Overview of ece theory : the collapse of the standard model

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Rest of World, Universities , Institutes and Similar.

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, GBA Gov. Argentina, Australian National University, Sydney, DU Bangla Desh, UGJH Brazil, UFPB, Sao Paolo, AEI Canada, Simon Frazer, Calgary, Laval, Manitoba, McGill, New Brunswick, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Toronto, Waterloo*, UDLA Colombia, UNAL Colombia, BUH India, RVRJCCE India, IGCAR, RCIL India, Tokyo, Japanese Particle Lab. (KEK), KAIST, Postech, Sogang Korea, UNAM Mexico, UEM Mozambique, Auckland, PUCP Peru, LUMS Pakistan, New PU, PIEAS, QAU, IUB, UET Pakistan, National University of Singapore, NWU South Africa, Univ. of South Africa, UNP, UWC, Witwatersrand South Africa.

Summary of March 2012

For www.aias.us there were 102,598 hits from 18,817 distinct visits, 12.97 gigabytes downloaded, 68,253 page views, 2,503 documents read from 102 countries, led by US, Argentina, Britain, Australia, Germany, Canada, Mexico, ....

All UFT papers read, led by 25, 43, 4, 41, 166, 54, 159(Spanish), 16, 88, 166(Spanish), 177(Spanish), 209,.......

All essays heard, led by: 3 (Deflection of Light by Gravity), Nobody is Perfect, 5 (Reform of the University of Wales), 46, 8, 37, 24, 9, 28,29, 32, 6, 14, 4, 35, 4, 48, Nobody is Perfect (RC), 16, 17, 20, 25, 7, 34, 50, 38, 47, 26, 64,40, 36, 45, 33, 10, 18, 61, 11, 62, 15, 27, ,63, 60, 21, 43, 59, 42, 19, 22, 23, 52, 30, 41, 58, 39, 53, 54, 44, ......

All Articles and books read, led by Felker3 (Spanish), Etherington Report, Space Energy Devices, Johnson Magnets, Autobiography, Spacetime Devices, Levitron, Space Energy, ....

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 37124 hits, 12,462 page views, 6,493 visits and 4.86 gigabytes.

For www.upitec.org there were 6.702 hits, 700 visits, 1,101 page views and 1.00 gigabytes downloaded.

This makes a total of 146,424 hits, 26,010 visits, 81,816 page views and 18.83 gigabytes downloaded.
1-15 March
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Arizona, Arizona State, Boston University, Caltech*, Catholic Healthcare West, Central Michigan, Colorado, Cornell, California State University Long Beach, Georgia Tech*, Harvard*, Hawaii, Harvey Mudd, Kansas State, King Saud (on edu)*, MIT*, New Mexico State, North Dakota University system, Northwestern*, Naval Postgraduate School, Oberlin, Oklahoma, Pacific Lutheran, Sinteg Leska, Ana Mendez, Southwest Research Institute, Chicago, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, Florida*, Georgia, Ibadan (on edu), Illinois Chicago, Illinois Urbana Champaign, Incarnate Word, Maryland, Missouri Kansas City, Nevada Lincoln, Texas Arlington, West Florida, Vanderbilt, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Western Washington, US Government NOAA, Clayton State, US Courts, West Virginia, US Airforce AFNOC, US Airforce Kirtland, Army Research Laboratory, US Army Mepcom, US Military Disa, US Navy NMCU*, Intel, Microsoft, US Archives*, Baldwin County Public Schools, Chicago Public Library, Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

