Auteur : A. Nouri, M. Bouslama, E. Kakudji, Y. Caudano, P. Thiry
01/2012; In proceeding of: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume: 1476
13- The investigation of the electron behavior of SNO2 by the simulation methods GGA and mBJ associated with the EELS experimental analysis technique.
Auteur : Z C Chikr, A Mokadem, M Bouslama, F Besahraoui, M Ghaffour, A Ouerdane, K Boulenouar, N Chauvin, B Benrabah
Surface Review and Letters (Impact Factor: 0.28). 01/2013; 20.
14- Optical investigation of InAs quantum dashes grown on InP (001) Viccinal substrate.
65 (2014) 264-270. URL:
Auteur: F. Besahraoui, M. Bouslama, F. Saidi, L. Bouzaiene, M.H. Hadj Alouane, H. Maaref, N. Chauvin, M. Gendry, Z. Lounis, M. Ghaffour
15- Investigation of the electron structure of ZnO by the GGA and mBJ calculations associated with the characterization techniques AES and EELS. Auteur: A. Mokadem a,*, M. Bouslama b, O. Benhelal a, A. Assali b, M. Ghaffour b, Z.C. Chelahi b, K.Boulenouar b and A. Boubaia b. Journal Title International Journal of Modern Physics B 2014
Communications internationales :
1 - Study by AES and EELS spectroscopies of antimony and phosphorus evaporated on cleaned and heated InPAuteurs : Z.Lounis, M.Bouslama, C.Jardin, Y.Monteil, A.Ouerdane, M.Ghaffour,K.Hamaida; Taibah International Chemistry Conference 2009 Al Madinah Saoudi Arabia Kingdom 23-25 Mars.
2 - AES and EELS study of InP subjected to He+, H+ and N+ ions bombardment.
Auteurs: M. Ghaffour,A.Abdellaoui, M.Bouslama, B.Abidri, A.Ouerdane , A.Nouri, JIPMA/2009 Tunisie; Tunisian Materials reseach society 20-24 décembre 2009 à Gafsa Tunisie
3 - Characterization of Fe deposition by molecular beam epitaxy on InGaAs/InP(100)
Auteurs: N. Berrouachedi, S.Rioual, B.Lescop, B.Rouvellou, J.Langlois, A. Abdellaoui, M.Bouslama, Z.Lounis
JIPMA/2009 Tunisie Tunisian Materials reseach society 20-24 décembre 2009 à Gafsa Tunisie
4 - Development of a coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectrometer based on a mode-locked picosecond Nd : Y AG laser. Auteurs: A. Nouri, E.Kakudji, L.Lamard, D.Lis,A.Nouri, B.thiry, A.Peromans, Y.Caudano , Belgium physical society (BPS)and Belgium biophysical society (BBS) scientific meeting 2009 at Hasslet University.
5 - Etude par spectroscopie de pertes d’énergie à haute résolution HREELS des phonons de surface des ternaires
InGAas, BGaAs et GaAsN
Auteurs : A. Nouri, M.Ghaffour, M.Bouslama, E.Kakudji, Yves Caudano, Paul Thiry JIPMA/2009 Tunisie Tunisian Materials reseach society 20-24 décembre 2009 à Gafsa Tunisie
6 - In2O3 and Sb2O3 nanostructures developed by electron beam irradiation on InSb surface, investigated by AES, EELS experimental methods associated to Casino Monte Carlo Program.
