social Security; AFNOC Military, NMCI Navy, Dow, Honeywell.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities Institutes and Similar

Medical Faculty Univ. Vienna, Brussels, ETH Zurich, Belfort, Geneva, HS offenburg, Max Planck Stuttgart, TU Berlin, TU Chemnitz, TU Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Jena*, Karlsruhe, Leipzig*, Aragon, EUSS Spain, Madrid Autonomus, Granada, Canaries, Valencia Tech., Seville, Valladolid, Helsinki*, Kyla, Tontut Finland, AC Nancy Metz France, grenoble, INP France, INPG, Univ Psud France, Strasbourg*, UHP Nancy, F. Comte, Lille 3, Poitiers*, Rennes 1, Bar Ilan Israel, INFN Turin, Modena*, Perugia, CSS Group Latvia, RU Netherlands, Utrecht Netherlands, HIST Norway, UIO Norway*, European Trade Union Organization, AGH Poland, Wroclaw, PUB Romania, SBB Serbia, Chalmers Sweden, BPKS Russia, Corbina, Debryansk, Dubna, MTS-NN Russia, Novosibirsk, HCKSlovakia, Anadolu, Ankara, Gantep*, Uludag Turkey, SUMDU Ukraine, Brooke’s, Brooklands, Cambridge, Cranfield, Durham*, King’s College London, Kent, Lancaster, Leeds, Nottingham, Bodleian Library Oxford, University College Oxford, Palmers, Queen Mary Univ. London, Sussex, Univ. College London, British Library*, Ministry of Defence, National Health Service, Libraries in Northern Ireland, Llyfregell Gendlaethol Cymru, National Library of Wales.

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