P0540 Printing Indust. Award-State

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~Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991

~s. 10.12 – rescission and new award


Printing and Kindred Industries Union of

Employees, Queensland Branch
Printing and Allied Trades Employers'

Federation of Australia and Others


(No. R167-3 of 1989)








~14 July 1992





THIS matter coming on for hearing before the Commission at Brisbane on 26 May and 14 July 1992, this Commission doth order that the said Awards be rescinded and doth award as follows as from the twentieth day of July, 1992:–

Arrangement of Award
Subject Matter Clause No.
Part 1 – Preliminary
Title of Award 1.1

Application of Award 1.2

Operation of Award 1.3

Award to be Kept Available 1.4

Part 2 – Terms and Conditions of Employment
Contract of Employment 2.1

Time and Wages Records 2.2

Grievance Procedures 2.3

Preference 2.4

Part 3 – Definitions, Wages, Allowances
Definitions 3.1

Small Offset Lithographic Printing Machines 3.2

Letterpress and Lithographic Printing Conditions 3.3

Trade Classifications 3.4

No Reduction In Pay Or Status 3.5

Guaranteed Minimum Wage 3.6

Division and District Definitions and Allowances 3.7

Rates of Pay – Commercial Printing and Newspaper Offices 3.8

Excess Payments 3.9

Part Time Employees 3.10

Casual Employees 3.11

Mixed Functions 3.12

Occupational Superannuation 3.13

Shift Work Allowance 3.14

Operator In Charge 3.15

Leading Hands 3.16

Meal Allowance 3.17

Bronzing or Dusting Off 3.18

First Aid Attendant 3.19
Part 4 – Hours of Work, Overtime
Day Work 4.1

Implementation of Shorter Hours 4.2

Shift Work 4.3

Overtime 4.4

Calls 4.5

Meal Period 4.6

Rest Pauses 4.7

Posting of Rosters 4.8

Part 5 – Statutory Holidays, Leave
Annual Leave 5.1

Holidays 5.2

Sick Pay 5.3

Long Service Leave 5.4

Bereavement Leave 5.5

Parental Leave 5.6

Part 6 – Miscellaneous Provisions
No Extra Claims 6.1

Limitation of Employment of Juniors 6.2

Traineeships Under the Australian Traineeship System 6.3

Health and Safety Provisions 6.4

Protective Clothing 6.5

Award Modernisation 6.6

Incidental or Peripheral Tasks 6.7

Structural Efficiency 6.8

Posting Notices 6.9

Restriction on Taking Work Off the Employer's Premises 6.10

Stand Down 6.11

Jury Service 6.12

Trade Union Training Leave 6.13

Payment of Wages 6.14

Skilled Employees 6.15

Preservation of Certain Provisions 6.16

Nominated Superannuation Funds of Certain Employers Schedule A

Employees of the Brisbane City Council Schedule B

1.1 Title Of Award
This Award shall be known as the Printing Industry Award – State.

1.2 Application Of Award
In this Award, the printing industry includes any business, trade, manufacture, undertaking, calling, service, employment, handicraft or industrial occupation or avocation on land or water in the industry of printing and/or any kindred industries and/or in any group or branch of such industry or industries, including (without limiting the generality or ordinary meaning of the foregoing description) composing, reading, electrotyping, stereotyping, letterpress machining, lithographic machining, lithographing, photogravure and/or rotogravure, machining, printing of all classes, slugcasting or typecasting machine attending or adjusting and/or repairing, type-founding, engraving, process engraving and/or photo engraving, commercial art and/or lithographic designing, writing and/or drawing, publishing, despatching, bookbinding, binding, paper ruling, paper cutting, paper making, paper working, calico and/or paper bag making, envelope making, stationery making, paper products working, embossing, blocking, stamping, cardboard box making, carton making (including the making of any kind of boxes and/or containers of paper and/or cardboard used alone or in combination with any other material or materials), plastics manufacturing or any of the processes of or incidental to the manufacturing of plastics or of goods manufactured therefrom or substitutes therefor.
This Award shall apply to all classes of employees specified in the Award and engaged in the Printing Industry within the State of Queensland.
This Award shall not apply to employees who are covered by an industrial agreement with the Printing and Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland Branch.
Where employees bound by this Award are employed by an employer whose principal business or undertaking is one other than of printing and related processes as defined in this Award and the majority of employees are covered by an award made by (or agreement approved by) the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission then, the provisions of that award (or agreement) shall apply to that employer's printing industry workers, except for the following provisions of this Award which shall continue to apply:
1.1 Title of Award

