MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: All the names may be added. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI BHUPINDER SINGH: Sir, the whole House is one. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay; the entire House agrees. ...(Interruptions)... Yes, the whole House agrees. All right, all will be noted. Whole House agrees. ...(Interruptions)... Now, Shri Sanjiv Kumar. ...(Interruptions)... There is agreement of the whole House. Everybody agrees, then what you have to say? Everybody agrees. All are agreeing, बैठिए। ...(Interruptions)... Now, Shri Sanjiv Kumar.
श्री संजीव कुमार (झारखंड) : महोदय, मैं आपके माध्यम से सरकार और सदन का ध्यान झारखंड के कोयलांचल के झरिया इलाके में कैंसर से लगातार हो रही मौत की ओर आकर्षित करना चाहता हूं। महोदय, अब तक मेरी जानकारी के अनुसार सिर्फ धनबाद जिले के झरिया इलाके में विगत 6 महीने में कैंसर से करीब 7 लोगों की मौत की पुष्टि हो चुकी है, जबकि यह आशंका जतायी जा रही है कि इस भयंकर बीमारी से सैकड़ों लोग अपनी जान गंवा चुके हैं और उससे कई गुणा लोग इससे ग्रसित हैं। इस बीमारी के फैलने का सिर्फ एक ही कारण है – प्रदूषण, जो बीसीसीएल के भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों द्वारा कोयला खनन एवं इसकी ढुलाई में अनियमितता के कारण है।
महोदय, इस संबंध में झारखंड के हिन्दी दैनिक समाचार “हिन्दुस्तान” के 25.03.2015 के अंक में एक विस्तृत रिपोर्ट छपी है, जो दिल दहलाने वाली है। इस संबंध में धनबाद नगर निगम पार्षद अनूप कुमार साव ने मुख्य मंत्री, झारखंड के अलावा धनबाद लोक सभा सांसद एवं मुझे भी एसओएस संदेश भेजा है तथा आवश्यक मदद की मांग की है। अत: मैं आपके माध्यम से सर्वप्रथम यह मांग करता हूं कि विशेषज्ञों एवं चिकित्सकों की एक टीम झरिया भेजी जाए एवं पीड़ितों को उचित राहत के साथ-साथ इस महामारी को रोकने की उचित व्यवस्था की जाए क्योंकि बीसीसीएल डायरेक्टली मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ कोल, गवर्नमेंट ऑफ इंडिया के अंतर्गत आता है और यह सरकार की जिम्मेदारी है।
महोदय, मैं पहले भी इस सदन के संज्ञान में यह बात लाया था कि पूरा कोयलांचल भारी प्रदूषण की चपेट में है। लोग टीबी, अस्थमा, कैंसर से ग्रसित हो रहे हैं। जिनके पास साधन हैं, वे दिल्ली, कोलकाता, वैल्लोर आदि जगहों पर जाकर अपना इलाज करवाते हैं क्योंकि वहां पर इलाज का कोई साधन नहीं है। कोयलांचल धनबाद में एक मेडिकल कॉलेज है जो खुद बीमार है, लेकिन दूसरी ओर गरीब लोग बेमौत मारे जा रहे हैं।
कोयला एवं तांबा, लोहा, बॉक्साइट इत्यादि खनिज झारखंड के लिए श्राप बन गए हैं। कोयला एवं खनिज ने झारखंड के जल, जंगल एवं जमीन को तबाह कर दिया है। इसके खनन एवं ढुलाई में अनियमितता के कारण हुए प्रदूषण से कैंसर, टीबी एवं अस्थमा से लोग मर रहे हैं। कोयलांचल के बीसीसीएल एवं भ्रष्ट सीबीआई, पुलिस और इन्कम टैक्स के अधिकारियों की आपसी सांठ-गांठ के कारण बीसीसीएल को रोज करोड़ों का चूना लग रहा है। जहां तक भू-माफिया एवं बिल्डर्स लॉबी का सवाल है, इन्हें खुश करने के लिए बीसीसीएल के भ्रष्ट अधिकारी जमींदार जैसा व्यवहार करते हैं। ये सब बातें बरसों से चली आ रही हैं एवं सरकार को सब कुछ पता है।
महोदय, पिछले सत्र में मैंने इस सदन में मौजा करमाटांड, जिला धनबाद में करीब 98 एकड़ जमीन के बदले करीब 104 लोगों को 1990 के दशक में बीसीसीएल में नौकरी देने के बाद बिना किसी कारण उनकी नौकरी गैर-कानूनी ढंग से डिसकंटीन्यु करने का मामला उठाया था। उनकी नौकरी करीब एक साल पहले से पुन: डिसकंटीन्यु कर दी गयी है। उनका अपराध सिर्फ इतना ही है कि उन्होंने गैर कानूनी ढंग से ...(समय की घंटी)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Time over. ...(Interruptions)... Time over. Shri S. Muthukaruppan. ...(Interruptions)... Shri S. Muthukaruppan.
