ÖzgeçMİŞ Adı Soyadı : Nurşin Güney Doğum Tarihi : 27/02/1960 Unvanı : Prof. Dr

Yüklə 88,51 Kb.
ölçüsü88,51 Kb.

1. Adı Soyadı : Nurşin Güney

2. Doğum Tarihi : 27/02/1960

3. Unvanı :Prof. Dr.

4. Öğrenim Durumu :

5. Çalıştığı Kurum :YTÜ İİBF Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler






Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler

SUNY (State University of New York) & Boğaziçi Üni.

1977-79. 1983

Y. Lisans

Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler

İstanbul Üniversitesi



Uluslararası İlişkiler

İstanbul Üniversitesi


5. Akademik Unvanlar

Yardımcı Doçentlik Tarihi : Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF- 1996

Doçentlik Tarihi : Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF- 2001

Profesörlük Tarihi : YTÜ- 2007-

6. Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri

6.1. Yüksek Lisans Tezleri

Deniz Tören: Turkey’s Central Role in the EU’s Energy Security (devam ediyor)

Sümeyye Sarıkaya: Enerji Güvenliği (devam ediyor)

6.2. Doktora Tezleri

Hakan Mehmetçik: Extended Deterrence in Asia (tamamlandı)

Yavuz Selim Kılıç:NATO Nükleer Caydırıcılığının Geleceği (devam ediyor)

A. Serkan Akgül: Güvenliğin Ekonomikleşmesi, Suudi Arabistan Örneği (devam ediyor)

7. Yayınlar

7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)

7.2. Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

Nursin Guney- V. Korkmaz, Is Nuclear Dominoes in the Gulf Region is a Real or Myth?, Journal of Arabian Studies, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rjab20 (Kabul edildi, yayınlanacak- Kabul mektubu ektedir)

N. A. Guney, Where Does Turkey Stand in the Quest for Civilian Nuclear Energy in the Middle East?, Perceptions Özel Sayısı içinde Mert Bilgin (ed), 2017.

N. A. Güney, “Syrian Crisis and the Refugee Issue: A Turkish Perspective”, Migration Over Seas, The Geostrategic Maritime Review, Spring-Summer 2016, No 6, pp, 59-89.

N. A. Güney, 15 July Failed Coup in Turkey, Trending Events, United Arab Emirates, September 2016 (in Arabic)

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Guney, ‘‘The EU’s Energy Supply Security Dilemma: Can a Southern Gas Corridor Help?’, Diplomatiya Alemi: World of Diplomacy, 2015, No. 38, pp. 77-85.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Guney, ‘‘The Future of EU’s Energy Supply Security’’, BRE Review: Baltic Rim Economies,

December 2015, No: 5, pp. 22-23, https://www.utu.fi/en/units/tse/units/PEI/BRE/Documents/BRE_5_2015%20.pdf

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney and Vişne Korkmaz, ‘‘The Energy Interdependence Model between Russia and Europe: An Evaluation of Expectations for Change’’, Perceptions, Autumn 2014, Vol: xıx, No:3, pp.35-59.

Nursin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Where Does EU Stand in Energy Dependence on Russia After the Ukranian Crises: Are there any Alternatives?’’, Perceptions, Autumn 2014, Vol: xıx, No:3, pp.1-25.

Nurşin A. Güney, Turkish Nuclear Security after Iranian Nuclearization, Contemporary Security Policy, 33/3, 2012, pp, 512-529

Nurşin A. Guney, Is the Nuclear Cascade Story in the Middle East Real? Perceptions, Summer 2011, Strategic Research Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkish Republic, http://sam.gov.tr/is-the-nuclear-cascade-story-in-the-middle-east-real/

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney , Where Do We Stand in the Field of Nuclear Disarmament : What is Next After the New START, (June 2011), Nato Report http://natolibguides.info/content.php?pid=164386&sid=1387002.

Nurşin A. Güney, What the Old Couples look forward: Divorce, Marriage or Re-engagement in the Security Relations of EU and Turkey?, Romanian Journal of Security Studies, Winter 2010.

Nurşin A. Güney, The New Version of the Old History Global Change, the Iranian Crisis and the USA, The Global Studies Journal, Vol. 2,No. 4,2009.

Nurşin A. Güney, ‘Introduction’, A Critical Evaluation for European Security: Discourses, Praxis and Challenges in Europe and Beyond, European Security, N0 1, March 2009.

