Notes to accountant A special feature of CBS is the Note to Accountant that your client can
attach to any checkbook item or journal entry transaction with an
unresolved question. If the client leaves an amount undistributed for any
reason, CBS automaticallyattaches a note. The note serves as a flag to
make you aware of a potential problem. Accountant’s Assistant
facilitates your review of all such notes before you transfer the client’s
data to CSA.
Online banking The CBS online banking feature makes it easy for clients to retrieve
transactions from their financial institutions, pay bills online, and transfer
funds (provided their financial institutions support these services). CBS
can retrieve transactions directly from the financial institution’s servers
or from downloaded files in the OFX and QFX file formats typically
used by financial institutions. (OFX is the format commonly used by
Microsoft Money version 2001 or higher; QFX is the format used by
QuickBooks version 2001 or higher.)
For a list of financial institutions that support online services through
CBS, choose Checkbook / Setup in CBS, click the Financial Institution
Information tab, and then click the Update List button.