P0540 Printing Indust. Award-State


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6.1 No Extra Claims
It is a term of this Award arising from the Decision in the State Wage Case of July 1991, that the Union undertakes, for the duration of the Principles determined by that decision, not to pursue any extra claims, award or overaward, except when consistent with those Principles:
Provided that if the anticipated A.I.R.C. Review of the Principles is not concluded by 1 November 1991, the Union clearly states that without prejudice to the continuation of the Award Restructuring Process, the Union reserves the right to review its position at that time in conjunction with the Trades and Labor Council of Queensland and the Union movement collectively, and advise the Commission accordingly of the collective decision adopted.
6.2 Limitation of Employment of Juniors
(1) Staffing of Departments – No department shall be staffed exclusively by juniors.
(2) Proportion of Juniors – Not more than three juniors shall be employed to each adult employed as a weekly employee in each department. The proportion of juniors in the reading department shall not exceed one to every adult permanently employed in the department who is in receipt of not less than the rate of wages fixed by this Award.
(3) Screen Printing – Subject to subclause (4) of this clause, where the dimensions of a piece of printed matter –

(a) exceed three hundred millimetres by six hundred millimetres, an adult employee or an apprentice to screen printing stencil preparation shall be employed on the same printing frame as any non-apprenticed junior on the printing (including racking) of such printed matter;

(b) do not exceed 300 millimetres by 600 millimetres, a non-apprenticed junior may be employed alone in the printing (including racking) of such printed matter.
(4) A non-apprenticed junior shall not be employed in or in connection with the work of transfers other than racking.
(5) Training of Non-Apprenticed Juniors – Subject to subclauses (7), (8) and (9) hereof, non-apprenticed juniors shall not be employed on any work for which apprenticeship is provided in the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 1991 and Regulations 1991 as amended. In those sections of the industry in which no provision is made for apprenticeship, non- apprenticed juniors may be employed. Such juniors shall be given reasonable opportunities to become proficient in different classes of work and shall be taught higher grade work as they progress in the knowledge of their work.
(6) Apprenticeship Trades – The conditions of employment of juniors in any branch of the industry in respect of which provision is made for apprenticeship shall be as set out in the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 1991 and Regulations 1991 as amended.
(7) Artist and/or Designer (including Commercial Artist) – (a) The maximum proportion of junior artists and/or designers (including junior commercial artists) shall be one junior artist and/or designer (including junior commercial artist) to every three or fraction of three adult artists and/or designers (including adult commercial artists) employed upon the established staff of adult artists and/or designers (including commercial artists) employed as such by the employer as weekly employees at full rates of pay as prescribed in subclauses 3.8(1) and 3.8(2) of this Award.
(b) In provision (a) of subclause (7) hereof "the established staff" shall mean the number of adult artists and/or designers (including adult commercial artists) continuously employed as such by the employer for a period of not less than six calendar months.
(c) Junior artists and/or designers shall be fully and thoroughly taught and instructed in the work of an artist and/or designer (including commercial art work) as defined in provision (a) of subclause (6) of clause 3.1 (Definitions) of this Award.
(d) Each junior artist and/or designer (including a junior commercial artist) shall from the commencement of his or her employment attend and not be prevented by his or her employer from attending during the junior's ordinary working hours for 7.6 hours every week for a period of four years, a recognised art school agreed upon by the organisations parties to this Award or, failing such agreement, as determined by an independent arbitrator appointed by such organisations.
Where the training facilities for artists and/or designers (including commercial artists) at the art school attended by such junior artist and/or designer (including commercial artists) make it impracticable for their attendance to be for 7.6 hours every week for a period of four years, then for the number of hours and for the period of any prescribed course (with the minimum of 3.8 hours per day each week) as is agreed upon by the organisations party to this Award (in the first instance) or, failing agreement, as determined by an independent arbitrator appointed by such organisations. The training at a recognised art school of a junior artist and/or designer (including a junior commercial artist) shall cease at the end of the calendar year in which the junior's twentieth anniversary of his or her birth is attained.
(e) On the production by the junior artist of a certificate from the art school showing that he or she has given satisfactory attention to the work of the school for the quarter or other term, then for that term there shall be no deduction from the junior artist's pay for the time of absence.
(f) The fees of the art school shall be paid by the employer (unless paid by the State Government).
(g) The duties of a junior artist and/or designer (including a junior commercial artist) shall be so arranged by the employer that as the junior progresses in knowledge and skill, his or her duties shall be varied and he or she shall from time to time be placed on higher and more skilled work.
(h) In the event of the employer during the full term of training a junior artist and/or designer:–