Nurşin A. Güney, ‘The Region-Building Practices of the EU in the Mediterranean: The EMP and ENP, What is Next?’, (AB’nin Akdeniz’de Bölge-inşa Uygulaması: EMP ve ENP, Gelecek Adım Ne Olabilir?) A Critical Evaluation for European Security: Discourses, Praxis and Challenges in Europe and Beyond, European Security, N0 1, March 2009.

 Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The New Conditions of  Security in the Post Cold War Period: Turkey, NATO and EU”, Analysis 2003, EU- Turkish Relations Dossier, Obs (Observatori de Politicica Exterior Europea), Barcelona-Spain, December 2004.

 Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The New American Military Strategy and Its Likely Impact on Iraq” , Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, Publication de la: Foundation Temini pour la Recherche Scientifique el L’information, Zaghouan-Tunisia, No:27, August-Aoút, 2003, ISSN:0330-808.

Turkey Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “NATO’s Enlargement and Turkey” , Defence Studies, Institute for Strategic and Defence Studies, Budapest-Hungary, No:24, 1998, ISSN: 1216-47-04.
7.3. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler

Nurşin A. Güney, ‘‘ The Entangled Rivalry Relationship between Turkey and Iran: Is it Something New?’’ ,Paper presented at the annual meeting of the MPSA Annual National Conference, Palmer House Hotel, Hilton, Chicago, IL, Apr 10-14, 2013 Online accessible .

Nursin Atesoglu Guney,. "Theory and Practice or Theory vs. Practice: Evaluation of the NPT Regime" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Theory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners, New Orleans Hilton Riverside Hotel, The Loews New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA, Feb 17, 2010 Online <PDF>. 2010-05-10 http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p413616_index.html.

Nursin Atesoglu Guney, ‘‘Yeni Uluslararası Güvenlik Ortamı: Bölgesel İşbirliği Bağlamında Türk – Arap İlişkilerine Bakış’’, Arab-Turkish Dialogue Conference, held jointly by Centre for Arab Unity Stidies and GPOT, 20-21 November 2009 will soon be published The Arab Future.

Nursin A. Guney,  "The Iranian Nuclear Program and Its Likely Impacts on Regional Security" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the MPSA Annual National Conference, Palmer House Hotel, Hilton, Chicago, IL, Apr 03, 2008 Online <PDF>. 2008-10-13 .

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “ The Impact of Western Security in the New Middle East and the Role of NATO”,  Proceedings on the International Conference: The Prospects of Stability in the Middle East,  Nurşin A. Güney (der.), Joint Conference Series NO:4, Foundation for Middle East and Balkan Studies (OBİV), İstanbul.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Current Western Strategies and The Future of Proliferation of WMD Issue”, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer Hause, Hilton, Chicago-Illinois, 2006-04-20, online pdf, Proccedings: http:1164.112.226.77/one/mpsa06/index.php?click-key=14 mpsa06_proceeding_13911[1].pdf. 

 Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The New Security Strategies: EU-NATO Experiences in the Western Balkans”, Proceedings on the International Conference: Potential Crises and Conflicts in the Western Balkans,  Nurşin A. Güney- Fuat Aksu (der.), Joint Conference Series NO:1, Foundation for Middle East and Balkan Studies (OBİV), December 14th, 2004, İstanbul, 2005, ISBN:975-7341-27-4.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The New American Military Strategy and Its Likely Impact on Iraq” III. Congres International du Dialoque Turco-Arab, Radison-SAS Hotel, 22-26 Mai 2002, Foundation for Middle East and Balkan Studies (OBİV), İstanbul, ISBN: 975-7341-23-1.

7.4. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler

N. A. Guney “The Montreux Convention as a Factor of Stability in the Black Sea” French Yearbook içinde, JP Pancracio (ed), University of Paris, 2 Pantheon Assas, June 2017 (Fransızca)

Contentious Issues of Security and The Future of Turkey, (Güvenliğin Tartışmalı Konuları ve Türkiye’nin Geleceği), Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney (der.), Ashgate Publications, Great Britain, January 2007, ISBN: 0754649318.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Turkey as an Energy Hub for Europe’’, in European Energy and Climate Security: Public Policies, Energy Sources and Eastern Partners, Maria Grazia, Rossella Pazienza, Alberto Tonini (eds), Springer publishers, 2015.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Arab-Turkish Cooperation: A Turkish Viewpoint’’, Turkey and Arab Strategic Options: A Reading in the Arab-Turkish Dialogue between Past and Present, (içinde) Center for Arab Unity Studies, Doha, Kasim 2010.

