Part II – Additional Information A. List of experts

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In this sub-section, a second list of experts from COST Countries is given. They might be interested in participating in the Action, but have not yet been contacted, or have not yet replied, during the pre-proposal planning.
Martti Hallikainen, Full Professor, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Aalto (
Janne Poikajärvi, Senior Lecturer, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences, School of Technology, Rovaniemi (
Timo Saarenketo, Ph.D., Managing Director, Roadscanners Oy, Rovaniemi (
Leonhard Reindl, Professor, University of Freiburg, Department of Microsystems Engineering, Freiburg (
Thomas J. Brazil, Ph.D, Professor of Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublim (
Lluis Jofre, Professor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Escola T.S. Enginyeria de Telecomunicació, Dept. Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions (E-mail:

The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) field is rapidly developing and it has seen a great advancement over the past 15 years. The GPR progress spans aspects of geophysics, technology, electromagnetics, data processing and of a really wide range of scientific and engineering applications. In Civil Engineering (CE), this non-destructive and non-invasive imaging technique can be applied to inspection of structures and infrastructures, location of buried services, detection of voids and cavities and many other tasks. Hundreds of research papers and special issues of Journals are devoted to the GPR theory, technology and to the applications in CE. There have been important international initiatives: the introduction, by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, of a code regulating the GPR use and its emissions of electromagnetic radiation; the issuing of a Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment directive that applies to GPR equipment; the development of some projects in the EU Framework Programme. However, there is a very high fragmentation of research efforts in the GPR area. The need of restructuring the GPR studies, integrating and coordinating local initiatives within Europe, is deeply felt. It is also important that the European research on GPR becomes more open to cooperation worldwide. Concerted objectives have to be established and realized. A European network of University researchers, software developers, NDT equipment designers and producers, geophysics experts and end users, would strengthen the European scientific and technological excellence in the GPR area and would permit to structure and shape the way that research is carried out on this topic.

In this framework, the initial idea of presenting a proposal for a new COST Action on CE application of GPR was born during the European Microwave Week held in Paris from the 26th of September through the 1st of October 2010; inter alia, the Proposer could participate to this international event thanks to a COST Conference Grant for early-stage researchers (she was a participant of the COST Action MP0702). The initiating partners of the proposal were civil and electronic engineers, physicists, geophysicists and geologists from the academic world (Universities and Research Institutes), Small and Medium Enterprises and Public Agencies; the involved Countries were Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and United Kingdom. In that period, most of the partners were already submitting a proposal to the FP7 Program for a Collaborative Project called DROMOS (Development of ground-penetrating radar Road Monitoring techniqueS); this project hadn’t been financed but received a very good assessment.

In March 2011, the Proposer and her partners submitted to COST their first preliminary proposal. The proposal wasn’t among the top-ranked of the TUD Domain, but the reviewer comments were encouraging and the assessment was high (25.83). In the meanwhile, most of the partners met in April in Vienna, Austria, during the 2011 European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU GA), where some of them organized a Session with the same title as the proposed COST Action; this meeting turned out to be an excellent occasion to get and develop new ideas concerning the COST Action.

During Summer 2011 the proposal has been improved and it was re-submitted in September 2011. The second preliminary proposal wasn’t, again, among the top-ranked of the TUD Domain, but the reviewer comments were very good and the assessment was higher than the previous one (27.75). In April 2012, the partners met again in Vienna, Austria, during the annual EGU GA, where the same session as in 2011 was organized; in this occasion, they expressed their vital interest in constituting a EU network on the GPR application in CE and they discussed some new ideas.

The Action pre-proposal has been further refined and in March 2012 it was submitted to COST. It received an even better assessment than the second pre-proposal (29.40) and very positive reviewer comments. The third pre-proposal has been selected for the submission of a full proposal (this one!).

An intense contacting activity has been performed during the last two months, in order to involve in this project new laboratories, research groups, individuals, commercial companies and end users, originating both from COST Countries and from overseas. During the full proposal drafting, all newly recruited partners were encouraged to actively participate, joining the discussions and helping with the writing process. This proposal is supported by individuals representing 15 COST Countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom), Australia and the US (Massachusetts, New Mexico, Texas, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia). All of them have confirmed their willingness to join the Action and we expect further accessions after the Summer holiday period.

Year 1

  • Founding Conference

  • Foundation of the Action Management Structure.

  • Collection and sharing of information about state-of-the-art, ongoing studies and open problems, in the field of CE applications of GPR.