(i) ceasing (by death or otherwise) to carry on the business of art and/or designing in which the junior artist and/or designer is being trained, or

(ii) ceasing for a continuous period of three months to have the proportion of adult artists and/or designers to junior artists and/or designers (as specified in this clause),
the employer or his/her executors, administrators or assigns or one of them shall within one month thereafter find and provide some other employer carrying of the same class of business within a radius of five kilometres, if any there be, or if there be none such, if the junior artist and/or designer shall so desire and if an employer can be found, then to some other employer beyond that radius. In the event of an employer not being agreeable to take the junior artist and/or designer or an employer not being discovered who will take the junior artist and/or designer, it shall not be competent for the junior artist and/or designer to continue in the employ of his/her employer or the employer's executors, administrators or assigns or one of them. The junior artist and/or designer shall thereupon be paid all moneys due to him/her under this Award. Such moneys referred to herein should be paid by the employer or from the estate of the employer in the event of the employer being deceased.
(8) Juniors Employed on Small Offset Lithographic Printing Machines – (a) The maximum proportion of juniors employed on small offset lithographic printing machines shall be one junior to every three or fraction of three adult small offset lithographic printing machinists employed and paid as such on the established staff of the employer.
(b) For the purpose of subclause (8) hereof "the established staff" shall mean the number of adult small offset lithographic printing machinists continuously employed as such by the employer for a period of not less than six months immediately prior to the engagement of the junior. In any establishment where apprentices to the trade of "Printing Machining" are employed, those apprentices and persons who have served an apprenticeship to that trade shall be excluded from the calculation of the proportion of juniors employed on small offset lithographic printing machines to adult small offset lithographic printing machinists.
(c) Where the employer employs apprentices to the trade of "Printing Machining" that employer shall be required (so far as plant and facilities permit) to provide training for such apprentices on small offset lithographic printing machines in accordance with the provisions of the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 1991 and Regulations 1991 as amended.
(9) A junior under sixteen years of age shall not be employed on overtime.
(10) Subject to the appropriate overtime provisions, an employee under seventeen years of age shall be employed only on day work.
6.3 Traineeships Under the Australian Traineeship System
(1) Objective – The objective of this clause is to provide the form and substance of the conditions of employment, including the rates of pay, applicable to persons engaged as Small Offset Trainees under the Australian Traineeship System.
The employment of Small Offset Trainees shall not prejudice the employment of full-time employees.
(2) Definitions – (a) A Small Offset Traineeship is a system under the Australian Traineeship System comprising on-the-job training with an employer and off-the-job training in a Technical and Further Education College or other training provider approved by the Division of Skills Development.
(b) A Small Offset Training Agreement means an agreement for training deposited with the State Training Authority.
(c) A Small Offset Trainee (ATS) is an employee who is bound by a training agreement deposited with the Division of Skills Development.
(3) Training Conditions – (a) A Small Offset Trainee (ATS) shall attend an approved on and off-the-job training course or programme prescribed in the relevant training agreement or as notified to the trainee by the Division of Skills Development.
(b) The employer listed with the Division of Skills Development shall ensure that the Trainee (ATS) is permitted to attend the prescribed off-the-job training course and is provided with on-the-job training approved by the Division of Skills Development.
(c) The employer shall provide a level of supervision in accordance with the approved Training Plan during the Traineeship period.
(d) The employer agrees that the overall training programme will be monitored by officers of the Division of Skills Development and that training records or work books may be utilised as part of this monitoring process.
(4) Employment Conditions – (a) The Trainee (ATS) shall be engaged for a period of twelve months as a full-time employee provided that the Trainee (ATS) shall be subject to a satisfactory probation period of up to one month.
(b) The Trainee (ATS) is permitted to be absent from work without loss of continuity of employment to attend the off-the-job training in accordance with the Training Agreement.
(c) Overtime and shiftwork shall not be worked by Trainees (ATS) except to enable the requirements of the Training Plan to be effected. When overtime and shiftwork are worked the relevant penalties and allowances of the Award based on the trainee wage will apply. No Trainee (ATS) shall work overtime or shiftwork on their own.
(d) That the Small Offset Traineeship may be cancelled by the trainee and employer with the consent of the Division of Skills Development.
(5) Wages – (a) For the purposes of achieving stability of income for the trainee over the Traineeship period, the wage rate for the trainee shall be calculated on the following basis:–