Nurşin A. Güney, ‘‘Nuclear Crisis in the Realm f Eurasian security: The Iranian Crisis and future of NPT”, Globalisation and Eurasia, Patnaik, A.- Tulsiram (eds.), KW Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Introduction”, Contentious Issues of Security and The Future of Turkey,  Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney (der.), Ashgate Publications, Great Britain, January 2007, ISBN: 0754649318.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The New Security Environment and Turkey’s ISAF Experience”, Contentious Issues of Security and The Future of Turkey,  Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney (der.), Ashgate Publications, Great Britain, January 2007, ISBN: 0754649318.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Conclusion”, Contentious Issues of Security and The Future of Turkey,  Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney (der.), Ashgate Publications, Great Britain, January 2007, ISBN: 0754649318.
7.5. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Nurşin A. Güney, Varşova daki NATO Zirvesi ve Türkiye, Bilgesam Söyleşi, Ağustos 2016, ss, 1-17.

N. A. Güney, The Reasons Why EU Turkey Deal on Refugees is important, Bilge Analysis, Mayıs 2016.

N. A. Güney, What is NATO doing in the face of new Russian asseriveness, Bilge Analiz, Nisan 2016.

N. A. Guney, What are the motivations for Israel and Turkey to restore their relationship, Bilge Analiz, Şubat 2016.

N. A. Güney, NATO Zirvesi ve Türkiye Varşova da Ne oldu, Bilge Strateji, Eylül 2016.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Rusya Ukrayna’dan Sonra: Bugünden Yarının İttifaklarını Düşünmek’’( Russia After Ukraine: Thinking from Today Tomorrow’s alliances), Ortadoğu Analiz, Ocak-Şubat 2016, Vol:72, Cilt:8, http://www.orsam.org.tr/tr/trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/2016113_3NursinAtesoglu.pdf

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Guney, ‘‘Turkey’s Energy Security in the Emergent Global Energy Outlook’’, Insight Turkey, Spring 2015, Vol: 17, No: 2, http://www.insightturkey.com/turkeys-energy-security-strategy-in-the-emergent-global-energy-outlook/articles/4494

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Arap Baharı Sonrası Kitle İmha Silahlarının Yayılma Sorunu’’( The Problem of Weapons of Mass Destruction Issue in the aftermath of Arab Spring), Ortadoğu Analiz, Temmuz-Agustos 2014, Vol: 6, No:63, http://www.orsam.org.tr/tr/trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/2014714_nursinatesogluguney.pdf

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Guney, ‘‘A New Challenge for Turkey: Civil War in Syria’’, Insight Turkey, Fall, 2013, Vol: 15, No: 4, http://file.insightturkey.com/Files/Pdf/insight_turkey_vol_15_no_4_2013_atesoglu.pdf

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘The current Stalamate on the Iranian Nuclear Crisis: Is there a way out of this Impasse?’’, Ortadoğu Analiz Dergisi, Orsam, Mart 2013, Vol.5, No. 51, pp. 29-36.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Where do We Stand in the Field of Nuclear Disarmament: What is Next after the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)’’, Policy Brief, Global Political Trends Center (GPOT), June 2011. http://www.gpotcenter.org/dosyalar/PB25_2011_NuclearDisarmament_Guney.pdf

Nurşin Ateşoğlu GÜNEY, “Nükleer Silahların Geleceği Ne Olacak?” Görüş Dergisi, 10/64, Ekim 2010.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘Arap Baharı’ Nereye Gidiyor, HaberTürk, 31 Temmuz 2011 (gazete yazısı)

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, Ortadoğu’da Neler oluyor?,Baraka (ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği Yayını), Mayıs-Haziran 2011.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, NATO ve Libya harekatı ile ilgili Görüş, HaberTürk, 21 Mart 2011 (gazete yazısı)