JKU Austria, EPF Lausanne, VSPJ Czechia, German Aerospace Centre, Red Cross Freiburg, Albert Einstein Institute, TU Braunschweig, TU Darmstadt, TU Munich, Goettingen, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Paderborn, Rostock, Danish Technical University, College Net Denmark, Talin Estonia, Cartif Spain, INTA Spain, Gov. Andalucia, RENFE, Autonomous Barcelona, Complutensian Madrid*, Cordoba, Granada, Autonomous Madrid, Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Canaries, Polytechnic Madrid, Polytechnic Valencia, Salamanca, Valencia, Helsinki*, TPU, UTU Finland, CHU Caen(, CNRS Orleans, French Observatory, Lille 1, Poitiers, Rennes 1, Savoie, Bcenter Hungary, DIMA Hungary, Univ Transylvania Romania, Tel Aviv, SISSA Italy, Trieste, Milan, PFI Lithuania, MPE Latvia, Physics Leiden, TU Eindhoven, HIN Norway, Lodz Poland, Corbina Russia, Novosibirsk, yandex system, Uppsala Sweden, VRG Sweden, Anadolu Turkey, Iyte, Aberystwyth, Bristol, Brookes, Durham*, Edinburgh*, Glasgow, Imperial*, King’s College London Students’ Union, Liverpool John Moores, Keele, Lancaster, Leeds, Luton, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham*, Lady Margaret Hall Oxford, NSMS Oxford, Physics Oxford*, Queen’s Belfast, Swansea, British Library, Orkney Council, NHS, Ysgol CCC, Surrey, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

MDP Argentina, UNLP Argentina, ANU Australia, Sydney*, Defence Asutralia, McGill*, OCDSB, Gov. Quebec, Queen’s, Alberta, British Columbia, Victoria*, Biobio Chile, UCN Chile, UDEA Colombia, UNAL Colombia, IITK India, IITM India, BARC India, TUT Iran, Tohoku Japan, Japanese National Particle Lab (KEK), KAIST* Korea, Korea, UGTO Mexico, Auckland New Zealand, Otago, UCT South Africa, UNP South Africa.

15 - 30 March

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Arizona*, Arizona State, Berkeley, Buffalo, Caltech, Carleton, Central Michigan*, Colorado*, Cornell, Fox Valley Technical College, Hampshire College, Iowa State, Kansas State, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (on edu), Kansas State, Maine, MIT*, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Missouri University of Science and Technology, New Mexico Tech., Ohio State, Oregon State, Oklahoma, Penn State, Reed, Stonybrook, Texas A and M, Florida, Illinois Chicago,

Michigan*, Minnesota, Catalonia Polytechnic on edu, South Carolina, Wyoming, Washington, Wayne State, Wesleyan, Wheaton, Wisconsin*, Brookhaven, District of Columbia, Food and Drug Administration, NASA, National Institutes of Health*, NOAA, Dept. Of Agriculture, Virginia, Missile Defense Agency, General Electric, International Education Corporation, Lokheed Martin, Northrop Grumman*, Raytheon*, US Archives, Baltimore Police, IEEE, Methacton School District, Kentucky Schools, Peak Organization.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar

Austrian Institute of Technology, Linz, Graz, UACG Bulgaria, Sofia, CERN*, VSPJ Czechia, Red Cross Freiburg, Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich, Siemens, TU Darmstadt*, Hannover, Leipzig*, Muenster, Saarland, Niles Bohr Institute Denmark, Talin Estonia, Autonomous Madrid, Barcelona, Complutensian Madrid*, Cordoba*, Polytechnic Madrid, Juan Carlos, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Spanish Parliament, TPU Finland, ENS Lyon, IMAG, Jussieu, Caen, Limoges, Poitiers, Rennes 1, Tours, Toulouse, UPS Toulouse, UTC; JCT Israel, Weizmann, Iceland, INFN Pavia, rome1, Rome2, Milan Polytechnic, Modena, Siena, Turin, Trento, MPE Latvia, TU Eindhoven, Utrecht, Oslo, Lodz, Torun, PK, Gdansk, UVT Romania, Corbina Russia, Albanova Sweden, LTH, LTU, UU Sweden, NLB Slovenia, NTS Serbia, Anadolu Turkey, Iyte, Metu, Kiev, Odessa, Aberystwyth, Brooklands, Brunel, Cranfield, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Leicester, Nottingham*, Hertford College Oxford, Oxford University, Queen Mary London, Sheffield*, Swansea, NHS, Royal Society, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar

UNC Argentina, Gov. Argentina, Gov.Australia, UFAL, UFPB, UFPR, UFRN Brazil, Acadia, McGill, Queen’s, Alberta, British Columbia*, Calgary, Trois Rivieres*, Saskatchewan, Sherbrooke, Waterloo, IIA Chile, Biobio, UCN, UCV Chile, XJTU China, UNAL, UDEA Colombia, IIAP India, IUT Iran, Kure-NCT Japan, Sony*, KAIST Korea, UTHM Malaysia, NCP Pakistan, New Pakistan, Chula Thailand, NCTU, NCU,NTHU Taiwan, SUN, UNP South Africa.