Auteurs: A. Ouerdane,, M.Bouslama ,M.Ghaffour, , Z.Lounis, A. Abdellaoui, K.Hamaida, N.Berrouachedi, Hachoun, Y.Monteil , CIEME Meliana
7 - Magnetic characterization of Fe DEPOSITION BY MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY ON InGaAs/Inp interface
Congrés PIRM vI interaction rayonnment matiére dakhla maroc 5-7 avril 2010
Auteurs: N.berraouchedi, S.Rioual, B.Lescop, B.Rouvellou, J.Langlois, M.Bouslama,Z.louni, A.Abdellaoui
8 - Etude par spectroscopies AES EELS de l’effet du bombardement par les ions Argon protons sur Inp et Insb et comparaison avec la methode TRIM ; Auteurs:K.hamaida,M.Bouslama,,Z.lounis,A.Ouerdane,,A.Abdellaoui,M.ghaffour,N.berraouachedi
Congrés PIRM vI interaction rayonnement matiére dakhla maroc 5-7 avril 2010
9 - Study by AES EELS and EPS spectroscopy of electron irradiation on Inp and InPO4/InP and comparison with monte carlo simulation
Auteurs: Z.Lounis,M.Bouslama,,K.Hmaida,C.Jardin,A.Abdellaoui,A.Ouerdane,M.Ghaffour, N.Berrouachedi
Congrés PIRM vI interaction rayonnement matiére dakhla maroc 5-7 avril 2010
10 - Analysis by AES and EELS of the antimony evaporation effect on Inp surface bombardement and on In massif
Auteur: Z.LOUNIS 4th international meeting on developments material process and application of emerging technologies 28-30 july 2010 BRAGA ,PORTUGAL
11 - Study by AES ,EELS spectroscopy of electron irradiation on Inp and InPO4/InP and comparison with monte carlo simulation Auteurs: Z.Lounis,M.Bouslama,,K.Hmaida,C.Jardin,A.Abdellaoui,A.Ouerdane,M.Ghaffour, N.Berrouachedi
International conference on “materiaux 2010” Tunisian Material Research Society TU-MRS 4-7 Novembre 2010 Mahdia Tunisie
12 - AES and EELS spectroscopy associated to TRIM program to study nanostructures on III-v semi-conductor surface Auteur: A.Ouerdane, M.Bouslama, M.Ghaffour, A.Abdellaoui,A.Nouri, B.Abidri, Y.Monteil
International conference on “materiaux 2010” Tunisian Material Research Society TU-MRS 4-7 Novembre 2010 Mahdia Tunisie
13 - AES , EELS and TRIM investigation of InSb and Inp compounds subjected to Ar+ ions bombardement
Auteur: A.abdellaoui, M.ghafour,M.Bouslama,A.Ouerdane,Y.Monteil
International Workshop On Optics And Photonics Cadi Ayyad University Morocco Marrakech ocober 5-8-2010
14 - Damage generated by Ar+ and N+ ions bombardement on Inp studied by AES ,EELS experimental methods associated to TRIM simulation Auteur: A.abdellaoui, M.ghafour,M.Bouslama,A.Ouerdane, C .jardin , S.jili
International conference on “materiaux 2010” Tunisian Material Research Society TU-MRS 4-7 Novembre 2010 Mahdia Tunisie
15 - AES and EELS tools associated to TRIM simulation method to study nanodots on InSb surface
7 th international conference on inorganic materials Biarritz france 12-14 septembre 2010
Auteur: A.abdellaoui, M.ghafour,M.Bouslama,A.Ouerdane,Y.Monteil
16 - Mesure Investigated by Height Resolution Electron Energy Spectroscopy (HREELS) of the Phonons Surface and Interface of Ternary InGAsN and GaAsB. Auteur: A.Nouri,M.Bouslama, M.Ghaffour,E.Kakudji, Y.Cuadano, P.thiry
“5th International Conference on Innovation in thin Film Processing and Arc Technologies European Conference“ MIATEC2011 Nancy France
17 - Spectroscopies Tools and CASINO Simulation to Study Inp and ZnO/Inp Compounds.
Auteur: A.Ouerdane, M.Bouslama, M.Ghaffour, A.Abdellaoui , C.JARDIN
“First Euro-Mediteranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials EMM-FM 2011”- Sousse Tunisia
18 - Study of ZnO/InP by AES and EELS associated to CASINO Simulation for Use as Solar Cells.