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney’le Güneş Kömürcü’nün Bloomberg Businessweek’de  ‘‘NATO Füze savunma Sistemi Uyarınca Sınırlarında Bir Radar sistemi Kurulmasına İzin Veren Türkiye’nin Nedeni ve Engeli Çok’’ konusundaki Söyleşisi, 18-24 Eylül 2011.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ’’Nukleer Silahsizlanma: Engeller ve Yeni Nukleer Pazarlik Uzerine Kisa Bir Analiz’’, SAREM Stratejik Arastirmalar Dergisi, NO: 14, Ocak 2010, GenelKurmay Basimevi, Ankara, ISSN:1303-698X.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Yeni Güvenlik Stratejilerindeki Ortak Tehdit Algılamaları: AB, NATO ve ABD” 2023, NO: 37, 15 Mayıs 2004, İstanbul, ISSN:1303-0434.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The Implication of New American National Strategies and its Impact” Turkish Review of Middle East Studies, NO: 14, Annual 2003, Foundation for Middle East and Balkan Studies (OBİV), İstanbul, 2003, ISBN:975-7341-25-8.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası: AB, NATO ve Türkiye” Foreign Policy, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayını, NO: 19, Ocak-Şubat 2002, İstanbul, ISSN:130194600-1.

 Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “ Notes on The Wilton Park Conference on NATO and the EU and Southeast Europe in the 21st Century (Slovenia, 8-12 2000),  Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, NO: 5, Annual 2000, Foundation for Middle East and Balkan Studies (OBİV), İstanbul, 2000, ISBN:975-7341-13-4.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “Füze Kıskacı ve Türkiye: Gerçek Tehdit Füzeler mi?”, Sosyal Demokrat Değişim, SDD, Temmuz-Ağustos-Eylül-Ekim 1997.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “START I, START II, START III Anlaşmalarının Onaylanması ya da Uygulanması Mümkün mü?”, Sosyal Demokrat Değişim, SDD, Mayıs-Haziran 1997.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “NATO’nun Doğu’ya Doğru Genişlemesi: Rusya, Ukrayna ve Türkiye”, Sosyal Demokrat Değişim, SDD, Mart 1997.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “Notes on the Conference on the ‘The New Political and Strategic Realities in South East Europe” (Sofia, December 5-8 1996), Turkish Review of Balkan Studies, OBIV, Annual 1996/97.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “Security in the Middle East”, Turkish Review of the Middle East, OBIV, İstanbul,   Annual 1996/97.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “A Seminar on Balkan and Black Sea Region Security:Partnership for Peace Initiative as Tool for Integration and Cooperation”(Sofia, November 4-5, 1994), Turkish Review of the Balkan Studies, OBIV, İstanbul, Annual 1994/95.

 Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “NATO Nükleer Caydırıcılığı ve INF Antlaşması”, Dünü ve Bugünü ile Toplum ve Ekonomi, No.5, Eylül 1993.

7.7. Diğer yayınlar

Kitaplar ve Kitap Bölümleri

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, Batı’nın Yeni Güvenlik Stratejileri AB-NATO-ABD, Bağlam Yayınları, Kasım 2006, İstanbul, ISBN: 975-8803-61-1.

Esra Çayhan-Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, Avrupa’da Yeni Güvenlik Arayışları NATO-AB-Türkiye TÜSES Vakfı, AFA Yayıncılık, 1996, İstanbul, ISBN: 975-414-324-7.

N. A. Guney “DAİŞ ve Kadın”, DAİŞ, 3. Dünya avaşının Deşifresi, B. S. Bozdoğan (ed), Hayy Kitap, 2016.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Türkiye’nin Suriye’den Kaynaklanan Güvenlik Sorunları’’, içinde Küresel ve Bölgesel Aktörlerin Suriye Stratejileri, Hasan Basri Yalçın ve Burhanettin Duran (derleyenler), Stratejik Araştırmalar Serisi 1, SETA, 2016, İstanbul, ISBN: 978-605-4023-82-0.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Nükleer Tehdit Algılamaları ve Kitle İmha Silahlarının Yayılması Sorunu” içinde  Tek Kutuplu Dünya’da Yaşamak, Gerçekler, Yanılgılar ve Beklentiler, Yona Özer (der.), SODEV (Sosyal Demokrasi Vakfı)- 3D Hareketi, Agora Kitaplığı, Mayıs 2006, İstanbul, ISBN: 9944-916-22-6.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “ Rusya Federasyonu’nun Yeni Güvenlik Politikası Çerçevesinde Türkiye’ye Bakışı” içinde  Türkiye’nin Komşuları  Mustafa Türkeş-İlhan Uzgel (der.), İmge Yayınları, Şubat 2002, Ankara,  ISBN: 975-533-343-6.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “AKKA’nın Yeni Koşullara Uyarlanması ve Türkiye’nin Güvenliği” içinde  En Uzun On Yıl, Gencer Özcan- Şule Kut (der.), Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş. Kasım 1998, İstanbul, ISBN: 975-521-163-2.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Dönemde Konvansiyonel Olmayan Silahların ve Balistik Füzelerin Yayılması Sorunu ile İlgili Yeni Yaklaşımlar” içinde  Uluslararası Politikada Yeni Alanlar- Yeni Bakışlar  Faruk Sönmezoğlu (der.), Der Yayınları, 1998, İstanbul, ISBN: 975-353-171-0.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney “Bosna-Hersek Sorunu ve Barış Görüşmeleri Süreci”, içinde   Yeni Balkanlar, Eski Sorunlar, Kemali Saybaşılı ve Gencer Özcan (derleyenler), İstanbul, Bağlam Yayınları, 1997.