1.2 Application of Award

2.1 Contract of Employment

2.4 Preference

3.1 Definitions

3.8 Weekly Wage Rates

3.13 Occupational Superannuation

6.2 Limitation of Employment of Juniors

If any questions arise as to the application of majority award provisions, they shall be determined by a conference before the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission in accordance with clause 2.3 (Grievance Procedures) of this Award.
1.3 Operation Of Award
This Award, shall take effect and have the force of law as from the twentieth day of July, 1992.
1.4 Award To Be Kept Available
A copy of this Award, with any variation thereof, shall be kept in a prominent place in each workplace where it may be readily accessed by employees.

    1. Contract Of Employment

(1) Subject to subclauses (2) and (3) hereof, the employment of a weekly time-worker or part-time worker may be terminated by a week's notice on either side, or in lieu of such notice the employer shall pay to the employee one week's wages or the employee shall forfeit to the employer one week's wages. The employer may deduct the amount forfeited, or any part of it, from any moneys due to the employee under this Award. Notice may be given on any day of the week to take effect one week after the day on which it is given. This shall not affect the right of the employer to dismiss any employee without notice for malingering, inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct and in such a case, wages shall be paid up to the time of dismissal only.

(2) Provided always, that the notice referred to in subclause 2.1(1) shall not be given so as to take effect concurrently with any annual leave to which the employee may be entitled and such notice or payment in lieu of notice shall be additional to any bonus payable to the employee under clause 5.1 (Annual Leave) of this Award.
(3) Except as provided for in subclauses (1) and (2) hereof, employers and employees to whom this Award applies shall observe the terms and conditions of the Statement of Policy of Termination of Employment, Introduction of Changes and Redundancy contained in the decision of the Full Bench of the Commission dated 16 June 1987, and published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette, Vol. 125, folios 1119-1121, as amended by 125 QGIG 1377 and 126 QGIG 188:
Provided that the provisions of clause A (Termination of Employment) contained in the aforesaid Statement of Policy shall not have application under this Award, except in circumstances resulting from introduction of changes and/or redundancy as set out in clauses B and C respectively of that Statement of Policy.
Each employer shall display a copy of the aforementioned decision of the Full Bench of the Commission in such a position as to be easily read by the employees.
2.2 Time And Wages Records
An employer shall keep and have available a complete record of all employees subject to this Award, showing their designation, rate of wages and times of starting and ceasing work.
Such records shall be open to inspection during working hours by an officer of the Printing and Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland Branch, duly authorised in writing under section 15.10 of the Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991.

2.3 Grievance Procedures
Subject to the Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991, any grievance dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to this Award shall be dealt with in the following manner:–

(1) Should any matter arise which gives cause for concern to an employee such matter shall be raised with the employee's immediate supervisor.