  • Definition and coordination of test scenarios, representing both typical and unusual situations that may occur in CE applications, for an advanced comparison of available GPR equipment, inspection techniques, EM methods and data-processing algorithms, to be performed during the next year of activity.

  • Creation of end-user database (to be always integrated as new expressions of interests will come).

  • Set-up of an advanced communication system, for partnership integration and dissemination of results.

  • Set-up of the Action website (to be always kept up-to-date).

  • Short-Term Scientific Missions

  • Annual Conference

Year 2

  • Multidisciplinary and multinational application and comparison of GPR equipment, inspection practice, EM and data-processing algorithms.

  • Strong human exchange: numerous Short-Term Scientific Missions, mostly involving Ph.D. students and young researchers.

  • Sharing of instrumentation and other resources.

  • First Training School

  • Annual Conference


  • Outline and test of innovative inspection procedures, on the basis of the activity carried out during the previous years.

  • Codification and development of new EM algorithms, for a full-wave characterization of 3D GPR scenarios and of new methods for an effective data-processing with accurate estimation of geometrical and geophysical parameters.

  • Assessment for the design of novel GPR equipment and prototype realization.

  • Short-Term Scientific Missions

  • Annual Conference

  • Second Training School

Year 4

  • Critical study and review of results obtained during preceding years.

  • Coordination and elaboration of a handbook with protocols and guidelines at EU level.

  • Optimization of the new EM and data-processing codes. Realization of graphical user interface and manuals. Releasing freeware software for the benefit of GPR community.

  • Test and optimization of the new GPR equipment.

  • Short-Term Scientific Missions

  • Annual Conference

  • Third Training School

After the completion of the Action: Final Conference. Final Report.
The applicants have reported more than 200 publications on international peer-reviewed journals, books and conferences, addressing the Action’s topics of interest and dated last three years. A selection of this bibliography is presented below. The first references are of general interest for this Action, others are thematically sorted in the four Working Groups. In each Subsection, references are listed in chronological order, starting from the most recent.
References of General Interest for the Action
[1] Taylor & Francis Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Special Issue on “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar,” L. Pajewski and A. Benedetto, Guest Eds., 2012.

[2] IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Special Issue on “Ground Penetrating Radar: Modeling Tools, Imaging Methods and Systems Concepts,” M. Pieraccini, M. Sato and F. Soldovieri, Guest Eds., 2011.

[3] International Journal of Geophysics, Special Issue on “Noninvasive Sensing Techniques and Geophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage and Civil Infrastructures Monitoring,” F. Soldovieri, J. Dumoulin, N. Masini and E. Utsi, Guest Eds., 2011.

[4] Near Surface Geophysics, Special Issue on “Advanced Methods and Modelling for GPR Applications,” L. Crocco and E. Slob, Guest Eds., 2011.

[5] The outline of GPR method, Jerzy Karczewski, Łukasz Ortyl, Mateusz Pasternak, AGH University of Science and Technology Press, Cracow, PL, 2nd Ed., 2011, 345 pp..

[6] Ground Penetrating Radar: Theory and Applications, H. M. Jol, Ed., Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK, 2009, 544 pp..

References for WG1 – Novel GPR instrumentation
[1.1] J. Hugenschmidt, P. Fürholz, “ATRAS – Automated GPR System for Data Acquisition and Storage for Roads and Bridges”, Proc. 14th Int. Conference on Ground Penetrating radar, Shangai, China, June 2012.

[1.2] F. Parrini, R. Persico, M. Pieraccini, A. Spinetti, G. Macaluso, M. Fratini, D. Dei, G. Manacorda, “A Reconfigurable Stepped Frequency GPR (GPR-R)”, Proc. IGARSS 2011, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011.

[1.3] T. Kind, “GPR Antenna Array for the Inspection of Railway Ballast,” Proc. NDE 2011 ISNT, Chennai, India 2011.

[1.4] Y. Maksimovitch, V. Mikhnev, P. Vainikainen, “UWB antenna design concept for near field applications,” Proc. VIII Int. Conf. Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), Kyiv, Ukraine, September 2011.

[1.5] G. Manacorda, M. Miniati, S. Bracciali, D. Dei, E. Koch, H.F. Scott, S. Murgier, D. Pinchbeck, “Development of a Bore-Head GPR for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) equipment”, Proc. 13th Int. Conference on Ground Penetrating radar, Lecce, Italy, June 2010.