15 and under 16 years – R x 39/52 x 45%

16 and under 17 years – R x 39/52 x 50%

17 and under 18 years – R x 39/52 x 55%

18 and under 19 years – R x 39/52 x 65%

19 and under 20 years – R x 39/52 x 75%

20 and under 21 years – R x 39/52 x 85%

Where "R" equals the wage rate prescribed for classification A11 under subclause 3.8(1) (Rates of Pay – Commercial Printing and Newspaper Offices) of this Award and 39 represents the actual weeks spent on-the-job during the twelve (12) month period of the traineeship.

(b) Provided that trainees shall receive in addition to the wage rates set out above, applicable divisional and district allowances.
(c) Provided further that the weekly wage rate payable to a trainee shall not be less than the minimum weekly rate prescribed by the Australian Traineeship System Administration Guidelines.
The rates so calculated shall be subject to any relevant adjustment as may be prescribed by the Industrial Relations Commission.
6.4 Health and Safety Provisions
(1) All matters of workplace health and safety shall be regulated by the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1989 as amended from time to time and in addition, shall be conducted in accord with the following provisions.
(2) A first aid ambulance outfit shall be provided in all printing establishments covered by this Award. The contents of the kit shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1989 or such other Act that modifies that Act from time to time. Allowance for the first aid attendant shall be as set out in clause 3.19 (First Aid Attendant) of this Award.
(3) Notices approved by the employer containing advice for the preservation of the health and protection of workers, if provided by the Printing and Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland Branch shall be kept prominently posted and displayed in all workrooms by the employer.
(4) There shall be only one employee working at a power guillotine machine at any one time.
(5) An employer shall not permit or require an employee under the age of 18 years to be employed on a power-driven guillotine (unless an apprentice indentured as provided in the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 1991 and Regulations 1991 as amended) or a platen or cylinder machine used for carton cutting.
(6) An employer shall not require or permit an employee to work overtime, afternoon shift or night shift, in connection with power driven machinery (except floor cleaning or floor polishing appliances) or corrosive acids or poisonous substances, unless that employee works within normal sight or hearing of at least one other person.
6.5 Protective Clothing
(1) All personal protective equipment required for safe working shall be provided by the employer at no expense to the employee except in circumstances of wilful neglect by the employee, when the employee shall be liable to the employer for the replacement cost of such articles. To the extent that any section of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1989 as amended from time to time, and any Regulation or Code of Practice pursuant to that Act makes provision for personal protective equipment in a manner that is in apparent conflict with the provisions of this clause, the stipulations of the Act, Regulation or Code of Practice (as the case may be) shall prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.

  1. Subject to subclause (1) hereof, each employee specified in this clause shall be supplied by his/her employer during each year of service with the protective clothing as stipulated hereunder:–

Classification Overall or Aprons Boots or Shoes

Stereotyper 2 pairs overalls or 1 pair industrial

impervious apron (at the boots

discretion of the employee)

per annum

Electrotyper 2 pairs overalls or 1 pair industrial

impervious apron (at the boots

discretion of the employee)

per annum

Surface Coater 2 pairs overalls per annum
Colour mixer for 2 pairs overalls per annum

surface coating

Printing ink mixer 2 pairs overalls per annum

and/or maker

Screen printing 2 pairs overalls/smocks or

employee on a screen impervious apron (at the

printing frame or discretion of the employee)

