Monitoring level: Project Objective
GEF Tracking Tool (TT) score
TT updates
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
Collaborative application of TT by relevant stakeholders with scoring duly justified through descriptions (see Table for justification at the baseline).
Assumption: TT reflects the stage of advance of Nagoya Protocol implementation in the country.
Risk: TT baseline scores are relatively high, leaving little room for tangible improvement.
Number of ABS agreements for priority species facilitated by the project
Normal monitoring of project pilots
When events happen and with annual progress reports summarized in the PIR
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
DEA’s ABS Database, project’s regular and ad hoc reports.
Assumption: What constitutes a new ABS agreement (as opposed to an arrangement e.g.) has been unambiguously defined.
Risk: Legal and comprehensive benefit agreements may take long to negotiate.
Mainstreaming of conservation concerns into pilot value chains:
(a) Direct (pilots targeted landscape)
(b) Indirect (national level)
(c) Conservation scheme for value chains in place
TT updates
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
SANBI can advise through activities relevant for Output 3.1.
Assumption: The “blanket” mainstreaming target is linked to one or more species distribution within SA.
Risk: It may not meaningful to monitor mainstreaming targets in a simplistic and area-based manner.
Level of mainstreaming of gender considerations in project monitoring (measured through the state of advancement in gender disaggregated data collection and analysis in ABS pilots - refer to Table )
Matrix scoring updates
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
Collaborative application of Gender Mainstreaming: Scoring Matrix by relevant stakeholders with scoring duly justified through descriptions – task overseen by the PMU.
Assumption: Gender Mainstreaming: Scoring Matrix reflects the feasibility of mainstreaming gender into targeted value chains.
Risk: Baseline scores for some questions in some of the pilots = 0, what means that it is not feasible to collect data regarding gender.
Monitoring level: Outcome 1 (R&D)
TT Section 2) ABS Pilots = X / max score 20 (10 x 2 pilots)
1.1 African Ginger product
1.2 N Cape R&D hub
TT updates
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
Collaborative application of TT by relevant stakeholders with scoring duly justified through descriptions (see Table for justification at the baseline).
Assumption: TT reflects the stage of advance of Nagoya Protocol implementation in the country.
Risk: TT baseline scores are relatively high, leaving little room for tangible improvement.
Research plan for priority Northern Cape species
Normal monitoring of project pilots
When events happen and with annual progress reports summarized in the PIR
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
DEA’s ABS Database.
Assumption: NC hub will develop quickly.
Risk: The NC Research Plan becomes quickly obsolete.
Number of patent registrations based on home-grown R&D facilitated by the project
Normal monitoring of project pilots
When events happen and with annual progress reports summarized in the PIR
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
DEA’s ABS Database.
Assumption: Patent registration will be achieved quickly.
Risk: Clinical trials do not yield satisfactory results.
Monitoring level: Outcome 2 (Value Chain Development)
TT Section 2) ABS Pilots = X / max score 60 (10 x 6 pilots)
2.1 Pelargonium
2.2 Aloe ferox
2.3 Honeybush
2.4 African Ginger cultivation
2.5 N Cape extension services
2.6 Rooibos ABS deal
TT updates
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
Collaborative application of TT by relevant stakeholders with scoring duly justified through descriptions (see Table for justification at the baseline).
Assumption: TT reflects the stage of advance of Nagoya Protocol implementation in the country.
Risk TT baseline scores are relatively high, leaving little room for tangible improvement.
Number of harvesters trained as per the sustainable harvester guidelines for the following pilots:
2.1 Pelargonium
2.2 Aloe ferox
2.3 Honeybush
Normal monitoring of project pilots
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), Activity coordinators
Regular and ad hoc porting from activity coordinators for each of the pilots.
Assumption: Training is useful and effective.
Risks: Training does not achieve critical mass.
Number of local community households for which members are employed in aloe cultivation, harvesting and processing
Normal monitoring of project pilots
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), Activity coordinators
Regular and ad hoc porting from activity coordinators for each of the pilots.
Assumption: The project will generate improved income in Tyefu Community.
Risks: Training does not achieve critical mass.
Total income (US$/annum) derived from project pilots
2.1 Pelargonium
2.2 Aloe ferox
2.3 Honeybush
2.4 African Ginger cultivation
2.5 N Cape extension services
Normal monitoring of project pilots / questionaries
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
Regular and ad hoc porting from activity coordinators for each of the pilots.
Assumption: The project will result in improved income.
Risks: Income measures change very little as a result of the project.
Cultivation area for Honeybush expanded
GIS measures
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), Activity coordinators
DEA’s ABS Database. Regular and ad hoc porting from activity coordinators for each of the pilots.
Assumption: The project will result in an expanded are under cultivation.
Risks: Area expansion is not significant.
Monitoring level: Outcome 3 (Capacity Development)
Conservation measures supported by the project and focusing on threatened species
- securing species’ survival
- protection of wild gene-pools
- habitat management
- sustainable transition towards cultivation
SANBI is expected to assist
At the baseline (status quo established)
Regular and ad hoc porting from activity coordinators for each of the pilots.
Assumption: Conservation measures are needed in pilots.
Risks: It may be difficult to implement certain measures.
Number of Internationally Recognized Certificates of Compliance (IRCC) registered in the CBD’s ABS Clearing House Mechanism
Normal monitoring of project pilots
When events happen and with annual progress reports summarized in the PIR
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
DEA’s ABS Database
Assumption: IRCC are a token of advancement in ABS implementation.
Risks: Bureaucracy makes it less desirable for entrepreneurs to request IRCCs.
Adequacy of the National Recordal System viz. TK
Normal monitoring of project pilots
At MTR and TE
DEA (PMU), validated by MTR and TE
Comprehensiveness and quality of TK data recorded
Risks: It may be difficult to evaluate the adequacy of the National Recordal System in a relatively short-time scale.