Personal details

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Nationality: Serbian

Residence: Trondheim, Norway and Belgrade, Serbia

Norwegian residence permit: NO2971213

Born: 12.05.1974, Bitola, Macedonia, Yugoslavia

Address: Nedre Møllenberg 20D, Trondheim, Norway

Vinogradski venac 19/2, Belgrade, Serbia

Tel.: (+47) 9752 4413



2006 - 2010

PhD in environmental engineering at NTNU, Norway, Dep. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering.

Title: Application of biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR) for municipal wastewater.
(ISBN 978-82-471-2665-3)

2003 - 2005

MSc in environmental engineering; collaboration NTNU, Norway and University of Belgrade, Serbia

Title: Waste management from membrane bioreactor (MBR) processes for municipal wastewater treatment
2001 - 2002

School for reserve army officers at Military academy Belgrade, where I was promoted as Lt. for logistic

1993 - 2001

Dipl. process engineer ~ MSc in environmental-process engineering, Mechanical faculty, University of Belgrade

Title: Hazardous waste management by Brooks Gasification Process
Working experience

2011 – current

Research fellow (post doctor) at NTNU, Norway, Dep. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering.
From the 2006. till 2010, I was a PhD student and teaching assistant at Norwegian University for Science and Technology , NTNU, Trondheim. I was involved in research and development of several pilot studies based on a moving-bed-biofilm reactor (MBBR) coupled with a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for municipal wastewater treatment and fish farms.

In parallel, I was a teaching assistant for course “Unit processes” TMV 4145 (Vannrenseprosesser). I was involved in performing laboratory and class exercises, helping students with their homework and several times I was a substitute to prof. Tor Ove Leiknes as a lecturer when he was away.

During my PhD I have been main supervisor to six master students and two project students. I was also advisor to three master students and two project students.
List of MSc Students and topics:

  1. Barbara Swakoń – “Development of a wastewater treatment system (500-5000pe) intended for Poland based on Salsnes Filter, AnoxKaldnes moving bed biofilm reactors and flotation”

  2. Francisco Sánchez Molada –“ Assessment of sludge production and concentrate / retentate characteristics in a biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR) processes for municipal wastewater treatment “

  3. Anne-Katrin Skambraks – “Assessment of protein and carbohydrate measurements related to membrane fouling by EPS in a biofilm membrane bioreactor (MBB-M-R) processes for municipal wastewater treatment”

  4. Gerrit Senger – “Measurement and assessment of membrane reactor geometry and operating mode on membrane fouling in a biofilm-MBR for Treatment of Municipal Wastewater”

  5. Markus Fitz – “Measurement and assessment of colloidal particles (particle size distributions) related to membrane fouling in a biofilm membrane bioreactor processes for treatment of municipal wastewater”

  6. Nina Wittke – “Investigation of biological phosphorus removal in Complete Mix Fixed Film (CMFF) systems” (current project)

  7. Ranveig Haukeland Fredriksen – “Comparison of AS-MBR and BF-MBR processes”

  8. Henning Krajinski – “Comparison of membrane biofouling in biofilm (BF)-MBR and activated sludge(AS)-MBR using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and image analysis

  9. Anders Gåre Søraunet – “Assessment of theoretical and practical aspects of the Salsnes filtration unit”

From 2006 to 2009 I was partly involved European project EUROMBRA (Contract No. 018480 within FP6) where I contributed with research results and had a chance to learn a lot about European projects, how they work, how to write reports and how to coordinate work of several research groups that working in the same/different working packages, etc.

In 2010 I was actively involved in organizing and coordinating international conference Membranes in the Production of Drinking and Industrial Water (MDIW) that was held in Trondheim, where I gained good experience in managing international conferences.
Since 2011, I am reviewer in Journal of hazardous materials, Desalination and Desalination and water treatment.
During 2002. and 2003. I worked in a company, CST doo, Zemun, Serbia as a process engineer where I was involved in over 30 projects as equipment constructor and process design engineer for water purification systems mainly for pharmaceutical and some for industrial purposes.