machine or required per annum

to mix or match

colours or work with

Employee engaged in Overalls or impervious Boots or shoes (at

corrugated and/or apron (at the discretion the discretion of

solid fibreboard of the employee) as the employee) as

container manufacture necessary from time to time necessary from time

operating an

adhesive unit

Pasting machine Overalls as necessary from Boots or shoes (at

employee other than time to time the discretion of

employee engaged in the employee) as

solid fibreboard necessary from time

Employee on the wet Overalls as necessary from Boots or shoes (at

end of a corrugating time to time the discretion of

and/or solid fibre- the employee) as

board pasting machine necessary from time

to time
6.6 Award Modernisation
(1) The parties to this Award are committed to co-operating positively to increase the efficiency, productivity and international competitiveness of the printing industry and to enhance the career opportunities and job security of employees in the industry.
(2) At each plant or enterprise, an employer, the employees and their industrial organization shall establish a consultative mechanism and procedures appropriate to the size, structure and needs of that plant or enterprise. Measures raised by the employer, employees or industrial organization for consideration consistent with the objectives of subclause (1) herein, shall be processed through that consultative mechanism and procedures.
(3) Measures raised for consideration consistent with subclause (2) herein shall be related to implementation of the new classification structure, and the facilitative provisions contained in this Award.
(4) Without limiting the rights of either an employer or an industrial organization to arbitration, any other measure designed to increase flexibility at the plant or enterprise and sought by any party shall be notified to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and by agreement of the parties involved shall be implemented subject to the following requirements:–

– the changes sought shall not affect provisions reflecting national standards;

– the majority of employees affected by the change at the plant or enterprise must genuinely agree to the change;
– no employee shall lose income as a result of the change;
– the relevant industrial organization must be a party to the agreement;
– the relevant industrial organization shall not unreasonably oppose any agreement;
– any agreement shall be subject to approval by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and if approved shall operate as a Schedule to this Award and take precedence over any provision of this Award to the extent of any inconsistency.
(5) Any disputes arising in relation to the implementation of subclauses (2), (3) and (4) herein, shall be subject to the provisions of clause 2.3 (Grievance Procedures).
6.7 Incidental or Peripheral Tasks
(1) An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are reasonably within the limits of the employee's skill, competence and training. All skilled employees when required shall cut their own stock.
(2) An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties and use such equipment as may be required, provided that the employee has been properly trained in the use of such equipment.
(3) Any direction issued by an employer pursuant to subclauses (1) and (2) shall be consistent with the employer's responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
6.8 Structural Efficiency
The parties to this Award are committed to the implementation of a new wage and classification structure, classification definitions and in creating appropriate relativities between different employee skill levels within the Award. In making this commitment the parties:–
(1) Accept in principle to move constructively and rapidly to the development of a single trade stream for the pre-press area leaving a new structure of three trade streams; pre-press, press and post-press allowing for the broadening of the skill and work of employees in the context of appropriate training provisions. As part of this process employees in trade classifications are to perform work that is incidental or peripheral to their main tasks or functions. This shall not mean that employees may be required to perform work for which an employee has not been trained.
(2) Accept in principle a new Award structure in which descriptions of job functions will be more broadly based and generic in nature.
(3) Undertake that subject to agreement at enterprise level, employees are to undertake training for the wider range of duties and for access to higher classifications.
(4) Agree not to create barriers to advancement of employees through access to proper accredited training and the advancement of employees through the new structure.
(5) Will co-operate in the transition from the existing wage and classification structure to the proposed new structure to ensure that the transition takes place in an orderly manner without creating false expectations or disputation.
(6) There shall be co-operation between the Queensland Branch of the union, management and employees in improving production.
6.9 Posting Notices
With the approval of the employer, the Industrial Organization may be permitted to post notices as to Industrial Organization meetings on a board at each establishment in a reasonable manner.
6.10 Restriction on Taking Work Off the Employer's Premises
No work covered by this Award shall be taken off an employer's premises to be executed by any employee of that employer, and no such work shall be taken off an employer's premises to be executed by any other person, except the employer himself or herself:
Provided that this clause shall not restrict the right of the employer to have work done in a trade supply establishment.
6.11 Stand Down
(1) An employer may deduct payment for any time an employee cannot usefully be employed because of any strike of an industrial organization, party to this Award, or any other industrial organization, or through any break-down of machinery or any stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot be held responsible.
(2) Subject to subclause (1) hereof, the employer shall make every effort to keep the employee employed on work applicable to his/her classification and employees may be stood down in the circumstances set out above only when no such work is available.
6.12 Jury Service
(1) An employee on weekly hiring who is required to attend for jury service during ordinary working hours shall be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of attendance for such jury service and the amount of wage he/she would have received in respect of the ordinary time he/she would have worked had the employee not been on jury service.
(2) An employee shall notify the employer as soon as possible of the days upon which he/she is required to attend for jury service. After being so notified an employer shall not alter that employee's ordinary hours of work for the sole purpose of avoiding payment for jury service. Further, the employee shall give the employer proof of attendance at, duration of, and the amount received in respect of such jury service.
6.13 Trade Union Training Leave
(1) Subject to subclause (2) hereof, a union delegate (or officer of the chapel elected in accordance with the rules of the Union) with not less than 6 months service with the employer shall, upon application in writing, be granted up to five days leave with pay each calendar year (non-cumulative), to attend courses conducted or approved by the Trade Union Training Authority which are designed to promote good industrial relations and industrial efficiency within the industry.
The application to the employer must include the nature, content and duration of the course to be attended.
(2) In each establishment employing more than 10 weekly employees under this Award, the employer may be requested to approve leave in accordance with this clause subject to the following limitation:–