[1.6] I. Trinks, B. Johansson, J. Gustafsson, J. Emilsson, J. Friborg, C. Gustafsson, J. Nissen, “Efficient, large-scale archaeological prospection using a true 3D GPR array system,” Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 17, pp. 175–186, 2010.

[1.7] J. Stryk, R. Matula, Report on “Czech utility model No. 20706: Mobile Device for Road Diagnostics (Two-Channel System for In-Situ Measurement of Dowel- and Tie-Bar Position in Rigid Pavements)”, 2010.

[1.8] T. Kind, S. Feistkorn, C. Trela, J. Wöstmann, “Pulse radar for damage-free core drilling on prestressed concrete bridges”, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Berlin Ernst (Wiley), vol. 104, pp. 876-881, 2009.

References for WG2 – GPR surveying of pavements, bridges, tunnels and buildings; underground utility and void sensing
[2.1] A. Benedetto, A. Simi, G. Manacorda, “Bridge Deck Survey with High Resolution Ground Penetrating Radar”, Proc. 14th Int. Conference on Ground Penetrating radar, Shangai, China, June 2012. [2.2] C. Trela, T. Kind, M. Schubert, “Positioning accuracy of an automatic scanning system for GPR measurements on concrete structures”, Proc. 14th Int. Conference on Ground Penetrating radar, Shangai, China, June 2012.

[2.3] A. M. Alani, M. Aboutalebi, “Analysis of the Subgrade Stiffness Effect on the Behaviour of Ground Supported Concrete Slabs,” Journal of Structural Concrete, vol. 13, pp. 102–108, 2012.

[2.4] A. M. Alani, D. Beckett, “Investigation of the Mechanical Behaviour of a Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Ground Slab,” Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 64, pp. 593 –604, 2012.

[2.5] R. Helmerich, E. Niederleithinger, C. Trela, J. Bien, T. Kaminski, G. Bernardini, “Multi-tool inspection and numerical analysis of an old masonry arch bridge”, Taylor & Francis Structure and Infrastructure Eng., vol. 8, pp. 27-39, 2012.

[2.6] J. Sudyka, L. Krysiński, “Radar Technique Application in Structural Analysis and Identification of Interlayer Bounding”, Int. J. Pavement Research and Technology, vol. 4, pp. 176-184, 2011.

[2.7] A. Benedetto, F. Tosti, G. Schettini, C. Twizere, “Evaluation of Geotechnical Stability of Roads Using GPR”, Proc. Int. Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Aachen, Germany, June 2011.

[2.8] W.L. Lai, T. Kind, H. Wiggenhauser, “Frequency-dependent dispersion of high-frequency ground penetrating radar wave in concrete,” NDT&E International, vol. 44, pp. 267-273, 2011.

[2.9] W.L. Lai, T. Kind, H. Wiggenhauser, “Using ground penetrating radar and time-frequency analysis to characterize construction materials,” NDT&E International, vol. 44, pp. 111-120, 2011.

[2.10] P.J.S. Cruz, L. Topczewski, F.M. Fernandes, C. Trela, P.B. Lourenco, “Application of radar techniques to the verification of design plans and the detection of defects in concrete bridges”, Taylor & Francis Structure and Infrastructure Eng., vol. 6, pp. 395-407, 2010

[2.11] J. Stryk, K. Pospìšil, P. Koteš, et al., Systematic Decision Making Processes Associated with Maintenance and Reconstruction of Bridges, 1st ed., Brno: Centrum Dopravního Výzkumu, 2009, 174 pp..

[2.12] A. Benedetto, “Water Content Evaluation in Unsaturated Soil Using GPR Signal Analysis in the Frequency Domain”, J. Appl. Geophys., vol. 71, pp. 26-35, 2010.

[2.13] L. Lo Monte, D. Erricolo, F . Soldovieri, M.C. Wicks, “Radio Frequency Tomography for Tunnel Detection”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol. 48, pp. 1128-1137, 2010.

[2.14] Upgrade of technical specifications of Ministry of Transport in Czech Republic, dealing with rigid pavements – TP 62: Catalogue of defects, TP 92: Maintenance and repair, 2010.

[2.15] J. Stryk, R. Matula, “Ground Penetrating Radar as a Tool for Diagnostics of Concrete Pavements”, Transactions on Transport Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 180-187, 2009.

References for WG3 – EM methods for near-field scattering problems by buried structures; data processing techniques
[3.1] International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on “Propagation Models and Inversion Approaches for Subsurface and Through-Wall Imaging,” D. Erricolo, W. C. Chew and F. Soldovieri, Guest Eds., 2012.