Auteur: A.Ouerdane, M.Bouslama, M.Ghaffour, A.Abdellaoui , C.JARDIN
“The techconnect 2011 conference and trade show “boston Massachusset
19 - The importance of electron spectroscopy AES and EELS associated to CASINO in the study of nanometer structures of materials. Auteur: M.Bouslama, A.Ouerdane, K.Hmaida, Z.lounis, F.Besahraoui, M.Ghaffour, and A.Abedellaoui “First Euro-Mediteranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials EMM-FM 2011”- Sousse Tunisia
20 - The Devellopement of Nanostructure of In2O3 by the Electron Simulated Oxidation on the Surfaces of InP and InSb Compounds. Auteur: M.Bouslama, K.Hmaida, C.C.zouaoui , F.Besahraoui, M.Ghaffour, and Z.lounis
Premiere Conference Euro-Mediterranean sur les Matériaux et les Energies Renouvelables. (EMCMRE-1) Université de Cergy Pontoise France
21 - Surface modification of InSb (100) during ionic cleaning EELS,AES and TRIM simulation method study.
Auteur: A.abdellaoui, M.ghafour,M.Bouslama,A.Ouerdane, A.Nouri,C .jardin
“First Euro-Mediteranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials EMM-FM 2011”- Sousse Tunisia
22 - Spectroscopies Tools and CASINO Simulation to Study electron beam effect on Inp and ZnO/Inp(100) Compounds. Auteur: A.Ouerdane, M.Bouslama, M.Ghaffour,A.Nouri, C.JARDIN
“First Euro-Mediteranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials EMM-FM 2011”- Sousse Tunisia
23 - AES,EELS and TRIM simulation method study of InP(100) subjected to AR+ ,He+ and H+ inos bombardement.
Auteur: M.Ghaffour, A.abdellaoui , M.Bouslama ,A.Ouerdane and B. Abidri.
“First Euro-Mediteranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials EMM-FM 2011”- Sousse Tunisia
24 - Study by AES,EELS spectroscopies and simulation method TRIM of the effect the ions He+ ,H+ and N+ on InP and InSb. Auteur: K.Hamaida, M.Bouslama, Z.lounis, A.Ouerdane , C.JARDIN , A.Abedellaoui ,M.Ghaffour, N.Berrouachedi “Festival of colloids and materials science 2011” Amesterdam Holland
25- Effect of the electron irradiation on InxGa1-xAs and GaAsN compounds; 12-15 Nov 2012,
International Conference on Innovative Materials and Techniques (ICIMT 2012), Hammamet (Tunisie).
Auteur : M.Ghaffour, A.Assali, F.Besahraoui, M.Bouslama, A.Ouerdane, A.Abdellaoui and Z.Chelahi chikr
26 - Experimental and simulated investigation of ternary GaAsxN1-x compound for use as diode laser
09-11 Dec. 2012Seminaire International sur la Technologie des Couches Minces, Interfacs et Nanosmateriaux COMINAM 2012 ; Université Kasdi Merbah de Ouargla.
Auteur : A.Ouerdane, M.Ghaffour, A.Abdellaoui and M.Bouslama
27 - Study by AES, EELS spectroscopy of electron irradiation on InP and InPO4/InP in comparison with Monte Carlo simulation. 12-15 Nov 2012, International Conference on Innovative Materials and Techniques (ICIMT 2012),
Hammamet, Tunisie.
Auteur : Z.lounis, M.Bouslama, K.Hamaida, C.Jardin, A.Abdellaoui, A.Ouerdane, M.Ghaffour and N.Berrouachedi.
28 - Vibrational properties of C60 doped Cs. 12-15 Nov 2012, International Conference on Innovative Materials and Techniques (ICIMT 2012), Hammamet, Tunisie.
Auteur : A.Nouri, M.Bouslama, M.Ghaffour and Y.Caudano
29 - The ab-initio calculation of electronic and optical properties of InP and InSb. 12-15 Nov 2012, International Conference on Innovative Materials and Techniques (ICIMT 2012), Hammamet, Tunisie.