(a) Where the employer employs 11 and not more than 20 weekly employees under this award, 1 delegate or officer of the chapel may be granted 5 days' leave in any 12 month period.

(b) Where the employer employs more than 20 and not more than 30 weekly employees under this award, 2 delegates or officers of the chapel may each be granted 5 days' leave in any twelve month period.
(c) Where the employer employs more than 30 and not more than 50 weekly employees under this award, 3 delegates or officers of the chapel may each be granted 5 days' leave in any 12 month period.
(d) Where the employer employs more than 50 and not more than 90 weekly employees under this award, 4 delegates or officers of the chapel may each be granted 5 days' leave in any 12 month period.
(e) Where the employer employs more than 90 weekly employees under this award, 5 delegates or officers of the chapel may each be granted 5 days' leave in any 12 month period.
(3) The granting of leave pursuant to this clause shall be subject to the employee or the Industrial Organization giving not less than four (4) weeks' notice of an intention to attend such course or such lesser period of notice as may be agreed by the employer.
(4)(a) The granting of leave pursuant to this clause shall be subject to the employer being able to make adequate staffing arrangements amongst current employees during the period of such leave.
(b) An employer shall not use this subclause to avoid an obligation under this clause.
(5) Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause shall count as service for all purposes of this Award.
(6) Each employee on leave approved in accordance with this clause shall be paid all ordinary time earnings. For the purposes of this subclause "ordinary time earnings" for an employee means the classification rate, overaward payment and shift loading which otherwise would have been payable.
(7) All expenses (such as travel, accommodation and meals) associated with or incurred by the employee attending a training course as provided in this clause, shall be the responsibility of the employee or the Industrial Organization.
(8) An employee may be required to satisfy the employer of attendance at the course to qualify for payment of leave, unless the employee would otherwise have been entitled to payment under clause 5.3 (Sick Pay) of this Award.
(9) An employee granted leave pursuant to this clause shall, upon request, inform the employer of the nature of the course attended and their observations on it.
(10) In the event a scheduled rostered day off falls within a period of leave approved pursuant to this clause, no alternative day off shall be substituted in lieu.
(11) Either party may refer any disagreement in the application of this clause to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission for assistance in the resolution of the matter.
6.14 Payment of Wages
(1) Wages shall be paid by cash, cheque or electronic transfer (as determined by the employer) during working hours provided that wages made by electronic funds transfer shall be credited to an employee's account without cost to the employee at the time of transfer.
(2) Time and one half shall be paid for all non-working time during which an employee is kept waiting for his/her wages except when the delay is for a reason beyond the employer's control.
(3) An employee shall be paid his/her wages on any week day in each week and such wages, including payment for any absences authorised by this Award, shall be paid not later than two clear days after the end of the pay week in respect of which they have become due:
Provided that where overtime is worked within one day of the end of a pay period such overtime may be paid to the employee in the next pay week.
6.15 Skilled Employees
All skilled employees when required shall cut their own stock.

6.16 Preservation of Certain Provisions
(1) In the area designated by clause 3.7 (Division and District Definitions And Allowances) as the "Brisbane District" of this Award, certain provisions of the rescinded Printing Trades Award – Brisbane (QGIG 23 March 1983), shall continue to have force and effect as setout hereunder.
(2) Delegates – Not more than two delegates, chosen by and from the employees of the employer, shall be allowed the necessary time in working hours to interview the employer or his/her representative for the purpose of submitting grievances. If the delegate or delegates so chosen be piece-workers, they shall be paid for such time the time-worker's wage in their branch of the industry.
(3) Seating – (a) Any employee whose work requires him or her to be seated, shall be provided with a reasonably comfortable seat.
(b) The use of metal seating accommodation shall not be permitted unless effectively covered with felt or similar material.
(4) Employee missing usual conveyance – Whenever the finishing time of any employee working overtime or working on any temporary night shift is such as to cause the employee to miss his/her usual means of conveyance home, that employee shall be conveyed home in a suitable manner, without delay, at the expense of the employer.
(5) Casual employees employed in the "Brisbane District" of this Award shall be provided six hour's work or six hour's pay per engagement at the least.
6.17 Training and Skills Programme (TASK)
(1) Application – To the extent that this clause is inconsistent with other provisions of this Award and subject to subclause (2) hereof, the terms of the clause shall apply:
Provided this clause shall not apply to:–