(2) If the matter remains unresolved it shall be referred to the Union delegate who shall consult with the appropriate representative of management.
(3) If the matter remains unresolved it shall be referred to the Branch Secretary of the Union or Unions concerned (or such person's representative). This official shall discuss the matter with senior representatives of the employer.
(4) If the matter remains unresolved it shall be notified to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991.
(5) While the above procedure is being followed work shall continue normally in accordance with this Award.
(6) No party shall be prejudiced as to final settlement by the continuance of work in accordance with this clause.
(7) In the event of a party failing to observe these procedures, the other party may take such steps as are open to it to resolve the matter.
(8) The parties shall at all times confer in good faith and without undue delay.
2.4 Preference
(1) Preference of employment shall be given to financial members of the Printing and Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland Branch and if no such person is available and competent, then to persons who give to the employer an undertaking in writing to make application to join such Industrial Organization within fourteen days of accepting employment.
(2) No person shall be deemed to have made application to become a financial member of the relevant Industrial Organization unless he or she has tendered the fee prescribed by the Rules of that Industrial Organization to some person authorised to receive such fee of behalf of the Industrial Organization.
Preference of continuation in employment under this Award shall be given to financial members of the Industrial Organization as mentioned above.

(3) Preference as abovementioned shall, in all cases, be subject to the following conditions:–

(a) an employer is required to give preference to a member of an industrial organization over another person only when all factors relevant to the particular case are otherwise equal;
(b) an employer is not required to give preference to a member of an industrial organization over a person in respect of whom there is in force a certificate under section 13.53 of the Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991;
(c) preference means preference at the point of engagement and preference at the point of retrenchment.
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this Award, the following terms shall take the meanings assigned to them as set out below.
Week – shall be deemed to be any period of ordinary working hours not exceeding an average of 38 hours over specified cycles as set out in clause 4.1 (Day Work).
(1) Daily Newspaper Office – is an office where a Daily Newspaper is printed and published on at least five days per week.
(2) Bi-Weekly Newspaper Office – is an office where a paper is printed and published twice a week.
(3) Tri-Weekly Newspaper Office – is an office where a paper is printed and published three times a week.
(4) Commercial Printing Office – is an office where general commercial work is executed and weekly and other papers (including Saturday and Sunday newspapers) and periodicals are printed, or where trade work is done for such offices. Any establishments, place or office where printing work of any description is done which is not provided for in this or any other award shall be deemed to be a commercial printing office for the purposes hereof.
(5) Adult shall mean –
(a) an employee who has attained the age of 21 years other than an apprentice who has not completed his/her period of apprenticeship; or
(b) a non-apprenticed junior of 18 years of age or over who is employed in a non-apprenticeship occupation specified in subclauses 3.8(1) and 3.8(2) of this Award and who is receiving the adult wage for that occupation; or
(c) any employee who has completed an apprenticeship but has not attained the age of 21 years; or
(d) a non-apprenticed junior who has not attained the age of 21 years who is employed as a "Keyboard Operator/Assembler" as specified in classification A2 of this Award.
(e) A junior employed on the work of employees engaged in moulding rubber printing plates including grinding and mounting – shall be paid the wage prescribed for classification E28 of this Award and shall be deemed to be an adult for the purposes of calculating pay rates pursuant to this Award.
(6) Art and/or designing (including commercial art) howsoever described –