Summary of April 2012
For www.aias.us there were 91,842 hits from 16,052 distinct visits, 10.02 gigabytes downloaded, 59,937 page views, 2,491 documents read from 106 countries, led by US, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Australia, Japan ......

All 216 UFT papers read led by: 43, 25, 94, 4, 107, 88, 159(Sp), 54, 158, 166, 177(Sp), 177, 140 (Sp), 142, 175 (Sp), 170 (Sp), 142 (Sp), 169 (Sp), 140, 18, 39, 41, 116, 165 (Sp), 169, ....

All 65 essay broadcasts heard led by: Light Deflection by Gravitation, Nobody is Perfect, 7, 28, 44, 6, 9, 29, 32, 34, 47, 5, 48, 25, 45,46, 50, 35, 54, 8, 27, 49, 56, 42, 51, 58, 62, 64, 41, 53, 60, ......

Documents led by: OO461, OO594, OO595, OO472, OO446, OO593, Felker 3 (Sp), OO591, OO462, Space Energy (Sp), Human Soul Jackson, Autobiography, Nikola Who broadcast by Robert Cheshire, .....

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 38,381 hits, 6,180 visits, 11,661 page views, and 4.76 gigabytes downloaded.

For www.upitec.org there were 6,589 hits, 660 visits, 1,165 page views and 1.05 gigabytes downloaded.

This gives a total of 136,812 hits, 22,892 visits, 72,763 page views and 15.83 gigabytes downloaded.
1 - 15 April
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Andrews, Arizona State, Berkeley*, Bryn Mawr, Boston University*, Colorado*, Columbia, Cornell*, California State University Fresno, Depaul, Eastern New Mexico, Florida State University, Georgia Southern, Harvard*, Humboldt, Loyola, Maine, Miami, Colordo School of Mines, MIT*, Montana, Medical University of South Carolina, New York University, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh, Plymouth, New York Polytechnic, Princeton, Penn State, Purdue, Redwoods*, Rose Hulman, Rutgers, Southeast Missouri State, Stonybrook, SUNY Stonybrook, Southwest Research Institute, Texas A and M*, Tufts, Arkansas, Central Florida*, Chicago, UCLA, Illinois Chicago, Iowa, Michigan*, Nevada Lincoln, South Dakota, Toledo, Virginia, Vermont, West Florida, Western Washington, Navy Spawar, NASA JPL, NASA NDC, US Gove Parcel Service, Virginia, General Electric, Lockheed Martin, US Archives*, Berkeley Public Library, Lee Academy, Peak, Peertech.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Royal Society of Chemistry, EPF Lausanne, Zurich, SLU Czechia, JYU Finland, German Synchrotron Facility, Humboldt, IKB, Albert Einstein Institute, RWTH Aachen, Stuttgart, Wuppertal, AENA Spain, CSIC Spain, EHU Spain, Autonomous Barcelona, Autonomous Madrid, Barceloan, Complutensian Madrid, Iovi, Valencia, CHI Elbeuf Louviers, ESPCI France, INSA Lyon, Polytechnique, Nice, Poitiers, Tela Aviv, Technion, INFN Florence, Trieste, Rome 1, Turin, TU Eindhoven, UVT Romania, Amres Serbia, UNS Serbia, MTS-NN Russia, Corbina, yandex, HCK Slovakia, Association of Commonwealth Universities, Bristol, Cambridge*, Cardiff, Exeter, Imperial*, Luton, Newcastle, Oxford, Sheffield Hallam, Stranmillis, University College London, University of East Anglia, Warwick.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNLP Argentina, UNT, Australian National, UNESP Brazil, McGill*, Perimeter Institute, Simon Frazer*, Saskatchewan, Waterloo, Quebec Trois Rivieres, TIE Chile, Univ. Chile, UCV, UTA Chile, UNAL Colombia, UGM Indonesia, Hokudai, Tohoku, Tokaha, Tokyo, Sony*, KAIST Korea, INAOEP Mexico, FJWU Pakistan, LUMS, QAU, National Univ. Rwanda, SQU Oman, National Taiwan Univ., AIMS South Africa.