Gülden Ayman ve Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Değişen Uluslararası Koşullarda Strateji, Türkiye ve Komşuları”, Faruk  Sönmezoğlu (der), Türk Dış Politikasının Analizi içinde, İstanbul, Der Yayınları, 1994.


Nurşin A Guney, was participant at the ‘Towards a New Security Architecture fort he MENA Region’ organized by AMEC and Alsharq Forum on 18-19 March 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Nursin A. Guney, presented a paper titled ‘The Evolution of Turkey’s Middle East Policies: Causes, Consequences and Implications’ in the Turkey and South Africa: Regional Powers with Global Responsabilities Conference held in South Africa on 26 January 2017.

Nursin A Guney, was present and contributed as one of the speakers at a panel on Suriye’deki yerel ve küresel aktörlerin güç savaşı ve sivillerin durumu ( Power struggle of external and regional actors in Syria and the situation of civilians), organized by Center for Cultural and Congress of Istanbul University on 6 January 2017.

Nursin A Guney, both presented a paper together with Visne Korkmaz titled ‘Increasing Russian Influence in the Black Sea and the Turkish Way of Dealing’ and was a moderator of first session of the V. Blue Black Sea International Congress organized together by Marmara University and BİLGESAM. Prof. Guney was also one of the contributers of the conference organization committe.

Nursin A Guney, was participant to Arab-Turkish Dialog Program organized among the Wiseman Group Meeting held by TASAM on 11 Mart 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Nursin A Guney was participant at the Doha 5th International Policies and Strategic Forum: Qatar-Turkey, The Strategic Vision for Middle east Crises organized by TASAM and Strategic Studies Center on 5-6 March 2017.

Nursin A Guney, was a speaker at the session titled Chemical weapons Use at the ‘‘Task Force Meeting:Regional Track Two Dialogue’’ in Cadenabbia from March 8-10 2017 in Italy organized by Israel Office of Kondrad-Adenauer- Stiftung.

Nurşin A Guney, was participant at the ‘Strategic Studies Summit NESA Region in 2020’ conference organized by SSN and ORSAM on march 31 to April 3, 2016.

Nursin A Guney, has presented a paper titled ‘‘A Reset between Ankara and Tel-Aviv: What the Future May Bring?’’, at the Seventh Annual ASMEA Conference: Searching for Balance in the Middle East and Africa, on October 27-29 October,2016 in Washington, DC, USA.

Nursin A Guney, has delivered a key note presentation titled ‘ Women Role in Maintaining Peace and Security in OIC Member States’, at Workshop on ‘‘The Role of Women in the Development of OIC Member States’’, organized by SESRIC together with OIC, on 3-4 October 2016, in Ankara, Turkey.

Nursin A Guney, was a participant to Al-Sharq Forum and European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) workshop held in London on 22 September 2016.

Nursin A Guney, delivered a paper at the session titled After Brexit: The Future of the EU’s Relations with the Balkans and Turkey’’, at the Blakan Think tanks Convention 2016, organized by SETA and Democracy for Development at Pristina on 3-4 November 2016.

Nursin A Guney, delivered a paper titled ‘‘Turkish-Israeli Relations in a Changing Middle East’’, at the III. Middle East Congress on Politics and Society’’ organized by Sakarya University, on 11-12 October 2016, in Sakarya, Turkey.

Nursin A Guney, delivere a paper at the 3rd Session: Defense and Aerospace Industry: Opportunities and Risks, at the TASAM Conference organized in Hatay on 4th International Middle East Congress, on 27-29 April 2016.