– Queensland Government Departments; and

– Queensland Public Sector Units to which the 'Policy for the Management of Redundancy in the Queensland Public Sector' applies; and
– Brisbane City Council
(2) Savings – (a) Except as herein provided, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be preserved.
(b) This clause shall only apply to an employer when such an employer voluntarily agrees to the TASK programme being implemented.
(c) Employees' participation in TASK shall be voluntary.
(d) This clause shall not apply to apprentices, Trainees under the Australian Traineeship System, or casual workers.
(3) Definitions – For the purposes of this clause:–
(a) Training and Skills Programme (TASK) is a Commonwealth Government training programme. The objective of TASK is to assist employment retention, to improve the skills of employees who would otherwise be retrenched or who are working short-time or in down-time situations and to improve training levels undertaken by industry.
(b) A Co-ordination Committee is a Committee made up of equal numbers of employer and employee representatives at the enterprise level who shall oversee the development and implementation of the TASK training plan. For the purposes of this clause, a consultative committee established pursuant to clause "6.6 – Award Modernisation", shall constitute a Co-ordination Committee.
(c) A TASK employee is an employee who is undergoing training endorsed by a Co-ordination Committee and receiving a training wage while engaged in those activities.
(d) A TASK training plan is a plan developed and implemented by the Co-ordination Committee to meet the objectives of the TASK programme.
(4) Training Conditions – (a) Employees approved to undertake the TASK programme shall be required to attend the on and off-the-job training prescribed in the relevant Training Plan endorsed by the Co-ordination Committee.
(b) On any day or part thereof an employee participating in the TASK programme may only be directed to undertake activities under the TASK programme guidelines.
(c) The employer shall provide an appropriate level of supervision in accordance with the approved training plan.
(5) Employment Conditions – (a) Irrespective of TASK activities employees shall maintain their employment status and accrual of all entitlements and continuity of service provided for in the Award including sick leave, annual leave, long service leave, holidays and superannuation. Parental leave where applicable, shall not be affected.
(b) Employees engaged in TASK are permitted to be absent from work without loss of continuity of employment to attend off-the-job training in accordance with the approved training plan.
(6) TASK and the Introduction of Change – In accordance with the employer's duties in clause 2.1 (Contract of Employment) of this Award, employers shall notify and hold discussions with their employees and where relevant their unions before introducing TASK.
(7) Wages – When engaged in TASK training plans, the wage entitlements of TASK employees shall be 80 per cent of the wages they would have received had they not been on TASK training plans.
(8) Review – Parties to the Award agree that a review of this clause shall be undertaken prior to 29 March 1994, to determine the continued relevance of these provisions.
(9) Disclaimer – Without prejudicing the position of any party to this Award, this clause shall not be used as precedent in any argument that employees have an obligation to contribute their own time and expenses to industry training.
Nominated Superannuation Funds of Certain Employers.
In accordance with the provisions of clause 3.13(3)(c)(iii) of this Award, the following Occupational Superannuation Funds are registered as approved funds, where payments arising from clause 3.13 of this Award are made by certain (herein nominated) employers.
(1) Downs Printing Co. Pty Ltd Superannuation Fund (title of the Occupational Superannuation Scheme being Tailored Super Fund P0092; Downs Printing Co. Pty Ltd) is to be used by Downs Printing Co. Pty Ltd.
(2) National Mutual Simple Super is to be used by Triune Press Pty Ltd.
(3) Suncorp Superplan is to be used by Capricorn Printing and Publishing.
(4) Colonial Mutual Masterpac is to be used by Border Newspapers Pty Ltd, trading as Stanthorpe Border Post.
(5) Lower Burdekin Newspaper Pty Ltd Superannuation Plan is to be used by Lower Burdekin Newspaper Company Pty Ltd.
(6) Inprint Limited Superannuation Fund is to be used by Inprint Limited.
(7) City Printing Works Staff (SLS) Superannuation Plan No. 040086 and City Printing Works Occupational Superannuation Plan (title of Occupational Superannuation Scheme being AMP Super Plan), is to be used by City Printing Works.
(8) AMP Superleader Plan is to be used by Gladstone Printing Services.
(9) AMP Superleader Plan is to be used by Tableland Printing Service.
(10) Pru-Plan Superannuation Fund No. A22160 is to be used by Laser Instaprint Pty. Ltd.
(11) Pru-Plan Superannuation Fund No A22161 is to be used by Ashmore Printing Co. Pty. Ltd.
(12) AMP Superleader Plan is to be used by Intraset Pty. Ltd. and Colourscan Pty. Ltd.
(13) Kricker Print Superannuation Plan is to be used by Kricker Print.
(14) APM Packaging Superannuation Plan is to be used by APM Containers Ltd.
(15) Australian Retirement Fund is to be used by Midden Pty. Ltd., trading as Kwik-Kopy Printing Centre Townsville.
This Schedule shall be deemed for the purposes of this Award, to have taken effect from the twenty-third day of March, 1990.