From 1993 till 2003 I worked as a part time teacher for mathematics and physic in several high and elementary schools in Belgrade, Serbia in order to financially support my studies.

Current work activity
From January 2011, as a PhD in environmental engineering, I am employed as a researcher (postdoc) at IVM at NTNU working on the research and development of a novel system for wastewater treatment named HyVAB in collaboration with industry (Biowater AS, Norway). Besides that I am currently working on:

  1. Development of novel biofilm – MBR with zero energy consumption for membrane operation.

  2. Development of hybrid activated sludge/biofilm system for bio-P removal

  3. Development of a new concept biofilm MBR for biological nutrient removal, that will be named after NTNU (I hope as NTNUs-BNR-MBR)

  4. Development of anaerobic-biofilm-reactor A-B-R, based on UASB and membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) –project/patent pending (waiting for application approval from TTO/ Discovery program (Norwegian research funding program))

  5. Development of biologically based system coupled with advanced oxidation systems for removal of micropollutants in particular pharmaceutics from wastewater (project is in early stage).

  6. Development of anaerobic (activated sludge)-aerobic (biofilm)-MBR with reduced energy consumption, reduced sludge production and increased recovery of treated water.

Other skill base

  • Experience in design and construction of small (pilot scale) water purification units for municipal wastewater treatment based on MBBR, CMFF, CAS, CFIC and MBR technology

  • Experience in design ion-exchange coupled with nanofiltration/RO process units

  • Experience in design UV disinfection units

  • Construction of process pressurized vessels

  • Language: English, Serbian (and other ex –Yugoslav languages) fluently, and Norwegian intermediate level with completed “Trinn tre kurs” at NTNU, Dragvoll

  • IT skills: MS Office, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, different software for process management, design and modeling e.g. Aquifas(USA) - Dynamic Simulation Software for Wastewater Design and Operations Activated Sludge, Membrane Bioreactor - SBR, MBR, IFAS, TF, MBBR and BAF.

Other interests

  • Interest in cooking, preparing new dishes from different parts of the world and share with the friends and colleagues

  • Sport: Swimming, gym and table tennis

  • Music: attending concerts, enjoying playing world music on guitar or ukulele

  • Theater (but only when I am at home, Belgrade)

List of journal publication in reverse chronological order


Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
The biofilm MBR (BF-MBR) – at the milestone after five years of research. Water Environment Research, under review


Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
The biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR)-a review. Desalination and Water Treatment 2012 ;Volum 37.(1-3) s. 288-295

Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Particle separation in moving bed biofilm reactor - applications and opportunities. Separation science and technology (Print) 2012 ;Volum 47.(5) s. 647-653

Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Improved performance through particle surface modifications by coagulation with inorganic coagulants in a biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR). Separation science and technology 2012. DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2012.685822


Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Impact of denitrification on the performance of a biofilm-MBR (BF-MBR). Desalination 2011 ;Volum 283. s. 100-105
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Membrane reactor design as a tool for better membrane performance in a biofilm MBR (BF-MBR). Desalination and Water Treatment 2011 ;Volum 25.(1-3) s. 259-267
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Effect of addition of different additives on overall performance of bioflim-MBR (BF-MBR). Desalination and Water Treatment 2011 ;Volum 34.(1-3) s. 129-135


Enrico Drioli, Lidietta Giorno.