[3.2] F. Frezza, L. Pajewski, C. Ponti, G. Schettini, N. Tedeschi, “Electromagnetic Scattering by a Metallic Cylinder Buried in a Lossy Medium with the Cylindrical Wave Approach,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., Vol. 9, pp.179-183, 2012.

[3.3] A. Giannopoulos, “Unsplit Implementation of Higher Order PMLs,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. 60, pp. 1479-1485, 2012.

[3.4] A. Ihamouten, G. Villain, X. Dérobert, “Complex permittivity frequency variations from multi-offset GPR data: hydraulic concrete characterization,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Vol. 61, pp. 1636-1648, 2012.

[3.5] M. A. Fiaz, F. Frezza, L. Pajewski, C. Ponti, G. Schettini, “Scattering by a Circular Cylinder Buried under a slightly Rough Surface: the Cylindrical-Wave Approach,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. 60, pp. 2834-2842, 2012.

[3.6] N. Economou, A. Vafidis, “GPR Data Time-Varying Deconvolution by Kurtosis Maximization”, J. Appl. Geophys., vol. 81, pp. 117-121, 2012.

[3.7] V. Mikhnev, P. Vainikainen, “Subsurface Imaging Technique Using Simultaneous Reconstruction of Amplitude and Phase Profiles,” Proc. 6th EUropean Conf. Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Prague, Czech Republic, March 2012.

[3.8] A. Benedetto, F. Benedetto, “Rayleigh Scattering Analysis of GPR Spectra for Moisture Content Evaluation”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, p. 2432-2441, 2011.

[3.9] K. Chahine, V. Baltazart, Y. Wang, “Parameter Estimation of Damped Power-Law Phase Signals via a Recursive and Alternately Projected Matrix Pencil Method,” IEEE Trans. Ant. Propagation, Vol. 59, pp 1207-16, 2011.

[3.10] F. Frezza, L. Pajewski, C. Ponti, G. Schettini, “Scattering by Dielectric Circular Cylinders in a Dielectric Slab,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 27, pp. 687-695, 2010.

[3.11] M. Donelli, A. Massa, G. Oliveri, M. Pastorino, A. Randazzo, "The Use of the Differential Evolution Method for the Solution of Electromagnetic Inverse Problems," in A. Qing and C. K. Lee, Eds., Differential Evolution in Electromagnetics, Springer, Berlin, 2010.

[3.12] J. Hugenschmidt, A. Kalogeropoulos, F. Soldovieri, G. Prisco “Processing Strategies for High-Resolution GPR Concrete Inspections”, NDT & E International, vol. 43, pp. 334-342, 2010.

[3.13] N. Economou, A. Vafidis, “Spectral Balancing GPR Data Using Time Variant Band-Width in t-f domain”, Geophysics, vol. 75, pp. J19-J27, 2010.

[3.14] W.L. Lai, T. Kind, H. Wiggenhauser, “A Study of Concrete Hydration and Dielectric Relaxation Mechanism using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT),” J. Advance in Signal Processing, EURASIP (European Association for Signal Processing), vol. 2010, Article ID 317216, 2010.

[3.15] F. Frezza, L. Pajewski, C. Ponti, G. Schettini, “Scattering by Perfectly-Conducting Cylinders Buried in a Dielectric Slab through the Cylindrical Wave Approach,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 57, pp. 1208-1217, 2009.

[3.16] O. Brandt, K. Langley, A. Gioannopoulos, S.-E. Hamran, J. Kohler, “Radar Response of Firn Exposed to Seasonal Percolation, Validation Using Cores and FDTD Modeling”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol. 47, pp. 2773-2786, 2009.

References for WG4 – Different applications of GPR and other NDT technologies in CE
[4.1] Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Special Issue on “Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering,” X. Dérobert, H. Wiggenhauser, O. Abraham, Guest Eds., 2012.

[4.2] I. Trinks, M. Kucera, A. Hinterleitner, K. Löcker, E. Nau, W. Neubauer, T. Zitz, “Large-Scale, High-Definition Ground Penetrating Radar Prospection in Archaeology,” Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 14, p. 13447, EGU General Assembly, April 2012.

[4.2] G. Manacorda, A.Simi, “Non-Destructive Inspection and Characterization of Track Bed with Microwaves”, Proc. Ground Penetrating Radar Conference, Shanghai, China, June 2012.

[4.3] A. Benedetto, F. Tosti, L. Di Domenico, “Elliptic Model for Prediction of Deflections Induced by a Light Falling Weight Deflectometer” J. of Terramechanics, vol. 49, p. 1-12, 2012.