Schedule B

(1) Employees of the Brisbane City Council – Employees of the Brisbane City Council employed pursuant to the provisions of this Award shall be employed in accordance with this Award except where provisions of this Schedule (Schedule B) provide for differing conditions of employment and to the extent of any inconsistency, the stipulations of Schedule B shall prevail.

(2) Wages Rates of Employees of the Brisbane City Council –
Adult Employees

Classification Relativity Award Rate Per Week

% $

Printing Tradesperson (including Compositor

and Graphic Reproducer) 100 492.20

Other Printing Tradesperson 100 492.20

Packer and/or Despatcher 87.4 439.60

Other Employees 82 419.80

NOTE: The percentage relativities above relates to percentages applying before the application of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd $8 arbitrated safety net adjustments made in accordance with the November 1994 State Wage Case decision and the October 1995 State Wage Case decision.
The rates of pay in this Award are intended to include the arbitrated wage adjustment payable under the 1 September 2000 Declaration of General Ruling and earlier Safety Net Adjustments. [Disputed cases are to be referred to the President.] This arbitrated wage adjustment may be offset against any equivalent amount in rates of pay received by employees whose wages and conditions of employment are regulated by this Award which are above the wage rates prescribed in the Award. Such payments include wages payable pursuant to certified agreements, currently operating enterprise flexibility agreements, Queensland workplace agreements, award amendments to give effect to enterprise agreements and overaward arrangements. Absorption which is contrary to the terms of an agreement is not required.
Increases made under previous State Wage Cases or under the current Statement of Principles, excepting those resulting from enterprise agreements, are not to be used to offset arbitrated wage adjustments.

(3) Employees of the Brisbane City Council – Printing Section – The ordinary working hours of day working employees shall not exceed 38 hours per week or 7 hours 36 minutes per day to be worked between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday inclusive:

Provided that by agreement between the Industrial Organization and the Brisbane City Council the ordinary hours may be worked over a fortnightly period on 9 consecutive working days and not more that 8 hours 27 minutes shall be worked on any such day at ordinary rates.
(4) Employees of the Brisbane City Council – Calculation of such entitlements to annual leave of employees shall be in hours as agreed between the Industrial Organization and the Brisbane City Council.
(5) Employees of the Brisbane City Council – working on agreed day off – Employees of the Brisbane City Council working a fortnightly period of 9 consecutive working days, who are required to work on their agreed day off, shall be paid the overtime rates prescribed for work on Mondays to Fridays in this Award.
(6) Brisbane City Council - Printing Section - Calculation of Monetary Amounts – Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Award the following shall apply in calculating the entitlements of employees of the Brisbane City Council in respect of any monetary amounts prescribed in this Award:–

(a) Any monetary amount specified as applying on a per hour basis shall be multiplied by the fraction 40/38. If expressed on a daily basis shall be multiplied by the fraction 10/9.

(b) Any monetary amount specified as applying on a rate per week basis shall be divided by 38 where it is necessary to determine any hourly rate in order to calculate an entitlement in respect to a part of a week.
Dated this fourteenth day of July, 1992.
By the Commission,


Industrial Registrar.



~Operative Date: 20 July 1992


Released: 18 August 1992

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