O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

XXIV. Quyidagi savollarga matndan javob bering

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XXIV. Quyidagi savollarga matndan javob bering:

  1. Who was the sponsor of the conference?

  2. How many days did the conference last?

  3. What kind of conference was it?

  4. What were the results of the conference?

XXV. Matn mazmuniga qarab sarlavhalarni belgilang:

  1. Language Problem.

  2. A good Opportunity.

  3. 78 sessions.

XXVI. “Konferensiyani tashkil etish”,

Konferensiyani o’tkazishdan maqsad”,

Konferensiyadan olingan ta’ssurotlar”

Haqida ingliz tilida gapirib bering.
XXVII. Ushbu reja asosida ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya tayyorlang:

  1. Making of the Conference Program.

  2. List of the Participants and Guests.

  3. Forms of Publications.

  4. Invitations of the Participants.

  5. Meeting of the Participants.

XXVIII. Ma’ruzalar tayyorlang:

  1. Opening of the Conference.

  2. Reports, discussions and comments of the participants.

  3. Closing speech.

  4. Cultural program.

C o n f e r e n c e t e r m i n o l o g y

XXIX. Quyidagi so’z va iboralarni esda saqlang:
1. Conference program.
address ma’ruza, nutq

closing address yakunlovchi nutq

secretary kotib

general secretary bosh kotib

to act as a secretary kotiblik vazifasini bajarmoq

to appoint a secretary kotib tayinlash

to elect a secretary kotib saylash
speaker (main, plenary, poster) - ma’ruzachi (asosiy, ochilishdagi, ko’rgazmadagi).

draft program (preliminary, final, evening) – dastur loyihasi (ochilish, yakunlovchi, kechki).

to develop a program – dastur tuzmoq

reception (informal, official) – qabul (norasmiy, rasmiy).

2. List of participants and guests.

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