1. Essence and contents of education process. Laws and orientations of education.5
The notion of education, aim and general objects of education……………..5
1.2. Characteristics of education process…………………………………………8
1.3. Laws and orientations of education…………………………………………..9
2. Community education as object and subject of education……………………..10
2.1. The notion of community…………………………………………………….10
2.2. The gist of organizing pupils' community and principles…………………....13
2.3. Degrees of developing and steps of forming pupils'community……………..13
2.4. Basic conditions of pupils'community progress……………………………..17
3. General methods of education…………………………………………………22
3.1. Notion about methods of education………………………………………….22
3.2. Classification of methods of education………………………………………23
3.3. Methods that form social-consciousness……………………………………..24
3.4. Establishing an action and norms of social-behaviour……………………….27
3.5. Pedagogical stimulation is the method of correcting behavior………………28
4. Establishing scientific outlook of pupils and intelectual education……………32
4.1. Establishing independently thinking, scientific outlook and national idea is the
component of education process………………………………………………….32
4.2. Components of establishing scientific outlook of pupils…………………….33
4.3. Aims and objects of intellectual education…………………………………...34
4.4. Tools of intellectual education……………………………………………….34
4.5. Economic education as the component of establishing pupils'
4.6. Ecological education of pupils……………………………………………….37
5. Citizenship education……………………………………………………….....38
5.1. Aims, objects and methods of citizenship education……………………….38
5.2. State symbols in the process of educating citizenship to pupils……………40
5.3. Aims, objects and methods of patriotism and internationalism……………..46
5.4. Legal education………………………………………………………………50
5.5. Establishing legal consciousness and culture to
youth is the component of
citizenship education……………………………………………………………...54
6. Moral-ethical education……………………………………………………….55
6.1. Aims and objects of moral-ethical education……………………………….55
6.2. Forms and methods of moral-ethical education……………………………...58
6.3. Essence of morally-ethically educating children in family…………………60
6.4. Educating conscious discipline on pupils……………………………………61
7. Labour, physical and aesthetic education of pupils……………………………64
7.1. Aims and objects of labour education………………………………………..64
7.2. Essence and methods of labour education……………………………………65
7.3. Aims and objects of physical education……………………………………70
7.4. Tools of physical education………………………………………………...70
7.5. Aims and objects of aesthetic education……………………………………71
7.6. Tools of aesthetic education……………………………………………….73
8. Management of educational institution………………………………………73
8.1. Notion about the management of educational institution……………………73
8.2. Managing educational institution…………………………………………….75
8.3. The Charter of educational institution is a document that clarifies the
system of
directing and controlling………………………………………………………….78
8.4. Internal governance of educational institution……………………………….81
8.5. Organizing methodical acts at educational institution……………………….89
8.6.Essence of diognosis of education……………………………………………92
8.7.Functions of control and accounting in the edukational process……………..93
8.8.Principles of diognosis of education…………………………………………97
8.9.Types,forms and methods of recording the results of educational activies…97
8.10.Criteria for assessing students' knowledge,skills and abilities……………..101
9. Basics of special educational needs pedagogy………………………………..103
9.1. Special educational needs pedagogue as the section of pedagogy………….103
9.2. Objects, essence, methods of special educational needs pedagogy…………104
9.3. Inclusive education…………………………………………………………105
9.4. Abnormal children and their general characteristics……………………….108
9.5. Children who have
defects on mental development, vision,
hearing and
9.6. Social status of abnormal children in the Republic of Uzbekistan…………120
Used sources…………………………………………………………………….126