O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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to accept an invitation – taklifni qabul qilmoq

to turn down an invitation – taklifni qaytarmoq

call for abstracts – maqolani qabul qilish haqida bildirish

card (registration, membership, visiting) – ro’yhatdan o’tadigan chaqiruv qog’ozi

to receive a form – blankani qabul qilmoq
XXX. Ikkitadan bo’lib ishlash uchun vazifa
O’zaro bir-biringizni tekshiring:

  1. May I have your attention please? – Diqqat qilishingizni so’rayman.

  2. It’s a great honor for me to chair this discussions – Bu munozaralarga qatnashish men uchun katta baxt.

  3. The topic of the discussion is … - munozara mavzusi …

  4. And now we would like to hear from Pr. Anderson … - Endi biz professor Andersenni tinglashni istar edik.

  5. Please, identify yourself and let us know where you are from – Marhamat, o’zingizni kimligingizni va qayerdan ekaningizni ayting.

  6. Go up the rostrum, and make use one of the microphones, please – Iltimos, minbarga chiqing va mikrofonlardan birida gapiring.

  7. Keep to the point, please – Munozara mazmunidan chetga chiqmang, marhamat.

  8. This point is not under discussion to day – Bugun bu savol muhokama qilinmaydi.

  9. I am going to enlarge (elaborate) on the arguments… - Men… bo’yicha batafsil to’htalmoqchiman.

  10. I want to take up (touch) upon a point in … - Men … savollarga to’htalmoqchiman.

  11. I would like to draw your attention… - Sizning diqqatingizni …ga tortmoqchiman.

  12. There is another point that … - Yana bitta nuqtai nazar bor…

  13. In this connection I want to give you my views on this subject – Shu bilan bogliq bo’lgan savol bo’yicha o’z fikrimni aytmoqchiman.

  14. I want to summarize a few points – Shu nuqtai nazardan men o’zimning bir nechta fikrlarimni aytmoqchi edim.

  15. I would like to ask – So’ramoqchi edim.

  16. Could the author say – Muallif aytishi mumkinki…

  17. How could you interpret the contradictions? - Siz bu qarama qarshilikni qanday tushuntira olasiz?

  18. I have a comment on – Shu masala bo’yicha mendan mulohaza bor.

  19. I don’t agree with you – Men qarshiman.

  20. I can hardly agree with you - Sizning fikringizga qiyinchilik bilan qo’shilaman.

  21. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Blanks, nevertheless I can not share this approach to this problem – Men doctor Blenksni juda hurmat qilaman, lekin shunga qaramasdan uning bu masalaga shunday yondoshishga qo’shilaman.

Revision exercise

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