[4.4] A. Scozzari, J. Gómez-Enri, S. Vignudelli, F. Soldovieri, “Understanding Target-Like Signals in Coastal Altimetry: Experimentation of a Tomographic Imaging Technique,” Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 39, L02602.

[4.5] H.-P. Chen, A. M. Alani, “Reliability and Optimised Maintenance for Coastal Defences,” J. of Maritime Engineering, vol. 165-MA2, pp.51-61, 2012.

[4.6] R. Monleone, M. Pastorino, J. Fortuny-Guasch, A. Salvadè, et al., “Impact of Background Noise on Dielectric Reconstructions obtained by a Prototype of Microwave Axial Tomograph”, IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61, pp. 140-148, 2012.

[4.7] T. Kind, J. Wöstmann, “Combined Radar and Ultrasound Investigation for Damage-Free Core Drilling as Part of a Reinforcement Measure”, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Berlin Ernst (Wiley), vol. 107, pp. 255-261, 2012.

[4.8] S. Kadıoglu, Y.K. Kadıoglu, “Ground Penetrating Radar Work in the İlyas Bey Mosque”, in: Balat İlyas Bey Complex History, Architecture, Restoration, M.B. Tanman, L.K. Elbirlik, Eds., İstanbul, 2011, pp. 223-231 (European Union Prize For Cultural Heritage, Europa Nostra Awards 2012).

[4.9] European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Special Issue on “Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering”, O. Abraham, X. Dérobert, H. Wiggenhauser, Guest Eds., 2011.

[4.10] J. Hugenschmidt, C. Kasa, H. Kato, “GPR for the Inspection of Industrial Railway Tracks”, Proc. Near Surface 2011 – 17th EU Meeting Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Leicester, UK, Sept. 2011.

[4.11] J. Stryk, K. Pospíšil, chapter 12.7 “Diagnostic Methods for Concrete and Bridges by Acoustic Emission” in Subsurface Sensing, 1st ed., Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2011, p. 844-860.

[4.12] S. Kadioglu, Y.K. Kadioglu, A.A. Akyol, “Monitoring Buried Remains with Transparent 3D Half Bird’s Eye View of Ground Penetrating Radar Data in the Zeynel Bey Tomb in the Ancient City of Hasankeyf - Turkey”, J. Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 8, pp. S61-S75, 2011.

[4.13] F. Soldovieri, L. Crocco, A. Brancaccio, R. Solimene, R. Persico, “Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography in Water Monitoring and Management,” Int. Water Technology J., Vol. 1, pp. 78-88, 2011.

[4.14] A. Taffe, T. Kind, M. Stoppel, J.H. Kurz, “Scanner for automated and combined application of nondestructive testing methode in civil engineering”, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Berlin Ernst (Wiley), Vol. 106, pp. 267-276, 2011.

[4.15] G. Oliveri, A. Randazzo, M. Pastorino, A. Massa, "Imaging of Separate Scatterers by Means of a Multiscaling Multiregion Inexact-Newton Approach," Progress in Electromag. Res. (PIER), vol. 18, pp. 247-257, 2011.

[4.16] Near Surface Geophysics, Special Issue on “GPR in Archaeology,” N. Masini and F. Soldovieri, Guest Eds., 2010.

[4.17] M. Proto, M. Bavusi, R. Bernini, L. Bigagli, et al., “Transport Infrastructure Surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing: The ISTIMES Project”, Sensors vol. 10, pp. 10620-10639, 2010.

[4.18] G. Bozza, M. Brignone, M. Pastorino, M. Piana, A. Randazzo, "Crack Detection in Dielectric Structures by a Linear Sampling Approach," Int. J. Signal and Imaging Syst. Eng. (IJSISE), vol. 3, 2010.

[4.19] J. Válek, S. Kruschwitz, J. Wöstmann, T. Kind, J. Valach, et al., “Nondestructive investigation of wet building material: multimethodical approach,” J. Performance of Constructed Facilities, vol. 24, pp. 462-472, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2010.

[4.20] M. Balsi, S. Esposito, F. Frezza, P. Nocito, et al., “GPR Measurements and FDTD Simulations for Landmine Detection,” Proc. XIII International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 2010.

[4.21] J. Hugenschmidt, A. Kalogeropoulos “The Inspection of Retaining Walls Using GPR”, J. Appl. Geophys., vol. 67, pp. 335-344, 2009.

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