15 - 29 April
US Universities, Institutes and Similar

Andrews, Arizona State, Bowdoin, Boston University, Central Michigan, Colorado, Cornell*, Case Western Reserve, Florida State, Georgia Tech., Harvard, Harvey Mudd, Johns Hopkins, National Aerospace Ukraine on edu (KHAI), Kansas State, Lousiana Community and Technical College System, Lehigh, Loyola New Orleans, Mercer, Miami, MIT, Michigan State*, North Carolina State, NIT Poducherry India (on edu), Northern Kentucky, New Mexico Tech., North Dakota System, Northwestern, New York University, Ohio State Medical Center, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh, New York Polytechnic, Penn State, Rutgers, St Olaf, Stonybrook, Texas A and M, Tufts, Central Florida, Chicago, University of California San Diego, U Mass, Minnesota Twin Cities, Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, Nevada Las Vegas, Nebraska Lincoln, U Penn., Utah*, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Yale, Bureau of Prisons, National Research Council, Army Stuttgart, US Coast Guard, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, US Archives*, Lee Academy.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

TU Graz, Vienna, Linz, Siemens Austria, KU Leuven, Morris Chapman Belgium, Ghent, CCUT Czechia, HU Berlin, Albert Einstein Institute, Ruhr Bochum, RWTH Aachen, Siemens*, STW Bonn, TU Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Muenster, Tuebingen, Ulm, CSIC Spain, Gov. Anlalucia*, Ministry of Defence Spain, Autonomous Barcelona, Autonomous Madrid, Complutensian Madrid, Iovi, Polytechnic Madrid, Valencia, Spanish Parliament, JYU Finland, ENS Lyon, INSA Lyon, LPTHE Jussieu, UJF Grenoble, Lille 1, Marseilles, Paris 13, Poitiers, South Britanny, AUTH Greece, UC Dublin, Hebrew Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Csi Italy, ENI Italy, INFN Bari, Milan Polytech, Modena, Utrecht, Free Amsterdam, NTNU Norway, UIB Norway, UTL Russia, St Petersburgh Russia, Chalmers Sweden, Joseph Stefan Slovenia, Novosibirsk Avademy of Sciences, Iyte Turkey, Metu, Royal Society of Chemistry, European Trade Union, Abeyrystwyth , Birmingham Central, Cambridge*, Durham, Edinburgh*, Imperial*, Lancatse, Leicester, Luton*, Manchester*, Nottingham, Chemistry Oxford, Oriel College Oxford, VPN Oxford, Sheffield, Southampton, Stranmillis, Warwick, Emannuel CTC Tyneside.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar

ITBA Argentina, Citefa Gov. Argentina, ITBA Argentina, Latrobe Australia, Monash*, RMIT Australia, UFRGS Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo, Banff Centre Canada, Canadian Gov. Nuclear Safety, McGill, Laval, Quebec Trois Rivieres, Toronto, Waterloo, UCN Chile, UDEC, UFRO, UTA, UTFSM Chile, UDEA Colombia, UNAD, UNAL, Ustatunja, Jijel Algeria, Ambou Ethiopia, ULEAM Ecuador, IGCAR Gov. India, RCIL Gov. India, Keio Japan, Tohoku, Japanese Advanced Science Organisation (RIKEN), Korean Advanced Science Institute*, UGTO Mexico, UNAM*, Auckland New Zealand, Otago*, CIIT Lahore Pakistan, LUMS Pakistan, New PU, KYU Taiwan, NTU* Taiwan, Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa.