श्रीमती रेणुका चौधरी (आन्ध्र प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करती हूं।
श्रीमती कहकशां परवीन (बिहार) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करती हूं।
श्री प्रेम चन्द गुप्ता (झारखंड) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
श्री नीरज शेखर (उत्तर प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
श्री विशम्भर प्रसाद निषाद (उत्तर प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
श्री अरविन्द कुमार सिंह (उत्तर प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
श्री सालिम अन्सारी (उत्तर प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
श्री आलोक तिवारी (उत्तर प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
चौधरी मुनव्वर सलीम (उत्तर प्रदेश) : महोदय, मैं माननीय सदस्य के वक्तव्य से स्वयं को संबद्ध करता हूं।
چودھری منوّر سلیم (اتّر پردیش) : مہودے، میں مانّئے سدسئے کے وکتوئے سےخود کو سمبدّھہ کرتا ہوں۔
SHRI RITABRATA BANERJEE (WEST BENGAL): Sir, I also associate myself with the matter raised by the hon. Member.
SHRI K.K. RAGESH (KERALA): Sir, I too associate myself with the matter raised by the hon. Member.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay, those who associate, may be added. Shri S. Muthukaruppan. ...(Interruptions)... All names will be added. ...(Interruptions)... It is not going on record. Yes, Shri Muthukaruppan, please.
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN (TAMIL NADU): Hon. Deputy Chairman, Sir, I would like to raise the serious and important issue of Tamil Nadu farmers, especially, delta farmers of Tamil Nadu.
(Contd. by GSP/1H)
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN (CONTD.): Sir, my Leader, Puratchi Thalaivi, Amma, approached the Supreme Court and the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal and the final decision has been published in the official Gazette on 19.2.2013. On 2.9.2013, my leader, hon. Amma, had urged the Government of India to advise the Government of Karnataka not to take up any schemes including hydro electric projects in the Cauvery River Basin of Karnataka, without prior consent of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
On 12.11.2014, a news-item appeared in the Times of India that the State of Karnataka has invited global Expression of Interest for the technical feasibility study for the construction of dams at Mekedatu in the Cauvery River Basin. On the very same day, on 12.11.2014, under the able guidance of my leader, hon. Amma, the Government of Tamil Nadu brought to the notice of the hon. Prime Minister of India the unilateral action of the State Government of Karnataka, which will affect the interests of Tamil Nadu farmers, and, which was the violation of the final award notified in the official Gazette.
I urge the hon. Prime Minister of India and the Government of Karnataka to withdraw the notice inviting Global Expression of Interest for technical study to construct reservoir at Mekedatu across Cauvery River. Under the valuable guidance of hon. Amma, the Tamil Nadu Assembly passed a unanimous resolution seeking the Central Government's intervention to advise the State of Karnataka not to proceed with the construction of two new dams at Mekedatu, in the guise of drinking water supply through the Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited and stop them till Cauvery Management Board is formed. I urge the Government of India, that is, the Ministry of Environment and Forests, not to grant any clearance to any of the project proposed by Karnataka at Cauvery Basin till the Cauvery Management Board is formed.
Under the guidance of hon. Amma, on 27.3.2015, an all-Party delegation of Members of Parliament, both from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, from Tamil Nadu met the hon. Prime Minister of India and presented him a unanimous Resolution which was passed in Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly. I appeal to the hon. Prime Minister of India to request the State of Karnataka to maintain status quo and not to proceed with the construction of any project against the decision of Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal, which is already notified in the official Gazette, till Cauvery Management Board is formed.
SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD: The State of Karnataka is going by the Tribunal's award. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI A. NAVANEETHAKRISHNAN: No, no. ...(Interruptions)... This is not correct. ...(Interruptions)... Sir, he has not completed.
SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI: Sir, they are interrupting... ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I have not completed. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRIMATI SASIKALA PUSHPA: Sir, it is not fair. ...(Interruptions)... He has not completed.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Time is over. ...(Interruptions)... Shri Vivek Gupta. ...(Interruptions)... Time is over. Now, Shri Vivek Gupta. ...(Interruptions)... You please sit down.
SHRI D. RAJA (TAMIL NADU): Sir, I associate with the issue raised by Shri Muthukaruppan. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I have not completed. ...(Interruptions)... This is my time.
SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD: Sir, as far as Mekedatu is concerned, we have all the rights. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI K.R. ARJUNAN: Sir, what Mr. Muthukaruppan is saying is correct. ... ...(Interruptions)...
PROF. M.V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Sir, what is being said is not... ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI TIRUCHI SIVA: Sir, they are not obeying the Supreme Court order. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI B.K. HARIPRASAD: We are going by the decision of the Tribunal. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Time is over. You please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. It is over. ...(Interruptions)... You please sit down. You have made your point. Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You have made your point. Please sit down.
PROF. M.V. RAJEEV GOWDA: Sir, the State of Karnataka is... ...(Interruptions)...
SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI: Sir, the Congress Party is not... ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: You sit down first. ...(Interruptions)...You have made your point. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI TIRUCHI SIVA: Sir, they are not obeying the Supreme Court order. The Karnataka Government is... ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: All of you please resume your seats. ...(Interruptions)... I request you to please take your seats. ...(Interruptions)... It is all over. ...(Interruptions)...Time is over. Mr. Muthukaruppan, please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Please sit down.
SHRIMATI VIJILA SATHYANANTH: Sir, the Government of Karnataka is not obeying the.... ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRIMATI KANIMOZHI: We are talking about a serious issue and they are doing... ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: See, the Zero Hour submission was permitted and you made it. Your point is well taken. Now, what is the point for you to... ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI A. NAVANEETHAKRISHNAN: He has not completed, Sir. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, it is over. Only three minutes are given. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, due to disturbance, my time... ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no. It is over. ...(Interruptions)... I cannot give. ...(Interruptions)... See, Mr. Muthukaruppan, time is over. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I was not allowed to complete... ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Listen to me. Please sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You sit down. What you wanted to say, you said. It is conveyed and everybody understood it. Time is over. Now, there is no need of repeating it. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I have not completed. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: The problem is that you were reading. ...(Interruptions)... See, what happened is that you were reading. You should not have read. No, no. ...(Interruptions)...
(followed by YSR-1J)
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: I read only for one minute. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: No, no. It cannot be...(Interruptions)... You sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Hariprasad, if you want to say anything, you give a notice. ...(Interruptions)... Not now. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Seelam, sit down. ...(Interruptions)... You can give a notice. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I need only one minute to complete it.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: That is not possible. ...(Interruptions)... After three minutes, it is not possible.
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I need only one minute to complete it.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Let me say this. ...(Interruptions)... There is nothing to complete. ...(Interruptions)... I heard you and I understood it. ...(Interruptions)... What is the problem? ...(Interruptions)... Everybody understood it. ...(Interruptions)... You want to read whatever is written. ...(Interruptions)... That is not permitted. ...(Interruptions)... You have written something and you want to read it. That is not permitted. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Muthukaruppan, you are an advocate. How can you ask me to violate the rule? It is a rule of the House that after three minutes the mike is off and you cannot speak. But another point that I want to make is this. What you wanted to convey has been conveyed. Everybody understood it. There is nothing more to be conveyed. What happened was you were reading it. You should have stated it only. That way you could have got more time. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: Sir, I need only a few seconds. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: I cannot allow it even for one second more. ...(Interruptions)... That will be violation of the rule. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Hariprasad, you give a notice. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Seelam, you cannot speak without giving a notice. ...(Interruptions)... Sit down. ...(Interruptions)... Give another notice. ...(Interruptions)... Reading is not allowed. ...(Interruptions)... You were reading and you want to read it further. ...(Interruptions)... That is your problem. ...(Interruptions)... Reading is not permitted. ...(Interruptions)... I am bringing it to the notice of all the hon. Members that reading is not at all permitted in the Rajya Sabha. There is a rule in the Rule Book. You please read the Rule Book. In Zero Hour, it cannot be allowed. I am telling you...(Interruptions)... Shri Vivek Gupta. ...(Interruptions)... Shri Vivek Gupta, you start now. ...(Interruptions)... Mr. Muthukaruppan, take your seat. ...(Interruptions).... Mr. Muthukaruppan, take your seat. ...(Interruptions).... Mr. Muthukaruppan, this is not going on record. ...(Interruptions)....
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Mr. Muthukaruppan, it is not going on record. ...(Interruptions).... It is not going on record.
* Not recorded.
...(Interruptions)... You sit down. ...(Interruptions)... It is futile. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: What is the use of saying it when it is not going on record? ...(Interruptions)... Shri Vivek Gupta. (Ends)
SHRI VIVEK GUPTA (WEST BENGAL): Sir, please reset my time-limit because I have already lost 20 seconds.
Sir, I thank you for allowing me to raise an urgent matter of net neutrality. Sir, my time has been reduced. Please reset it.