Membrane Operations, book, John Wiley & Sons, (2009) - 578 p. – Some results from my research related to air scouring optimization and colloid reduction in MBRs were published in the chapter 16 - Wastewater treatment by membrane bioreactors


Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Impact of aeration rates on particle colloidal fraction in the biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR). Desalination 2008 ;Volum 231.(1-3) s. 182-190

Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve; Ødegaard, Hallvard.
Fouling control by reduction of submicron particles in a BF-MBR with an integrated flocculation zone in the membrane reactor. Separation science and technology (Print) 2008 ;Volum 43.(7) s. 1871-1883


Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve; Ødegaard, Hallvard.
Influence of loading rates on production and characteristics of retentate from a biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR). Desalination 2006 ;Volum 199. s. 490-492

Leiknes, TorOve; Ivanovic, Igor; Ødegaard, Hallvard.
Investigating the effect of colloids on the performance of a biofilm membrane reactor (BF-MBR) for treatment of municipal wastewater. Water S.A. 2006 ;Volum 32.(5) s. 708-714

List of proceedings and posters presentation in reverse chronological order


Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Novel Biofilm-MBR Concept with Zero Energy Consumption for Air Scouring and Permeate Production. NAMS 22nd Annual Meeting; New Orleans, USA
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve

Does Reduction of SMPs by Addition Of Inorganic Coagulant Lead to Better biofim-MBR Performace?. EUROmembrane 2012.,London, UK

Raspati, Gema Sakti; Leiknes, TorOve; Meyn, Thomas; Ivanovic, Igor.
Fouling analysis of low-pressure membrane filtration; Comparison between a deterministic model and a macroscopic approach. IWA Particle Separation Conference., Berlin, Germany
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Five Years of Research on Pilot Scale Biofilm MBR (BF-MBR), Proceedings, ISBN 978-7-900780-36-2. IWA Cities of the Future Xi'an. China
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Impact of denitrification on the performance of a biofilm‐MBR. 9th conference on Membranes in the Production of Drinking and Industrial Water (MDIW), Trondheim, Norway
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Effect of addition of different additives on overall performance of biofilm - MBR (BF-MBR). 7th International Membrane Science and Technology Conference., Sydney, Australia
Leiknes, TorOve; Phattaranawik, Jirachote; Ivanovic, Igor.
Challenges and potentials of biofilm-MBR for municipal wastewater treatment. I: Final MBR-Network Workshop "Salient outcomes of the European R&D projects on MBR technology" Book of Proceedings. Berlin, Germany: KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin GmbH 2009
ISBN 9783981168457
Leiknes, TorOve; Phattaranawik, Jirachote; Ivanovic, Igor.
Prospects and potentials of biofilm-MBRs for municipal wastewater treatment. WEFtec, 2009. USA
Leiknes, TorOve; Ivanovic, Igor.
New Membrane Reactor Design for Better Membrane Performance in a Biofilm MBR (BF-MBR). I: Proceedings of Engineering with Membranes 2008 Membrane Processes: Development, monitoring and modelling - from the micro to the macro scale. Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Oviedo 2008 ISBN 978-84-691-3670-6.
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Importance of membrane reactor design for membrane performance in biofilm-MBR. ICOM 2008. USA
Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Importance of submicron particles on a membrane performance in BF-MBR. Engineering with Membranes. Portugal
Ivanovic, Igor; Fitz, Markus; Leiknes, TorOve.
Influence of nano particles on the membrane fouling in the biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR). IWA- 2th National Young Water Professionals Conference, Germany

Leiknes, TorOve; Ivanovic, Igor; Ødegaard, Hallvard.
Assessment of fouling in a biofilm-MBR for treatment of municipal wastewater. 4th IWA Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. Singapore


Leiknes, TorOve; Ivanovic, Igor.
An assessment of fouling in a biofilm-MBR for municipal wastewater treatment. MST 2006 - Membrane Science & Technology 2006

Ivanovic, Igor; Leiknes, TorOve.
Development of biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR). Seminar NTNU Nanolab. Norway

Selected list of established international and national academic contacts and possible future research partners

  1. WEMT group at Seoul National University – Prof. C. H. Lee

  2. UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, UNSW, Australia, - Senior Lecturer Dr Pierre Le-Clech.

  3. Technische Universität Berlin Fak. III/Institut für Prozess- und Verfahrenstechni - Prof. Matthias Kraume

  4. University of Montpellier II (UM II). France – Ass. Prof. Marc Heran

  5. Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, faculty of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, China – Prof. Xiaochang Wang, Prof Wang Lei, Ph.D lecturer Rong Chen