Nursin A Guney, presented a paper at the second session of the ‘‘ NATO’s Strategic Adaptation to the Current Challenges’’ conference organized By SAM and Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ankara, on 19 April 2016.

Nursin A Guney, has delivered a paper together with Visne Korkmaz at the Workshop 3. Titled ‘‘Nuclear Energy fort he Gulf: Key Questions and Opportunities’’, organized by Gulf Research Center Cambridge on 16-19 August 2016, in Cambridge, UK.

N.A. Guney, “Can We expexct a New Rapproachment in the Turkish American Relations”, ASMEA, 2016, Washington DC.

N.A. Güney, Türkiye’nin Dış Politikası, MÜSİAD, Şubat 2016.

N. A. Guney, “Iran’s relations with the West through Prism of Nuclear Program: Turkish Perspective” IPIS-ORSAM Joint Workshop on Turkish-Iranian Relations, April 2015, Tahran.

N. A. Guney, “Arms Control in the turbulent Middle East: A Turkish Perspective”, 2015 Annual Arms Control Conference: Arms Control in a Golabal Setting, INSS, Tel Aviv, 21-23 June, 2015.

2013 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference, April 8-9, 2013 Washington DC (participant)

Discussant in Taking Stock of the Post 2005 Reform Process at the OIC, April 2013 IRCICA, Istanbul.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, participant and paper (Mediation Power of the Turkey (Brazil) Regarding the Iranian Nuclear Crisis I) presenter at the Arab Peace Initiative and the Culture of Mediation Session, at the Academic Peace Orchestra Middle East: Shaping the Envisaged Middle East conference (MEC) 2012 and its international Context, organized by PRIF, July 5 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, participant and paper (Mediation Power of Turkey (Brazil) Regarding the Iranian Nuclear Crisis II) presenter at the Arab Peace Initiative and the Culture of Mediation Session, at the Academic Peace Orchestra Middle East: Shaping the Envisaged Middle East conference (MEC) 2012 and its international Context, organized by PRIF, 26-28 September 2011, Budapest, Hungary.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘‘Regional Security in the GCC_Iran Relations: Binding and dividing Factor? What Will be the Likely Impact of Iranian Nuclear Crisis on the regional security?’’ prsented at the GCC_Iran Relations workshop scheduled at the 2011 Gulf Research Meeting, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 6-9 July 2011.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘WMDFZ in the Middle East: Is it Likely to happen Soon or later?’’, presented at the Moving Toward a Region Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East: Challenges for 2012 conference co-organized by INSS and The George Washington University, The Elliott school of International Relations, June 14-15, 2011, Washington, USA.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, ‘’ Middle East Conference (MEC) in 2012 and Turkey’’, presented at the Arms Control in a Changing Middle East organized by INSS, 13-14 November 2011, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Where we do stand in Nuclear Non-proliferation in the Middle East” Security and the Middle East –I (15-16 October 2010-Istanbul at Yildiz Technical University)

Nurşin A. Güney,Security Governance at Regional Level: Nuclear Issue as a Global and Regional (In) Security Matter, A New Dimension of Regional Integration: What Does Regional Security Mean in North-South Relations, 16-19 February 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil Joint ECPR-IPSA Conference Whatever Happened to North-South.

Security and the Middle East –I (15-16 October 2010-Istanbul at Yildiz Technical University) Project director: Prof. Dr. Nurşin Ateşoğlu GÜNEY

Changing Middle East –Changing Turkey, New Horizons Before the Foreign Policy Makers, 22 October 2010 (project director: Nurşin Ateşoğlu GÜNEY)

Philipp C. Bleek, How Likely Are Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or others to pursue Nuclear Weapons in Response to Iran, 17 June, 2011, YTÜ (Project dirctor: Nurşin A. GÜNEY)

A New Dimension of Regional Integration: What Does Regional Security Mean in North-South Relations, Conference Panel organized and chaired by Nursin A. GUNEY, 16-19 February 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil Joint ECPR-IPSA Conference Whatever Happened to North-South.

Nursin Guney, “EU-Turkey”, Istanbul Culture in Luxemburg, 7 December, 2010.

Nursin Guney, “The Likely impact of Iranian Nuclear Crisis on the regional Security”, Middle East and Security-I, October, 2010, Istanbul-Turkey.