(a) shall, subject to provision (b) of this definition, mean and refer to the work of an employee employed in or in connection with designing, sketching, drawing, tracing, aerographing, keying, colouring photographs, retouching of bromides, reproducing, writing (including ticket writing), lettering, illustrating, commercial art or in copying art work or layouts, or in any way preparing art work or layouts for use or prospective use within the industry;
(b) shall not refer to the work of an employee employed in or in connection with any work on photographic negatives or positives (but not including bromides).
(7) Compositor – shall mean and refer to a tradesperson who performs the general trade skills of composition.
(8)(a) Flexible Packaging Printing – shall mean and refer to the printing of flexible packaging material using the flexographic and/or gravure printing process and may include the moulding and mounting of printing plates for flexible packaging printing.
(b) Flexible Packaging Materials – shall mean and refer to packaging material made of paper, paperboard, film (cellulose and the like), plastics, foil and similar materials and combinations thereof being sufficiently flexible for reel feeding through printing, forming or converting machinery.
(c) Printing Machinist (flexible packaging printing) – shall mean and refer to a person required to exercise general trade skills and who is engaged in the printing of flexible packaging materials using the flexographic and/or gravure printing process but shall not refer to a person covered by any classification described in subclauses 3.8(1) and 3.8(2) of this Award other than classifications A12 and B3 "Printing Machinist".
(d) Flexographic Printing – shall mean and refer to a method of rotary letterpress printing for flexible packaging which employs rubber or other types of flexible plates and rapid drying fluid inks.
(e) Gravure Printing – shall mean and refer to a process of printing, for flexible packaging, from a recessed surface, the opposite of letterpress printing, in that the design areas are recessed into the plate instead of being in relief.
(9) Graphic Reproduction
(a) Cylinder Preparer – shall mean and refer to a person employed as a "Cylinder Preparer" in any or all of the following group of operations:– depositing, grinding, coating, carbon printing, etching and proofing.
(b) Dot Etching and Retouching – shall mean and refer to the following group of operations or any of them:– aerographing, tracing, stripping, opaquing, staging, dot reducing, retouching, colour correcting negatives and/or positives, and all things incidental thereto.
(c) Image Preparer – shall mean and refer to a person employed as an "Image Preparer" in any or all of the following group of operations:– graphic camera operating, transparency duplication, scanner copy preparation, electronic scanning, masking, step and repeat, dot etching, retouching, planning, and proofing.
(d) Lithography and Lithographic – without limiting the meaning of such words, shall mean and refer to the lithographic processes known as photo-lithography, photo-lithographic, lithographic offset, photo offset, offset, lithography, offset printing, metalithography, metallography, planography, chromolithography, and dry lithography.
(e) Plate Preparer – shall mean and refer to a person employed as a "Plate Preparer" in any or all of the following group of operations:– photo imposing, platemaking, planning, stripping, opaquing, step and repeat, plate etching, finishing, proofing, photo-polymer plate production, laser platemaking techniques and duplicate plate production.
(10)(a) Printing Machinist – shall mean and refer to a person employed as a "Printing Machinist" and shall not refer to a person covered by any rate number described in subclauses 3.8(1) and 3.8(2) of this Award other than Rate Numbers A12 and B3 "Printing Machinist".
A Printing Machinist may be employed on machines in either –
(i) letterpress and/or lithographic printing; or
(ii) flexible packaging (flexographic and/or gravure) printing and/or gravure printing.
A Printing Machinist may be transferred from operating letterpress and/or lithographic printing machines to operating flexible packaging printing (flexographic and/or gravure) machines and/or gravure printing machines and vice versa.
(b) Gravure Printing – shall mean and refer to printing from a recessed surface; the opposite of letterpress printing, in that the design areas are recessed into the plate instead of being in relief and shall include photogravure, rotogravure, colourgravure and gravure printing however designated.