  6. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Portugal – Prof. João G. Crespo,

  7. INSA Toulouse, France , Institut national des sciences appliquées – Prof. Corinne Cabassud

  8. TU Delft, Netherlands, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Researcher: Dr. Maria Lousada Ferreira and Prof. ir. Jaap van der Graaf

  9. University of Minnesota, USA, Department of civil engineering – Prof. em. Michael Semmens

  10. Aalborg University, Center for design microbial communities in membrane reactor – Prof. Per Halkjær Nielsen, Nicolas Ratkovitch, postdoc

  11. University of kwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa – prof. Chris Buckley and Sudhir Pillay, researcher

  12. NTNU, Norway, Department of physics – PhD Astrid Vik Bjørkøy, expert for CLSM applications

  13. SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, PhD Kamal Azrague, researcher, Gema S. Raspati, researcher, Torgeir Jensen, engineer, Marius Sandru PhD, researcher

  14. SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Marius Sandru PhD, researcher

  15. TTO, NTNU - Knut Knutsen, Sabina Strand

  16. University of Belgrade, Department for process and environmental engineering – Prof. Miroslav Stanojevic and ass. prof Aleksandar Jovovic

Selected list of established contacts with the industry

  1. Biowater AS, Norway – COO Terje Andersen

  2. AnoxKaldnes, Lund, Sweden – Ph.D. Magnus Christensson

  3. RO Solution, Norway – president Per Kosberg

  4. Salsnes filter, Norway – Bjørn Aas

  5. Veolia Environment, France, - Adrien Moreau, PhD

  6. Polymem, Toulouse – France – COO Olivier Lorain

  7. BASF SE, Germany - Steffen Buetehorn, PhD

  8. KOCH Membrane Systems (KMS), Aachen, Germany - Dirk Volmering

  9. GE Infrastructure Water & Process Technologies, European Research Center, Hungary - Kristóf Vízvárdi, Ph.D

  10. Kubota Membrane Europe, Ms. Mito Kanai, PhD

  11. KMS - Korea membranes, Seoul, Korea - Mr. Jinho Kim

  12. GSF Capital, Rome, Italy - Giuseppe Laera, PhD

  13. Kemira, Finland – Esa Melin, PhD, Hesampour Mehrdad, PhD

  14. Nalco, USA – Mr. Thomas Wozniak

  15. A3 water solutions GmbH (A3), Germany – Mr. Steffen Richter

  16. Keranor AS, Norway – Mr. Bernt Thorstensen

Other, the most significant references (from process engineering career in home country)

  • Top hemija, Boleč, 2002, Ion exchange unit for water demineralization, flow 1000 L/h.

  • Apotekarska ustanova, Beograd, 2002., Reconstruction of RO

  • Dom zdravlja ZEMUN, Beograd, 2002., Unit for water demineralization, capacity 500 L/h.

  • Apotekarska Ustanova, Banja Luka , 2002., Apparatus for water demineralization and nanofiltration, capacity 200 L/h.

  • ZC Požarevac, 2003., Ion exchange unit coupled with RO unit for steam sterilization unit, capacity 100 L/h.

  • Konzilijum, Beograd, 2003., Small RO for production “aqua purificata”, capacity 80 L/h.

  • Hospital KBC "dr. Dragiša Mišović", Beograd, 2003., Two lines for water purification for microbiological purposes, capacity 100 L/h.

  • Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije, Belgrade, 2003., Dupleks water softener, capacity 1000 L/h.

  • Access E. P. E. Biotechnology center, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003, Mix-bed ion exchange units for water demineralization, capacity 70 L/h.

  • Van Drunen Farms, Banatsko Karadjordjevo 2004, Ion exchange units for water supply of steam boilers ,1500 L/h

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