Auteur: A.Assali, M.Ghaffour, M.Bouslama, Z.Chelahi chikr and F.Besahraoui
30- Study of InGaAsN/GaAs material for optoelectronic applications. 12-15 Nov 2012, International Conference on Innovative Materials and Techniques (ICIMT 2012), Hammamet, Tunisie.
Auteur: A.Ouerdane, M.Bouslama, A.Abdellaoui, M.Ghaffour and Y. Al Doury
31- Ionic cleaning of InSb and InP compounds study by AES, EELS spectroscopy and TRIM simulation method.
29 avril à 4 Mai 2012
Auteur : A.Abdellaoui, M.Ghaffour, M.Bouslama, A.Ouerdane and Y Al Doury
32- Effet du rayonnement laser sur les plantes.
Auteur : A.Ouerdane, Z.Hachoun, M.Lounis, M.Bouslama, A.Abdellaoui and M.Ghaffour
Séminaire National sur les Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales (SNPAM’2012), 05-06 Nov. 2012, Faculté des sciences et de la technologie, Université de Khemis Meliana.
33 - Study by AES and EELS of developed In2O3 nanostructures on the surface of InSb(100) subjected to electron irradiation.
Auteur: M.Ghaffour, A.Abdellaoui, M.Bouslama, A.Ouerdane, A.Assali, K.Hamaida and C.Jardin
3rd International conference on superconductivity and magnetism-ICSM2012, 29 April-4 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
34 - spectroscopic characterization and electrical properties investigation of Sb-SnO2/SiO2 oxyde for use as gas sensor and photvoltaic solar cell.
Auteur : A.Ouerdane, A.Abdellaoui, M.Ghaffour, M.Bouslama, Y.Caudano
05/2013; In proceeding of: Colloque International sur les matériaux et le développement durable
35 - Study by AES, EELS spectroscopy and SRIM code of small structures on In metal and InP submitted to antimony evaporation and implantation ionic.
Auteur: Z. Lounis1*, M.Bouslama, C.Jardin, K.Hamaida, N.Berrouachedi
6th International Meeting on Developments in Materials, Processes and Applications of Emerging Technologies to be held in Alvor, Portugal during 2-4 July 2012.
36 - The temperature and excitation intensity effects on the photoluminescence spectra of InAs/InP quantum dots", Conférence Internationale sur la Nanoscience et la Technologie (ICNT+2012), 23-27 juillet 2012, Paris, France
37 - Effect of electron beam on InP, InSb, InGaAsN compounds.
Auteur : Z. Lounis, M. Bouslama, C. Jardin, K. Hamaida et N. Berrouachedi
10ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications ` CNPA 2012 ´
Mostaganem, 20-21-22 Novembre 2012
38 - - Optical investigation of coupled self -organized InAs quantum dashes grown on vicinal InP(001) substrate", Euro-Mediterranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials (EMM-FM 2013), 24-28 Mars 2013, Hammamet, Tunisie
39 - simulation numérique d’un plasma produit par pulse laser.
Auteur : A.Ouerdane, Z Hachoun, M Boukedroune1 et M. Bouslama
03/2013; In proceeding of: The 2nd International Seminar on Plasma Physics Le 2ème Séminaire International sur la Physique des Plasmas, Volume: Physique des Plasmas SIPP'2013
40 - AES and EELS study of simulated oxidation of In and InSb. (EMM-FM 2013), 24-28 Mars 2013, Hammamet, Tunisie. (Poster BESAHRAOUI)
41 - investigation of the properties of Ag and Sb doping on tin oxide SnO2 materials for technological applications.
MSM 2013 02-05, 2013 Tunisia; Hammamet Tunisia. Auteur :OUERDANE.
42 - Spectroscopic tools and simulation Monte Carlo to study InP and ZnO/InP compound. 10-14 juin 2013
EMCMRE-2. Istres France
43 - “FP-LAPW investigations of electronic and optical properties of zinc blende InP and InSb”
Auteur : A. Assali, M. Ghaffour, M. Bouslama, Z. Chelahi Chikr, F. Besahraoui
UK Semi-conductors 2012 conference, 4-5 Juillet 2012. University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
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