(c) Letterpress Printing – shall mean and refer to printing by direct or offset printing processes from electrotypes, stereotypes, photo-engraved blocks, type, or any other form of printing from a relief surface and shall include printing by multigraph, writer press, roneotype, or similar machines printing from type, stereos, electros, zincos, photo-engraving or the like but shall not apply to printing which is done wholly by ribbon process using a stencil of waxed paper or prepared tissue paper.

(d) Lithographic Printing – shall mean and refer to planeographic printing by direct or offset printing processes from surfaces of stone, rubber, metal, or other material on paper, tin or other material and shall include printing by Multilith, Rotaprint, or any similar type of printing machine but shall not apply to printing which is done wholly by ribbon process using a stencil of waxed paper or prepared tissue paper.
(e) Small Offset Lithographic Printing Machines – shall mean and refer to small-offset lithographic printing machines known by the trade name "A.B. Dick", "Gestelith", "Hamada", "MGD 22", "Multilith", "Romayor", and "Rotaprint" (and any other similar kind of machine) having a sheet size the longest side of which is less than 620 millimetres with the shortest side not exceeding 450 millimetres and with the printing mechanism driven by a motor which is specified by the manufacturer as not exceeding 1.1 kilowatt power:
Provided that nothing herein shall be construed to include the printing machines known by the trade name "Davidson Dualith" or letterpress printing machines of any description.
(f) Non-Impact Printing Machine – shall mean and refer to:–
(i) Non-Impact printing machines used in or in connection with the commercial printing industry but not including non-impact printing machines used solely for photocopying or facsimile transmission; and
(ii) Non-Impact printing machines which employ non-impact printing technology in applying images to paper and or other surfaces and includes (either singularly or in combination) but is not limited to – lasography, inkjet and inkbubble, ion deposition, thermal transfer, xerography, magnetography, cathode ray tube projection, light emitting diode, liquid crystal display; and
(iii) Non-Impact printing machines called Electronic Printing Machines or Laser Printing Machines which use one or more of the above processes. Major manufacturers of this type of equipment include, but are not limited to Canon, Hewlett Packard, Siemens, Rank-Zerox and IBM.
(11) Paper Ruler – shall mean and refer to a person in charge of any ruling machine or who makes ready, sets pens or discs on the machine, mixes inks, rules proofs or regulates the supply of ink to the machine.
(12) Screen Printing – shall mean the process of printing and reproducing through a metallic mesh screen or screen made of silk or other material; the preparation of copy including screen art and/or designing and/or the making therefor of all classes of stencils.
(13) Corrugated and Solid Fibre Board Containers – the provisions of this subclause shall apply only to the classifications set out in the Corrugated and Solid Fibre Board Container Section of this Award:–
(a) despatcher – means an employee in a finished goods despatch area whose duties include (but not being the labouring aspects only of such functions), receiving finished goods; assembling or collecting goods in store to satisfy orders, requisitions or schedules, checking goods before despatch for quantity, type or size, handing over goods to the person authorised to receive such goods.
In addition, such an employee may be required to keep appropriate records. There shall be at least one employee in each finished goods despatch area who is classified as a despatcher.
(b) Forklift and/or grab truck and/or similar powered machine – means any lifting and/or carrying apparatus for which the holding of a current certificate of competency; permit to learn or authority to operate, is required by relevant legislation.
(c) Machinist – means, without limiting the generality of that term, the person who, under the direction of the employer is in charge of and responsible for the safety of those under his/her control the efficient operation, care and cleanliness of the equipment and its immediately surrounding areas, the behaviour of the crew (if any) and the setting up, maintenance of quality and output of the machine in accordance with the standards set by the employer.
(d) Assistant Machinist – means a person (who is second in charge of the machine) appointed by the employer to assist the machinist in the performance of any of the duties of the machinist as defined but who is not responsible for taking charge of the machine unless so directed by the employer.
(e) Any other Employee on that Machine – means any employee other than the machinist or assistant machinist who is assigned to the machine by the employer to perform work at the direction of the Machinist.
(f) Single Facer Machinist – means the person in charge of a single facer either operating in line with a double backer or as a separate unit, making single faced board.
(g) A Printer-Slotter – means a machine used for printing, slotting, scoring, and/or slitting and includes printing machines (not being printing attachments) such as Long Way Through Printers and Solid Fibreboard Boxmakers such as the Swift or the Thrissel. A Printer-slotter may have attachments for limited die cutting operations, for example, hand holes and ventilation holes.
(h) Printing Attachment – shall mean a simple printing device incapable of printing on its own but when attached to another machine can perform a limited printing function.
(i) A Storeperson – shall mean an employee in a store whose duties include receiving and/or storing away and/or issuing goods and materials used in connection with the manufacture of corrugated and/or solid fibreboard and/or goods made therefrom (not being the labouring aspects only of such functions); in addition such an employee may be required to keep appropriate records. There shall be at least one employee in each store who is classified as a Storeperson.
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