Summary of May 2012
For www.aias.us there were 92,084 hits, 14.07 gigabytes downloaded, 18,527 distinct visits, 58,718 page views, 2,512 documents read from 99 countries led by US, Germany, Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico, France, Britain, Canada, Australia .....

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 43,760 hits, 13,697 page views, 7,361 visits, 5.08 gigabytes.

For www.upitec.org there were 5,847 hits, 1,010 pages, 698 visits, 0.95 gigabytes.

This gives a total of 141,691 hits, 73,425 pages, 26,586 visits, 20.1 gigabytes downloaded.

All UFT papers studied, led by: 25, 94, 177(Sp), 166, 41, 88, 4, 142, 198, 216, 159(Sp), 177, 54, 170(Sp), 56, 107, 157(Sp), 38, 45, 30, 149, 217, 140, 43, 175(Sp), 9, 116, 150B,196, 2, 110, 174, 65, ......

All essays read and broadcasts heard, led by 3, 50, 32, Intro139, Nobody is Perfect, 48, 29, 46, 49, 24, 6, 38, 8, 45, 34, 44, 35, 36, 62, 7,37, 4, 40, 56, 5, 53, 9, 27, 28, 30, 10, 12, 20, 47, ....

All other material read, led by: Felker3 (Spanish), Spacetime Devices, Felker5 (Sp), Levitron, Autobiography volume one, LCR Resonant, CV, Space Energy, Galaxies (Sp), Triple Orbit Simulation, Marquis Who’s Who 2007, .........
1 - 15 May

US Universities, Institutes and Similar

Arizona, Brandeis, Bryn Mawr, Boston, California Polytech., Caltech, Colorado*, Cornell, Drexel, Florida State, Geneseo, Indiana, Indiana Purdue Indianapolis, Kansas, Macon State, Colorado School of Mines*, MIT*, Northern Arizona, Northwestern, Naval Postgraduate School, New York, New York Polytechnic, Princeton*, Penn Statae, Purdue, Reed, Rider, Texas A and M, Thiagaraj Engineering India (on edu), Temple, Texas Tech., Univ Chicago*, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara*, UC San Diego, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Urbana Champaign, U Mass., Maryland, North Carolina Charlotte, Nevada Las Vegas, Pompeu Fabra (on edu), Texas*, Washington*, Wisconsin, Xavier, Brookhaven, NOAA Alaska Weather Service, US Archives*, Grand Island Public Schools Nebraska, Mesquite Independent School District, General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon
Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar

Vienna, Virtual Campus Graz, EPF Lausanne, ETH Zurich*, Zurich, Brno, FH Duesseldorf, Max Planck Berlin History of Science, Ruhr Bochum, RWTH Aachen, Siemens, TU Darmstadt, Freiburg, Marburg*, Regensburg, Stuttgart, South Denmark, ENDESA Gov. Spain, Gov. Canaries, Autonomous Madrid, Complutensian Madrid*, Granada, National Distance Education University, Canaries, Polytechnic Madrid, Valencia*, French Atomic Energy Authority, French National Synchrotron Facility, French National Particle Laboratory, Paris Observatory Meudon, Poitiers*, National Technical University Athens, ATT Greece, Eotvos Lorand Hungary, Hebrew University Jerusalem*, INFN Milan, Milan Polytechnic, Trieste, Florence, Modena, Perugia, MII Lithiania, Leiden, Radboud, Groningen, TU Delft, Royal Society of Chemistry, Wroclaw, NIPNE Romania, NI Serbia, TLT Russia, Vologda, Chalmers Sweden, Karolinska Institute, Lund, Stockholm, Uppsala*, Istanbul Technical University, Metu*, Kiev, Lviv, Aberdeen, Aberystwyth, Bristol, Cambridge, Jesus College Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham*, Glasgow*, Heriot Watt, Imperial, Leeds, Luton, New College Oxford, Sommerfield College Oxford, Reading, Southampton, Strathclyde, Neath Port Talbot Council.