Nursin Guney, “New Middle East and impact of NPT Review Conference”, Changing Middle East –Changing Turkey, October 2010, Istanbul-Turkey.

Nurşin Güney- Visne Korkmaz, DIFFERENT WORLDS, DIFFERENT WORDS: WHAT DOES REGIONAL SECURITY MEAN IN EU-GCC RELATIONS?, First Gulf Research Meeting, 7-10 July, 2010, Cambridge University, UK.

Nurşin A. Güney, “Russian-US Relations in the Post Cold War Era: Opportunities, Risks and Limits Ahead”, Sovremennaya Rossiya, Bızovı mirovoy politiki, Rossiya i Savremennıy Mir, VI. Mejdunarodnaya mejvuzobskaya hauçnaya konferenitsiya, 15-17 Aprelya, 2010 g. (15-17 Nisan 2010) Moskva.

Panel (From Past to Present: Regional Security, Externalities,and the Realities in the Middle East and East Asia) The Middle East and Axis Powers, WWII, Yidiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 5 February, 2010 (Ayrıca su bildiri sunulmustur:Nuclear Proliferation in Comperative Perspective: Middle East vs. East Asia).

Nursin A. Guney, “EU-Turkey Relationship”, Erasmus Programı Çerçevesinde, 27-29 Mart, 2010, Pisa Universitesi, Italya.

Nursin A. Guney,’’ The New Theater of the Old Border: Security, Great Powers’ Attitude, USA and Russian Federation’’, VII CEEISA Convention 2009, St. Petesburg. Rusya

Panel (Conflict, Cooperation and Integration within the Context of Regionalism: What Does Europe Bring to the Table) proposed for the 8th International CISS Milennium Conference, Paris, France, june 14-16, 2008 ( Ayrıca su bildiri sunulmustur: Security Cooperation on the Mediterranean Scene: The Story of New Praxis)

Section proposed for the 4th ECPR General Conference in Pisa (September 2007) :Competing Western Security Agendas: Turkey in between Washington's Unilateralism and Brussels' Multilateralism  (Besides a paper was presented: The nature of Western security agendas and Turkey's security engagements in NATO and EU operations)

A Panel Propossed for the Mediterranean Studies Association Conference ( Lisboa May 2007) Security in the Euro-Mediterranean Space: Discourse and Realities ( Besides a paper was presented: Recent Security Initiatives of the EU and NATO in the Mediterranean: The Western Stand)

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “Current Debates of Non-Proliferation: he Different Perspectives from the West” 4th Convention of Russian International Studies Association (RISA),  Security Issues Session, 22-23 September, 2006, Moscow- Russian Federation.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “ Mapping the Jihadist Threat: Turkey”,  The Transatlantic Dialogue on Terrorism, CSIS ACG (The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the American Council on Germany), May 11-12, 2006, New York, USA.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The Politics of NATO Enlargement” başlıklı sunuş New Atlantic Initiative tarafından 17-20 Ekim 1997 tarihlerinde Alpach’ta    (Innsbruck) düzenlenen, “Enlarging    NATO: The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions” konferansında sunulmuştur.

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney, “The New Initiatives of NATO: Super PfP, CJTF and Enlargement and their Likely Effects on South East Europe’s Security”, başlıklı bildiri CIBAL tarafından 5-6 Aralık 1996 tarihlerinde Sofya’da düzenlenen, “The New Political and Strategic Realities in South East Europe” konferansında sunulmuştur.

“Border Security” Regional Network of Strategic Studies Center (RNSSC), 6th Annual Plennery Meeting, 11-14 November 2010, Dead Sea, Jordan.

  “The Arab World and Turkey: Economy and Regional Security”, Jordan Friederick Ebert Shiftung, 1996.

Uluslararası Dergi Editörlüğü

Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney (Quest editor and contributor) ‘Today’s Emergent Geo-politics and the Day after: What’s Next in Energy Security? and ‘Where Does EU Stand in Energy Dependence on Russia After the Ukranian Crisis: Are there any Alternatives at Hand?’ Perceptions, SAM: Center for Strategic Research, Vol: XIX, Autumn 2014.

Europe:  A Critical Evaluation for European Security: Discourses, Praxis and Challenges in Europe and Beyond, Special Issue for European Security Journal, 1/17, 2008, Routledge.

