CBS information to generate Items selected in the Tasks / Generate dialog within Accountant’s
Assistant will be included in the accountant’s transfer file for the client.
The items to select for transfer will depend on which modules the client
is licensed for and which client files need to be updated.
For detailed information on how the transfer will affect the information
already present in the client’s files, search on Effect of from the index in
the CSA help browser, and then select the topic called importing accountant’s Transfer Disk on the CBS client’s files.
License selection The program prompts you to select the client module license to use. Note
that when setting up your own accounting firm as a CBS company, when
setting up a CBS demonstration company, or when setting up a CBS
ASP client, the program displays a message prompt asking you to select
which (if any) add-on modules to include with CBS CheckWriter. It is
not necessary to choose all of the modules for which you are licensed
unless you want to do so. For more information on setting up a
Demonstration Company, see Appendix D of this handbook.
Important! Before a client begins processing payroll checks in CBS
PayCheck for a new calendar year, you need to update the federal, state,
and local tax tables in Accountant’s Assistant and include the updated
tables on a new accountant’s transfer file for your client. To update the
tax tables after installing the most current version of the Creative
Solutions Accounting software, choose Setup / System Configuration /