Rest of the World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

MDP Argentina, Adelaide, Charles Sturt, Monash, South Australia, Melbourne*, Western Australia, Sydney, PSI Brazil, UFG, UFMG, UFPB, UNB, Unicamp Brazil, Dalhousie, EC Gov Quebec, Perimeter Institute, British Columbia, Quebec, Quebec Trois Rivieres Saskatchewan, Waterloo, Central Chile, Univ. Chile, UFRO, Mayor, UTA, UTFSM Chile, Tsinghua* China, UDEA Colombia, National Univ Colombia*, University of Technology Colombia, RCIL India*, IMSC, Physics Research Laboratory India, Shahed Iran, Keio Japan, Osaka, Tokyo, RIKEN Gov. Japan, National Advanced Institute Japan, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology*, UGTO Mexico, Uruguay, Cape Town, Pretoria, Office of the President of South Africa.

15 - 30 May
US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Bryn Mawr, Boston, Buffalo, Caltech, Carleton, Chapman, Colorado, Cornell, Dartmouth, Drexel, Duke, Florida Atlantic, Georgia Tech., Georgetown, Harvard, Hawaii, Middlebury*, Montana, Morgan, New Mexico State, Oberlin, Ohio State*, Ohio, Princeton, Renselaer, Santarosa, Stanford, SUNY Stonybrook, Texas Southern, Texas Tech., Chicago, UC Santa Cruz*, Houston, Illinois Urbana Champaign, Minnesota*, North Carolina Charlotte, New Hampshire, Washington, Brookhaven, Lawrence Livermore, NASA, US 24th Airforce AFNOC, US Army Strategic Command, US Army HUA, US Navy NMCI, US Archives*, DCBOCES Poughkeepsie, Freemont Union High School, J Sterling Morton High School, Montgomery County Public Schools, University Medical Center of Princeton, Conoco Phillips, Dupont, Hewlett Packard Houston, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Philips, Wolfram.

Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

CERN, ETH, Bern, Zurich, Charles University Prague, UPCE Czechia, Upol Czechia, Bavarian State Library Munich, German National Synchrotron Facility, Fraunhofer, KFA Juelich, MAN Engineering*, Max Planck Plasma Physics, Max Planck SB, Students Bonn, TU Dresden, Freiburg, Hamburg, Jena, Regensburg, Aarhus* Denmark, Aarhus Hospitals, Argon, Astrophysics Canaries, Autonomous Madrid, Barcelona*, Murcia*, Spanish Distance Education University, Polytechnic Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia*, Free University, Valladolid, Spanish Parliament, European Union Parliament, INSA Lyon, SNECAM France, FComte, Poitiers*, AUTH Greece, CYTA Greece, ICTP Trieste, INFN Naples, INRIM Italy, Univ Trieste, Rome 2, Udine, Ancona, Groningen, UIN Norway, Polish Academy of Sciences, Silesian University, Porto. PUB Romania, AMRES Serbia, UNS Serbia, JINR Dubna, LU Sweden, Uppsala, Istanbul Technological University, Metu*, Kocaeli, Aberystwyth, Cambridge*, Darwin College Cambridge, St John’s College Cambridge, Wolfson College Cambridge, Cardiff, City University London, Durham*, Edinburgh, Exeter, Imperial*, Manchester*, Oxford, New College Oxford, University College Oxford, Queen’s University Belfast, Reading, Sheffield, Southampton, North Yorkshire Schools.

Rest of World: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

UNLP Argentina, UTN Argentina, Monash*, Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney, RBA Gov Australia, Gov South Australia, UFPB Brazil*, UFPE Brazil, UFRJ, UFSM, Unicamp, Sao Paolo*, AEI Canada, Perimeter Institute, British Columbia*, Quebec Trois Rivieres, CECS Chile, Central, UCN, UFRO, URA, Tsinghua China*, Andes Colombia, Valle, Gov. Colombia, Esoch Ecuador, UGM Indonesia, IMSC India, TIFR India, Nagaoka, Tohoku, KAIST, UGTO Mexico*, USON, MMU Malaysia, Otago, PUCP Peru*, AIOU Pakistan, New University Pakistan, NUST, PIEAS, QAU, NCTU Taiwan, NCU, NFU, National Institute of Physics Uruguay, Gov Uruguay, ORT Uruguay, UC Venezuela, Rhodes Univ South Africa, Northwestern University South Africa.

