14For he is our peace, he who made both one and undid the middle wall between them [dual]. The hostile state by his flesh 15 he took away, the Law of commands in orders [or, decrees], to make in himself the two peoples into a one new man, by making peace – 16 to make both without strife with God in one body by the cross; for he slew the hostile state by [means of] himself. 17 And he came and made the gospel of peace known to you that were far off, and peace to [those] that are near, 18 for through him we, both peoples, may come near, in one spirit, to the Father.
19 Therefore you are no more foreigners and people that live in a land not your own, but you are neighbors with the holy ones and dwell in God's house, 20 and you have been built up on the ground of the apostles and of the prophets, while Christ Jesus himself is the stone of the corner. 21 In him the entire building is put together and grows into a holy temple to the Lord. 22 In him also you are built up together into a place where God will dwell by spirit.