Sir, Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution guarantees us the right to freedom of expression. However, the telecom operators in cahoots with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India are trying to bring in a backdoor method violating all norms of net neutrality and only making certain applications available on their data network which means more data will be consumed and more money inflow for them. However, Sir, this will violate any kind of freedom that any telecom user has. We
* Not recorded.
have more than 90 million telecom users in India. This will also violate the right to information as interpreted by the Supreme Court of India. By restricting access to information and fair and free use of Internet, these operators, just because they want to make some money, are trying to manipulate and corrupt the system of licensed telecom operations in India.
Sir, TRAI has also floated a consultation mechanism which you cannot use because the website is always down. When somehow people were able to post their views on it, it simply exposed all the one million people who did that so that they can be targeted and their e-mails could be hacked.
Sir, if the Government is serious in allowing this to happen, which I feel is a very, very bad idea, then why didn’t they mention it in the spectrum auction that the telecom operators would be allowed to do this kind of monopolistic practices?
Sir, the hon. Prime Minister says that Skill India will come through Digital India. If this is the way, then we should rename it as “Limited Digital India” because a non-neutral digital India will not serve the purpose.
Sir, the National Telecom Policy also envisages affordable and reliable broadband by 2015.
(Contd. by KR/1K)
SHRI VIVEK GUPTA (CONTD.): Sir, all this will be defeated if TRAI and Telecom operators are allowed to operate like this. When the TRAI is trying to endorse a foreign concept, we would request the Ministry of Telecommunication to instruct the TRAI to see the Indian sensitivities and then follow this kind of concept blindly.
Sir, in the end, I would request, through you, the Government to safeguard the freedom and choice of equality on the internet, promote innovation and competition on the web. This should be abhorred and discouraged and the net neutrality of the Telecom operators should be restored.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Okay. Those who associate their names will be added.
SHRI BHUBANESWAR KALITA (ASSAM): Sir, I associate myself with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
PROF. M.V. RAJEEV GOWDA (KARNATAKA): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
SHRI JESUDASU SEELAM (ANDHRA PRADESH): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
KUMARI SELJA (HARYANA): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
SHRI K.N. BALAGOPAL (KERALA): Sir, I also associate myself with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
SHRI T.K. RANGARAJAN (TAMIL NADU): Sir, I also associate with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
SHRI TAPAN KUMAR SEN (WEST BENGAL): Sir, I also associate with the issue raised by the hon. Member.
SHRI K.T.S. TULSI (NOMINATED): Hon. Deputy Chairman, Sir, I thank you. I want to raise, through you, a completely non-partisan issue with regard to the prestige and image of this House. There are blatant attacks not only grossly irresponsible, but fabricated information on the basis of which false, malicious allegations have been made which, per se, constitute a breach of privilege. More than 60 Members of this House, all sides of the House, have joined in giving this notice of breach of privilege under Rule 187 of the Rules, and the apprehension is, unless urgent steps are being taken to deal with this privilege there will be further attacks and there will be a motivated sustained attacks.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Tulsiji, I think your subject is different here. Your subject of notice is on "Minimum Alternative Tax", or, "tax Terrorism" which is before me. If you have given a notice on this subject also, I do not know. On the paper, before me, the subject is on "Minimum Alternative Tax". Now, I would suggest
SHRI K.T.S. TULSI: On Minimum Alternative Tax, I may be allowed to speak tomorrow. But today the issue that I am raising is breach of privilege with regard to ..(Interruptions)..
THE LEADER OF THE HOUSE (SHRI ARUN JAITLEY): Sir, lawyers are used to accepting many briefs and arguing the facts of one case in another.
MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Tulsiji, you are a very learned Advocate. Today, what is permitted by the hon. Chairman is on the Minimum Alternative Tax. That is the subject. Today, you can speak on that. If you want to raise the privilege issue of this House, then, with the permission of the Chairman, you can raise it tomorrow morning. Now, what has been permitted by the Chairman, you can speak on that. On the other subject, if the Chairman allows you, then, you can raise it tomorrow morning. There is no problem.
SHRI K.T.S. TULSI: Sir, on the Minimum Alternative Tax, I want to submit that in 2013 when the Vodafone issue was raised, at that time, the then Finance Minister thought that he will collect about Rs.10,000 crores. But instead of collecting anything, the country lost with the roll of funds by the FIIs, to the tune of Rs.1,16,808 crores. I want to submit that by giving a notice on the Minimum Alternative Tax what the Finance Minister hopes to get the demand of Rs.40,000 crores, but in the process it may lose more than Rs.2,80,000 crores which has been received because the industry is taking it as tax terrorism.
(Continued by 1L/VK)
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