Summary of June 2012
For www.aias.us there were 80,162 hits from 16,130 distinct visits, 52,419 page views, 8.625 gigabytes downloaded, 2,564 documents read from 101 countries, led by US, Britain, Ukraine, Mexico, Canada, Russia, Argentina, .....

For www.atomicprecision.com there were 32.105 hits, 9,336 page views, 4,736 visits and 3.58 gigabytes downloaded.

For www.upitec.org there were 5,690 hits, 1,082 page views, 694 visits, 0.89 gigabytes.

This gives a total of 117,957 hits, 62,837 page views, 21,560 visits, 13.1 gigabytes.

All UFT papers read, led by 25, 88, 18, 41, 4, 107, 159(Sp), 43, 63, 157(Sp), 177, 140(Sp), 29, 175(Sp), 94, 155(Sp), 170, 165(Sp), 2, 140, 33, 166, 142(Sp), 146(Sp), 142, 15, 30, 37, 42, 149, 57, 7, .....

All Essays heard, led by: 3 (Light Reflection by Gravitation), 49 (Mythical Higgs Boson), 37, 45 (Future of General Relativity), 6, 38, Nikola Who?, 25, 35, 32, 50, 8, 28, 46, 48, 5, 47, 43, 7, 44, paper 139 introduction, 29, 24, 30, 53, 9, 51, 62, 41, 15, 16, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 13, 18, 26, 39, 4, 40, 42, 52, 44, 41(Sp), ......

All articles and books read, led by: Felker3 (Sp), LCR Resonant, Autobiography, Sapce Devices (Sp), .......
1-16 June

US Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Bowling Green State, Boston University, Cornell*, California State Bakersfield, Case Western Reserve, El Camino, Emory, Georgetown, Hawaii, Indiana, Morgan, Michigan Technological, NITT India (on edu), New Jersey Institute of Technology, New York University, Ohio State, Rose Hulman, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Trinity College Hartford, Chicago, UC Irvine, UCLA, Connecticut, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz*, Florida, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Tennessee Knoxville, Vermont, Washington, William and Mary, U. S. Gov. Homeland Security, Library of Congress, NOAA, US Airforce AFNOC, US Archives*, Colonial Hills Christian School Georgia, BAE Systems, Dupont, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin.
Europe and Asia Minor: Universities, Institutes and Similar.

Innsbruck Medical Austria, Linz, Leoben, Leuven Belgium, CERN, EPF Lausanne, Belfort Switzerland, UPCE Czechia, ZCU; Fraunhofer Germany, Bielefeld*, Goettingen, Heidelberg, Jena, Karlsruhe, Oldenburg, Stuttgart, Ulm, WH Stuttgart, Aarhus Denmark, Gov. Andalucia, Gov. Canaries, Autonomous Barcelona, Autonomous Madrid, Complutensian Madrid*, Granada*, Spanish Distance Learning University, Malaga, Cartagena Polytechnic, Valencia; IMAG France, French National Particle Laboratory, IRCAM, ISAE, ANN Pierre et Marie Curie LIRMM, SORHEA, Nice, Limoges, Poitiers, Zagreb, NUIM Ireland, Hebrew University Jerusalem, INFN Florence, INFN Ferrara, INFN Rome 2, Milan Polytechnic, Siemens Italy, Bologna*, Trieste, Oslo Norway, Jagiellonian Krakow, Warsaw University of Medicine, Technical University Lisbon Portugal, Serbian Academy, EPS Serbia, Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Nuclear Research, Metu University Turkey*, Cambridge*, King’s College Cambridge, Churchill College Cambridge, Carnegie College Fife, Cranfield, Eastleigh, Imperial*, Manchester, Magdalen College Oxford, Sheffield, British Library.

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