8. Projeler

5. Mavi Karadeniz Uluslararası Kongresi Organizasyon Komitesi Üyeliği, Marmara Üniversitesi, Aralık 2016.

She has been the organizer of Yıldız Monday Talks and Roundtables of International Politics in which numbers of Turkish and International Academics participate (for full program visit YTU Political Science and IR Department website) since 2012/ Yıldız Pazartesi Konuşmaları, Uluslararası Politika ve Güvenlik Konusunda Güncel Tartışmalar Yuvarlak Masa Toplantılaının koordinatörü (2012- Bu faaliyetlerin tam programı YTÜ SBUİ websayfasından bulunabilir)

She is the director of Middle East Conferences I-II and III realized at YTU since 2008. These conferences were co-organized with MFA and Ministry of Energy. 2008’den itibaren YTÜ’de gerçekleştirilen (YTÜ-SAM ve Enerji Bakanlığı katkılarıyla) Ortadoğu Konferansı I-II-II’ün koordinatörü

Philipp C. Bleek, How Likely Are Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or others to pursue Nuclear Weapons in Response to Iran, 17 June, 2011, YTÜ (Konferans Organizasyon Komitesi Bşk..)

A New Dimension of Regional Integration: What Does Regional Security Mean in North-South Relations, Conference, 16-19 February 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil Joint ECPR-IPSA Conference Whatever Happened to North-South (Organizatör ve Section Bşk.)

International Relations: Regional Politics (SSSIC –Shanghai 14-17 August) Session Organizer and Session Chair

YTU PSIR Student Conferences (YTU-Kassel University Student Workshop on Turkish Foreign Policy), 3 June 2013, Istanbul, Organizer

Two Roundtables organized by YTU-YATA TURK on NATO-Turkey Relations (organizer-2014)

She is participating on Second Track Diplomacy events on regular basis

She is commenting on national and international TV channels, newspapers and popular political journals on regular basis

9. İdari Görevler

YTÜ İİBF Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Bşk (2013-)

YTÜ İİBF Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Uluslararası İlişkiler ABD Bşk (2010-)

YTÜ Lisansüstü Programları Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler ABD Bşk (2013-)

10. Bilimsel ve Mesleki Kuruluşlara Üyelikler
IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) (1991-2001/ 2011-)

A Member of Reunion du Conseil Scientific International Geostrategic Maritime Observatory (IGMO) 2016-   

Türkiye AB Komisyonu Delegasyonu, Avrupa Takımı Üyeliği (Delegation of European Commission to Turkey, Membership of European Team)

Middle Eastern and Balkan Studies Association (till 2000)

Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi (UİK), (2004-)

SAREM SAD Editorial Board Membership (Strategic Studies Journal of Genera Staff of the Republic of Turkey)


Vise President of BİLGESAM think tank based in Isztanbul and also an Energy and Nuclear Energy Expert: by contributing

Association of Middle East and North Africa (ASMEA- Washington DC- 2012-)

Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA- Chicago- 2008-)

ADA Energy School Allumni

NESA (Near East and South Asia Center- National Defense University- Washington DC) Allumni

Editöryel Kurul Üyelikleri
The Geostrategic Maritime Review Editorial Board Membership (2015-)

Insight Turkey Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği (2016-)

Anadolu Ajansi Analisti

Gazete Yazıları (Periodik olarak yazdığı gazeteler Star, Yeni Şafak, Karar, Al-Jazzere Türk)

TV Kanalları (Ulusal periodik olarak haftada 3 kez çıktığı haber kanalları: NTV, HaberTurk, TVNET, 24, TRT)

Uluslararası TV ve Radyo kanalları: Al Jazerra Int, Voice of America, Voice of Russia

11. Ödüller
Visiting Scholar   

A course titled Oil and Politics was thought at Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan in January-February 2015.

12. Son iki yılda verdiğiniz lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler için aşağıdaki tabloyu doldurunuz.




Dersin Adı

Haftalık Saati

Öğrenci Sayısı




Seminer (Lisansüstü)




Uluslararası Politika (YTÜ- Lisansüstü)





Güvenlik Konusunda Güncel Tartışmalar (lisansüstü)




Güz 2016-2017

Seminer (lisansüstü)




Dış Politika Kuramları





Güvenlik Konusunda Güncel Tartışmalar




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Avrupa Atlantik Güvenliğinde Güncel Tartışmalar

Avrupa’da Soğuk Savaş I

Avrupa’da Soğuk Savaş II
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